
WE pleased YOU before Pleasing YOU yet And always will a German THE Purity MEDICAL Confidence HALL. AND.
THE STORE Satisfaction house and that everybody PATRONIZE were en There THE BIJOU Ice Cream Factory PAGE SIX THE JWORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1919 Interesting News from the There was not a braver man in the service, He informed him West Indies. the Mayor) that he was on a simply went about in mufti.
trawler in the North Sea, when DEMERARA he was captured by a German submarine, as he got on deck of Our Motto. Continued from page 3)
the submarine he was accosted by the captain of the submarine the report of indifferent neighbours. Mrs. dos Santos must for not making a proper salute to either have returned to the chair took of his hat, which had in a officer. He quickly or been carried back. She ulti bomb, ostensibly to make to salmately expired therein. ute with the result that the subSo far as can be gathered, the marine was destroyed. He was gruesomeness and the brutality rescued in an unconscious condiof the tragedy were exposed in tion.
of the post mortem. Her arms and sides were black and blue, her throat had unmistakable finger British West Indians prints, her chest showed signs of extreme pressure and the In Costa Rica.
structyre of the nose was dislocated, possibly by some butt for severe blow from the fist. It is Send Memorandum To clear that Mrs. dos Santos had a serere time at the hands of the Our Government.
marauders. She was 72 years of age and it is felt that ehe must Regarding Labour Situation.
have displayed remarkable resisting power to have undergone all that it appeared she did before communication signed by she died, British West Indians residing in Work of a Gang. Bocas del Toro has been for wardThe further conclusion is come led to the Colonial Secretary and to that this is not the work of a copy of the same to each of the one or two persons, but of a elected members of the Legislygang, for apart from the fact tive Council. The letter aceuses what it must have taken more the United Fruit Company of than one man to overpower Mrs. the labour market in order to cut Mrs. making a covert atteinpt to flood dos Santos she said they were two men the iron safe and the the prices paid for labour there knife that Mrs. dos Santos used being already a surplus of labourat dinner were removed from the ers by about 50 were found Sunday The letter is signed by to the alley way. The safe was Knight, Chas. Nelson in the back of the yard leading Casey, Secretary and Mais, intact, there was no time to open J, McPherson, Murray, it. It is believed, therefore, that while some of the men en and sets out the following: gaging, Mrs. dos Santos, others rumour that the took away the articles mentioned. Co. Bocas del Toro division)
From Saturday night the police is negotiating were busy investigating th Jovernment within the Jamaica An Uncrowned King a view to obtragedy and Monday morning he services of of 1, 000 returned they took up a man named Lalli lischarged soldiers.
Among those wou hwo one Layne Payne on suspicion. This, if true, should not be forward from comparative into Nefarious Gang granted except there is a proper.
complete public light through y signed agreement that will Not very far from the residence the war is Samuel Gompersa protect the labourers against low His father was of German ances.
of Mr. dos Santos is a two storages and adverse conditions, try, They the but was brought up in Enk: land, where he married and is divided into two roooms, which Co. is really for the sake of are daily used by a large number flooding the country with labour.
brought up a family. The father of lidiers as a gambling den ers in order that the market may was a cigar maker by trade but From sunrise to sunset these be congested.
appointed his sou to be a shop maker. This trade had no at men game and there are the At the present time there is MULLER BUILDING usual concomitants, swearing, fully 50 per cent more labourers traction for Samuel so his father disorder and the like. Some than the company can ever need permitted him to learn cigartimes their number runs into to pay at remunerative rates, making, and thus he became the Corner 24th Street Calidonia Road dozens. General opinion is that As As proof of their contention London. He had had a school of smokes for East End the tragedy was hatched in the they mention the fact that wages den. It is remarkable that yes have gone down during the past TELEPHONE No. 835 education until he was ten years but his mother was a woman terday the bive was closed.
four years from a day to which of some more than average edu.
resulted in the recent lacation and at her feet samuel POLICE ROUNDING UP AL fbour troubles. 000 Costa Costa RiIce Cream of the very best quality manufactured can labourers brought in during learned, and spent his evenings LEGED CRIMINALS.
the strike have increased the Then the famil removed to surplus to about 150.
the United States, where Samuel The Gambling Den Closed Down Mention was also made of the still but late disturbance, and that the lasoon got a a lad and, before he, was Under the guidance of Detec bourers who were advised to a recognised leader among Union tive Inspector Gamble, the desend their representations Labor. In 1881 he organized the tectives are engaged in weaving through the British Minister to Federation of Labor and became a net into which they hope to Panama, preferred to send direct its first Vice President. rope in the alleged murderers of to the Jamaica Government as Special attention paid to all patrons year later he was elected President and has held that position the week. There are at present more promptly dealt with, ever since visiting our Ice Cream Parlours.
several men under detention at ever since, They ask that the existing He has ever been a practical re.
the Brickdam Police Station conditions which British West former, a believer in thorough pending inquiries, and it is un Indians are subject to receive derstood that warrants have the most careful consideration.
organization, discipline, an upholder of high wages and short been issued for the arrest of hours. He never preaches that others. The authoritics believe be Court be taught their business. the rich man should divide with that the crime was committed by JU you all that he has, but the rich more than two inen. What is a Gleanings from Legislative strange coincidence is the fact That member was quite right man shall give the worker a Sailings for Bocas Conncil.
that the gambling den above who said we don want to follow chance to earn his share of the referred to and where it is bethose other colonies, but to set good things of earth.
them an example by what we do.
He lieved the crime was hatched, has not been opened since Satur. From the Jamaica Times. day.
feeling in Jamaica froin abroad. The inuch wanted Agricultural Department. Leaves Colon for Bocas del Toro In appointing the Acting At People Council at Stockholm, Peace Congress, called by the Jamaica The vote of 1, 400 to establish torney General, Chairman of the peo a Fibre Plantation at Lintz pass.
Every Tuesday.
Medical Select Committee, the came to naught largely through ed without division after Mr.
Governor has shown that he re denounced it as a scheme of the influence of Gompers, who NEW ZEALAND HEROES. Smith was told it was not a new cognises an able man.
role, but for a scheme to which Taking Freight Passengers, German Propagandist. In his BRAVE MEN EVERY ONE.
the Government was pledged.
The Governor was saying re birth this uncrowned King of recent visit to the land of his For Further Particulars Apply to Mr. Simmond says little, but garding a hypothetical teacher. Labor was joyfully received by At the City Council meeting on Monday His Worship the Mayor always what he says is clear If you say that the Government the referring to the vote of 100 pounds commonsense, As, for instance, are rotten you are what the King and Queen of the BriI wonder, for at that point one guest, and had the glad hand tish Empire as an honoured to entertain our Nuw Zealand vis. his remark on the appointment o clock struck, and the lunch itors last week stated that there of Mr. Hay as Secretary of the 25 BOTTLE ALLEY Phone 325 COLON When His Excel of Mr. Lloyd George. the British was much to admire in them aud Government Savings Bank.
lency resumed. he did not com Premier.
noch to errulate. He had met Labor honors and follows him Mr. Ewen made plete the sentence, some of these men wearing their ood point any rate because he has never deceived not in the pointed manner he them. As one of the Advisory decorations, He had met one parlat a recent meeting of the Legisevidently intended at first.
ticular man who had so many delative council, in connection with Committee of the Council of National Defence of America they Labour, he said: The Mr. Evans seemed to think it a were justly proud of him. ErGox: erninent should take upon itself horrifying fact that the Crown WM. LAWRENCE the island in times of peace, just Before getting your new agents draw a commission for change.
Corner of 24th St, and the business they transact for Mother Coming Hat give a call at No. 22 the Colony. Did he think they Johnny what are you doing in here. Oht to the Kitchen Calidonia Road time Tailor and Outfitter of war. statement of the kind Street, opposite the were in business for the good of was just wondering Mother, wonderis comprehensive, well ineant, Clocks and Watches repaired their health. National Institute.
ing! What were you wondering about?
Dealer in School Books, full of commonsense, and on the and all kinds of Jewelry Work am glad that the prison on the Shelf were worth while swiping.
Oh! was just wondering if those Tarts and Stationary to now and put into effect.
done to your entire satisfaction You will hear the rest when werders have got an increase of pay. These are the non vocal The Goveanor suggested that by expert workmen at astonishyou come.
sections of the under paid, who ing low prices.
Dr. CONNELL No. 11 Street, Panama health lectures should include do not strike, or lift up their women as well as men; good, voices in the street.
SURGEON DENTIST chains from Central Ave.
Mr. Simpson got to common. Wedding Rings Specialty ADVERTISE IN They say that a man does not sense terminus, when he said, CAMPBELL The Workman Governor was correct when he Can be found at 175 Address: let the City take hold of its electaic lighting, also let the Box 805, Ancon CZ, Wachmaker and Jeweller.
Central Avenue claimed for himself this quality, IT PAYS policemen who have duties in Phone 1053 that be is always willing to learn. Opposite Station vi maker old, bue a job althoughs 21. was ORDERS DELIVERED ANY PART OF THEFCITY Launch ALBA Pay there in not more or thai and warns labor against the wila CARLOS HENRIQUEZ hour began.
corations that he wore none. He teleb olunmuished be separtment of Calidonia Jewelry Store Ladies, Listen!


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