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PRICE Cts. CY, Sensational Murder Case at Barbados ELECTRIC COMPANY EMAMONG THE BRITISH CON AMERICAN SEAMAN SENGROCERS SULATE NOTICE PLOYES ON STRIKE TENCED TO BE HANGED Walk Out In Body Yesterday late firm of Simons Hart. whereabouts of Richard Rose. Shoots Captain Then Fires On Morning.
threaten to when demande him. He want to see pof Lux 31 men 24 11 Captain doctor.
want to 60 10 19 Total 153 men rany.
said in February last. naar bullet to one of the men on ship W turn Elsewhere in this issue appears the advertisement of The British Consulate Office Simons, successor to the would be glad to know of the the Model Grocery, at 22 man who was heard of in 1917 Central Avenue. At present when he was employed by a the business is under new local steamship Co. when it From the Barbados Standard.
Yesterday morning at the in. rise from day to day until at the present management and has certainly was stated that he was injured get you? Prisoner said Yosstance of the authorities of the the poor wagen paid 118 cannot meet our shown a decided improvement through a fall on a steamer.
but didn you insult me by call. daily demands.
Panama Electric Company (2) That we have repeatedly. The display of the large stock relatives at Trinidad British within the past few months. Information is required by his JURY FAIL TO AGREE ick me a black whereupon squad of the National Police the Captain rejoined Didn were placed to keep guard at proached our immediate Foremen but no you take up a piece of wood and the main offices and shops against recognition has been given to our plead at once commands the atten. West Indies.
The first prisoner arraigned The next material date was March to knock my head od!
imaginary outbreaks tion of the most casual visitor they ings to ameliorate our sufferings. 3) That in view of the foregoing to the store, and the genial yesterday morning, when the 4th. About 50 clock on that learnt that a strike was on among the employees of nearly indisputable facts we now lay before you manager Mr. Lindo is al would be glad of any infor American seaman who pleaded were preparing to go ashore.
The British Consulate Court of Grand Sessions resumed icare sitting was Roberto reinad morning the captaiho died klase every branch of their service.
The wheels of the cars stood That a general increase effective June ways on the spot and is ever The belonging to the still in the car house as though 1, 1019, of Six cents per bout begiven ready with his courteous smile mation regarding the where not guilty to an indictment charge ing him with murdering Elmo schooner was lying alongside Stricken with paralysis and the to all employees on the hourly basis, to accomodate everybody who abouts of Miss Ida (or Ada Black Captain of the schooner ashore. The Captain was in his the vessel ready to take them.
het omen grouped them elves in daily basis, and Thirty Five dollars to ment states that regular ship call at that office.
cabin and received a message silent and orderly but impressive those on monthly basis.
ments of fresh goods are being Mr. Clyde Williams, from the steward that the pris defended protast of certain alleged griev.
The above. etition represents 153 men received every week which the prisoner who oner wanted to see him. He distributed as follows:ances against the Company.
We have been requested by exhibited. sad countenance called out, do The Ice Plant and Machine Distribution, Fuerza y places them in a position to the British Charge Aflaires throughout the proceedinge. the afterwards came on Shop crews with the linesmen keep their customers supplied at Panama, for the informa The following were empanelled the poop deck and as soou ac and electricians made a simultawith fresh groceries and pre tion of the general public to jury to try the issue Freder orienter saw hier be said to the serves all the time. visit to state that the following iron Augustus Oxley, Edward AS neous wali. out and practically Power Plant ick Pembroke Cap to go ashore and closed down the operations of the Shop Porce, Panama Elec. Co. 20 Track their store at 22 Central Ave. and steel products have been Ashby, John Edward Archer, No, you can go ashore, will The Captain said Company Traffic Dept.
It is claimed by the strikers Cia. de Telefonos de Panama nue will be greatly appreciated rəmoved from lists of articles Clifford Searles, Robert Jones, have a doctor to come and see that they made requests for inJohn William Yearwood, Thomas you. The prisoner then said for which export licenses are Augustus Devonish, charles want to get some medicine and creased wages which were ig.
eral Manager is always ready to review required and may be exported Dash, Frederick Leacock walter must gº ashore; Whereupon nored by the officials of the ComThis body of men as shown together, the matter.
to destination without guaran King and Robert Francis prisoner rejoined: drow up and agreed upon this petition DALES, General Manager, tee, viz. iron and steel angles, Carter.
ashoro. The Captain ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT and have given the following moh Toll Another cause of discontent joists, tees and other sections, The Attorney General, in out The Captain then walked tow you go ashore you go as a corpse WRITES LETTER view that you may care to have. Fol. men was a bulletin dated May 15 iron and steel bass including lining the case said. The prison ards his cabin and prisoner who The men in the Electrical De owing are the names of the representa and to take effect June 1, in which flats, rounds and other sec er was a seamen on board the was standing aft feet away, partment claim that they wrote a tives: it was ordeeed that the loose tions and shapes; iron and American Schooner Jeremiah pulled a revolver from his trous letter to Mr. Swales, their SuMless to Haynes, Little, ticket privilege for riding on the steel bridgework, pierwork and Smith which artived here some ers pocket and fired a shot at the perintendant, on April 10th, last and Captain.
That shot was fatal, the asking for consideration and re. Chico, Blair Barker, Payton, cars would be discontinued and constructional material iron entered the commendation of an increase in reemischunge bain et light sidentered and their wages, and that up to the and E, Valdez.
the latter to cost 13. 00u. 8, iron and steel railway rails: cargo on February 28th, about was not satisfied with The to.
Pri present time no reply to the let.
We are certain that according to your and the former, in case of loss, to steel containing tungsten or mid day, broad mind and Democratic Spirit you be replaced at thc cost of 50 molybdenum known as high business or pleasure of his own.
prisoner ter has been received by them.
said he then fired a second shot which shore will give our petition your early consi lu me evidevies missed, and after MECHANICAL SHOP MEN deration to improve our present condiU. Currency speed steel; steel containing The Master and mate both came decke he The claim of the workmen in tion, and we ask that a reply to be given The men protested against this chrome, cobalt. nickel and on dock. The Master forbade his where he saw the mate who at projected change and some one he went to the side the Mechanical Shop is to the within two days.
drew a blue pencil across the face vanadium; steel plaies and going ashore, and told him that it effect that they interviewed Mr.
Your very respectfully, of the bulletin. It is claimed that sheets other than black steel he went ashore he wounathaave the mean time not into the launch, and Dumonoir, their foreman, ask said to. Its Mr. Swales accused and fired sheets less than one eight of upon in defiance of the Master and struck him but fortunately Prisoner there now now you and fired at him THE COMMITTEE.
ing him to recommend an in crease on their wages to which Thompson, without any proof and an inch thick are on free list; went on shore and then said to did not kill him. The watchman delegation consisting of two the entire force took up the mat steel sectional material for the Master, if you come on the named Brathwaite, seeing the he replied subsequently notifying them of an increase of one representatives from each de ter and on came the strike.
Tbe and a half cents per hour for a partment presented the demand men are determined to hold shipbuilding.
dock will knock your head predicament the mate was in, few men to the General Manager, Mr. out until the following couditions off. The Master who appeared to jumped into the launch to his STREET CARMEN ASK FOR at p. giving the Company 48 Dalles on Tuesday evening last are granted.
have been a courageous man, nev. assistance. Prisoner jumped after Increase in wages ertheless went on dock, where him, and during a struggle beINCREASE hours in which to make a reply. Abrogration of bulletin re.
Wedding Bells upon prisoner took up a piece of tween them in the launch, they The motormen and conductors On Thursday eyening the fol quiring the wearing of caps and firewood and attempted to strike fell overboard and the revolver badges at the Master, but the watchman was lost in the water. Prisoner assert that the made written ap lowing Bulletin was posted in the The restoration of Thompson plication to the Company some dices of the various departthe wood from him. was subsequently arrested. pretty wedding took place on Sate Prisoner made a second attempt to the service.
urday evening, May 17th, 1919, at the to seize a piece of wood and go and examined for the prosecu.
time in the month of March for ments.
Several witneses were called a raise in the salaries and only a Lukes few of them got an increase of Prince of Wales Lodge tracting parties were Mr. Samuel was for the master, but was restrain.
REPLY one and a half cents per hour.
Under the auspices of the liams of Jamaica and and POWER PLANT MEN PETI, Compañila Panamaia de Fuerza y Luz Prince of Wales Lodge No 26:9 Springer of Trinidad, Miss Hermina eu by some one present. He then tion. All the witnesses that beto the porpu went along the wharf. The Mas longed to the schooner save the TION General Manager Office, and the Eusebine Female Lodge edifice was crowdede the door long bo custody not a policeman to take that saptain did not believe larity of the bridegroom, the saced. ter followed him and put him in captain a good character, and one Bulletin No. 10.
On the. 1919 the the Central. watchman owned a The force at the power plant at p. The Sparkling Gem have stated that they made forIndge was inaugurated stanging room with the premium. Per min andre said that has e os as complimented by the Court the way the Master changed his mal application some time last May 22, 1919.
the following the bride was in sight. Preceded by eisely o clock it was month to Mr. Slattery, the Chief To the Emplovos of Compañía Sisters voerend taking him to the station he for the praiseworthy part he Fergue that by a little boy, who represented a Engineer, asking him to consid. Douglas, neda diboy would take him to the American played in the Panameña de Fuerza y Luz, mate. In the er their request for more wages Panama Electric Company, tison, Tomlinson, train, her Mr. Livingston bearer, four girls bres. Consulate and in the presence of to the rescue occurrence by going of the evidence, a letter and that their letter was not Sects. Thompson, Chap. and three flower girls carrying baskets of was sick and said riser Compania Panamneſia de Telefonos Branford, Treas. Lewis and written to treated with the courtesy of wanted to hite hyacinth with be reply.
DEPARTMENTS MAKE UNI communication has been received Aiskon shipThe Consul prior and Gaskin, Con, Ward walked from the Kate to the Church Master refused to pay hin oft and shooting atray, was reader than and on entering the sacred edifice, the one that he had several charges he was being treated during his felt purporting to come from the representa Ward, Guardian.
TED DEMANDS lifice, the said in the presence of the pris prisoner stated that he grieved over she manner in which The various departments of different companies, requesting certain by Bros. Ward. formed the marriage ceremony in a most tives appointed by the emyloyer of the The ceremony was performed organ pealed forth Medetesohn Wedding March. The Rev.
against him for insubordination in the Panama Electric Company changes in wages. The General Manager Johnson, and Oldfield, impressive manner.
he intended to buy before him all communication with the illness by the Captain who denied having failed to achieve the ob wishes to take this opportunity to stato the latter being Secretary the newly wed proceeded to the beauty bea farrived herme in the United under threats of imprisonment.
er onremony the Shipping Commission when Consul, Doctor or any one else jects of their several petitions.
and being generally dissatistical that for several months past the question of the Juvenile Lodge, assisted tal cottage of Senior Pedro Hansen on of wage increases and the standardizs by the Past officers of the Prince listh Street, Guachapali, where a recep unfit to go to sea will pay you was stricken with rheumatism States. Thereupon Consul said to of Wales and Eusebius Lodges.
prisoner: If you are He went on to complain that with the conditions of service astion of rates of pay has been under selhe ceremony was performed made of silk crepe de chine, draped in out, but if on the other hand you he had to hop on a stick and since the 14th February when he to wages held a united meeting rious consideration, and as a result of on Friday wight, 16th instant, the investigations general increases have in a masterly manner, to the live lice and the beeldis witches Revio are only unfit for duty you must crawl on his hands and knees.
tion was held. The bride wore a dress off, and Panday opis petition embody already been made in the transportation satisfaction of all members and made of chiffon. She carried a boquet uw be comployed wou does your with the ing the demands.
and other railway departments also that visitors present another man Panama the rate of schedule in the Telephhone delivered by Bros, Mc The case having been closed, hair ferns, which cer to Dr. Bridger, and he Captain gave prisoner sufficient May 20, 1919. department has been standardized. As liard and McLean, of Bus and maidan hiked with aspara el) The Consul then sent Mr. Williams argued that the result of these investigation it has a the Prince of Wales Lodge. After Cie Panameria de Fuerza y Luz, Psready been decided that effective June he cosing of the installation appearance. The chief bridesmaid Mretnes with a certificate stat provocation as would justify the to her already charming Mr. Dales, Gen Manager, the Imogene also nama Electric Co. Cia. de Telefonos de Wet the rates of pay of the other de there were recitations and unfit murder manslaughter, In cit.
Panama to be placed on a stand rendered by the children of is crepe de chine together with other ses, but that he was the story in urdin reducing the crime from said Juvenile Lodge, and guests who silk crepe de chine daty. The Consul then told himing the law, he said that the wore blue several Dear Sir: Announcements covering these changes Ppropriate pieces was rendered The following were those present: Misees ship. Prisoner then said to the case recently tried in England that he would have to go with the prosecuting counsel in a murder We the employees of the rest will be made by the leader del Depart. the function, when an enjoyable Food, Helen, Party of Colon. Medame The Captain then said to the ing mrinmediata, intention that by the choir which took part in Rose Johnson, Adina Nesfield, of Pansrious units your supervision, to that date.
bilo naMises Lily Byer, Beatrice Premat: Captain on Ik we both have to admitted that words threatenet go only of us will get there.
pectfully approach you in the name of. children Haynes that assault was sum ing an assault with actions show Humanity and Justice with the followAs has been the custom in the past, was attached to said Lodge. Messrs. Smith, Haynes, Thomas, Shreatened my life, and turning cient to reduce mader Mar ing position. any inividual complaints should be taken After the closing, ice cream and (1) That the high cost of living ea up with the heads of the departments, cakes were served to the little Miller, Headley, Toppio, Jemmott and to the prisoner he said: Didn the Isthmus of Panams has been on the and in case of alloped injustice the Gen ones and their parents.
Panama you say if you pay me off will (Cantirbal on Page took away con Owing to ver.
whispered said he he which course King sick Carson pers Milwere of white.
tainly added songs dress of ing that he was partments ard scale.


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