
of de Box 74. Panama Ope Year Six Months Three 20 60e.
ODS dissert ure housewives modern rive, no worry about or work to SALESMANSHIP Electric Lighting Structural Draftsmenn Jonstructing Bridge Engineer Engineer Municipal Engineer ARCHITECT Architecurel Draftsman Contractor and Builder Building Foreman Window Trimmer Outdesinter CIVIL SERVICE Telegraph Engine MECHANICAL ENGINEER Machine Designer Boilermaker or Designer Patternmaker Toolmaker Foundry Work Blacksmith AUTOMOBILES Designer High School Subjects Teacher Coal Mining Metal Mining Assayer Plumbing Inspector Foreman Plumber Bookkeeper AGRICULTURE Steam Kleotre Engineer Marine Engineer Refrigeration Engineer CIVIL ENGINEER Higher Accounting Certified Pub, Accountant Commercial LAW Good English TRAFFIC WARDEN Poultry Farming Army and Navy Service Positions Modero Pharages by NAME ADDRESS.
This has been the slogan of One of the greatest movePublished on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applica22 CENTRAL AVENUE ments of the West Indian the management of the Pacifie ALROND, at the office Central Avv. tion. Correspondence on all matters Due and corner of Street, Panama, publie interest invited.
Community in Panama is the Theatre recently. And that All copy for publication must be Headquarters for Family Groceries and General Supplies organization of a West Indian this down town theatre is cers written on one side of paper only, and Committee whose functions tainly going ahead by leaps RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION and bounds is evidenced by must be accompanied by the name of shall be along well defined and the large number of persons 82. 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicaparticular lines of operation, who patronize this unique piction but as a mark of good faith.
READY TO SERVE This committee a report of ture house. During the past we do not undertake to return rejected correspondence.
things for luncheon, tre and which appears elsewhere in month and even up to this this issue, is the product of week the Pacific bas made a the minds of certain leading decided hit screening that The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of ourrights JUNIUS labor savers. No furry or chug.
ris when anexeed visitors ar gentlemen of the community most stupendous and highly SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1919 upon whose vision the possi: exciting serial feature The bilities of the improvement Brass Bullet which attracted pepeate a dainty weal at a min and advancement of the peo seething crowds every night it ORNER at LOL. ce. If you want to see In Good Faith.
these modern food prices at ple have dawned.
was shown. Then the manIn course of time this Com agement has gone itself one be best visit mittee will become the invul better in securing an reel nerable mouthpiece of West film of the world famous The strike in Cristobal was broken on Tuesday last, THIS GROCERY Indian interests and it is felt dancer Pavlowa which will be when after holding out for over eleven days, the dock that its opportunities will be screened to night laborers decided to return to work on the promise of most brilliant an increase of rating and the privilege of presenting Oher organizations have will be shown the 3rd and 4th On Tuesday night there their grievances to the Grievance Committee and their claims for increased wages to the Wage Committee.
been formed and have served episodes of the Purple Mask What Position Do You Want. faithfully and well, but the featuring the popular players The Governor of the Canal Zone is said to have figcareer of the West Indian Francis Ford and Grace Cuured prominently in the provisional settlement of the International Correspondeuce Schools, Scranton, Pa.
Committee bids fair to out nard. The 1st and 2nd epiquestion and it is claimed that the free and conversational Branch Office, Ancon, shine the usefulness of any, sodes of this serial was shown character of his meeting with the delegates from the thing that has ever preceded at the Pacific on Thursday Silver men has created an atmosphere of confidence which Please explain how can qualify for a larger salary in the position, trade, or profession, before which have marked it.
has caused the strikers to accept all he had to say in good night last and all those who faith.
ELECTRICAL ENGINEER saw it are delighted to see Electrie Wiring ADVERTISING MAN The men have returned to work and are busy clearing Labor Day.
Francis Ford in action again.
Electric Car Running up the muddle which was caused by the native strikeAnd yet another surprise is in Heavy Electric Traction There is much speculation store for Pacific movie fans breakers ignorance, indifference and inaptitude. They Telegraph CARTOONIST going around as to the best when it is learned that Eddie bungled up things and had the docks looking like if they Mechanical Draftsmen ILLUSTRATOR way for the silver employes to Polo will soon appear in anhad been visited by a cyclone.
Concrete Bullder Machine Shop Practice PLUMBER STEAN FITTER Common School Subjects celebrate Labor Day.
In a peculiar sense, there might a feeling of satisother dare devil serial The Heating and Ventilation In our opinion it would be Lure of the Circus. Patrons faction in all quarters that the strike is over, and that CHEMIST an impressive observance if of the Pacific will therefore the men on the Pacific side did not find it necessary to Sheet Meta) Worker Lumber Dealer BUSINESS (Completo)
the various arts and crafts realize that the management MATIBATION strike since their ultimatum was undergoing favorable STEAN ENGINEER etc. would organize a parade is sparing neither money nor Stenographer and Typiat consideration; and it may not be proper, at this stage of Live Stock and Dairying with the crafts grouped and effort to place this theatre on the situation, to comment either way, on the attitude of Gas Englue Operator assigned to particular places the top for showing the the strikers.
in the procession ending up in most modern and up to date Surveying and Mapping Questions, as to the legality, propriety or benefit of De Lesseps Park or some such pictures.
the strike have been freely discussed from Colon to Panaconyenient and spacious loca See the Ad. on page ma, and the concensus of opinion among the Silver emRESIDENCE OCCUPATION tion with addresses from the ployes of the Canal Zone has produced in the minds of all leaders of each craft setting concerned a reassuring sentiment of approval.
forth the aims of organized Lodge Rally.
Now that the men have returned to work the main ADVERTISE IN labor and the possibilities that issues before them all is the Governor assurance and the Griffith lie before the working man future conduct of the heads of branches and the various On Sunday afterncon at of ebony hue.
SHOE MKER The Workman sub bosses, for it must be expected that the men will keep The program, this year composed of the the twelve o clock, May 18th, a rally up their requests with the most persistent importunity.
San Mi LI PASS ought to be a special one emo: Disciples of Christ will be The exalted position of the Canal Zone Governor of places him before public view as the paragon of equity, given under the manageRustice and impartiality; and all eyes are now concentrated supersede the employmentrofidhe vesounding med profanie craftsmen. Last year dem the Isthmus updge Nodest of Loyal Pride of on the highest official representing the United States speech with which they proudly yell at the men in their onstration was good, but a few htm, Manchester Unity Government on the Isthmus of Panama.
swelled heads tried to make at their Lodge Room 21st It is hoped that Governor Harding will seize this As to the Wage Committee, the Silver Employes hav trouble for the men.
golden opportunity to demonstrate and practice the fact ing been told to expect consideration from them when year, ought to be better, and Street, Central Avenue.
and spirit of true democracy which his country preaches ever applicatibes for increase in wages are presented to and the men need not fear as will be puna rattendancemusic popular of at home them, may opined that they will protect hear, and there can be no doubt that he has, right now, against the outburst of general public indignation by both legal and appropriate.
several talented gentlemen will give addresses on the within his reach the possibility of being the most uncom conceding to the laborers and other working men as much promising exponent of American liberty and honor. of their demands as reason, equity and square dealing occasion. good treat is in will dictate.
store for all when Judas the There are types here, who say in the most nasal acIsthmian League of British betrayer appears.
This Committee will find itself confronted with nucents that these niggers have too much liberty on the Isthmus. If asking for rational living is too much lib merous applications. There is hardly a section of colored West Indians. cordial invitation is hereby extended to Sister lodges, erty then yelling out for another fifty on the three and workmen where satisfaction with wages is known: and four hundred per, must be unbridled anarchy.
now that the men are being organized into crafts the aird the public in general.
CONCERT Admittance Free Governor Harding knowledge of living necessities in Committee on Wages might well expect to hear from the Weather permitting Saturthis country will enable him to foster a true and active carpenters, masons, painters, machinists and every other OBITUARY sympathy for the Silver Employes of the Panama Canal branch of labor; wholesome spunkiness has struck the day night 17th inst. to night)
and the Panama Railroad. He has already spoken out West Indian laborers and they will prefer to make out will be Concert night when it and the people have taken him at his word. All that we spoken demands rather than murmur disingenuously is hoped all who attend will News was receivet yesterday be amply satisfied. fine and by his brother. Williams, of can do now is to expect the speedy execution of the among themselves.
The Wage Committee can commend itself by recom lively program is in course of the sad passing away of his promises.
With regard to the question of ill treatment it might Panama Canal and the Panama Railroad Company rates concert. It will be secular, Murray Williams at his mother mending or granting to the colored servants of the preparation. Don miss this younger brother, Arthur Fraser be well to suggest what the colored men consider and of pay that can enable them to live, according to the out so bring your songs and reci aad, W. on Easter Monday. Spain, Triniobject to as such.
spoken talk of a certain white American, who said on the tations with you. Come and the 21st ult. a) Being hollered at by a boss or foreman with a train a few days ago, that whether a man was black or have a fine time.
The deceased was an old and couple of cuss words in between with emphatic dis white he ought to be paid enough for his labor to be able There will be a meeting of trusted employee of the Trinidad respect to one mother.
to live.
the on Saturday, Jcion) La Brea, where it is preOil Fields (an American Corpora (b) Having time docked for no real reason.
It is now up to the bosses, the Grievance Committee, the 24th inst. Delegates of (c) Receiving clearance for reduction of force and the Wage Committee, the heads of departments and the the several districts are renalaris and latterly was emqumed he contracud milignant, seeing a new man appointed in the same job.
Governor himself, to work out the peaceable and uninter minded of this meeting, as plog ployed at the Trinidad Govern (d) Being given in charge to the police for loitering rupted course of progress in connection with the mainte important matters affecting meets Foundry, from which ef when in honest search for a job.
nance and operation of the Canal, The situation is entirely the progress and welfare of (e) Being hauled or chucked by a boss or foreman, in their hands and they have the opportunity of winning the League now under dis Besides our esteemed friend of andi consistent failure, on the part of bosses, to recommend the genuine esteem and confidence of the sixteen thous cussion will be finally dealt the District Quartermasterend or deserving men for increase in wages; and, without much and colored men working under them.
with and settled. Members fice. Balboa Heights, and Mr.
effort, it is possible to mention a long string of abuses of The mists have not completely cleared, but the future of both departments are asked Cyrus of The Pan American which the men frequently complain.
can be pictured from the personal contact of the Governor to turn out largely and on kind mother, a sister and other Drug leaves These abuses are said to be general throughout the with the men. Those underlings who used to feel an time. Remember Saturday inmediate relatives Zone, but we are not affirming that it is really so. We do exaggerated degree of their importance and undertook to the 24th inst.
say, however, that if the conditions are as the men com turn down the requests of the silver men will look like a He was a member of the n plain of them such immediate steps should be taken as to counterfeit nickel at a circus, now, and although they may British Consulate interred with mystic rites. Trini.
cient Order of Foresters and was make their recurrence impossible.
be hurt by having to pass up the documents, they dad papers please copy.
The recent happenings have brought the Silver Em would be rendering themselves a greater service by acting Notice Williams is an employee of the ployes and the Governor into a closer relation than pre on the square than by seeking to gratify blind prejudice Panama Canal, District Quarter viously existed. The baneful red tape automatically stimulated by a glaring negrophobia.
master Office, Balboa Heights disappeared amidst the confusion of the strike when re The strike has taught the Canal authorities some The British Consulate suponsibility rushed wildly about seeking for an owner. yaluable lessons and it will be a long day before they will would be glad of any inforA Friend Travelling in South AmeriIt is reasonable to expect, now, that the foremen and be forgotten.
otfiez bosses will slow down in their tyrannizing deport. The colored employes make lesser and more reason mation regarding the where les, bought a Ane Parrot and sent it to ment towards the Silver employes; that they will cease to able demands than other servants of the Panama Canal abouts of Miss Ida (or Ada home and during con veraation, he turned style their men wingers, and that they will familiarize do. Give them justice. Give them fair play. Give Edwards) who is required to in Pal, did you get that Parrotrat themselves with the use of respectable words which would them a living. call at that offee.
yuat Saro did, Wick, but never you my tooth is tougher bird, is by Mike This stated: 40 su as afore moura his loss.


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