
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1919 PAGE THREE LA MASCOTA The REGAL and BOSTONIAN Shoes MULLER the ders Inthresting West Indian News. Jamaica ple and sufficient guarantees that it has mended his ways; and TOBAGO that it is not the same Canada Move For Union Between that has been; and even now is, closing the doors of its Colleges Continued from page. The Dominion And West and Universities in the faces of Coloured West Indians who seek night about so click and despite Indies.
professional education at thosa all attention paid him, he suc seats of learning cumbed yesterday morning at THE HOME OF about o clock. native of Bar. Some Points to be considIt will be essentially necessary Du un aged about 15 as the for that country to satisfy the deceased has left a wife and ered Before Any Conferacoloured population of this colony children on and strughter to ation Scheme With that it has placed its French Can mourn their loss, and to whom Canada.
adian and Irish Canadian hooli we offer our deepest sympathy.
gans under proper restraint.
and that THE COLOUR QUESTION they will not in the future malsone of its cities a Grenada High and Low Cut veritable hell for students of col.
Putting Up of Bars Against or seeking a temporary domi.
cile therein.
Education in Gren West Indian Students at in all the Latest Styles and Prices to Meet Jamaicans are for the most The Universities.
part, coloured and are hypersen the Pocket of All sitive when any undue reference DR. STIMPSON VIEWS.
or action is attached to them on Covernor Says Tis BecomHocount of the pigmentation of their skin. They consided them.
ing Farce.
The subjoined letter from selves honourable personages the pen of Dr. Stimpson to expect those courtesies Significant Hint to Church the Jamaica Gleaner.
which members of civilized comManagers should be read by West InSole Agent munities owe one another. And in this, think they are right dians generally with more Whenever there are infringe At it meeting of the than casual interest.
ments of those rights they view Gronada Listive Council, His 37 CENTRAL AVENUE PANAMA situation with alarm and be.
Excellency the Governor found it THE EATOR, come sceptical in entering into neessary to make some coustic Sir. The atmosphere is at the close relationship with the offen.
remarks on the Education sys present time highly charged with tem of It arose out the suggestion that the British be a petition from the Grennda possessions in the West Indies. Annexation or Confederation, the appearing from to time in the believe that the tropical posses. honld not be surprised if she is Canada having failed to comply Teacher Uhion praying that along with with British Honduras and certain amendments to the Edn. British Guiana, be annexed to the Dominion Government is able to press there are Jamaicans who sions of Great Britain will have Ction Codes passed by Board of Education, should not commercially or as well politi country, and is willing to receive over, bag and bagvage, at the inarkets of the Empire, which is West Indians.
the Canadian Confederation, either consume all the products of this are ready to pass their country in the future, a fair field in the taken at a discount by coloured become law cally There is nothing now in them. It is to be expected that thought of securing the Canadian as good, if not better than any No one who has read the «UnThe Governor said inter alia that this idea whatever.
fair prices will be realized for market. It would however, be thing Canada has to offer. derground Railways and «Uncle there was no one more anxions As far back as the time of the Canada, as other countries will fo e we commit ourselves one way be necessary ere we could enter gitive negro slave fleeing from whatever we might have to offer well to consider the situation, bethan himself to give the teachers Jamaica Exhibition in 1891 the enter into active competition to or the other.
The consent of England would Tom Cabin could dare imagine that the Canada to which the fa a living wige, and even more, idea was mooted; at least; as far receive what they conceive their but what all Managers of denom as it concerned Jamaica.
into poliical uuion with Canada.
inational schools Reemed to forshare.
The war has brought many It should not be lost sight of that the oppressors whip in the slave Mr. Harry Crowe, a Canadian of America sought get was that the money provided changes in the attitude of British it is Canada that is doing all of States From what one is able to gather Statesmen towards these colo. Which stands more in need of soil every slave touch it the wooing, try refuge, and the lani on whose by the Government was purely of much calibre and one who grant in aid, The Church Man seems to enjoy the confidence of by speeches delivered and letters nies; and there is every reason to whi commercial if not political union.
union made a free man; the land which agers controlled the schools, and the Dominion Government, has Our States men should not go was the City of Refuge on the therefore should feel that that a great come forward as an Apostle of in hand, nor be ready to fall at American continent, could bedeal of the Confederation; and to all appear.
responsibilities the feet of those from the North come such a degenerate as to upon If they are to bear ances, makes out a strong case who are putting before us in lao close the doors of its seats of responsibility, said His Excel with the hupe of making the releney, there is no use mincing fact. He seems to set bis heart sult of bis advocacy a concrete guage most persuasive, the bene learning against the descendants fits to be derived from such a Africa sons. But such it matters, the way out is to have a to the realization of what he union.
is in this twentieth century ot Government schools, He said tore Sihe preaches, and which, if realized It is Canada which stands badour boasted civilzation!
that from recent reports of the migh result to the mutual advanly in need of tropical products The average Jamacan is generalInspector of Schools he was gentage of both Canadians and Javinced was not maicans.
for her rapidly increasing popu ly considered a level headed buy ting value for the money spent lation, and we should not lose iness man, but he invariably Educacation is on education There seems to be no doubt but The Garage where every one is treated alike. sight of the fact that leavens his business with a little sentiment; and isn it this senti cellency: The schooldiare boxers those countries to be greatly de becoming a farce said His Ex. the Great British North Ameri can possession will be one of We Already Possess Great ment which induces Jamaicans One Price Good Service Markets to trade with Canada?
crowded and in many places there are incapable teachers. He veloped during the present cenabroad ready and willing to take Canada would do well to obrepeated that value was not re tury. Its population which was Right Prices up all, and more than we can pro serve such sentiments because ceived for the money spent on scarcely more than five million duce. There is yet ahother phase they are very real.
education, and he considered the souls just two (2) decades ago, of the question, and one which Government Spent a Woen these preliminaries are fair will it is estimated, reach nearly may be a deciding factor in the got over, the question of the amount, titty million during this the twenconsummation or rejection of the status of this country would tieth century.
scheme. It is this: From statistics presented by have to be definitely settled in The Grenada West Indian says: Advocates of Canada must be prepared Ito advance for this is not a con it is rumoured that a few of the some Canadian come with clean hands, and am Iquered territory. There could medical efficers of that island, be but one way, and only one, of contemplate leaving the service entering into the confederation, in order to take up appointments and that would be as Province of in other fields. Our contempoSooXoXSSXODKOS. coxsexs0 ISO 90xess soos the Dominion, possessing sovrary expresses regret at this ereign rights as does the Pro.
possibility as already the number vince of Quebec or Ontario.
of doctors there is very limited.
But, as have already stated, Canada would need coine with The Grenada Legislature has clean hands and ample and submade provision to the current cien guarantees for her fidelity estimates for the appointment of and good behaviour.
a Bacteriologist who would also Another point, and donie, be Port Health Officer. It was And this is is of vital importoriginally proposed that the Bac ance: Should Canada at any teriologist should also time desire to cede from the charge of the Hospitals or gov.
British Empire, Junaica should ernment institutions, but this was reserve the rights of severing turned down by the Secretary herself from the Canadian comof State who thought that ad.
ministrative work would make am, etc. the position less attractive to such an officer who was more of an STIMPSON, expert in his line. Can. LR. and Edin. Etc. etc St. Lucia May 2, 1919 Was rested pon them The Different Garage.
CHALMERS GARAGE take GOOD PICTURE increases one interest in PHOTOGRAPHY Call in at the SCRANTON PHOTO PHOTO STUDIO 68. Central Avenue THE RAILWAY.
During the past few weeks the Railway Department have been handling quite a quantity of freight, and with the increased business it is expected that the rolling stock will have to be increased. Contiued on page PHONE No. 1050 The St. Lucia Voice states that St Joseph Convent has at last abondoned the College of Preceptors Examinations as a tast for its pupils and this year the girls are attempting the Cambridge Local Examinations just the same as the boys of St: Mary College. The number of candidates for St. Lucia Centre will be 44, made up of 12 girls 68 Juniors, Preliminaries) and 31 boys (6 Seniors; 12 Juniors; 13 Preliminaries. Thus girls are to take the examination as recommended by the Education Commission. and this should create a healthy rivalry.
with beneficial results for both schools.
o the boys and WHAT EVERY WOMAN OUGHT TO KNOW same And you are sure to be interested in having your Picture taken by the genial proprietor Mc KENZIE (LATE OF THE MARINE STUDIO)
ADVERTISE In the Workman Printing, Developing and Enlarging Buying wisely to the fundamental principle of Economy. Let me do your shopping and you will soon realise tha immense saving that can be made da Dress Material of Silk, Cotton and Woolen fabrics of the very latest Styles. am an expe rienced shopper and know how and where to buy.
The Novelty Lousine Silk ke a beauty MRS. ANN THOMAS, Dressmaker.
17th Street Central, House No. 11 Panama Dr. JOHNSON SURGEON DENTIST SPECIAL FEATURE.
exOSEKS Phono 1003 Address Ancon, 352


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