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RESIDENCE OCCUPATION PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1919 Editorialettes. it would seem as if intelligent and instructive programmes THE WORKMAN SIMONS The West Indian Rad Cross cannot be rendered without (SUCCESSOR TO SIMONS HART)
The Sympathisers and vota being interrupted and the only ries of the West Indian Red remediable measure would be Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemeni on applica22 CENTRAL AVENUE Cross Society are exercising to make publig examples of ALROND, at the office Central Avv tion. Correspondence on all matters all efforts to support the noble some of them if their sense of pue and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited cause and the officers and shame or fear of punishment de All copy for publication must be Box 74. Panama Headquarters for Family Groceries and General Supplies members of the Institution has not yet altogether written on one side of paper only, and RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the name of are plodding along faithfully vanished.
and well.
82. 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publication but as a mark of good faith.
The needs for this Society The Jamaica We do not undertake to return READY TO SERVE are too evident for enumeraThe newly leased lands ac25. rejected correspondence tion and the fact that it does quired by the Jamaica, C, things for luncheon, tes and not receive more general and under the far sighted leader The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of ourrights JUNIUS labor savers. No flurry or chag. more generous support is both ship of Dr. Fyfe brings rin when anexeet. visitors ar surprising and regrettable.
SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1919 vividly before the minds of the rive, no worry about or work to We appeal to the entire public what co operation can prpeare a dainty meal at a minWest Indian Community to achieve.
The Point Qt Issue.
GONED CORNER ate notice. If you want to see rally to the standard of this The spacious stand just BEEF these modern food products at humane organization and do the best visit all they can to help in its work completed and the fine prepaThe reports circulated throughout the Isthmus during of alleviating the wants and rations of the groun ts speak distresses of cur own people. sent an unforgettable object volumes for the club and prethe weeki mentioning the arrest and detention of THIS GROCERY All working men, merchants lesson to all West Indians.
Allen, a white American, in the Colon jail and associating therewith Severs, also a white American, gave and professional men, should be active members of the time has been spared in this Neither money, brain nor rise to much discussion in colored labor circles from PanaSociety, there being no good ma to Colon.
reason why we should be so venture and the success of the Suggestively, none of the people seems to have taken the matter seriously, and the meetings of organized labor What Position Do You Want?
indifierent and disinterested. undertaking merits impartial commendations. The personel of the official instituted by the two gentlemen named Jabove have been The Jamaica must be held as usual with unrelinquished enthusiam, although International Correspondeuce Schools, Scranton, Pa.
representatives or the system hundreds of enquiries have reached this office during the Branch Office, Ancon, of the work should not be cri congratulated for their effort ticized to the undoing of the and determination to erect a last few days for information as to the truth of the arrest Please explain how can qualify for a larger salary in the position, first class cricket oval and The primary organization.
and circumstances connected with it.
trade, or profession, before which have marked concern is the necessity for its pavilion and in saying this We will adhere to our sworn policy and discuss the situation impartially and fearlessly as it is our desire to SALESMANSHIP existence, and if there are we can unhesitatingly add that the whole arrangement commatters of administration or show equal justice to the public, the organized forces and management with which we cricket ovals found anywhere pasres favourably with most the accused in a case which is as momentous as it is ARCHITECT don agree we can sooner rec in the West Indies.
tify and re arrange by engagThe two men whose names have just been mentioned Mechanical Draftsmen ILLUSTRATOR ing actively in the work than came down to the Isthmus from the States, a few weeks PLUMBER STEAN FITTER by holding aloof and knocking ago, and presented to the colored workingmen credentials while others work, perhaps, to EMPIRE DAY as the accredited representatives of the Grand Lodge of the best of their ability. To day is EMPIRE DAY Maintenacne, and Ways with headquarters in Detroit, BUSINESS (Completo)
The Workman, hereby, calls and its very sound carries Michigan, and it has been claimed that no inconsiderable on all West Indians of all with it an entrancing rhapsoamount of hostility, opposition and disausion were doled Marine Engineer Certified Pub, Accountant classes to help in the good dy to the ears of every trueout to them by the white Labor Organizations and many hearted Britisher all over the other sources to the extent that interrogative and coer.
TRAFFIC MANAGER Empire Day would be a world, whether he be at home cive cablegrams were unsparingly dispatched with referenc to their presence, activities, and authenticity.
splendid opportunity to make in the proud island kingdom a drive in connection with the or over the seas in distant The fact that these men were attested as genuine West Indian Red Cross Work. lands with the ideals of real representatives gave them rapid and general success in their work of organizing colored labor here, and a most Let all help. Now togetb liberty lodging in his mind and er, heave!
love for the grand old Empire visible obstacle was removed by their ready submission of throbbing with every pulse of papers, credentials etc. for open inspection, perceiving, the heart and tingling with as they did, that for obvious reasons it was not an easy Respectable Cricket.
every drop of blood in his matter for them to get a start on their mission otherwise.
Why cannot there be a high veins, ly social class of cricket on The stout hearted sons of the the Isthmus? Why can not the the ocean and the dauntless tunity to bring their scattered forces and brains together players be all decent and the sons of the camps, the clearin their desire to obtain, equal justice, equal rights and fans all respectable?
headed statesmen and her equal consideration inspired by President Wilson frank Nothing is, perhaps, more rejoice to day with royalty vast territories of loyal men declaration in France, relative to the labor question when THE CITY PHARMACY enjoyable at least to West and the plebian masses alike he said, in effect, that he wished to see all classes of labor receive equal consideration in America and in her colonies Has suppliedi a lonsg felt want by opening up Indians and nothing more and territories.
an up to date possible than a well contest in honor of the Day, rememed, clean and gentlemanly bering how like an unslumThe men registered as members not so much in congame of cricket.
bering bull dog Great Britain sideration of the personel of the labor agents who came Soda FWater Fountai There is a class of men who by the fiendish Huns, tore plunged into the war started here to organize them, but on the necessity of the times. Cool and refreshening Drinks of all flavors take their race course and the sting from the adder and The question in their minds was whether colored labor served with Syphon Soda. at moderate prides boxing ring etiquette on a although torn and bleeding should be organized or not, and they unanimously concricket oval and speculate cluded that it should be, and having placed confidence in chances on the players in ex mighty conqueror.
emerged from the fight the organizers they rushed to the scheme.
THE CITY PHARMACY actly the same way as they Naturally enough, there was a feeling of doubt and hil or miss on a particular All honor to the immortal an attitude of hesitancy at the beginning, for having been 130 CENTRAL AVENUE horse on the track, disappoint memory of the Grand Victoso frequently exploited, duped, and humbugged they had, ment in their stakes bringing ria who was born on this day first of all, to be satisfied as to the genuineness of the abuut a mix up.
destined to steer the course scheme.
Every Cricketer or Umpire fect of whose virtues lives in of this mighty nation, the JefContemporaneous with the initiation of the work there arose organized opposition whose efforts to smother out widely published allegations against Messrs. Allen and chances or betting on the There is a patent peculiarity and unusuality in the found te be indulging in the hearts of the people and the business and nullify the activities on behalf of the Severs which are glaringly visible to one and all. Hap game should be suspended for keeps forever before them the the threat of a tragic culmination.
silver employes assumed a most undignified aspect bearing penings reflecting on the character and standing of men the first offeuse and in the principles of honor, justice and truth.
like these in local communities do not often, if ever, get event of another offence deWhether or not this opposition is responsible for the such flashing exposure, and the sudden flare which loomed barred permanently.
crisis which has arisen, no one seems to be able to prove up on the horizon of Isthmian publicity in connection with This opinion is quite general Hard Job.
despite the prevailing opinion that it is, but we are cer the case in hand is not unaccompanied by grave suspicion and the Cricket Leagues ComA sign in a factory read: Sixty tain that the situation has not become very unsteady, on as to its real motive, mittees should experience no girls wanted to sew buttons on the 3rd account of the question of the amount of fees collected from the members of the organization by the accredited timidate West Indians in their effort to become properly tion, without fear or favorr If they are guilty of graft that fact should not in difficulty in meeting the situarepresentatives from headquarters in the States.
Sufficicient impartial information up to the present among them than there would be if a wild cat entered a organized. There is no more cause for a stampede NOTICE bas not reached us and we are therefore in no position to lion den. What has happened, if true, can only affect the Public Deportment treat authoritatively the innocence or guilt of the busy zwo men, but the thousands of colored men whose moneys TO THE PUBLIC AT LARGE If one is taught how to The West Indian Pacific Band brace on the charges of graft and exploitation, but we have been pooled are as safe, we believe, as if nothing at properly conduct one self at begs to notify the publie that can at least express our opinion in the matter all had transpired home it is easy to understand they have changed their name The charges against these men do not seriously affect This is a time for the people to stand firm and to how outside behaviour will be and address to the status of the members so far as their relation with gether. The accused man or men can fight the matter marked by this inside training.
THE PANAMA CAPITAL headquarters is concerned, and the real point at issue is not out with those who sent them here, but the members who There is a very evident BRASS BAND whether the fees were intentionally increased wheth have been organized should feel a security that can with practice among the young Band Hall, 22 St. Guachapali, er the enrollment of members is valid.
stand and offset any propaganda regardless of its source, men of this city to behave disHouse 25.
The point of validity of the work is all that should origination or dimensions.
orderly and crude at concerts Soc. Whittaker, concern the colored working men of the Isthmus. They Band Instructor Sealy, have given their money and thus have a right to kowtion. Organization means severything to the scrambling, It is now a question of organization or no organiza and other social functions.
Calidonia House 80 They expend an unusually whether it is a good or bad investment. If it is a good struggling laborer who is still at the bottom of the ladder, large amount of effort in disinvestment they need not, at this stage of the program, or worse, down in the gutter while the gods of the gracing themselves and dis Panama Hats be bothered about the alleged excess in the fees for the Isthmus are basking on the Olympian heights of comforting others, and enjoy home office is amply able to handle a situation for which opulence and looking down with sportive glee upon the an inhuman sense of satisfac CLEANED, and BLOCKED their authorized agents has made them reponsible, if the unfortunate masses below.
tion in advertising themselves and TRIMMED to Order scharges are true It is not impossible that another propaganda more as a brainless gang of incor. ALSO On the other hand, if the circulated report is the subtle in its nature, and legs visible too, might be worked rigble rough necks.
outgrowth of hostile propaganda, as is believed by many, out in the near future, but it is to be hoped that the men The nuisance caused by MILLINERY DRESSMAKING a word of warning might be of incalculable benefit to will be sufficiently alert to meet every turn and strategy these gentlemen. has now HOUSE No. 965, LaBoca, those who have joined the various organizations. lof their opponents and undo the plot prejudiced minds. assumed such proportioris that Canal Zone Working under authority of properly organized body: Meet Me at the Fountain floor.


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