p. 8


Ormancmasononoodoo PACIFIC THEATRE TO NIGHT The Great PAVLOWA IN THE DUMB GIRL OF PORTICA SUNDAY Fast Company AND Blue Bird Photoplay Torpedo Pirates REELS Do not miss this opportunity to see the world Famous Dancer. Great Scenes.
TUESDAY. 3rd and 4th Episodes of the Purple Mark THURSDAY 5th and 6th 91 See our Programs during the Week Cricket.
to make 50 runs, Mr Holder the captain of Surrey went as elose us 47 sod was then clean bowled by Jobo Charles, and no lost the prize when it was almost within his grasp.
1919 Season.
The Workman Printery RECEIPT BOOKS to their own it 18 Birds Eye Sporting News (Continued from page Continued from Page 5)
was put on the horse by his tions.
there, will delay Austria peace negotiaOwner, Blanchi.
Ross has been trying to buy Hungary overlap so greatly that the al The problem relating to Austria and Jim Gaffney for some time. lies feel that many phases of the treaty Blanchi is selling Gaffney in ad. must be considered jointly.
FOR vance of a dispersal sale which he would conduct in disposing of Cable from Berlin on Tuesday stat RENT fifteen thoroughbred mares ed that Chancellor Scheideman announwind up his partnership with ced before the German National Assem John Wiggins.
bly, that the peace terms would not be SPANISH AND ENGLISH accepted by Germany. He called the treaty a murderous document and said Slick Sport. that it would make an enormous jail of Those slick sports whose high Germany with 60, 000, 000 million people est quality is to kill the kids, strangled should the terms be accepted and boast over the fall of their easy victims would do well to read; mark, learn and inwardly diBRITISH OFFICIAL WAR PICTURES gest the following, as they, too, might some day run up against a tough proposition The would be lady killer entered a restaurant glanced at the menu, then looked at the wait.
Nice day, little one, he began Yes, it is, she answered severely, and so was yesterday and my name is Ella, and know am a little pearh, and ve been here quite a little while, and like the place, and don think m too nice to be wor here rking did d leave my job. My wages are satisfactory and m from the country, My brother is cook here and he weighs near ly 2009 pounds, and last week he broke the neck of a fellow who tried to make a date with me for show that was in town at that time. Now what will you bave.
In his confusion he ordered lemon soup. chicken chops and celery pie.
As we understand it should be ilo 55 The 1919 Season hegins to morrow when Standard meets Brittannic on the Standard Oval and Pickwicks meet Pedro Miguel at Empire. It is believed by all lovers of cricket that this season is going to be a very keenly contested one and no one or two teams will be able to have things own way.
Bets have already been made that no team will be able to go through the season unbeaten.
Who the successful one may be it hard to forecast, as there are a good Surrey Defeats a Picked many good teams in the cup this season as for instance Surrey, Standard, La Team.
BOCA, All Jamnien, Pedro Miguel, and De one can say what the others may do. All have new blood, and all are working hard On Sunday last, the cup was presented to win. Which one will win?
to Surrey in the presence of hundreds of spectators. The presentation match that was played was not an interesting Severs Still as it to fact that the men who were selected did not turn out, neither did they manifest that they had even the common decency or (Continued from Page 1)
courtesy to to inform the League that they would not play. As we What kind of a union would cricket. is. game for gentlemen, and no my union be one devoid of common decency shou If every member was just like allowed to take part in the game. These met men should be marked and matters not what their ability may be they should be Much depends upon these few debarred for some time from playing in words, taking them how you any representative game. At the time way, when the game was due to begin, there obligations for the night were were only five of the selected men pres at follows :ent, and Mr. Thomas the kipper, said Isthmus of Panama Lodge he would play even if he nad to use some No. 2151 80 of his school boys to make up the team.
team, Pacific Atlantic Lodge 31 The League Secy, agreed with him, and so a team was selected from among the Victor Collins Lodge fans present to play the Surrey. Mr. Panama Canal Lodge No.
Holder the captain of Surrey won the 1410 15 toss and selected to bat, the first pair of baternen were Burke and DeSouza Total 151 The sooring was rather slow at first as All told from Paraiso. 72 three of the Surrey wickets fell for runs, and it really seemed as if they Aggregate total 203 would have to make sixty, Watch us grow, we are not but, thanks to the brilliant batting per mad men, and will be organized.
formance of Holder, they were not all dismasied until they had made a score of 107. The principal scorers were HotEMPIRE der 47 Patterson 15 and Burke 12 Last Thursday night, thirty nine (39)
After the required interval, the picked, Silver Employees were initiated into the team took the field and fell like nine pins United Brotherhood of Maintainance of before the bowling of Beckles and Way, at Empire. Their Lodge will be Holder. They were all out for 59 of known as Empire Star. charter has which Layne made 19 not out, and already been sent for. The Empire lads was the only bataman to reach double intend to be orgranized 100 per cent figures At the conclusion of the game the cup GATUN was filled with champagne and presented to Surrey by Dr. Lowe. In a few well chosen words, he congratulated them Important Union Meeting on their success, and expressed the hope very important Union Meeting took that they would at the close of the next place at the Club Hall on Tuesday night season prove themselves again the cham 13th inst, when Mr. Severs, representa pious. Mr Ed. Holder the Capt of Sur tive of said Union delivered a touching rey replied to the doctor address, and address to Gatun members.
out that in every cup presented Our barber better knowin Panama, he had either been the employed at the Colored Club tain of the winning side, or a member of Hall of this town had his hands over the winning so that whether it filled on Saturday night and all day was luck or what not he had, he knew Sunday, dressing up the heads and faces ou not, but one thing was clear, he always of the brethren who attended the Odd. was the magnet Walrond, the Editor of the Workman that drew the cup. Mr Fellows Parade at Colon.
Remember the last Thursday is the also made an encouraging address to the date when our social employees boys at the conclusion of which, the will be pulling off their regular concert.
cup was passed around and all had a There will be no pulling off stunt of taste of the sparkling wine. In this paying to enter, therefore a large attende match certain gentleman offered aanee is expected. Mis Richards will prise of U. to the first bataman surely make you jump for joy, Grand Tea Meeting.
71 to The two Commanding Officers in Chicie, one British and the other French scramble to PANAMA BANKING COMPANY grand Tea and Promenade Concert will be given by the officers and members of the Star of Chorillo Lodge No. 635 at the St. AnAN thony Hall, Caledonia, on day night, 17, 1919. The performances by the great professors Edward his Troupe Dancing will also be enjoyed. Doors opeu at 30 p, un.
Admission. Gents 00 silver, Ladies 50c. Children 20c.
Tickets can be obtained at the door on the night of performance. BRANDON BANK)
COLON West Indian Our farge Resources and well known conservative Management afford unquestioned security for every dollar deposited with this bank.
pointed popular cap Bertie team, so General Banking Business Transacted Continued from page young member in our midst was always vigilant and attentive to all her duties and was ready at all times to execute any trust that was reposed in her. wel therefore mourn her loss, and it has been RESOLVED: That the Dispensation of the Lodge be creped for a period of three months, and a copy of said resolution be for warded to her relatives.
NATHANIEL BRANDON Vice President. BRANDON Treasurer.


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