
PAGE SEVEN liam II gured by her husband blows.
Berlin despatches by way of Zurich on February said that Frederick William bad instituted proceedings for divorce but ho there have been no further reports on the case. Phe former crown Ceci e were maried in June, 1905.
The pair have five children, the youngest having been born in 1915. The former crown Prince is now in exile in Holland. His family has remained at Potsdam.
The former Grand Duchess Ahastasie was a Grand Duchess in Russia before her marriage.
Since the war she has been living in Switzerland. Sbe renounced her German nationality and renewed her allegiance to Russia late in 1904.
but is a pompt lover THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1919 Germa? rown Prince Challenge to Duel for Calling play actor and to the same time one of rulers JUST OPENED Kaiser Coyard without personal courage. Such is Wil.
Brutality to Wife It was this last indictment in the for The Chemical Hall AGED GENERAL ENRAGED AT midable array of weakness that moved Grand Duchess Tells of PAN GERMAN SLUR ON the shivalrous old general to send a 122 Central Ave. Panama Mer Daughter Unbappy WILHELM challenge to Hoensbeech who still pro(noar lato Continental Bank)
fesses himself monarchist and even Lite with Crown Prince true For insults heaped upon ex Kaiser rejects William II ss krave digger of to the Hohenzollern dynasty, but BROWNE McALMON, Prop Wilble Coupt Hoegsbroech, well known Germsgy and the rotted wie on the ONCE TRIED TO YLEE GERMANY.
pan German and political writer and Hohenzollern free which it is his duty to large assortment of DRUGS and CHEMICALS Zurich despatch states that the lecturer, was recently challenged to poup of. New York World.
forber German Crown Princess duel by General Von Plesson, but the PATENT MEDICINES ve has taken steps to divorce Count refused to fight according to the TOILET WATERS, PERFUMERIES, SOAPS her hnsband, Frederick William. Lokal Anzieger.
according to a statement given Von Pleason, who is 73 years old, was Dr. CONNELL to Swiss newspaper by the for for many years the Kaiser adjuntant mer Grand Duchess Anastasie of SURGEON DENTIST Mecklenburg Schwer! n, me the former Crown Princess. Adication and Flight.
mother general. What excited Von Pless s Prescriptions carefully compounded a pamphlet William Seeond Can be found at 175 BROWNE The statement says that it long DAVIDSON Central Avenue In this Hoenbroech drew the following has been the desire of Cecile to character sketch of the ex Kaiser; He Opposite Station Druggist Drugglt Phone 939 divore her husband, the presure of the Hohenzollern bom superficial, slangy, vain autocratic family up to this time had pre seriousness. entirely given to externals, money proud, without ADVERTISE IN vented her from carrying is ont despiser of humanity without capacity The Workman for fren Duchess charges Frederick Wil NEED. We always have on Tiain with cruelty to his wife, petty worshiper of a petty self without Any grandeur of charaeter, power and IT PAYS saying: SAWATCH hand a complete On one occasion sometime line of reliable ago the situation became so un low priced my daughter actually fled from her home. She Sailings for Bocas alunost succeeded in reaching Switserland CAUGHT AT THE FRONTIER Launch ALBA Give us a call before going elsewhere.
Orders were sent from Berlin You are sure to be on time if your to intercept her and she was cap tored at the German frontier like WATCH was repaired by US.
Leaves Colon for Bocas del Toro a common criminal and taken to Berlin under arrest REMEMBER WE MAKE WEDDING RINGS AND OTHER My daughter will be able u Every Tuesday.
place before the German cour JEWELRY TO ORDER overwhelming evidence against her busband and will be Taking Freight Passengers prove many instances of the grossest cruelty against him For Further Particulars Apply to His intidelities were numerous FULLER is the MAN you want to see.
and there is abundant proof of thew. His brutality was atro122 CENTRAL AVENUE cious. On more than one occa sion any daughter was treated 25 BOTTLE ALLEY Phone 325 COLON Corner 22nd Street, Panama, Phone 939 with actual violence. Sie was bruised and her face was disti.
Marshall Haig University Rector. Londan telegram dated May 16, states that Field Marshall Haig has been installed as Rector of St. Andrews University. In his speech of acceptance, be said that if a repibearable that WATCHES and JEWELRY tion of the catastrophe of a Woria able to war, we must be prepared to ac.
tively prevent the seeds of future armed conflict. Among the more obvious possibilities of strife, was the problem known as the Yellow Peril. The Chinese must even demand a place in the European Labour Market. India was beginning to turn towards social industrial and political de.
velopment He suggested that the solution was to British freedom and justice, thereby in the course of many years, levelling them up to our standards of life. The League of Nations could never absolve us from our mission as an Empire.
give all races CARLOS HENRIQUEZ ADVERTISE The WORKMAN NEWSPAPER will help you to keep your goods turning and bring good results This paper is (read by all West Indians from Panama to Colon, and these West Indians comprise the bulk of the spending community on the Isthmus.
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