
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1919 Interesting News From The West Indian Islands rode in land.
Walker, Thousands sonians who were Doorly, as Faria passing red men of boys to American Hotch Potch with a TRINIDAD the fullest congratulation. The With the exception of seven men charge of cour boys) on the way VISIT OF HARRISON welcome was a hearty and gen. in Hospital (two of whom we re down from Barbados.
uine one, and we are proud that gret are demented the others COLLEGE BOYS Trinidad took advantage to show were paid 17. on soccor nt as follows: The list of invalided soldiers is Return of Invalided Soldiers our conquering heroes how After handing over their much we appreciate all they have Great Coats, Haversacks and Amourer, Premdas, Dray Alexander, Charles, Guests of Queen Royal College.
the cars of Messrs. Nathaniel Water Bottles ton, Osborne, Brandon. An Enthusiastic Reception, Ad Graham and acham were they were allowed to leave with Say Joseph, Maxnard. Porbos Spain Gazete. April 20th. dressed by the Mayor kindly put at the disposal of a to the Hill. Grevier, Allum, of the men who were driven to o. of their torns or villages, Tembie, de Silva. St. James Barracks. The others necesssary are to be paid Samuel, The Harrison College team on Mascall, DRIVEN TO ST JAMES Armyn vers arrive from Eng. Brucero: Baksim Ronse Gendrie: College boys their hosts at fortnightly from today, until de. e visit here from Barbados tu try Two Electric Cars Queen F Wil generously placed at their dismene may mention that the Pierce, Simmons, cricket, football and fathletics, bourg, France, on liams, til 14 for Barbados On Duncan, Seven Case: Sent to the Hospital. Manager of posal by Gen.
D: King, M: arrived in the harbour at 7o clock their Pembe iholomew Morris, Austin, Houlder USA C. Augustin, yesterday morning following Electric.
ris: pleasant trip on board the CM.
The City of Part of Spain was preciative terms. But, too, there taken was up Fredrick Scule Triniian named Dorset Nichols, Young, Osborne. Chalcur, having left their ever At Barbados on Thursday honor of the home coming of fifty instance, the leaving behind of Tragarete Road to St. James they were quartered ab Pelicans. Slater, Mitchell. Lashley, last after touching at St. Vincent six of our boys, of the British dear comrades, who will never West Indies Regiment, who re return to take part in the re: road and cheered the men do the Island Quarantine Station where. Dopwell, Ashby, Layne and Granada. The team. Sirteen of the nurses were very kind and Parsons, Cummins, strong, came over in charge echo as they passed along. At allowed the boatmen Yok procure Trotman, Hinds and Collins. MxhomePilgrim. Oxon Mr.
turned invalided, after having come demonstration prepared by echo as th Mathematical MasterThe Harrigallantly and loyally done their bi Grateful and Appreciative che Transfer Station Gransaall extras for them including for the Empire, Home and King.
was distributed among Mount Gay. Arrangement People It the invalids was a lovely morning and it The Port of Spain Gazette states Sonil den dama ashore in the Royal very having been for them to come that the West Indian Committee at the Customs pier were met and on landing heuer colour to pro But to our subject. The blow. pleased with the gift. Up Tra over from Barbados by in London have telegraphed their the by Reception Committee ceedings and certainly. enhanced ing of the whistle of the Naparima garete Road, near Tranquility The Chignecto congratulations to Trinidad and compr Rev comprising the appropriate decorations which were to be seen here, there sign for the large crowd of un of school children gave their yell they were only too glad to do so, to all the other islands etc. on worth, Cricket Captain. Clifford and everywhere. From an early lookers to commence cheering and it was precious little less in although the following men re the adoption of Imperial prefer Grant (Secretary. and other through their correspondent there Asst. Master. C. Loins: hours larsenkers of interested and this they lustily did. The volume than would be given by fused to travelle owing to what ence, foreshadowing increased Royalians, after which they mofolks, well sightNorth American children on a they lack of of accommoda prosperity ered on tored up to the College on the Queen i Wharf and and Bandmaster Wallace had Commenting on the team the surroundings, in order to secure post on the deck of the taken similar occasion. Similarity on tion: Sergeant Stewart, Ptes. Bartlett, J, Samuel, Stana full view of the parade of the greatly assisted in stiuring the The House of Refuge ley. Charles, Devonish and REAL FOOL. Barbados Globe has the following conquering heroes, as they pass. Roberts The Gal who chose One Man in a mil to say As a cricket team they ed by; and by ten o clock one of ter was maintained by a hun. the inmates, with whom we lost his passage. Lieut. Rodney lion. instead of the Man With One cannot boast of the form that the largest crowds ever witnessed as saw the Rev. Father Muckian, Bennett was the officer in Million. of the Constabulary as opgave jolly cheers. Reach characterized the team that visi.
on the whari was gathered and also a squad of the Mounted ing sk. James Barracks where ted Trinidad before the war but as always can be said, their be Constabulary, under the they are still capable of rendercomhaviour was all that could be land of Captain Carr, all of our Public Contingent men wwwww wwwwwwwwwww mwing a satisfactory account of desired themselves Isting Deputy Inspector Gener: received their training under al of Constabulary, along with In: Sergt. WILKINSON although the same Instructor Sealey, the had been practically slumbering The Naparima.
in Barbados for the past four spector Power, and Act home comers were delighted to which was secured to bring a ing Sub Inspectors Darwent and sue many of the old faces and at Contractor Builder years. In football they are said shore the invalids from the RM, to be a tough lot but from aconce made themselves at home.
Ince. Chignecto left the jetty shortostace They were addressed by the counts received of the perform ly after nine, there being on Staff Officer who promised that First Class Workmanship ances of the boys at Trinidad board a number of men of the The Disembarkation everything possible would be they should have all their work Ambulance Corps with stretchdone for them. His only cut out to secure request goal at any The two was that tney behave themselves Lime. In Plans and Specifications Free ers members of the Artillery at once commenced athletics they should Volunteer Corps. sent by Major stretcher cases were the first to as men worthy of the Service bold their own against their hosts Rust to treat the but the standard of past days receive as they Weet 15th Street West, House 90 does not seem to obtain anywhere Rev. Farnell, curate of brancardiers to Major Rust auto, were served with breakfast, Mr.
at the present time. We wish Trinity Cathedral. Mr. to be taken to Hospital, the leg. Goddard being the caterer. The BOX 411 PANAMA, them good luck and a pleasant Walicer (Loco Superintendent less men were strewn with rose wwwww mi trip across and back.
Trinidad Government Railway) petals by Mrs. Philip John which following the and two pressmen. Reaching act, from their smiles of gratiMENU the Chignecta the men were seen they were then given bouquets tude, was evidently appreciated.
Tobago deck that Beef and Ham they were delighted at the pros which was printed Welcome and furnished each Passing Away of Mr. Moses pects of once again being at Home Sweet Home.
Potato Salad, Russian Salad Headley, Wireless Vegetables Captain Hobson, Star om. wiches, oranges, cigarettes and gar chocolate and cheese. The FOUNDED IN 1881 Operator.
cer, was on boardfand, assisted other men soon after took up by and officer Mr. Sith, their stand on the jetty, amid Butter and Ham Early Wednesday morning who is quite a favourite in these and applaus. On the call of the Beer THE OLDEST DRUG STORE IN PANAMA April 16th, a radio was received was not long before the Comandant. Bartly All declared that it was the best CITY, AND THE MOST MODERN ONE.
from Tobago, announcing the al.
debarkation was commenced and spring to attention most sudden death of Mr. Moses successfully carried through May then requested His Worchow they had been served for Nathaniel Headiey, Wireless there being only two stretcher ship the Mayor to express to the a very long time. In fact, so ac.
customed they have become to Headquarters for all Articles Assocases. The men on arrriving on bime comers.
Operatoret Tobago, Mr. Head the Naparima were kiven spuds and preserved meat (Bully tened was in the Trinidad Jack as he was familiarly Trinidad Appreciation ciated with the Drug Trade.
newspapers and a friend a so tuous spread bago Wireless Service for the supplied them with cigarettes Mr. Scott then addressing them tham Theessimply cloyed PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED BY QUALIFIED PHARMACISTS were delighted them or 13 years, and recently chuckle no man enjoy one of Goddard and with glee as they once more in Trinidad more proud to ad asears. Breakfast over, foredbulle acted, for a a considerable time, as Chief Operator of the Port of MANUEL ESPINOSA put their favourite Anchor be: aress you than to day, on pour sounded the arrival of the Medi Spain Station, having been transtween their lips. One fellowing formidad has appreciated all you cace set to examining every man. am sure cal Officer, Dr. Lassalle, who at Central Avenue, 33 ferred to Tobago some few marked that they used to months ago the delights of their favourite have done for her and will never to ascertain whether leave could The message Opposite La Merced Church Panama. states that he took ill on Tuesday and oft sighted for the Anchor forget all you have gone through, be granted to Tgo to their homes. Continued on Page 3)
The Naparima having cast her and will still suffer (perhaps a few lines for the shoreward run, the of you) before ore you have become men soon settled themselves and quite well can assure commenced briefly to give their you that everything will be experiences.
What struck us to make it you make won say your exis was the excellent and most ser tence. but your life worth living viceable.
in appreciation of the services Artificial Limbs.
have rendered her.
I, for one, bave taken a great supplied to those who had the deal of interest in the war, more Head Office, National City Bank Building, New York misfortune to need them. In two especially on account of having cases where both legs were amsons who have fought. This putated, the men walked with say, not with the of putting the greatest ease, no stick or their names forward, but knowsupport being required. In an ing what they have gone through, other case where a foot wns re. can the heiter appreciate, per moved, the man walked quite sonally, what you yourselves have Capital, Surplus, and Undivided Profits Over 9, 000, 000. 00 Cy.
naturally. Duplicate limbs have entf re Cheers. do been furnished those unfortu. tend keep you longer, because RESOURCES OVER 100, 000. 000. 00 CURRENCY nates. Of course, where mans it would be unfair to detain you men are met under such condi froin your friends and Trinidad, tions, it is absolutely out of the whom you are longing to see once Depository of the Panama Canal question to expect unanimous more Three cheers for our Noopinions about fatseberatifying to be heroes, The chhile Weber learn that so of given. the them proud to have men stood on the jetty, flower Done Their Duty. petals were strewn on them and They are boys. who have seen Welcome Home bags, contain: boquets were also distributed.
THE INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION IS INCLUDED IN THE PORGANIZATION OF service, respectively, with the ing goody. goodies, Exyptian, French, Belgian, Ital presented to each of the men, by were next The National City Bank of New York ian and East African Expedition, the Ladies Welcome League, com: arr Forces, and they speak in prising Mrs. Rast, Mrs.
AND IN CONNECTION WITH THAT INSTITUTION AND ITS DIRECT FOREIGN BRANCHES oficers with whom they served, Misses Smith, Miss Mollenthiel, highest terms of most of the Mason, Mrs. Adam Smith and the notably Major Harragin, Mrs. Burslem. Mrs. Harry Captains Knaggs, Mrs. Edgar Agostini, OFFERS EXCEPTIONAL BANKING FACILITIES.
Ciprianí, Herman Bell and Eric Mrs. Attalle, Mrs. Rob.
hot Man glowing terms they refereerson and Miss Forbes. It certainly Major and bravery in that now famous bayoA TÔuchting Seene MORRICE, ROBERTSON, net charge. Of their Austral for which Major Rust and all who Sub Manager.
asian comrades in arms, they do were associated with him in this Acting Manager.
not tire of speaking in most ap part of the programme deserve Roast Pork Cold Ham Central Drug Store Home, Rice Bread parts it was they Colonel to past 12 or asing vell again. dane INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION which you hay view.
not in 19mo 10.


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