p. 8


The Stupendous and Fascinating Picture DAUGHTER OF THE GODS FOX PRODUCTION Featuring the World Famous Swimmer ANETTE KELLERMAN. Staged in the Island of Jamaica The 1, 100. 000 dollar picture. 20, 218 people took More than 200 Mirimaids. Beautiful Dancing Girls.
part in this wonderful production. Beautiful Scenery.
Luxurious settings.
1, 209 Jamaican Children are shown in the scene.
Do not fail to See this Fine Work of Art.
See our Programs Cricket.
sociation out for 26. The only other double figure The Pickwicks of today are the Garrison HUMOR OPEN FORUM CANAL ZONE NOTES for Standard was Hector 14. Batting of last season, and we are wondering if for Britannica Croney made 33, they are going to fight for last place Mother Coming into the kitchen(Continued from Page 5)
Connell 28 and Hill 13. Thomas again this year. As this game was play. Johnny what are you doing in bere Oh!
Continued from page took wickets for 34, Burton for 2, ed in the country we have not got all the was just wondering mother Wonderand Hector for For Standard, top scorer with 25 runs to his credit.
Charles for 13, Thomas for 19 particulars of it, but Blackman was Oh! was just wondering, if those Tarts been brought about by the mem who stimulated life a little in this dising. What were you wondering shout much vexation and pain, have not Agard made 25 not out and Hector on the shelf were worth while swiping: bers of the United Brotherhood triet. The music was not the sort orof Maintenance of Way Employ dered but yet it rendered some very up 14. Best captured Standard wickets for 21 runs, Hill for 23, Holford Games for To morrow ees and Railway Shop Laborers to date pieces.
of Colon. And be it further re1 for 15. Scores: Britannica 80, StandCredit must be given the promoters ard 65.
Standard vs. Pickwick at Standard solved that we the members of of the dance and our energetic secretary An Illustration.
the organization experience keen Mr. Small, for the accomodation reVincentian vs. Red Tenk at Bishop ober, spoke of the word betide. Give me brother for the unfortunate ar City who so ably assisted in making the Teacher. Now, Tommie, you remem regret and sympathy with our dered to the visitors from the Windy Miguel Defeats Pickwicks Hollow.
a sentence with the word betide in it.
rest he has undergone, and also dance a success.
Pedro Miguel defeated the Pickwick Pedro Miguel vs. British Guiana at Tommie. The dog came into the the undue disgrace that has been associated with his name, house to be tied We McKennon, attended a very im. at Empire last Sunday by 66 rune, Paraiso.
also believe that the wounds portant meeting at LaBocs on Saturthat have been inflicted are pain day night last for the benefit of the silful BRITISH OFFICIAL WAR PICTURES ones, and sincerely hope that ver Employees at this district.
time, the real disposer of justice, mill erase from his name said Colon are employed at this town, the Quite a number of young ladies from Britannics Defeat Standard shame which caused by arrest, and that the fair name of this morning train which reaches here at gentleman Brother L, Allen, certatnly brings a large crowd which The Gittens Cup Season opened last is the property for United Bro shows that Gatun is one of the best secSunday with, two games, one at Empire therhood of Maintenance of Way for servants can be found.
Votions on the lines where employment and the other on Standard Oval On Employees and Railway Shop the Standard Oval the Britannics met Laborers, and is to be kept by the Rev. Nightengale, of Panama and defeated Standard by 15 said Brother Allen or any Church will conduct the mid day serviruns, There had been rain all Saturday part thereof, and delivered in ces at this district commencing from night as well as a great part of Sunday whole or in part to the Grand to morrow (Sunday) 25th inst. in place and the ground was in none too good a Secretary Treasurer of the As of Rev. Cooper from Colon.
condition The wicket was thoroughly In view of our conti A, La Beach, was a pleasant visitor soaked, indeed it was so wet, that at one dence in Brother Allen, and to his family at Pamma during the past time it was thought there would have knowing that he has acted in week be reports his wife and family are ould have been no game. Nevertheless there being good faith toward us, we, the un enjoying the tropical air at the Pacitia Ben dersigned hereby petition the no other game on in town, hundreds of end fans begs gathering around the field, court for his release, so that he and at last, the two umpires Holder may depart for the United good time is in store for those who and Coulthrust thought that the States of America as speedily as intend coming out on the last Thursday game could be played. little after possible.
evening when the Silver Employees will hold their regular Semi Concert. Several m, the coin was spun and Hector, Signed the captain of Standard having won de songs, recitations, jokes, and speech eided to send Britannie to the bat. StanE. BRIDGE, GEORGE making will be on hand, also that melodard had a really powerful looking team, CATERSON, CRICK, Already this young lady has the indious voice of Miss Muriel Richards.
it was thought that SPENCE, SMITH, fuence over Gatun popular young ladies.
would have had no chance against them SPENCE especially as in the two first overs delivA very important meeting took place ered by Thomas and T, Burton, four at the Colored Club Hall on Tuesday of Britannie wickets fell for one run.
night 20th inst, when our Secretary Croney now came to the wickets and Treasurer and Vice, gave an address on he had made two runs he gave an the Labour Maintenance Union Society.
easy chance to Critchlow at point Each and everyone heard that the travelwhich was not taken, and Croney showed ing Investigator was placed under arrest his thankfulness for the life granted him and a representative body from this disby driving Thomas to the on honndary Scenes in Sandbag. Venice. It will be noticed that the beautiful marble trict was sent over to investiga e the for four, and again for six Connell who in which the majority of the Lawas playing a purely defensive game steps and staircase are all sandbagged.
bours at this town are members. good tried to lift Thomas, but in attemptreport was brought back therefore everying the hit he gave an easy chance to one need not be alarmed, everything is Thompson at long off which was dropworking with a good intention towards ped. The result was Connell was not the Labour Union proposition.
got rid of until the tenth wicket felt when he was clean bowled by Thomas for 28 runs. He gave not less than five Where the Workchances during his innings, but on the whole he butted well and forcefully. BRANDON BANK)
Croney after giving two more chances was clean bowled with a full pitch by Hector fer 33. He played a hitting game and succeeded thanks to the poor catehThe Workman. Newspaper ing of the Standard The BritanPANAMA (FOUNDED 1868)
COLON nics completed their innings for 80 runs, can be had at the Medical Hall, foot of Calidonia Bridge, and many were the bets made that Standard uld still win the game. We Our large Resources and well known Osborne, agent, who is also authorized to receive communicathink one mistake made by the skipper of the Standard was to roll the conservative Management afford untions, advertisements, matter for publication and Job Printing.
ground after Britannie had completed questioned security for every dollar Miss Forbes St. near St their innings: as it helped the ball to cut Thomas Hospital, through easily, whereas, while Britannic deposited with this bank.
was batting the balls were lagging and Mr. Fuller jewelry Store, 122 gave the batsmen chance to hit even Central Avenue.
good length balls. None of the Standard CANAL ZONE great bats came off, and it was rather Mr. Brien Agent for disappointing to see men like John General Banking Business Transacted Red Tank and Paraiso, who will Charles, Bertie Thomas, Thomas; receive news for publication and Burton, and Hector making a proJob Printing ISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON VI. BRANDON Dession to and from the wickets. Hector, President.
Vice President.
Mr. Percy Holder Agent for Gawe think, threw his play away rather tun who is authorised to receive foolishly and did not prove himself the all communications for publica experienced cricketer he is. Agard tion and job printing.
played a good innings for Standard, going Nr. Crawford, corner sth in Ist wicket down and bringing his bat and Street, Colon.
and it Britannics when he brauch in SEE THE PANAMA BANKING COMPANY Workman man can be Had SECURITY for good Rubber Stamps


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