
PAGE SEVEN The Chemical Hall Minister, km with an said feel a THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1919 Democracy Home Please. Georgin and Tennes e say something akin to the Jux Klan is being revived. It is almost unJUST OPENED Writin: nder the above cap believable. The feeling of the newon the Nhw York Tribune says. groes as reflected in their newsWhy any one should become papers is one of bitterness, disexcited over the return of negro con ragement and pathetic des soldier from France is as per pair 122 Central Ave. Panama (near late Continental Bank)
mexing dito patriotic Americans Happily. sentiment appears didiscouraging to the ne vided. The Mayor of Knoxville, BROWNE McALMON, Prop hemselves, who have sup: on receipt of a letter from an or ported with remarkrble and ready energy every movement neces. ganizer of the secret society in large assortment of DRUGS and CHEMICALS 19 for national sucres neces: his state, called together a group leading negroes of Knoxville In the Sonth both races and he did not PATENT MEDICINES a branch wokeri tworlar in ford of the organization was con vervation. war taxings Liberty in this cityn za The name of God was necessary TOILET WATERS, PERFUMERIES, SOAPS bonds and other campaigns, and in these patriotic Chiperative erwor Roberts of Tennessee bav.
ens have found a new reli ing appeared on the list of mem.
tio ship of friendly ind bere he repudiated the organiza Prescriptions carefully compounded tion and gave out an interview simpathy which if retained BROWNE would help to bridge the critical saying the use of his name was a DAVIDSON forgery.
stream of reconstuction and re Druggist Drugglt Phone 939 absorption of negro solis into An ill day w! ll arrive if there is ci il life.
a revival of racial animosity in the South Resolutions adopted at the re ont annual conference at Tuske.
the Institute said. During the war period whites Aeroplane In Agriculture.
NEED and negroes co operated in subWe always have on ribing to Liberty bonds, in pur.
clasing war saving stamps, in Science Applied In South.
food production and in food con line of servation, and in other war work Detection of Cotton Pésts.
activities. From various commulow priced nities the white and black so che From an exchange of recent hers were sent away with the Same hearty godspeed and in date we call the following scien titie information referring to the the wang instances under ees of the same committee. As work of a flyer, way down Give us a call botore going elsewhere.
result of working together in South.
You are sure to be on time if your these war work activities whites The Aeroplane has already WATCH was repaired by US.
nd been made use of in the United Sowland were brought into a States to locate ilds of cotton REMEMBER WE MAKE WEDDING BINGS AND OTHER barned to expect more of the In Texas there are swamp woodmore helpful relationship. Each affected by the Pink Boll worm other. It is the earnest desire ofed districts of great extent, with JEWELRY TO ORDER this conference, in these times very few roads and consequentof peace, that the spirit of co ly very difficult to travel through operation will continue and grow by of the Federal Horti stronger and more helpful, and cultural Club, who peforio simi FULLER is the MAN you want to see.
thus contribute in a larger way la: duties regarding pests to to the growth and development those carried out here by our Inof the South.
spectors under the Plant Protec122 CENTRAL AVENUE Surely no better spirit could ion Ordinance. Scattered be asked, through this inaccessible region Corner 22nd Street, Panama, Phone 939 Yet reports from Alabama, are small fields of cotton, and it important that any affected FAMILY OF FIVE.
with the boll weevil should be located and dealt with story is going the round of Lieut. Comperie the son of a the English papers which if not well known Eutomologist, felt true is at least characteristic. It that he could turn his flying ex. is told of that unrepentant Impeperience of the war to useful ac rial Laborite, the Prime count, and so after permisssion of Australia, who, as every one tom the Military authorities had knows, is chairman also of the been obtained, he had in com. Reparation Committee in Paris.
pany an Inspector, made a When reports, so the story goes, thorough aeroplane survey of a of the amount of damages assesspart of their district, resulting, ed against Germany first began it is reported in the discovery of to leak out, a certain British poliseven infested fields which had tician faced Mr. Hughes, with the previously escaped detection dilemma, Have you considered the effect it Germany is forced to Where the Work of five? No, replied Mr.
pay such damages, on a family Hughes. But if she is not, have man can be Had you considered the effect of a The Workman Newspaper British family of five?
can be bad at the Medical Hall, foot of Calidonia Bridge, Osborne, agent, who is also auHUMOROUS thorized to receive communica tions, advertisements, matter for An Old Cat publication and Job Printing.
Miss Forbes St. near St board what purported to be a deer.
The teacher had sketched on the blackAs Thomas Hospital the class did not readily respond to the Mr. Fuller jewelry Store, 122 request to reveal the identity of the Central Avenue.
animal, the teacher sought to prompt CANAL ZONE them Mr. JE Brien Agent for Now, Tommy, she said, turning to Red Tank and Paraiso, who will the boy at the bottom of the class, come receive news for publication and what does your father all your mother?
Job Printing Garn came in the reply: You can Mr. Perey Holder Agent for Ga kid me that an old cat!
tun who is authorised to receive all communications for publica tion and job printing He Now Sal, didn you promise at Nr. Rs. Crawford, corner Sth the altar to love, honor, and obey me and Street, Colon.
She Goodness knows what promised, was only listening to hear what you promised Lessons Given on the Clarinet. The leading Dr. CONNELL Band Instrument. Band or Orchestra furnished for all SURGEON DENTIST kinds of engagements. NEILSON Can be found at 175 Clarinetist Republican Band Central Avenue Ancon Phone 836B 16th St. West, House 37, Panama Opposite Station WATCH? hand a complete WATCHES and JEWELRY ausby officers ADVERTISE The WORKMAN NEWSPAPER will help you to keep your goods turning and bring good results This paper is (read by all West Indians from Panama to Colon, and othese West Indians. comprise the bulk of the spending community on the Isthmus.
OUR ADVERTISING TERMS ARE MODERATE Call Phone 454, and we will take your ORDER or call on YOU JOB PRINTING every description executed with neatness and despatch.
of WE PRINT FROM BUSINESS CARD TO POSTER Ruling and Book Binding Form a New Branch to the WORKMAN Printerv Why throw aside VALUABLE BOOKS that can be replaced in these times, when you can have them neatly rebound at the Workman Printery Central Ave. Cor. St.


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