
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1919 PAGE THREE LA MASCOTA The REGAL and BOSTONIAN Shoes MULLER and cials at ťA GOOD PICTURE when Ipaying increases one interest in PHOTOGRAPHY year he Muscavado the price about the priogarthen was just Interestinn News from the we understand, surveyed the site St. Lucia for the purpose of ereating a jet West Indies ty at Milford Bay. This is good news, and is an indication that (From The Voice. oil has been struck although it is Continued from page still being kept dark.
THINGS WORTH KNOWING Mikey Cipriani Writesi Grenada labourers are much used on our large plantations esIn a letter to a relative here, pecially in the Wind ward and BY NOSCO)
THE HOME OF uider date of March 12th, Cor Northern districts. week ago pral Mikey Cipriani, of the the Belize brought over a That have been requested by 2nd Life Guards, stationed at goodly number for the Wind several gentlemen to comment on rmere Barracks, Windsor. ward Estates. The agricultural the loss that the Government says he was once again in Eng methods at Grenada are an improvision depot must be sustainland and for good this time. He provement on ours and our laing in buying produce wholesale hadn got his discharge yet, but bourers have been following the from Petty proprietors and sell expected it soon. You will no good e ample set them by their ing in retail to the public, but doubt remember Link, to quote Grenada brothers.
High and Low Cut can not see with such detractors the gallant guardsman, who left no doubt due to my being by The rainfall at Dunon Estate to day to return to Trinidad. profession a planter wiih a thobelieve will be returning home for three months ended 31st in all the Latest Styles and Prices to Meet rough knowledge of the laxity of either in May or June. have March was 21 inches, For the the labouring class in St Lucia.
been enjoying rather fine times same period in 1916, 1917, and the Pocket of All That in humble opinion the lately, and yesterday was shown 1918, the figures were 18, 97, very fact of petty proprietors through the State and 97 inches, respectively, rooms at having a ready market to dispose Windsor Castle for the first time. The rainfall as recorded at the of their produce is more condaAfterwards took tea in the Botanic Station for the month of sive in stimulating them to action with Princess Alice, who March was inches and for than the employment of Govern presented Their Majesties, the same period last year 83 ment Officials to excite them The popular trooper concludes inches.
should the Government depot be suo an interesting letter bs stating that London was just jazz mad Dr. JOHNSON Sole Agent sustaining a loss of 400 pounds per annum that is a better result dancing was just it then.
than the employment of four off SURGEON DENTIST 37 CENTRAL AVENUE PANAMA at 150 pounds each with the object of urging planting as one Tobago Phone 1003 Address labouring class are firm believers in practical demonstration and Ancon, 852 not yet prepared to accept any On Wednesday night 9th inst.
theoretical lecture until when we had fairly heavy showers of they will become a little more en.
rain and on Thursday morning it lightened.
rained again and also thundered That it would not be a bad iden Planting time is near at band but a help to the peasants of and we are sure of an early wet Choiseul if the Government were season this year.
to work the Reunion Estate on CSince the departure of the similar lines with the Lime Juice O, of the Plymouth district Factory in Castries. As INS a boy there has been several deaths sugar was can which it is said many would not well remember the late have occurred it a doctor was on Beauchfell then proprietor of the the spot.
Reunion Estate carting cane from Myers bridge fover roade Mr. Agard of the Indian Walk Estate has turned his factory into not to be compared with those of today to grind on the Metayer a semi central factory this year He commenced grinding canes system, as well as boating same for the Highlands Estate last fromace of Choiseul, and carting Pointe Caraibe to the year with the result that this faom thence to the Estate and it he is manufacturing into al sugar the crops of the of Highlands paid him well, and the Buenvenedo and Craig Hall Estates. Several small properties that it is today will also get their canes ground.
Call in at the But would suggest converting Mr. McKenzie Joseph, a Grena.
cane into fancy molasses for the Mitchell Molasses Co.
dian, the owner of the Highlands Choe Estate, the property Mr.
Estate has resolved not to go in Gabriel Lafitte has been sold to for pigeon peas cultivation again Gerveis of Martinique for the He has over 20 acres in this commodity. He began with sum of 5, 000. pounds.
acres and has been increasing Yesterday at his residence at the area each year. The reason 68 the Morne, Mr Emmanuel Corm.
for this resolution is that the Usines and Estates Co, Ltd. and women refused to pick by the PHONE No. 1050 late member of the Executive and bag and are demanding more Legislative Council, died having pay which it is said cannot pay attained the age of 70 years. His the proprietor to reap peas.
obituary will appear in our next.
Our juicy cashews are again issae.
with wine is made from As we go to press we hear that the juice and the fruit is also the Hon. George Spicer Hudson made into very tasty preserves.
has resigned his seat on the LegThe famous Bowl and Basin islative Council on account of fin at the back of Welbeck has been health.
filled up with earth. These two large receivers of the overflow of spring have been for tions the breeding home of mosgenera: Demerara (LATE OF THE MARINE STUDIO)
quitoes. The prisoners have been turned on to do this work and Sensational Murder have done a good job under warder Sydney Henderson.
Spirit Shop Proprietor The oid glen road has been reopened after having partially Wife Choked to Death been out of use for nearly a century. This useful and conveniA SPECIAL FEATURE.
SIGNS OF DESPERATE ent road commenaes at Darrel TROUBLE Spring Road on to Mount Paliers Windmill on the Plymouth main road actually turning the North IRON SAFE FOUND IN YARD, Side Main Road with the Ply.
mouth Main Road.
WHAT EVERY WOMAN dos Santos, wife of Mr. Sylvester Early on Saturday night Mrs.
Tobagonians have decided to BRITISH OFFICIAL WAR PICTURES OUGHT TO KNOW preserve the memory of their dos Santos, proprietor of dead in the late war which is a Sweepstakes spirit shop at the the most commendable thought on Buying wisely to the fundamencorner of Camp and Regent their part.
me do your shopping and you Alexander street, Mr. dos Santos tal principle of Economy. Lei Streets, Georgetown, was brutalmurdered It seems as if the Plymouth disin her house at trict is destined to go half its life without a doctor. No other dis.
saving that can be made on took tea at home as usual at 30 trict loses its medical officer so ofand Woolen fabrics Jf the very the eustom of the lady to Dress Material of silk, Cotton o ciock the same evening and left for his ten and for such long periods business place. It was this one. Again Dr. Pawan, latest Styles. am an experemain the has been taken to act rienced shopper and know how and in a Berbice chair, situated home alone during the evening in Trinidad it is believed, for an and where to buy.
indefinite period. It may may be near the north east corner of the The Novelty Lousine Silk that the Plymouth district is the house, she would await her hushealthiest in the ward; yet it is Is a beauty band return.
hard to leave us for so long med MRS. ANN THOMAS, Attacked whilst in the Chair.
ically unprotected. Dr Hamil Dressmaker.
Smith of Scarboro can only do 17th Street Central, It is apparent that Mrs. dos Santos was attacked at first his best he is human after all.
House No. 11 Pausma while she was sitting in the chair.
Inspection of our bakeries bas the person entering the house by been recently carried on in Scarthe backdoor, if the foot prints boro and it is hoped that all baobserved can be regarded as any keries in Tobago will be made Lessons Given guide.
The footprints were Sanitary and people suffering traced up to the stairs into the from contagious disease be not on the Clarinet. The leading bedroom and alongside of the breakfast room and then into the employed or allowed to bake or Band Instrument. Band or chair in which the lady sat were make sweets, etc. on their own Orchestra furnished for all found her old felt hat and her account nor be allowed to sell kinds of engagements.
them about in streets or even in Rosary which she was accustomtheir private houses. NEILSON ed to keep with her broken up monster petition will be sent Clarinetist Republican Band She must have got free from to His Excellency the Governor Ancon Phone 835B captors, for at a window neare asking the Hackney Carriage Or.
18th St. West, House 37, Panama marks of blood. After shouting by looking north was observed dinance be made applicable to ADVERTISE for help, at the window facing Tobago especially motor crbs Alexander Street, according to Continued on Page. SCRANTON PHOTO STUDIO Central Avenue And you are sure to be interested in having your Picture taken by the genial proprietor MC KENZIE Printing, Developing and Enlarging true ber The Lowlands Syndicate, bas Novel tiles cope Stand at an worodrome in France made from the wheat of a cycle. In the Workman


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