
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1919 Premier Lloyd George Gets Cordial Reception.
Branch of National City Bank of New York.
WE pleased YOU before Pleasing YOU yet And always will Our Motto: Purity ing to pred the thiPearce con activ ties at the Tobce said: who are 14 Terno THE MEDICAL HALL Confidence Rod for its work, sprung into. AND cieman having been appointedner THE STORE that everybody PATRONIZE Satisfaction in the time THE BIJOUE that is Ice Cream Factory difficulon the On Returning from Peace To Be Established at Conference.
Trinidad. late despatch from London Will Conduc cneral Banking states that on returning to London from the Peace Conference in Business France, Mr. Lloyd Googre, the British Premier met with a corThe Gazette of the 29th ulto, dial reception on entering the says:House of Commons, and in replyprevlous criticisms of his We, yesterday, hnd he pleasure of meeting Mr. Pa Widmer.
who has come down from New ference York as Manager of the branch for all was still full of perils of the National City Buik, which He pleaded that those is to be started it tid, on are trying to do their best, be left June 1st in our city. Mr. Widmer alone. No conference in history, said Parisian but spent many the Premier, had been faced with probyears in Saskatchewan, Canada of such variety, complexity, magni before taking up a position with tude gravity. The Congress of the corporation he now re preVienna which was the nearest approach sents. He is accompanied by his to it, took cleven months for its as also Messrs. Wells but that Congress, sank into insigniffaster and Williams. the latcance ormpared with what had been set.
tled by this Conference. After referrter two being part of the staff.
ing to the world wide axtent of the war He expects Mr. Ramsay (a the Premier said that new States bad Trinidadian) from Santiago de wowo Cuba, about May 15th this en existence, some of of them Independent. some semi independent and some that might be protectorates, and sietant Manager, Mr.
expresses the opinion that comalthough their boundaries might not be defined, some indication of them must mercial men have become more impressed with this colony, than be given. The time spent by the Peace ever could have been owing to the Conference in framing the League of excellent consular reports which Nations plan saved them instead of are regularly forwarded to the wasting it, Mr. Lloyd George declared, as the League would provide a means of State Department in Washington, adjustment These iilaninating repolts re.
of possible errors would lating tv Trinidad Trade possirather leave Russia Bolshevik until they bilities are distributed broadcast sce their way out of it rather than see and as the population of one Great Britain landed in bankruptcy hundred million require all the was one of the Premier declarations, things which is produced here. It is not true that the United States and Europe have been at variance. the (Continued on page 8)
Premier declared. He deprecated at tempts to sow dissension among the del egates. In bis reference to League Friendly Societies Direciory of Nations, Mr. Lloyd George said, the conference might have taken more but for the faet that it was setting up machinery capable of readjusting Bolivar St. Colon General meet. Hall; 2nd and 4th Mondays and 2nd Court Brock No, 6725, Guiding Star Lodge, No. 2322, Druids and correcting posible mistakes and ings ist, and 3rd, Wednesdays Secty Saturday. Secty. Mrs. Esther Fleteher, is why the League ague of Nations in Samuel Crawford, stead of wasting time saved time, be Anoon Box 1036.
Court Land, No. 8448, added. The conference bad to ſhorten Land Hall Higino St, San Miguel Britain Pride Lodge, No. 2343; 2nd its labours continued the Premier, be General meetings 1st. and 3rd ThursDruids Hall, 20 St.
yause while it was trying to build in days Secty George Alleyne, Ancon and 4th Fridays.
in C, Central Avenue. Secty. William Bensmany lands the foundation of society, ksn, Anoon, Box.
was tumbling to the dust, Nh body of Court John Wallace No. 9111. mes worked harder or in better harmony 24th St. Guachapali General Rising Star Juvenile Lodge, No. 2341; than the Peace Conference, he asserted, meetings ist, and 3rd Saturdays Secty, 2nd Tuesday each month Secty.
MULLER BUILDING, and he doubted whether any body of Alexander Sanchez, Anoon Headley men ever worked under greater Corner 24th Street tice. Ttones were clattering on Royal Victoria Lodge, No. 2344, Odd Calidonia Road Court Mizpah, No. 9198.
ryof, snd wild men were screaming Morning Star Lodge 24 St Guachapali Fellows Hall, 10 and Bt. Colon.
through the keyboles, while enormous days SectyClaud Vincent Box 328 The Canal Prese, Mt. Hope.
General meetings ist and 3rd. wednes. Alternate Fridays. Beety. Frank Maclean TELEPHONE No. 835 issues depended upon that which re Balbos Heights.
quired calm deliberation. the Premier District Corresponding Secretary, said. He asked for the opportunity Court Minerva No. 9284, O, for seh deliberation for the rest of the Samaritans Hall San Miguel General Thomas Headley, Anoon Box journey which was not at an end. In Sydney McClean, Secretary. Box 866, his reference to the Russian question, Ancon Canal Zone.
Meetings 1st and 3rd Saturdays Secty. 1011.
Superior Lodge, No. of Court the Premier said, reliable information Brock, Bolivar Street, Colon, de showed that while the Bolshevik force Court Paradise No. 9292, 4, 0, F, Regular Convention 2nd and 4th Friday ww apparently growing, Bolsheviem Land Hall San Miguel General nights of each month at p.
iteek was gradually waning, breaking meetings 2nd, Tuesday and 3rd. Satur down before the relentless force of coon day, Secty. Rouges. Balboa Rose Bud of the lethmus Lodge, B, omto facte. of 24th Street, GuachaCourt Pacific, No. 9751 A, O, pali, Merting nights 2nd and 4th MonGroves Hall ist. Ave. La Boca General meetings ist. and 3rd Saturdays in the month. Secretary Adriana France Fittingly Horours days, Armatrading. Box 704, Anoon, visiting our Ice Cream Parlours.
Admiral Beatly.
Pythian Pride Lodge No. I, K, of Loyal Johnathax No. 2841 Loyal Progress Ball Calidonia Regu. 20 st. Cen Ave, General meetings lar Convention 2nd and 4th wednesday 1st Friday and 2nd Wednesday Keeper of Records and Seal Green Grant, Seety, Panama, British Hero Receives Le. Ancon O, Lily of Papar No, 2755 L, 0, A, J, gion of Honour. Panama Star Lodge No. 20 St. Cen. Ave, General meetings and Land Hall San Miguel Encamp and 4th Tuesdays Mr. E, Boyer Seety, Where the Workments 1st. and 3rd. Tuesdays Jarvis Ancon, At Hand of French President. Seribe, Anoon Isthmian Star Lodge, No. 13, meeting man can be Had Loyal Pacific Paris despatch states that ings ist, and 3rd. Thursdays Victor Hall, San Miguel. Secretary o.
Groves Mall La Boca General meet nights 2nd and 4th Saturdays. Loyal (BUCCESSOR TO SIMONS HART)
Admiral Sir David Beatty Hunter Secty. La Boca. Yearwood, Ancon Boxreceived the Grand Cross of Loyal Pride of the Isthmus Lodge, 22 CENTRAL AVENUE The Workman Newspaper the Legiocs of Honour from 21 St. Central Avenue, Star of the Isthmus Lodge No. 2168 can be bad at the Medical Hall, President Poincaire at General meetings every two weeks Grand United Order of Odd Fellow foot of Calidonia Bridge, the Palace of the Elysee on Wed (wednesdays) wm. Lawrence, regular meeting nights 2nd and 4th Osborne, agent, who is also aunesday The Admiral was ac Secty, Box 806, Anoon Tuesday. Secretary Wilkinson Headquarters for Family Groceries and General Supplies thorized to receive communica companied by Lady Beatty and Loyal Progress No. 8, Box 411, Panama.
tions, advertisements, matter for zumber of Britsh naval officers. Caledonia General meeeings 2nd Household of Ruth No. 961 publication and Job Printing. Potcaire in bis address said: Tuesdays and Saturdays Blades Miss Forbes St. near St OF Convening nights Monday each Tam happy to have this occa Seety, Box 974 Ancon.
READY TO SERVE Thomas Hospital, sion of expressing the congratu: Loyal Ionica, No. 12, M, month; Worthy Recorder Martyn tions of the French Republic to 24th St, Guachapali General meetings Box 198 Panama.
things for luncheon, tes and Mr. Fuller jewelry Store, 122 you all. Gentlemen, let me ask Ist, and 3rd, Mondays. F, RallonThe Panama Canal Lodge No. 1410, dessert are housewives modern Central Avenue.
you to convey them to the stat Buckner, Secty. Ancon o.
and crews of the British Navy, St, Mitchell Lodge No, 30, 1, 0, United Brotherhood of Maintenance of labor savers. No furry or chagCANAL ZONE who made such a glorious contri: San Mamedeveral ding List a borera. Regular cei yns socond and. Samaritan Hall Os Way Employees and Railway Shop rin when nnexpected visitors ar Mr. Brien Agent for rive, no worry about or work to Red Tank and Paraiso, who will particularly and 3rd Wednesdays Martin Secty fourth Fridays each month at Grovela wish to offer my warmest con Anoon, O, receive news for publication and gratulations to Sir David Beatty.
Hall, LA Boea prpeare a dainty moal at a minJob Printing Future Hope No. 2104 0.
who had command of the battle 20 St, Cen, Aveneral meetings Isi Isthmus of Panama Lodge No 3151, JORLDWRNED BARN ate notice. If you want to see Mr. Perey Holder Agent for Gacruisers and all the forces en end 3rd Mondays, be Puggles Seoty. United Brotherhood of Maintensnoe of these modern food products at tan who is authorised to receive gaged in the splendid actions of Box 1061, Ancon Way Employees and Railway Shop Lethe best visit all communications for publica Heligobond and the Dogger Bank Loyal Johnathan No. Daughter No, borers, Regular cessions first and third tion and job printing.
who was the hero in the combat 2758, L, 0, A, S, 20 stce sa vo Mondays each month at St. Anthony Nr. Crawford, corner 8th meetings Tuesday and 3rd ol Jutland. In making you, Sir, a cursday, Williams Secty Hall, Caledonia Road.
Grand Cross of the Legion of Anoon THIS GROCERY and Street, Colon, Honour, France is doing honoor Star of Chorillo, No. 635 to all who have served under you.
Lily of Paraiso Lodge No. 8714, meeting nights 2nd Tuesday Grove Hall, La Boca, Merting and 3rd Thursday each month, Secretary nights 2nd and 4th Thursday each month. A. Samaris Ancon Post Odce.
Lessons Given Ladies, Listen! Secretary Fits Bowen, Box 701: AnPerseverance Lodge, No. 129, Forget It con, Canal Zone Druids Hall, 20 St. Central Aveme.
Visiting Ireland one time, Sir.
George: What sort of a girl on the Clarinet, the leading Before getting your new Royal Primrose Lodge, G, o. of Meeting nights, 1st and 8rd Wedecedaya would you marry?
Band Instrument. Band or meeting nights every Tuesday San And 3rd Saturday. Per. Seety. Walter Scott paid an Irishman a Hat give a call at No. 22 Miguel Clarke Secretary. Brown, Ancon Bok 1811. shilling for some little service in Hal: blind Belle of course. Orchestra furnished for all mistake for sixpence.
George: Why. Street, opposite the kinds of engagements Remember you owe me six. Hal: Because won have to National Institute.
pence, Pat, said Sir Walter.
worry about the big bills for tea NEILSON May your honour live till pay gowns and ball dresses and such Clarinetist Repuluhana Band You will hear the rest when yoa, replied Put with a roguish items as theatre and movie ticle Anoon twinkle in his eye.
Phono 1008 you come.
16th St. West, Howa 37, Padat Ice Cream of the very besł quality manufactured ORDERS DELIVERED ANY PART OF THE CITY Special attention paid to all patrons SIMONS am CAN BEEF Read The Workman ets.


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