
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1919 PAGE SEVEN JUST OPENED The Chemical Hall ara 122 Central Ave. Panama (near late Continental Bank)
8C. Prescriptions carefully compounded BROWNE DAVIDSON Druggist Druggist Phon939 harge atteovery Jamaica partic Inthresting West Indian News. West India and Demerata sto tually course of dents already registered, and de Continued from page cided to debar thenceforth coloured men from its school of Grenada medicine; as a result of whi which ac tion some of these students in mediately left college and proto the United Kingdom to Medical College For continue their education. The India The West Indies. Club of Queen University of similar membership as GamMedical League, wrote to the Attitude of Queen and governments in the West Indies and Demerara asking them to idMcGill Creates Necessity. terfere on behalf of the students ffected: and at the same time submitted a copy of its letter to Grenadian Thinks The Plan the press for publication Workable.
Following the representations the two abovementioned soci il eties several articles appeared The full wing letter from the the West Indian press, a short Gr nada West Ludian from the discussion took place in that of of aneis, is an in. Demerara but in teressing presentation of the ne ularly, through the sustained efcessity of a medical school in the fort of the Jamaica Times, the West Indies which is both advi question was never allowed to sable and practicable.
writer, we are sure does and members of the Legislature not stand alone in his ideas on by questions and motions en the subject. and the matter, if deovoured to study thoroughly taken up by all the colonies is and solve satisfactorily the diffi sure to meet with unbounded culties raised. success. The letter reads thus:We read in the news from Dear Sir. When McGill Uni Jamaica that among other versity in the autumn of 1916 measures dealt with in the Gov.
signified its intention to discon ernor speech in the Legislative tinue the teaching of coloured Council on the 4th inst. Theese students in its Medical school tablishment of tredical and ag after year of their ricultura colleges here for course, the Gamma Medical gue, an undergraduate Society Indies is projected.
students from the Our boys abroad are our repre an Islands and Demer. sentatives. When an honour is ara, issued through the press of done them we also are honoured an appeal to the when an insult is offered them it people asking if they could not is intended for us also. When a effectively resent such an open man travels, his country as well insult to their sons, at any rate, as he usually benefits from his to make some effort to pave the experience provided that his way for the establishment in country is willing to take advanthese parts of our own institu tage of that experience. Theretions of higher education. fore this practical response on In the winter of the following the part of the Govenor of Jayear Queen University imitating maica to the appeal of our boys McGill, went a step further, ac in Canada deserves in particular midst their deepest gratitude and in the islands and Demerera general the whole hearted com Dear Sir, it remains to be seen mendation and support of the hold aloof and take up an inditwhether the other colonies will entire West Indies and Demer. ferent or disparaging attitude towards Jamaica effort, or Bat the hands of the clock are whether they will give her their too far advanced in this era of pro hearty cooperation in an endeavgress that a project of this kind our to produce the best that we should be left to the efforts of in these parts are capable of Jamaica alone The West Indian am. Sir, islands and Demerara, taking Yours truly, their from the foremost FRANCIS statestman in these Islands March 15th 1919.
should consider seriously the founding of a university support On Sunday afternoon lakt. One ed not only by the fees of stu: quite accidentally, across a meetof our representatives stumbled, dents from the West Indies, but from the general funds of the ingoio Labour held for the pur.
West Indian Islands and Demer. Union.
ara. Such move is by no dance of estate labourers who means premature in view of the seemed interested in and social development already thirty five names were enlisted.
attained in these colonies, and of the announcement was made the need being so universally that another meeting is to be and of a urejen ty tamis ta ta then bresence held at Grand Roy and other an institution in our.
As a start a medical ob enester Where the Workbe lished in the colony best suited for it. But this should form only man can be Had the nucleus o of the fully developed institution for higher edn. The Workman Newspaper cation which it should be our can be had at the Medical Hall, aim to possess. The engineer foot of Calidonia Bridge, tween the several colonies does thorized to receive communica not necessarily require any morations, advertisements, matter for elaborate machinery tban at publication and Job Printing, present exists, as some of us will Miss Forbes St. near St probably be inclined to think.
Thomas Hospital, Nevertheless, now that the Mr. Fuller jewelry Store, 122 highest and most responsible au, Central Avenue.
thority among us is giving the CANAL ZONE the matter bis practical atten Mr. O Brien Agent for tion, opinion should be stimulat.
ed to express itself with the pur receive news for publication and Red Tank and Paraiso, who will pose at least of influencing the Job Printing, esiablishment in Jamaica of institution capable of expansion Mr. Percy Holder Agent for Gainto the fulfilment of the West tun who is authorised to receive Indian ideal and possessing from all communications for publica the start features giving not only tion and job printing local satisfaction but offering an Nr. Crawford, corner 8th attraction to students from all and Street, Colon.
The NEED. We always have on hand a complete WATCH line of reliable low priced WATCHES and JEWELRY te the third Give us a call before going elsewhere.
You are sure to be on time it your WATCH was repaired by US.
122 CENTRAL AVENUE Corner 22nd Street, Panama, Phone 939 ADVERTISE The WORKMAN NEWSPAPER will help you to keep your goods turning and bring good results This paper is read by all West Indians from Panama to Colon, and these West Indians comprise the bulk of the spending community on the Isthmus.
OUR ADVERTISING TERMS ARE MODERATE Call Phone 454, and we will take your ORDER or call on YOU JOB PRIN TING of every description executed with neatness and despatch.
WĘ PRINT FROM BUSINESS CARD TO POSTER Ruling and Book Binding Form a New Branch to the WORKMAN Printerv Why throw aside VALUABLE BOOKS that can be replaced in these times, when you can have them neatly rebound at the Workman Printery Central Ave


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