
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SA TURDAY, MAY 24, 1919 Interestinn News from the Sensa tional Murder Case at West Indies Barbados WE pleased YOU before Pleasing YOU yet And always will. Purity MEDICAL Confidence THE STORE Satisfaction that everybody PATRONIZE Rev.
er of the THE BIJOU Ice Cream Factory Jamaica Continued from page!
Our Motto: slaughter. The law on the point Continuel from Page 3) 18 it stood to day was to be found in Halobury Laws where it stated that the provocation OUR SOLDIER BOYS might be sufficient if the words WELCOMED. were accompanied by some act denoting immediate intention of St Margaret Bay, April following them up by actual as The latter part of the past week sault. Counsel then submitted the people of this town and neigh that if the jury were satisfied bouring districts, were advised that the Captain, after using that the first batch of contingent those words bodily menace; If men returning from the war, you go ashore you will go a a would be detrained at the differ corpse and turned to go to his ent stations along the line, on cabin door, he did so for the per Saturday and this town pose of obtaining a revolver or must be prepared to receive its some other waion with which The Rev. A Conohan to inflict bodily harm upon the instantly started to make prepa por isoners. and that the prisoner rations for the glad occasion who was in the heat o temperat Saturday cvening witnessed a that moment, honestly believed cene. ellom seen in this modest, that the Captain was going little town. The premises of the ente liis threat they would be Railway station were crowded justitied in holding that there with people, relatives and friends, was such provocation consistent with eager, expectant countenan with the detinition as would re: ces, and crowds of these, drawn duce the crime of murder to and of love for the cure feelings manslaughter. AND band of music was in attendance The Attorney General said it no mere hearts and friends attacked the words could constitute sufficient men with loving salutations, provocation to reduce murder to pressed and crowded them to such manslaughter. It was true that an extent that it was impossible one Judge had said that if a hus for any address to be delivered band heard his wife confess to The crowd returned to the school having committed adultery that room, which was crowded to its would be sufficient provocation, utmost on the platform. The killing to manslaughter. But no Rev Conahan then called Judge had gone further than the assembly to order. The Rev. that. The words must be acMr. Reid offered the prayer of companied by some act which thanksgiving, after which the showed intention to inflict seriConohan delivered dress of welcome home, followed or leaving the ship to go ashore, an ad deury. In this case, the evidid by the Rev. Mr. Reid and Mr and no reasonable man could inAlbert Roper. One of Con asked for the acquittal of the prisoner gent men responded on behalf of terpret the action of the Captain his comrades Refreshment was when he turned towards his ca The Attorney General argued served to the men, after whicl bin to mean that his intention along the same lines as on the the National Anthem was sun was to attack prisoner.
previous day speaking in his and the crowd dispersed. Thus usual impressive style, and then His Honour in summing up ended one of the most pleasant the case to the jury, reminded His Honor summed up the case functions witnessed here for to the jury. In the course of his them that it was in their power address he described the quite a long time.
when trying an indictment for the prison.
murder to return a verdict for er as one who had runamuck anit mu who had made up his mind to BETHEL TOWN NOTES. stances justified in so doing, but manslaughter, if the circumcommit the foul dead, Alter not out of mere sentiment or quoting the law to show that Bethel Town, Wednesday, pity. He laid stress upon this provocation must be very great MULLER BUILDING) to justify the use of a deadly WeaExcellent seasons, are being ex. point which he regarded as an im pon, he pointed out that the perienced here. Bananas are be portant feature in the case: That ing bought at 15 pounds per hun as soon function of the jury was to judge as the prisoner bad fired Corner 24th Street Calidonia Road the facts and his his was to put the dred bunches two shots at the Captain he at law to them. There was no evi TELEPHONE No. 835 Several of our soldier lads ar. Once went to the side of the ship rived here on Saturday last, Amd pointing. You son of a itis dence of his revolver at the any such provocation in the case as would authorize committee met them at the Mt. Ivou your turn pext. Those words he said, to reduce the crime from Pelier Station, where they were conclusively proved what was the murder to manslaughter. He addressed and afterwards served intention of the prisoner. He with refreshment. They are look was not even satisfied with this Ice Cream of the very best quality manufactured warned them against indulging in fancy and said they were ing we! and have improved very but threatened another seaman sworn to give a verdict accord Buch in many ways: and the watchman of the ship.
ing to the facts. In conclusion, Market report; Ginger 4d per With respect to Counsel. argu ORDERS DELIVERED ANY PART OF THE CITY he reiterated that, so far as the ib: coffee 6d; corn shillings per ment that the words used by the facts were concerned, not one bushel; peas 9d per qt yams Captain amounted to sufficient fact had been proved which (yellow) 12 shillings per cwt. provocation. he would call their would justify them in finding that white yams 16 shillings, baddos attention to the fact and the At the prisoner acted under such shillings plantains and for 3d torney General had provocation as in law would wardowe so that Special attention paid to all patrons sugar 4d per qt.
the threat was frant a reduction from murder to condiditional and muslaughter.
not you go visiting our Ice Cream Parlours.
ashore you ll go as a corpse.
From Jamaican, To The Jam The remedy was in the prison At1 the jury retired for a verdict, and after short delibeaica Soldier Boys er hands. If he thought the ration of about ten minutes, reCaptain was going to shoot him turned into Court when the fore.
Private Neweome of Jamaica was a tiller in the event of his going ashore, man announced a verdict of wilof the land, the proper course for him resumption of the case this morn ful murder against the prisoner.
Short and Chubby, shy on letters, but to pursue would have been ing with which His Honor The announcement producad no shockful of GRIT and SAND.
turn away and go to agred.
perceptible change in the attihis Work. There was not Private Newcome, of Jamaica, proud and title of evidence to show that a Sailings for Bocas MURDER CASE REHEARD being asked by the Registrar tude of the prisoner, who, on glad to do his bit Standing all his Captaine Chaffing Nev Prisoner honestly be ieved the whether he desired to say any.
Capiain took no need of it.
was going for a revolver Verdict of wliful Murder thing why sentence should not to shoot him and if the jury were Kind of gets me, Captains Kidding, ridi. to find that the words used were Returned, be passed on him, began after auling, fore the rest.
a justification for the act of the some hesitation, to marmur PRISONER TO BE HANGED Cause as fellow can write ENGLISH, prisoner Barbados would be ren.
Leaves Colon for Bocas del Toro sounething when he was interdon prove what INSIDE HIS dered unsafe for any buman rupted by His Honor who pro BREAST.
being to reside in.
Every Tuesday.
The jury having failed to arrive ceeded to pronounce the death on Friday at a unanimous verdict sentence as follows: Robert Neil, No, every man can RO to College, The jury retired for verdict as to whether Robert Neil the you have been found guilty of There a heap too cannot farm at 56 and at 15 o clock And his being not quite cultured, Did nt were sent for by His Hnor who Taking Freight Passengers American seaman, was guilty of murder. No honest and reasonmurdering Captaip Emo Black, able jury could have do BRAVE NEWCOME haran enquired of them if there was For Further Particulars Apply to the prisoner was replaced in the come to any other If he is willing that the ticket, If he any point upon which he could dock on Saturday morning and tries that man WILL WIN. help them. The foreman replied on a charge of mur Ithie Punishment for murder in country is death by hang.
Draving all the weary march; on the that there was none. His Hunor to sentence of the Court the road to BERLIN then told them that even if the not guiity.
upon you is that you be taken to So Private NEWCOME, Count me for cabin with a revolver, but had Captain had returned from his 25 BOTTLE ALLEY Phone 325 COLON The Attorney General conduct Glendeiry prison and thence, on you. Let me grasp that rough black made no indication of using it, the ed the case for the Crown, while a date to be appointed by the Mr. Clyde Williams, proper authorities, to a place of band, prisoner would not have been And now war over, get your kit pfloked justified in shooting him. The again defended.
execution where you be hanged go straight to our FAIR ISLAND.
The following were empanelled by the neck until you are dead, jury again retired and when the Listen! as jury. Albert Henry Martin, May God have mercy on your Clarence had been of, Prisoner was thereupon and informed the Court that all Before getting your new Earle, Llewellyn Latrobe Bayleybold soremnity which seemed to Eleazar Bontem Proute, soul!
moved amidst verdict WM. LAWRENCE of them had agreed Corner of 24th St, and Thomas. Edmund exception of Calidonia Road Hat give a call at No. 22 mons, William Adolphus Lowe, pervade the whole Court.
Tailor and Outfitter Ashby. The Judge there John Phillip Maxwell, Evad Gor Street, opposite the upou discharged them for the ing Osmond, Dumont Pilgrim aud remainder of the Sessions and Clocks and Watches repaired National Institute. Kenneth Beymour Durant The Standard understands that Deater in School Books, enquired of the Attorney Gene and all kinds of Jewelry Work on the vacant post of Colonial an appointment has been made to and Stationary.
Al the best course to pursue, the done to your entire satisfaction you will hear the rest when vious day was again taken, at the they are able to do? Cohemia Seccajury having failed to agree. The by expert workmen at astonishwhich Mr.
Attorney General suggested the you come.
ing low prices.
addressed the jury, asking them pant who hads from West Africa, to find that there were gieb faets is Colonel Joalhes.
No. 11 Street, Panama Truelsm.
in the case as would djustify when PRTNER chains from Central Ave.
Wedding Rings Specialty Life baile does not always go to the ADVERTISE IN in concluding that He charge of murder should be The Barbados Woolly rata strongest or fastest man, CAMPBELL But sooner or later, the man who wins The Workman of manslaughter. He did not more to ac Paper states that are MacLaren deported Address: the question of self defence, bo from 81. Lucia. Pastor MacLar.
Is he who thinks he can.
Wachmaler and Jeweller.
Bon 86, Ancon Z, said, but if the Captain had been en is said to be Sounder of the IT PAYS CLAS; armed he (Coussal) would have Millenjal Davu Oreod.
them, to Launch ALBA possonelu do re arraighich he entered a plea of inten his. The CARLOS HENRIQUEZ bacarmining cases on the Calendar Calidonia Jewelry Store Ladies, rePhone 195


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