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PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1919 Article Which Was Published In Pall Mall Gazette WE pleased YOU before Pleasing YOU yet And always will Our Motto: THE Purity MEDICAL Confidence HALL THE STORE that everybody PATRONIZE Satisfaction these THE BIJOU Ice Cream Factory orgt of of wages, provide desirous of becoming so in order Statement That BM Wm to carry on business in this Shortly be Introduced in country?
House of Commons The answer is that the sys.
tem by which letters of deniza.
EXCLUSION OF ALIENS tion are given should be extend ed. alien who became vaturalised prior to Important Question is this Act should it be so desire the passing of What is to be Done apply to the Tribunal of Judges With Persons Already referred to above, to be granted Naturalized?
letters of denization on the following terms. a) That be shall resume his POLL TAX IS HINTED. original name. b) That he shall not partici The following article appeared pate in any municipal or parlin in the Pall Mall Gazette of Lonmentary tranchise don, in its issue of March 12th. c) That he shall bold no office It is now definitely settled under the Crown that a Bill will shortly be intro (d) That he shall not own or duced into the House of Com control a share in any British mons dealing with the exclusion ship.
of enemy aliens from the British (e) That he shall not enjoy any Empire, for a period of years legal or equitable right in rea?
after the signing of peace, and estate.
containing measures for the re. AND. f) That he shall not own or adjustment of our alien laws. control any share in any British Before this new Bill is intro firm or company or any business, duced into Parliament it it will be of which the total amount of interesting to examine the Act shares held by aliens in that busithat now exists dealing with the ness is made to exceed 20 per naturalisatiɔn and status of aliens cent of the whole capital.
in this country, and observe what (g That he shall not own or are the defects that make the in control a share in any of the troduction of new legislation ne mineral resources or raw mate cessary rial of the Empire.
BIRTH QUALIFICATION Except on on those conditions an alien should not be able to reside Section of the British Na in His Majesty Dominions for tionality and Status of Alien more than thre three months, and Act defines natural born should an alien refuse to comply British subject as a person born with conditions he should on British soil, or on board a be repatriated.
British ship.
It should be noted that the pri The objections to this law are vileges accorded under letters manifold. The mere fact that of denization may be extended in sand dollars for thirty days at any of our Banks? But is there the way for us to person is born in a certain place special cases where there is suf cannot reasonably entitle him to ficient cause by special Act of begin? Certainly there is. Individual civic rights in that place. It is Parliament pital, there is not enough to be found one also absurd to ale sha the money is here in hundreds of small that the child of Chinese woman, born suggest POLL TAX NECESSARY savings. Cooperation. Cooperation. thus ongboard a British ship on its Denizens cannot properly un is the wealth. All the necessary forms of opportunity, success and way from Hong Kong to Sangui dertake military service, and the nis is a British citizen. The Jus old idea of scutage, or a poll tax, nization and rules for the monnagement of Sanguinis should replace the Jus in lieu of such duties of citizen Cooperative stores and other businesses Solis, and only such persons as ahip, should be instituted. To have been made ready to our hands. The propaganda is all read ht are British by descent, instinct, keep up the standard of read for the people who and taste should be described as let every employer of a foreign care to do something for themselves. You Britisn born.
denizen pay a tax of 52 pounds per say there is annum por alien employee. If it MULLER BUILDING is so much risk. Well, nearly all succesful business men CERTIFICATE OF NATURA. is ness men have heen grond is not worth the employer while Losers. moderate investment in any LISATION to pay such a tax, let the forSection deals with persons eigner go.
Corner 24th Street Calidonia Road good bussines for the public welfare os only be said to be lost when the money in to whom certificates of naturali The principle that there should stolen. It is possible now to xation may be granted.
be no no taxation without represenTELEPHONE No. 835 against thieves and robbers. With proper The Secretary of State, it tation is wholly unsound, be and frequent auditing by men who are en says, may grant a certificate of cause it imposes upon the State tirely desinterested and who are well paid naturalisation an alien who the moral daty of opfranchising for their work, managers and clerke hata satisfies the Secretary of State every taxpayer. This argument Ice Cream of the very best quality manufactured no chance to get away with the goods of that the cash.
ve the past eight years, of mianwenance of peace and order Dominions for five years is payment for defence and the This is a matter that concerns the thousands of our people in much more than only the twelve months foreigner who does not appre last past need have been conse: ciate the advantage he gets in ORDERS DELIVERED ANY PART OF THE CITY dollars and cents.
Because we have lor ge churches and small shops, our religion he should be required that return for the taxes he pays is at counts for little in the opinion of the puof good charagter. all times at liberty to leave the have an adequate intend to rego, then he could have cause for knowledge of blic. Even the devil knows thai religion the dge of country. If he were forbidden to language, and ought to be the father of the education and Special attention paid to all patrons progress in business. Progress is good for side cine first objection to this sec has the avantage of sanctuary everybody there is no meat for jealousy is, that an important ques. in return for the taxes be pays, visiting our Ice Cream Parlours.
in the eupboard of progress. Why not tion that conen have people as but he is surely not entitled to sort of committe or some kind of whole should not be left to the influence the Government of the Board of Trade of thinking Colored men which shelters him.
discretion of an individual such these proposals for new legisto get after the profiteers. Give them as the Secretary of State, who year to bring home the bacon holds a political office. In order lation are set out on broad lines to guard against all possibility of in the belief that the details will Cive the Majority, a Chance partial consideration, each case quickly be settled. They are an Seven Killed, Churches should be submitted to a Tribu attempt show how: false are nal of Judges, who would decide the principles on which out Na Sailings for Bocas SOME QUESTIONS FOR Burned, in Race War.
merits of second criticism and based.
THINKING MEN perhaps less controversial Millen, Ga April 14. Two point, is that the length of the The Legislation outlined, above residence required is inadequate. tic change of individuals from There is a lot of business done in Pa white men and five negroes are would simply mean the automaNOT CONTRACT the status of naturalised aliens Leaves Colon for Bocas del Toro dollars worth of goods are received from and halls have been burned in wo In cases where foreigners to the Status of foreign denizens.
countries and about four million Jenkins County as the result of a may be considered desirable as Persons worn of Alien parents dollars worth are exported by our mer pistol fight yesterday between Every Tuesday.
chants annually. Somebody buys and negroes and officers of the law.
residents, they should not ipso on Bri ish soil would cease to be facto be granted the rights of citi di scribed as Britisb born sub nells more than a million dollars worth of One of the negroes was taken zenship. Citizenship is a heritage jects, and should apply to have Taking Freight Passengers suppose the value of domestic producte Joseph Rnfin, the negro whnen goods every thirty days. It seems safe to from jail here and lynched, but and presupposes the instinct of LIA:r cases severally considered service to the State. It cannot by the judicial tribunal, with a For Further Particulars Apply to which pass through our markets and shops shot is said to have precipitated half be given away, or made the sub view their becoming natura the ject of a contract. Lifelong resi lised. Sirvaid the tribunal de volume of Here in Augusta, though wounded.
business each month.
of dence amidst British environ cide in favour naturalisation And a half dollars worth of eurmillion The whites in the country are ments is the only qualification for the person is granted the cer rent busines month by month. And convinced that County Policeman naturalisation that should ao titicale with all the rights, 25 BOTTLE ALLEY Phone 325 COLON these are cost, or wholesale, prices of the Brown and Night Marshal cepted. ers, and privileges of a Bri goods handled. When the goods reach P: Stephens were killed as the The question now now arises: vish subject to the disabilities the people it is mfe to say we have What is to be done with personis puertaining to the status ot paid profit of fifty per cent, activity against blind tigers result of a plot berause of their already naturalised and thwse foreig denizens.
or about seven hundred and fifty dollars per month. There is almost no liquor when killed. They stopThey were searching for illicit Listen!
lonia Jewelry Store Ladies, hing that tends to check profiteering on ped Edmund Scott, a negro, and the Isthmus except the increase of Dr. CONNELL WM. LAWRENCE Before getting your new dere. The Commission on the 26 profit: arrested him when they found Corner of 24th St, and revolver then Hat give a call at No. 22 almost censed to compete with the Pao high powered antsmobile owned SURGEON DENTIST Calidonia Road ama merchants. Considering their expea and driven by Joseph Rutin, the Tailor and Outfitter Street, opposite the mes, the Commissaries probably beat the negro in prison in Angusta, drove Clocks and Watches repaired merchants in profits.
National Institute.
up. The two white Can be found at 175 men Dealer in School Books, and all kinds of Jewelry Work But what is the Queetion for Thinking cover beside the road. bush.
Central Avenue and Stationary.
done to your entire satistaction You will hear the rest when Men in all this?
wbacking battle followed in which by expert workmen at astonishOpposite Station you come.
It is here. We Negroes are in the Mn. Rafin and his three sons paring low prices.
jority in Panama and Colon are we not? tícipated.
No. 11 Street, Panama We are paying for mere than half of this Ruffin sons were killed and business and we are coughing up every County Policeman Brown also chains from Central Ave.
ADVERTISE IN Wedding Rings Specialty ADVERTISE IN month about 375, 000 in high profits to The negroes then rushed Ste.
local dealers. Where are our Colored merphens and beat him to death CAMPBELL The Workman The Workman Trader why have we no capital and a fun, found that Scott had begin chants? is our of Armed came on the Address: Wachmaker and Jeweller, most no credit? How many Negroes in killed and Joseph Ruffin woood.
IT PAYS Box 805, Ancon, Phone 1053 IT PAYS Panama City can borrow even one thoned in the final rush, cutive. It is han His Majesty tion be the on the. The Launch ALBA CARLOS HENRIQUEZ.
be aceste has a took
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