
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1919 PAGE FIVE Canal Zone Notes esme has been lodges trated 3; line 13 that would always not per by the Revenue derived as the working per quarter.
ter ishing them mo sad WIVES Grand dues with the Doxology The Open Forum two organizers, however are bonded soColon Federal Union is being rethat not a cent will be lost to the Grand vived by Doctors and Collar andFriendly Societies Direciory United Lodge either, even if both Mr. tie men. Remember boys that We do not hold ourselves responsible for Severs and Mr. Allen should run off to Lawyers and Doctors have burnt Court Brock No. 6725.
opinton hapressed in this column is the cent! China; and the chances of their running you here already in Colon Union Bolivar St. Colon General meet. 2156 0, A, S, 90 st. Cea. Avo Loyal Johnathan No. Daughter No meats are purely those of the correspondents LA BOCA whence and the TO THE EDITOR, THE WORKMAN off baek to the United States trocamota memberi proposition. Re. Ings 1st, and 3rd, Wednesdays Seety General meetings Ist Tuesday and 3rd Cnbs they is what Jesus Christ said Samuel Crawford, Thursday, Miss Williams Secty. Box 707 indeed.
On the recommendation of Mr. to the Lawyers and Doctors, and Anoon o.
Court Land, No. 8448, Successful Literary Meeting Balbon, Severs conmunication of enquiry what Preston said about Colon, Land Hall. Higino St, San Miguel Lily of Paraiso Lodge No. 8714, May 21, 1919 addressed to the Grand and remember again that no days Sectv. George Alleyne, Aneono. Grove Hall, La Boen, Meeting rary meeting was held in the La Boca very interesting and profitable lite Sir: Lodge to Whether those Doctor can get a charter from a nights 2nd and 4th Thursday each month. MC. on the evening of, Thursday lished in the Star and Herald of the 21st business for themselves may be given that the United Brother has to o. 24th st. Guachapali General con, Canal Zone In support of Mr. Stout letter pub having their charters and equipped to do Labor Union. The only fellow Court John Wallace No. mu. Secretary Fitz Bowen, Box 701: An the 22nd. The programme consisted of inst. and for the benefit of every member the benefit of article 13, section 3, line look for is the Metal Trade Union meetings ist, and 3rd Saterdays Seety, opening exercises, hyma Apd prayer; the and prospective member of the United which says Whenl applicants are ini. They do not want us to be organ. Alexander Sanchez, Ancon Perseverance, No. 229, Dreide school. march entitled Under fire.
latter by teacher Reynolds of the Zone Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way by subordinate lodgen, one half ofized as tr. desmen but as com Hall, 20 st. Central Avenue. Meeting was rendered by the Silver City Band Employees from the Pacific to the At each initiation. 50) shall be retained mon laborers, and this we will, Court Mizpah, No. 9198 nights, 1st and 3rd Wednesdays and 3rd beautiful solo entitled Memories by Articl: 13 Section and line 13 of the organizers are here or until the Grand therefore stand your ground General meetings 1st and 3rd. wednes. Anoon CZ. Box 1011. Brown, Mrs. Jump. Dr. Fyfe was then asked to give an address. The doctor omplied When applications rules otherwise, all of the initiation fees boys and join the Brotherhood days. Seety Cloud Vincent Box 326 constitution says: Balboa Heights.
are written by Grand Lodge Representa revert to the Grand Lodge is provided Guiding Star Lodge, No. 2322, Druids with that request and spoke forbert With these few remarks, tives and applicants are initiated by them for for in article 13, section. and and He ALL of the initiation fee shall be retained ferred to at at the beginning of this artide remain, yours Samaritans Hall San Miguel General Saturday. Secty. Mrs. Esther Fletcher, expressed his intention to be plain in Meetings Ist and 3rd Saturdays Seety. Ancon Box 1036.
by the Grand Lodge Article 13 Sectiou Your brethrenfon the Pacific side stand BOWEN. Sydney MeClean, Secretary Box 866.
langusko on that occasion and promised for the says general ex. adamant, immoveable, and will not bis policy. As a Ancon Canal Zone.
pense fund of the Grand Lodge shall be mit themselves to be be swayed from the Britain Pride Lodge, No. 2343; 2nd authority for, and to show the impor follws. Initiation fee of fee of paths of intelligent organization by the Colon, RR May 19. 1916, Court Paradise No, 8282, A, 0, and 4th Fridays. Druids Hall, 20 St. tance of Unity, he referred to the worde Land Hall San Miguel General Central Avenue. Seety. William Benshow pleasant a thing It is for brethren to new member whicla shall be 3, 00. Ovil designs of crooks, gràiters and proof the Pealmist Behold how good and Article 12 Section 2 anys. The Grand pagandists. Prominent individuals have meeting was convened by meetings 2nd. Tuesday and 3rd. Satirkan, Ancon, Box.
dwell together in unity and proceeded lodge dues shall be paid in the sum of in the in the past used used local 00 per year or 00 quarterly. Sys a means of swendline organisations as the members of the United day. Seety. Rouget. Balbos Rising Star Juvenile Lodge, No. 2341; to draw illustrations of local ovents which man Brotherhood of Maintenance of ter Division dues shall be regulated by of his meager earnings and are still at Way Emplexes and Railway Court Pacife, No. 9751 A, O, 2nd Tuesday each month. Seety. have progressed through the spirit of unity.
the respective Systems Divisions. Local large, seeking whom else they may de Shop Laborers, at the Universal Groves Hall ist. Ave. La Boca Headley.
Lodge dues shall be regulated by the vour and nobody sympathized with them Street when the following reso hem Negro Association Hall, at General mertings ist. and 3rd Saturdays Royal Victoria Lodge, No. 2344, Odd At the conclusion of his addresse be Local Lodge, but the sum shall by running them to the earth not be less than 15 cents per not be un.
Pythian Pride Lodge No. 1, of Fellows Hall. 10 and St. Colon. was warmly applauded and after Isn it significant that lutions were unanimnúsly adopArticle 10 Sectson says. All organ, they are exercising so much much vigilance Loyal Progress Ball Calidonia Rega: Alternate Fridays. Serty. Frank MacLean lection by the Band, after which Mr.
Reynolds arose and congratulated the zers Rosolution: Whereas that we kn Convention 2nd and 4th Wednesday The Canal Press, Mt. Hope.
shall be instructed to collect local over us now, so as to forestall any Doctor on the earnestness and frankness dues when collecting other dues and re attempt by the legally authorized to the members of the United Bro Kreperet Records and Seal Green Ancon duits where to the Grad Secretary Tres presentative of the Maintenance of Way therhood of Maintenance of Way Panama Star Lodge No. Thomas 1, Headley: Anoon Porn Box of thanks be given to him. The audi District Corresponding of his address, he also asked that a vote Secretary, Furer In reference to the local Secreta to swindle Why is there so much E:nployees and Railway Shop LA Land Hat San Miguel Encamp: 1011.
ence responded with three rousing cheers ry, bye iaw Section line has this to apprehension of the Maintenance of Way borers, of Colon. being mente 1st. and 3rd. Tuesdays Jarvis while the Doctor expressed his appreciamay. In consideration of his service swindling us being felt on every side? It misrepresenwd in the columns Seribe, Ancon Superior Lodge, No. of Court tion.
as Secretary Treasurer, Grand Lodge is because of the fact that if the Main of the Panama Star and Herald the collection was then taken up which payment of his alicious Loyal Pacific 0, MAU, Brock, Bolivar Street, Colon, de Lodge tenance of Way succeed in organizing and feeling ourselves As a member of the Isthmus calored labor here the crop of those self ly wronged by the statement of Groves Hall La Boca Gereral meet Regular Convention 2nd and 4th Friday amounted to 93 and a piece by the band brought the programme to Hunter.
of Panama Lodge No. 2131, the writer imposed Leaders of the Race will be that paper dated May 19, 1919, inestetscend 3rd Thursdays nights of each month at p.
has satisfied himself that all of the fore put to an endeand they must then spend be wrought through this misre a close.
pend and realizing the harm that may Mother Coming into ther Kitchen Loyal Pride 21 St.
going rules We Pacific Mr. Jump gave an invitation to all The names of the first twenty members side want to warn these would be well presention as te lere mentioned in cely two weeks Wednesday morning was just wondering mother, wonder to attend another meeting in the noar Central Avenue. General meetings Johnny doing in here. Oh!
then comprising the Lodge, was sent up wishers to attend to their own business that paper, affecting the dignity Lawrence, Beety, Ancon 08.
of ing! What were you wondering about future on which occasion there will be to the Girard Pere deres recomendo a keep looke of allered while no continued Maintenance of Way Employees Loyal Progress No. 8, Ob lewens just wondering if those Tarts Champions. om hemmetinis vos Tenis organizer, Mr. out Caledonia on the swiping was closed by 115. 00 representing every nickel to organize under the Maintenance of and Basel wayo Shane Labormers and face days and Saturday women in de the good faith of the mem Secty, Box 974 Adeon.
collected from the twenty members. Way ONE HUGDRED PER CENT, Rose Bud of the Isthmus Lodge, B, The sacred concert given by the Since then the local Secretary Treasurer Yours for collective bargaining, bers and the confidence of the of 24th Street, Guachs choir of St. Peter Church onmo off has receieed the charter and other sup West Indian people on the Isth Loyal Ionica, No. 12, M, pali, Meeting nights 2nd and 4th Mon on Friday 16th as proposed. The ALFRED SMITH mus of Panama, who are pa 24th St, Guachapali General meetings days in the month. Secretary Adriann weather was fine and the audience plies including a record book in which is trons of of said newspaper: We ist, and 3rd, Mondays. Rallon Armatrading. Box 704, Ancon, written the names of the twenty memwould have been doubled but for bers sorwarded and against each namo solemnly resolve that the Edi Buckner, Seety. Aneon o other attractions.
is entered the following amounts for ex To the Editor tor of the The Panama Star and Herald have that particular G, S, Samaritan Halland Doors 20 st. Cen. Ave, General meetings of the Silver City Band was pulled of St, Mitchell Lodge No. 30, I, O, Loyal Johnathax No. 2641 Victory Dance under the auspices ample Dear Sir. Kindly permit me statement repudiated.
San Miguel General meetings 1st 2nd ist Friday and 2nd Wednesday John Doe, Initiation Fee, 06; Grand space in your valuale column to and 3rd Wednesdays Martin Secty. Grant, Seety, Panama, Lodge System Division Dues 50 Lo state to the West Indians, a few Resolution: Be it resolved that Ancon, O, in the La Boca Clubhouse on Friday cal Dues 80. 25.
night the 16th.
words concerning Union that is we the members of the United The Local Secretary Treasurer has now been organized here on the Brotherhood of Maintenance of 20 St, cen, ave. neral meetings ist 20 st. Cen. Ave, General meetings 2nd the quarters in La Boca. It is rumer Future Hope No. 2104 Lily of Panama No, 2755 L, O, A, The painters have ceased to paint since then received from tne Grand Isthmus. tne writer is a fun way Employees and Railway and 3rd Mondays, san. muggies Seety and eth Tuesdays Mrı, E, Boyer Secty, od that they will not he starting again Secretarw Treasurer a chech for 17, 00 member in good standing and am Shop Laborers. haring, known Box 1061, Ancon Ancon, covering system division dues (60 cents) quite sure that this Brotherhood and dealt with Broth Allen ere two months time. It is also said and local duen (25 cents) tor each man, is here to stay and the quicker for more than two months, and that the sudden snspension is due to the lack of materials to proceed, and. for twen ty men totalling 15. 00. The remaining we get in the better. The recent Anding hiın to be an honest. and again that it is the result of the capihappenings in Colon may cause right, straight forward and genidollars is a personal refund many to be afraid who do not al gentleman, that the circumtal and labour question. Be these ruLocal Secretary Treasurer know the rights of things, there stances of his arrest, which mors as they may, the majority of of his Grand Lodge dues for is at present quite a great move have recently caused him so tenants in these quarters are greatly rendered to the Grand Lodge ment in Colon about labour. The (Continued on page 8)
inconvenienced, having ramsacked This proves conclusively that 75 reachtheir places in preparation for the ed the Grand Secretary Treasurer for each painting man; that the Grand Lodge dues and all the foitation foes have been retained by RED TANK the Grand Loc that the Local Secrotary Treasurer Grand Lodge dues have The energetic committee of the White been refunded to him, all in in accordance Rose Dancing Club is making great with the foregoing rules, and that there preparations for the grand practice on is not a margin left from which Meers.
Tuesday, May 27th, All members and Severs and Allen can profiteer. The workinvited guests are requested ;o be proueat ing cards or receipta furnished to every at p. abarp.
member and which is is alleged to be false are in duplicate and numbered conRed Tank Friendly Soelety secutively. The original is To the Editor: member ond the duplicate sent up to the Sir will like to inform the general Grand Lodge with application.
These public that a Friendly Society similar to are filled out as follows Initiation fee those in the West Indies has been rais 00; Grand Lodge Dues 00 System; ed in the Silver City of Red Tank, Division Dues 50; Local Dues 25; therefore ask all friends to come in and Total 75; which checks correctly with pave the way for some future days.
the record book fusnished the Isthmus 12 of Panams Lodge by the Grand SecreI also beg to note we have received tary Treacurer and written up with his full permission from the Executive Secretary, Balboa Heights for the estab own hands. What the trouble is on the lisbment of said Society.
Atlantic side am not in aposition to say; J, QUEELEY but if our brethren at that end are satisSecrotary; fied that their cards are made out exactly as outlined above, they need have no fear of profiteering on the part of of Mr.
EMPIRE Allen, but should rather be aware of The Elecpersons who the organization view of the Silver Employees on the Isthmus tric. Iren is. USCE to By a score of 35 to 101 the Pedro in a Trades Union with apprehension day in thousands of Miguel lads defeated the Pickwicks at a possible menace to their selfish Empire last Sunday Teach captured hemes. Have you bought one wickets for 18 runs. Tomorrow our interests; or if the curtain of deceit could only be removed aside, we would see lurkyourself?
corp will meet the Standard de aur ing in the back grounds thyriads of filthy the Standard Oval. We expect them to hands ready to make a second plunge follow Britannics example, down in the pockets of the worklog man.
Following the injunction Occupy til Referring to the 831 of which Mt. Allen line come, our farmers are busy sowing all was robbed Article eleven, section 1, provides that. en manner of good seed in the soil. We in officer of the Grand Lodge shall give such bund as tend to make arrangements for serial transportation of our products, may of them by the Board; on the bond of all It is rumored that the R. Coor Grand required or Officers shall be paid from missariat will be transferred from En the of Call and ask about these the Brotherhood pire to Culebra, Why place it so far Wherever Mr. Allen collected this money, from the silver employees he must have given the local SecretaryLiberal Terms.
the Grand Lodge failed to have bonded Treasurer receipt for this amount, and it GATUN Messrs. Severa and Allen who are Grand here to organise approximately 12, 000 Lodge Officers, in sending them down Danco.
employes and thus collect 8, 69, 000, the Phone 602 rents with them, the lose is Saturday night last Meer George Phone 150 theirs, Phillipe Sterling of Colon held a dana od to use the and, of one of our our most in the Colored Club Hall at this towa, popular secretaries, The Maintenance of when the spacious floor was packed to Way is big enough to stand it. There ite capacity. Never before in the history is absolutely nothing that has happened of dancing has Gatun Colored Clubhome for the tell you woes and the Waitbeen to packed, several Ladies and sees to gloat and throw their hala Sta. Ana Plaza, Panama.
Bolivar Street, Colon.
tlemen from the Windy City game owe up by motor cars beside the 80 tona The local lodges have not lost a cont, which brought over lange number por has any individual member, The Gontinued os page 8)
two to the Read The Workman servivices Lodge; ARE YOU GIVING YOUR WIFE SQUARE DEAL. made in given to the No more discomfort bending over a hot stove, no fumes as from other irons. You can iron anywhere that there is a lamp a socket.
ELECTRIC FLATIRON those the hand.
The handle is always cool and will not burn or blister lost in changing Irons. It stays hot as long as wanted.
No time lost in waiting for irons to heat and no steps own. com. officers the Executive Lodge general funds fault worde Compañía Panameña de fuerza y Luz Colon Electric Ice Supply Co. in the air.


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