
HB WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1910 PAGB FİYE Canal Zone Notes e British Coasulate Notices effect, injury of greatly is to crust, that 23rd inst.
in to rent shall and advocate made a hunt might.
and reasoning, who were only a short scheme which calls for a million time ago cereles and semingly in dollars, but there are thousands assistant Sanitary Inspector re exceedingly charming carrying state of complete inectivity, These of Negroes who can each afford sides, can be found every Sun a lovely bunch of white roses thoughtful and reasoning people are yet to put 100, and thus raise the day Monday and Friday nights, amidst evergreen ferns, The British Consulate Office ip the minerity: there are not enough of amount required to make the LA BOCA.
Baptist these thoughtful and seasoning people de telle meetings, these meet while the bridegroom wore. Negro independent of ings draw a small attendance cheerful smile on his counten) would be glad to know of the the white, The great problem before us is how can or yellow man boats, so ten Ascension Day.
but and ance until they left the church. whereabouts of Richard Rose we arouse the great multitude of people thousand Negroes, desirous of say where two or three are beautiful reception was given man who was heard of in 1917 especially the working clue to a sense putting the scheme into Ascension Day was observed gathered there will the heavenly of the duty which they owe to themselves come forward with 100 each and at St. Peter Church as usual father be in the midst, render at the bride and bridegroom when he was employed by a hearts are residence, 6th street Colon where local steamship Co. when it to their loved ones, and human society form a company with a capital of on Thursday. The services were your of as follows. Communion Service garments.
not your they will reside until Mr. Ed. was stated that he was injured in general? How can they be induced to a million dollars, each 100 being at o clocka. tn. and evening wards can secure a think, to reason, to act?
counted as one share of stock, songs and sermon at 30 How can we teach them that tho world and said to be the par value of the services were conducted by out what is the matter with the making his residence owing Information is required by his Operators wants to find place at Gatun where he expects through a fall on steamer.
in one great household and though peoples the stock.
the Rector, Rev. Mulcare. cricket teams on the two ends of to his work at the above named relatives at Trinidad, British and races may be separed by kods and At the end of a year, the net the Isthmus; since this team de Clubhouse.
West Indies.
seas, by climate and fenvironment, that profits amounting to 200, 000 feated St. Martin c. C; it Sunday School Rally.
Among the guests were The British Consulate Atill all human beigns are more cor lene de and divided by 10, 000, giving seems as if all other Clubs have Francis. Huie, Mr. and Mrs.
each. the 20 as the on every Sunday School Rally was taken cold feet but house tiver Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. would be glad of any inforof one should be the amoe of vested and thus The Black held in the Wesleyan Church on says ice water can be found on Cover, and several others from mation regarding the whereall. How can we get our people to un Star Line pays dividends of 20 the evening of the 27th. The the building.
abouts of Miss Ida (or Ada)
derstand that so long wee shiveklere on stock at par value. Rally was preceded by songs Som Concert From Colon Miss Popkin, Edwards who is required to naine unbroken just so long will the Believing that every underpaid and soles, recitations and diaMessrs. Grant and Mo call at that office.
worker clearly understands that School childen and others. logues rendered by Sunday berty of the reet of us be in every 100 share of stock in the picnic was planned for Friday place at the Colored Club. on From Panama Mr. Dyatt and The Semi Concert which took lington. and Mrs. Fletcher How can this great body body of work The whereabouts of the more women bei ou phat to realine bank or following persons are reLa love the most condamned beboernoona profit of 40 in a year, now Me Battles of the Chorrillo Bap interesting in tam potentiese of contenendo winda tho quired at the British Conone tear roll down the cheats of morto call the attention of my readers tist Church acted as Chairman. portant addres; our usual were tendered to the bride Panama:PO teacher from of so long as one bustand er father glad wishes for a happy sulate General Office in Diman to the. spends his earnings for drink while his e his dends of 40 belongs to the Netrict Chairman took his seal and and little ones cry for for bread, and that one groes who cultivate the bananfamily site down to a feastwhile a thow as, and loaded the ship.
other come certainly atly ALEATHA THOMPSON, ans of Le Blanca per fer meme di sintettele poolest er til proved gratulations on the new stop in marriage life. Mr rand other families with to Mr. Edwards ELIZABETH BUCKNOR, there is something radically wrong and defy the United Fruit Com tably at a concert which took he was held up with sickness.
was a bachelor of house five, ALEX. EDWIN FRASER, The songs, recitations, jokes therefore everyone will look that they should buckle on their armor, pany to look the unbiased public place at Saint Anthony Hall, ADELIA MCINTYRE, get in line and stay there am sering to equally in the face and say that Calidonia road, last Saturday and various addresses which toru can DUNCAN LEWIS, This concert was under were rendered by our popular forward and see that house tivo you my fellow employe that the great the dividend of 40 is wholly its night.
Which JAMES HENRY. 1995: lever that will lift the silver empk vyes of own, especially when the public the auspices of the Odd Fellows young ladies and men show that will be the next let s, hear from the Panama Canal to a higher plane of knows thal the men who ti se Lilly of Paraiso Mr. Dudley Gatan is not behind the time you soon house five, and then house 57 will know there will be Brown Set at Liberty.
thought and action and cause them to soil and load the ships never eat and his coleagues intended xiv. with the goods.
realise the great responsibility that resta three square meals a day. ing a concert in the La Boca moving day in Gatun when seeClub House in the near future.
upon them and their duty they we to in the whole of five joining the Quite a large number of our benedict line.
To all those who have exploit (Continued from Page 1)
humanity is education ed, and still are exploiting the residents journeyed over to According te rumours at the time do not mean the college brand of Negro, say. Come now ye Mr. Neely, now Secretary Cokin on Saturday night last, the Brown two associates seemed education that that teaches its abus dents rich men, weep and bowl for of the Cristobal paid Juvenilo Society had their ban.
to have satisfied the Colon police Latin and Grook but fails to kerch them your miseries that are coming a visit to this end on Wednesday quet at Golon, which caused this Church Services. authorities that they were not how to respect an honest working unan. upon you. Behold the hire of 27th.
in the deal and the responsibility But that kind of education that teaches the labourers who mowed your wishers were all very pleased to windy city.
was cast on Brown and he was its students that Goodness is greater than fields, which is by you kept back see him. Mr. Neely and his consequently detained in custody Grammar, that Honour is greater than by fraud, crieth out and the wife will be leaving the 1sthmus Miss Luna Meike and Miss St. Peter Church, La Boca: until The circumstances attendant. They will sail on Lena Badro went shopping at et character is more to be entered into the ears of the Lord Sunday.
Colon on Thursday evening 27th 6, 30 a, Holy Communion on his liberation state that on sherished than Chemistry. No man is of Sabbath. How 11 a. Matins with Sermon. Lord, instant and took the same oppor long his securing the service of Law truly educated who is unwilling to be exploited, GATUN tunity to call on several of their Rendition of New Church, yer Lavergne his case was imto the other man the same ripre and Leason replies, until friends and acquaintances.
Committee after Matins mediately gone into with the reprivileges that he clai he claims for his world, they are organized. No longer p. Sunday School.
sult that his soon as the working class is willies to wait and mumur not. but rather to must we sing. Wait meekly Song Service.
Wedding Bells. 30 m, Men Bible Class.
motion to the Supreme Court to The discuse their prejudices and frokom in wait the effect that the case agaiust vestigate for themselves the quest inno of Work while it is day, and fight place at the silver Club on Sun Mr. Marcus Edwards, well 30 Choral Evensong his client had no criminal aspect economics, government, nature and the goud fight with all the day evening last, was conducted known and popular tailor em and Sermon.
whatsoever and therefore could health, then will the star of hope by our Catechist Laurie:ployed at the Gold Club at this Rey Mulcare, Rector. not be entertained; that if there In the name of the race which who gave a the horizon, then will come the data of a lengthly lecture towa was given into marriage on was charge at all it true was a civl one which could only alime that he is the brother of every geometry, beseech you to Or Jesus) young men and maidens Colon. they both hail from one manhood when every man will. te gave to mankind the science of subject was (Stand up stand for Saturday evening May, 24th inst St. Alban s, Paraiso: be taken up by the parties who other man, regardless of ereed or tan ganize! Organize. Organize. shie is your chance do not allow claimed to have been defrauded and strive to usher in such a joyous ca. a. Holy Communion W, STOUTE of the money. After due conevil doings to prevent you at Island of Immaica and owing to Brother employe if can induce jimas tending services it makes the the esteem and respect in which 11 a. Holy Eucharist and sideration the Court agreed with Sermon.
of you who who ate groping in darkneme Empire Lawyer Lavergne and Brown to fomake the error of your way and was set at liberty after being feel lighter and a bright shining church was packed to witness 12 Noon Holy Baptism come out into the sunlight of resan and ADVERTISE IN smile for those whom you come in the ceremony.
confined for eleven months. p. Sunday School contact with in your everyday common senee and make a stand for Precisely at pm the Rev.
Brown called in at this office p. Confirmation Class.
that whieh is right and just, say if T. Parker, tied the nuptial knot calling a few days ago and although Workman.
can induce just benighted man or woman 30 Evening Song and seemingly serene he is not all in the presence of Mr. Elijah On the little road wbich leads Francis who aeted as best man addresses.
to do this, shall be well repaid for me IT PAYS towards the District Quarter and Miss A, Popkin who was all satisfied with losing his liberRev. Nightengale rector. ty for 11 months minus the labour in this briel message to you. Having gotten glimpe of the benefit of one cent of the light myself, feel it my duty to do my Isrge snm of money collected 16 httle bits by using every honourable the time.
99 SC method to lead or pursuade my fellow beings to open their eyes and broke the Christlan Mission Hold chains that bound them heretofore.
The matter is left with you, but before close shall tell you why have (Communicated)
the United Brotherhood of Maintainance of Ways Employes and Railway On Sunday morning last, the. am beach at Bella Vista presented afraid to line up with my fellow workpot my fellow York workers, quite a solemn feature, when 88 a and make an honest demand for that persons was baptized by the Elder which is ours by heritage. Because Frank Wilkins, Pastor of the Christian Mission. It inust be opposed to filth and ignorance and is in favour of health and knwledge. Becremembered that the above cause think more of honest heart named organization is a wellunder a ragged shift than do a blockorganized body with large and head with a bank account.
growing branches Paraiso, and Gatun at the Banca Because a union man is never disresZone, also in pected by any one, because in union in both cities of Pana ma and there is strength in strength there is Colon, and in the District of Chorillo. There are also knowledge, in knowledge there is health and in health there is happiness, and all outstanding branches in Cuba, sensible people want to be happy San Andres, BuenavenR. San Blas Coast, Thanking you Mr. Edifor.
in several West Indian in remain yours truly, Islands, including Barbados, and also in British Guiana. BOWEN.
The ElecThe beach was thronged with tric Iron is useu tospectators who in spite of.
threatening weather, witnessed Bow Long Shall Nagrogs B: day in thousards of the testimony of discipleship to homes. Have you bought one the lowly Nazarene by condecension to be buried wtih Him in Expbloited.
yourself the waters of Baptism and risen to walk with Him in the newness From Thursday Star and Years ago, baptism by immerHerad. we learn that Represension was looked on by some as a tative Fitokerald of Massachureligious whim, and many scar setts, after declaring be ore Congress, that the high cost of castic and reproach ful remarks bana were burled at those who did it nas in the United States is But as years roll on the imrank outrage due to the mono polistic control of its importa habitants of Panama (the first tion by the United Fruit Com Call and ask about these Christian Republic in South America) are growing wiser, and pany, further informed his hear ers that the company had paid Liberal Terms.
thus have learned to look on dividends of 40 on stock ut par such religious observances with all the awe and solemnity that value. shall pause to give my such functions demand. The readers a practical understand behavieur of the spectators on ing of what is meant by paying 40.
whole was good, the candidates dividends of The Universal Negro Improve occupying the old building Phone 602 Phone 150 named as The Paloma for, disment Association, with the loyal and fearless Negro Marcus Gar vey at its wishes to season, the candidates journeyed to establish a stea mship to be known as over to their Hall in Star Line, which Street, where further rites were shall be owned and run by Ne observed, feeling justified that Sta. Ana Plaza, Panama.
Bolivar Street, Colon.
their baptism was not for the even if he is able, is willing to putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good furnish enough money to SNC cessfully finance the great conscience towards God. Pet.
3, 21.
joined the ture, No more discomfort bending over a hot stɔve, no fumes as from other irons. You can iron anywhere that there is a lamp a socket.
The handle is always cool and will not burn or blister lost in changing Irons. It stays hot as long as wanted.
No time lost in waiting for irons to heat and no steps of life.
head: Compañía Panameña de Fuerza y Luz Colan Electric Ice Supply Co. The groes. Now, no one Negro,

    Working Class

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