
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 20, 1919 PAGE SEVEN bers islund, itu dimen who Briggs is per in that sometising that causes us tered down apro. to the highest sed chall we am the way Hei slands.
Interestinn News from the He spoke of the associations with a passing motor car. One stood willcompleted, West Indies his daughter as he was the of the feet broken in ihe neach a height akabowe nalete Sunday Readings. de renover de overy bumanat much moment of its existed in this founder of it, and said that sudden impact and it became has been built up to the height world. For He is the Head ol all our though for he will always have necessary under the law to of about 80 feet. As is to be ex, THE RISEN CHRIST OUR Luman race, all men and of every mua, Confinued from page pleasant memories of the mein shoot the animal.
pected, it will be the largest m ber of the constaboo its kind in the of and we mee in Hin the glory and the LEADER.
would be in the vicinity of erowa of that very nature which make 3, 000 lary Force arrived on the scene sions beidy, your correspondent mindre. He is our Brother pounds. Speyking of the RecreaMr. Owen Briggs, Pupil Tea and fired two shots at the animal; understands. 130 feet high, with tion Hall conducted for the Lcber of the St George Anglice neither of them hit vital spot a BY JAMES HUNTINGTON, a circumference and therefore be can be our Leader 68 IF proved a great boon to dhe men Boy School will be proceeding and the poor brute remained in feet and a diameter with seaf Sailors, said leader who would exerulle dhe were extremely grateful to Barbados by nert lomaillot Another member of the force The plant will carry night inam Captain of thoir Sala ion perfect sent some agony, while blood flowed freely. cbiektuese of the base of fiet. It becue Him. ta make the ciastic and abiding intuenas not repro to be the consideration extended training at the Codrington Train arrived on the scene some 15 moth boil rs avd will have through suffering. Hobrowom:10 ale worthy them.
ing College for teachers.
attermont devotion.
Mr. Cameron intimated that ber and we anticipate a bright shoot uns minutes later and tired the fat u of tons the Sailors Hostel was not in career for him in the teacblog Womeri, who were on the spot producing a recebin deithas life go on; sad trust in solt is beter is an ambitious young of Surpacity addition to Man eraves a leader Prom the boy most universal cause that is ever stir.
Our Lord stands for the present and large with his abounding self confidence, how quantity of rum. the value of leader in his te tem or pag red the heart of humanity. Both Memorial, and that it could not profession. The only matter wept as. the. mule struggled Labourers entre of Frath and Freedoru, of Right fear in res: hopelessly between life and from all parts of the island o cerealisa be gainsaid coumou God Love. He calle by one owa blundem; and should be done for the Sailor ander the Primary Education several had to ask: Why, in these ment so far and wide has the re creasing perplexities, the cravina followeryone of ing pect to the training of Teachers depuir and when it was killed this factory in search of employ by to Pr. Contueron next tilanked the Banded scheme is that after the days of training and eficiency port of its magnitude Asien und som upande but there goal is the lead over to vote on the wrong aide.
the goldence of wisdom for bet, never to compromise with the worst, risdom and experience epresentatives for their atiende beachers over been qualited and the animales porte bine de motor de teatring op rond, a visit to the most aduncetoma or be added far more than this Jesus Christ came to eturn, they do not receive. The above fuctory on a eluer cient inducement to continue in occurence is more than regretta. hands are at work is well worth pages in human history, tell of roce does not merely point toward the truth, the profession of their choice.
contradiction, any one while, it only to view landem, of those who, perverted by their bid men non at the right. He says having been the main topic of the active workers like a verita, and more orde von eine brenda nello stes nimeelf the Cause for which owe on the Truth am discussion on Saturday after ble hive of working bees.
have sold out their trusting Grenada Yet in a spite of bitter disappointment His summons is Follow Me Jamaica man still looks for someone to paint the makes the very claim Perhaps in the future, the right Farewell and PresentaSlaughter of Mule in the will come out toomertorin pothick Jim Crowism in History. Have we a leader to whom the grave he assures uk that in them tion to the Rev.
safely pin our faith! Yu, we ind dark forces that oppose them. He, the and Love has triumphed over all the painful and unpalatable duty, Pitt City Bad Marksmanship of Police our foar. footed bretheren. around introduced in the time of acterize the perfeet leader.
passed beyond the sults of his shemies. From the West Indian of 9th inst. D:niel Emmett, the author of In following m we cannot be misman Torture Mule With On Priday the 4th inatant a Dixie which was originally leader must first of all come into led, in fellowship with Him we cannot ly a inusical Broken Log pleasant function took place at BIG CENTRAL FACTORY edue potention of the same persone close toelation with them whom tail.
ihe Wesleyan Church at Gouyave After Civil the term Jim Crow was III was applied to this is what God did for u in becomwhen the St. John Wesley (From the Gleaner. From our Correspoodent)
street cars in the ing Man. He brought llimsoll withle leader must communicate his own Guild met to bid farewell to the Rey A. Pitt the Presi pitiable affair occured in the Spanish Town, Tuesday The South having of dent of the association.
As think That is what every great leader of belonging to sity just after three o clock on work on erection of the Bernnra menta fur Negroes a comprendere che norant youths sometimes spirit to his followers Da general business ended, Saturday afternoon last and it Lodge Central Factory is being rally used below Mason and time of which little is known, a som noe has lodged to do. But no one has the Chorus Rally around the reflects very little credit on the pushed with all expedition; and Dixon line it lag reference to din uze of the world utterly unlike our server really doe als Individual charac Guild was after which of those responsible for it, while with the stan or Engineers and conveyances of this charactır. own. But we know that the contrary corinties cannot be handed over from one programme comprised of suita persons are very properly ask tradesmen, not to say anything a bill introduced in the Missouri is true. Christ tame when moderato leader can call, out what courage and heroism they may be in bile songs choruses and recita. ing about the validity of law of the hundreds of labourers en Legrislature provi providing for sexre times had already begun. The file and tions was gone for the Prevention of cruelty gaged on it, it is curtainly that gatinn of Noroes on trains and teaching of Jesus Christ have to a vast his followers. Ho cannot really give them An address was then read by to Animals will be completed in stations, modern. The ndair to which we refer time to start orations warly Jim Crow measure, had just woungthink of it was already folwhom tho de bat bat no Gen. Becy. Miss Olive White.
But that is just what Jesus Christmas andla purse presented by Miss is the shooting of a mule in next year. The work to be done been voted down in comment far more than this. It is arrived grow incorporate with eache, Agatha gentleman. He ohanked to the Bank of Nova Scotia pre membered that the factory pro of it. Fixing segregation at the only by the memories of his deeds and to Rev. is this will end With me Pamphylas, with him as Joha, Gnild for the appreciation shown mises. The unfortnnate animal per will cover a ground space colour line has never worked out words that Christ has come near to him and said he never expected it is said, was in a cart one of of over an. acre and quarter of satisfactorily anywhere. Fixing By His Ressurrection He passed; is the Groom for each bride, camere so much considering the little the Kingston Ice Company land. Already immense it at the line of behaviour would lulnese of His manhood, Elis Body and man do this?
time he could devul towards it. carts when it came in contact brick chimney, which it is under perhaps be worth trying (Continued on page 8)
pon us at Risen from way.
iness which, at least, should be done Jing Crow in the name of an him in the Risen Christ. Let us see how Captain of our Salvation, was wide be calls to follow him the railroad and stress Christ of saother on in the Soul, into the eterasl and timeless world ADVERTISE The WORKMAN NEWSPAPER will help you to keep your goods turning and bring good results This paper is read by all West Indians from Panama to Colon, and these West Indians comprise the bulk of the spending community on the Isthmus.
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