
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1919 PAGE FIVE Caual Zone Notes weet in their Bo.
1011 there of of regret has tailor saccessful theeting which terminated in the Organi salon only given par tjal como compensation The GATUN serves credit for the way in which be Friendly Societies Direciory New Clubhouse Framed in this mnet be also congratulated for the man handled his position. Teacher Smellie The Open Forum Town ner in which he forced the evening en Court Brock No, 6735, RED TANK Loyal Johnathan No. Daughter No TO THE EDITOR THE WORKMAN The long wisho has come at last. What tertainment to a pleasing success. That Bolivar St. Colon General meet 2156, 0. 20 SLCan. Are Sir It is commonly assert Initiation of Members of that? Why the new Clubhouse. Our song Until we meet again sung by Jags ist, and 3rd, Wednesdays Seety General meetings List Tuesday and Srd Thursday, Miss Williams Seety, jed by a large number of the Ascon residents will now jún heart and hand Min Meikle and Miss Ayre, cer. Samuel Crawford, the Red Tank Branch of together to unite one with another in all tainly touched the hearts of everyone in 20.
Court Land, No. 8448, white employees of the Panama United Brotherhood of the sports Land Hall Higino St, San Miguel Lily of Paraiso Lodge No. 8714, Canal, and Hery much expressed this large building is finished. The car. Mestre. Lord, Ayre, Hoider, Mese days Sect; George Alleyne, Aneon Mights 2nd and 4th Thursday each month. tive orders of its statecraft, that Federal Labor Union.
penters. masons, bricklayers and their kle, Nugent. Copdridge, IIenry.
helpers are forcing with energy to erect Brown, Budrye, Cowle, Nie Secretary Fit Bowen, Box 701: An the Silver employees are not enthe building by this and the following bett, Gray and the charming young parchet Canichapal General con, Canal Zone Court John Wallace No. 9111. titled to the same consideration The Red Tank boya, falling in line with pay day.
Lady Mi Richards, ertainly made a mee ingilt. and 3rd Saturdays Seety, Perseverance, No. 229, Dreide the United States. Mr Heald in as white men who are eitizens of Alexander Sanchez, Aneon 8: the Paraiso lads, did not fall short of Lodge Hall Building at Gatun big hit for the sunall atendance Rall, 20 Se. Central Avenue. Meeting replying to the Strikers» rep.
their initiation on Wednesday, as quite a large well thinking number bue decided nights, ist and 3rd Wednesdays and 3rd resentative, on Sunday last, The various organizations and lodge The songs, recitation, jokes and marriage ceremony which was pulled off Court Mizpah, No. 9788 Saturday. Per. Sesty. Brown, made the emphatic statement that the only means that will manfully on the Atlantic end seeing that Gotun by Mi Henriques and Mr. Lord, Norning Star Lodge 24 St Guachapal Ancon CZ. Box 1011.
that the demands of the men and do not beg and solicit but demand attend lodge meeting that it was better to erect a building ing. Boot shining and other fun brought days. Seety Claad Vincent Box 328 Balboa Heights.
Guiding Star Lodge, No. 2322, Druids could not be considered, because Wages, is organisation, the only means suite Court Minerva no. 9254, O, r, Saturday. Secty. Mrs. Esther Fletcher, the Panama Railroad. To the Hall; 2nd and 4th Mondays and 2nd having quit work they are no longer eonsidered that will make an end of ignorant and suitable for the convenience of those who the evening programme to a close.
Mis MeDonald bnd little neice Samaritans Hall San Miguel General Ancon PO, Box 1036.
Credit of Governor Harding ja organisation and the only means that our well known Bro. Parris and his were the overnight Rucate of Mise Meetings lrt and 3rd Saturdays Seety unconstituted movements and strikes in journey over to Colon, and along with he will allerdue to be walking even on the working staff. Lodge Hall is being erect Meikle, when the attended the Secular Sydney McClean, Secretary Box 886 Britain Pride Lodge, No. 2343; 2nd did not meet the Ancon Canal Zone.
modewalks of the golden streets, the comed alongside the colored Club Hall where Concert at the Colored Club Hall.
and Ath Fridays, Druids Hall, 20 st. this haughty and autocratic spir.
mon roade of other fortunate men while all business will be conducted.
All eyes be alert for the coming cricket Componente Paradise No. 9292, 4, 0, 7, Centralhoty Blue Secty. William Bene it, but instead of using the big this is so and most creditable too those Dance stick, a Rime which in anticipated on Decoration Land Han San Miguel Generai ksn, Ancon, Box.
of Red Tank and Paraiso take the opWhat the larest dope in sporting Dav. Those young men had better day. Seety. Rouget. Balboa on meetings 2nd. Tuesday and 3rd. Satur Rising Star Juvenile Lodge, No. 2341; them and then pledged a considing to their grieviances, advised portunity of appealing strongly to the life? Say it out old timer. Why the look out for the Indies are practising 2nd Tuesday each month. Seety. eration of their claim. This is at the and every.
al Zone and the Republic of Panama, to than that, one of the best bands from some good praetising as one lady batted Groves Hall ist. Ave Boca Royal Victorin Lodge, No. 2344, Oda ble Executive Court Pacific, No. 9751 A, O, P, Headley truly the conduct of a responsisee the great necessity of organizing and the Windy City will furnish the music for the whole evening; there being no one General meetings ist, und 3rd Satur Fellows Hall, 10. and St. Colon.
cast in lot It cannot be honestly said that with the 200, 000 ot and last but not least Messrs. Phillipe who could bowl her. Look out for Indy days, us here and other places, that when we and Sterling are selecting some of the Van Van.
Pythian Pride Lodge No. I, K, of The Canal Press, Mt. Hope.
Alternate Fridays. Seety. Frank Maclean the West Indian labourers have peak to the capitalist, our request may best ladies from Calon. Let go, let no claim on the Panama Railroad Loyal Progress Half Calidonia Regube beard be they white black gray or yel. Admission: Gentlemen 00 lar Convention 2nd and 4th Wednesday and the Panama Canal. Morally District Corresponding Secretary, they have become joint partners The Red Cross Excursion Korper et Records and Seal Green Thomas Headley, Ancon Box with the people of the (United low. Tarry not the prison door is open Ladies free.
Anoon ed escape man and look not behind you So much has been said about House 5, Train.
organiso in the United Brotherhood scarcely anything left to be made Panama Star Lodge No. S States, because they have help do so before night. Land Hall San Miguel Encampmention about for to day.
But say, ments 1st. and 3rd. Tuesdays Jarvis Brock, Bolivar Street, Colon, de maintainance of the two operaSuperior Lodge, No. of Courted to build and carry on the OVERHEARD they here Another Big Mass Meeting. aphone. clarinet, beautiful lantern Seribe, Ancon O, again with an organ, gramaSam: Tim, yub gwine down Regular Convention 2nd and 4th Friday tions, and the West Indian la if shade hanging at the entrance of the Colon deckorashon day?
Loyal Pacifie nights of each month at p.
The parents and guardians of the Jus building; and not to be cut down two ice bourers were not paid as cheap venile members of the Red Tank Branch pitchers without water. Wake up thou es un gwine down pon de heck inter set. Bad Bochursdays nights 2nd and 4th Saturdays. Loyal by this time mark the Canal as a Tim: Yuh mean fub ax mun Groves Hall La Boca General meetIsthmian Star Lodge, No. 13; meeting zens of the United States would ly as they are, no doubt the citiSocial of the Rose Bud Juvenile Lodge that sleepeth. Subscribe three cente scurshun train.
Seety. La under the jurisdiction of the Primrose pet man and show House 67 that House Victor Hall, San Miguel. Secretary o. huge financial failure. It must Sam: Wuh else yuh tink uh Loyal Pride MU. 21 St. Yearwood, Ancon BoxLodge No. 10106 o.
be admitted that the labourers Panama, are requested to attend a big has a stronger cora position than the cud mean. ebery body alkin bout Central Avenue. General meetings dah Red Cross Traia.
every two. Star of the Isthmus Lodge No. 2166 were insufficiently paid uị. the Secular Concert meeting that will be beld in the Red Lawrence. Seety, Ancon Tim: Who fool yuh, mus be Grand United Order of Odd Fellows building of the Canal; whoever Tank Clubhouse tomorrow Sunday May Thursday night 16th inst. proved Burk. Man, uh bad muh ticket chen Progress NO en ond Tuesday. Secretary Wilkinson this iniquitous state of affairs. regular meeting nights 2nd and 4th might have been responsible for 18th at 30 when entrance and Caledonia General meeeings initiation fee will be collected. Much very dull night for the charming young sense las munt, ub wud raddad Tuesdays and Saturdays Blades Box 411, Panama, Much ladies who pulled off. Secular Coneert at mis heben din stan ia Panama Seoty, Box 974 Ancon.
am not prepared to say, but that been expressed by the the repre the Colored Club Hall. rain which it did exist Household of Ruth No. 961 there can be no question. The and sentativo whics througti uncontrolable fell during the Tallar part of the vening dah day. Yuh know da is still existing circumstances failed to tend the engine held wpus de mise a chance to show Bishop with aman, the more at home, come month; Worthis recordet e mi. Martyn boble compensation for the man in Guachapalli George Loyal Tonlea, No. 12, M, Convening nights cach labourers an eguite meeting held on Sunday athinat Messia who intended coming out to enjoy resurrecshun sute fuh inuh, en Buckner, Sects. Anoon ist. and 3rd, Mondays Rallon Box Panama.
best in and seemine on time for the labour when ub put um on wid rauh suci outlining the aims and principles of the good evening entertainment.
The put New lilding of the St, Lodge 301, 0, The Panama Canal Lodge No. 1410, the not wheb uvenile and adulto Branch up by one of our popular carpenters at Nited States, sinners moan. Yuk, s, Samaritano Nana United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Panama Canal and the construc tlon or Panama Railroad. In Socials of the Rose Bud Juvenile and this town and decorated with various know dat bajan jiner man gwine San Miguel General meetings 1st 2nd Way Employees and Railway Shop La the science of economy, if yoe and 3rd Wednesdays Martin Seoty. borers. Regular cessions second and the Prime Rose Lodge No. 10106. From selected plants from the District Quar up by de pose office? un buy one and on, pedo fourth Pridays each month ne Groves have taken another property what has been expressed quite a large termaster was surely some hit, but the uh dem fancy sticks from he.
Future Hope No. 2104 Hall, La Boca from him Ruthering showed their appreciation al attendance was very poor, however the De biggest prise oh all is muh you are though much more than what has been small audience still enjoyed themselves floatin tie. Me an me gal gwine 2018 Cen, Ave. aneral meetings isi Isthmus of Panama Lodge No 2151, debted to perform a legal and still in Box 1061, Ancon said and done by the speakers are left to and say they will never regret the pleasmash down Colon. Es us tink de and 3rd Mondays, bai Ruggles Secty United Brotherhood of Maintenance fo moral justification to the origin.
be said and done by the delegates and ant time which they spent.
train cant hole we, ub gwine ax Way Employees and Railway Shop Le al owner.
Lily of Panama No, A, J, West Indian la representatives who will be addressing on Our popular school teacher Smello, de engin wid he, en ar kind ride 120 scen. Ave, General meeting and be perde Renda reposicións first and third bour is his property and the same and acting in the meeting tomorrow. introduced our District Chairman Mr.
and 4th Tuesdays Mri, E, Boyer Seety, Hall, Caledonia Road.
Mondays each month at Anthony moral principles exists as in the For his cause the men, women, and chil Neverson who in the course of his ed. pun top de kar bird speed.
Ancon, case of Panama and Colombia.
dren, of Red Tank and Paraiso now dress called the attention of the audience Star of Chorillo, No. 635 Loyal Johnathan No. 2641 O, members are again respectfully invited to the long programme which the Bell.
Locke the eminent writer on 8, 20 St. Cen. Ave, General meetings U. meeting nights 2nd Tuesday equality says be delivered and applications received. in vited them to hear. He certainly deGrant, Seety, Panama, Samaris Anoon Post Office.
or creatures be common to all Fail not to attend, as much good is anmen, yet every man has a prop ticipated from this meeting, erty in his own person, this not body has a right to but himself.
Baptismal Celebration.
The labour of his body and the On Monday night last what termin works of his hands, we may say ated in a very enjoyable evening apent, are properly his. Whatever then was the celebration of the Christening of out of the state that he removes out nature has provided and left itin the first born. Miss Ira Alberta Greely he hath mixed his labour the very promising looking daughter of Mr and Mrs William Greely of Red joined to it something that is bis Tank, good own, and thereby makes it his dresses were delivered by Messrs Austin, property It being by his help De Bourgh, Thompson and others during fulness and thoughtfulness, rewhich the guests were served with light moved from the original state cakes and cream followed by an orderly hath placed it in, it hath by this and respectable good time from musical labour something annexed to it selections at the close of which all exthat includes his common right pressed their thorough satisfaction of the for this labour being the unqueswell spent evening.
tionable property of the labourer no man but he can have any right to what he has by his laLA BOCA bour and energy increased the value of. This is the common The Grand United Order of Odd Felright of man in improvements dows of the Lilly of Parriesoin La by Bovernment rer has Boca are discussing the possibility of The West Indian starting what is termed a Social with been a necessary adjunct in the the intention of developing later into a building and maintainance of the branch of the distinguished order of the Panama Canal and the Panama Household of Ruth.
Santa Railroad he therefore has The interiors of the Silver quarters at tric Iron is usee torighteous claims in in demanding an La Boca are being painted. This adds day in thousands of equitable product very much to their appearance but renof his labour, and although in his line dars a deal of inconvenience from the fact her es. Hase you boughtone inexperience and ignorance that the quarters are still cocupied.
bis claim your self?
Dista may be wrongly It is no reason that a dem The Silver City Band has recently rement should not instruct the ceived new pieces of music from the States; these are being prepared, and in a proper means and eonsider their short time will be rendered to the comdemands. am of the opinion munity, that the Governor has done well and we will watch with interest The Bvangelistical service held in the the adjustment of this important Wesleyan church of La Boca during this matter.
week have been well attended a calm and lively interest is exhibited by the comCall and ask about these am etc, munity. The address of the various WYNTER speakers are highly appreciated; and the services on a whole are calculated to be Liberal Terms.
Parama May 14th 1919 a great spiritual uplift. Sporting News.
Tomorrow the Pickwieko a will Phone 602 Domande 25, 000 for noted Phone 150 Thoroughbred cross bate with the strong Pedro Miguel C, at Empiro. Greenways that bel has a surprise in store for the lada who Calon Electric Ice Supply Co. Lexington Ky. Unless the will crom the bridge at Paraiso: deal talls through Jim Gathay The Empire Mutual Study Circle will famous thoroughbred sire, wia meet tonight in the Clubhouse. Headly Sta. Ana Plaza, Panama.
Bolivar Street, Colon.
become the property of. Com Past, and Mapp; and the leaditis spirito mander Ross, Canadian in this important phase of the Shrero turtman, for 25, 00 Thiette pleyou activities (Continued on page. 8)
in the Workman ARE YOU GIVING YOUR WIFE SQUARE DEAL. with a many well wishing ad GE made No more discomfort bending over a hot stove, no fumes as from other irons. You can iron anywhere that there is a lamp a socket.
The handle is always cool and will not burn or blister lost in changing Irons. It stays hot as long as wanted.
No time lost in waiting for irons to heat and no steps portion of of the pre Cornpañía Panameña de Fuerza y Luz


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