
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 1919 Sad Case of Drowning BE IN FASHION Latest fun IN CIGARETTES sich The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of ourrights JUNIUS Smoke the little Byron CREATION TIME Are Superior to all Others Sold Everywhere 15c. Gold Per package FINE AT family.
be our wellhad to strenons trenn stick to it iveness co can THE WORKMAN BLITHESOME BOY DIES)
Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applicaLast Saturday, when little WALROND, at the oftice Central Avv. tion. Correspondence on all matters Byron Finzi, un of the wellnue and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest sited known proprietor of the City de All copy for polication must be Pharmacy, Mr. John Finzi, if PO Box 74. Panama written on one side of paper only, and Jamaics, and his elder brother in RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the oame of company with a friend went to the Blue waters of Bella Vista: One Year 82. 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publication but as a mark of good faith.
little did he know that he was Six Months 20 have his last in ti ti is paradok Three We not undertake to return ical world Nordid lle 25e One rejected correspondence.
IOther and busy father have the slightest idea that they would be called upon to part with dear little Byron, so early and in so SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 1919 tragic a way Arriving on the beach the little youngsters undressed and were The Science and sense of Union.
playing on a slippery rhen fell and wis washed inward to the sea by a rece. it Now that the Local Lodges of the United Brotherwave. This occurred someline hood are meeting such general success in their increased after five in the evening and it enrollments of members, it would not be out of place to wasn until long after seven o clock that the body was found take up, in a specific way, the question of union which has by a search party comprised of so completely impregnated the atmosphere of the industrial Messrs Lewis, Turpin and Sandworld and is commanding such overwhelming attention ford.
here and everywhere.
The sad news cast a gloom over the family and circle of friends It is unnecessary to say that organization is the only as well as on the general public antidote to cornering of capital, for this is observed with from whom many tokens of sym very little effort to discern it. The capitalist looks through pathy and expressions of condoa microscope at his assets and takes months to decide lence were made to the bereaved whether he can afford to increase the wage of the laborer The funeral services were and still keep in the safety vault the millions which he beld Sunday afternoon at hopes that neither himself nor his great grand children o clock and the body was laid will ever be able to disburse; and the only thing that will rest in the Hererra Cemetery in sox make him think decently is to break his microscope and the presence of a large gathering of friends.
make him hustle up when squinting at the debit side of Whis account book.
tion against colored seamen. business and sensible talk.
This, organized labor has succeeded in doing in many Editorialettes.
We are neither speculating Let have all of it; that countries, and can continue to do whether the capitalist nor guessing when we say what we are here for. We did be an iron clad trust company, a bigoted corporation or a Alcock Did it.
All is in readiness for the high.
quasi governmental arrangement. But organization in that the color question in the not come here on a picnic or class Sacred Concert which will Leaving the New World in United Kingdom is an import: to chase possums; we came afternoon, June 22nd, at three tomorrow (Sunday)
order to be effective must lead to union, and union is both scientific and sensible. To prate about organization with a Vimy Vicker aeroplane Al ed evil. It came from across here to get a living and that o clock, by the members of the out knowing what it means and how to go about it is cock, the British Aviator flew, the Atlantic at the same time what we are after, just now.
assienna Wesleyan Church Choir like a slacker singing a battle hymn in the jungles.
by some of SO The science of union is a subject of transcendental across the Atlantic (which ed there and synchronous known artists. The choir hay Doings of the Just to make very importance in the labor movement. Any one who at Hawker too would have done with Yankee Doodle.
live is efforts to overcome the Continued from Paye tempts to organize on the principle of zeal without know if his machine didn go bad) how long it will but its many difficulties and exisand handicaps met ledge is bound to wreck his ship on the shoals, sooner or through mist and snow and doubtful. morrow will later. It would seem that a few of our local organizers darkness to the coast of Ire tence will depend upon the utes they returned. walked up to with in course of preparation, the thencer indomitamme or wand scow what ante room, while sharp been thinking that the motto of pull together was the saluted the Old World, deliv throughout the British Em glances of the young ladies tell Among the items are selections do.
only prerequisite to a permanent organization, as the his ering messages from across pire. This may be a case of that disappointment was heart rio tory and destiny of their organizaticn are beginning to the seas. The triumph of testing, but the story will a working card could not be from Hadyn celebrated Orato They too, of The Creation as well Science! The achievement of read somewhat different from shown.
Bach and show.
followed, when all were refreshed other famous composers. And mouthful of mere sentimental verbiage may go far a Britisher. The genius of the doleful tales in the West were on the move. The banquet pieces by Gounod, man. When we look at thefern Continent.
They may to witness the Installation of the when it is remembered that the in drawing crowds of credulous supporters to a scheme. Old Union Jack as she floats draw the color, line but we Osticers of Victory Lodge No Profile de des e assistance user that toin the air we bow profoundly can erase it. Who is who?
gether, when the test is applied. The basic principles and salute the colors with the namely, through the ordeals of the see the renovation of the church underlying a genuine union must be of a class that will true English spirit that none Where are you?
eret mysteries to say, nothing allowed to stand in the way windows, nothing should off admit of no suspicion or distrust. If the organizers are but the sons of the Empire. while a small All throughont the Zone remnant hung their heads, in mission is only Twenty five cents of being.
to be scrutinized they must possess, in this cosmopolitan can feel. Hurrah! for old Enmembers community, the qualities of true broadmindedness, un, gland! All glory to her Sailors, and in Panama and Colon the quested to rise, awaiting anxious Gold.
questionable unselfishness and experimental common Soldiers, Statesmen and Air question going around is ly an early opportunity Where are you? The an The selections of the band, and Isthmian League of British men. Hip, hip, Hurrah. They should know a few things, at least. For inswer is generally given with the unaccompanied vocal rendistance. that insularity is destructive and provincialism the password Unionist and tions of the choir were excellent West Indies.
The the exhibition of the blue but resented in design and work Lodge nearly as bad; that railroading. brow beating and color Question in ton. The sentiment has gone manship the touch of mystic bull dozing, are revolutionary; that the people vote and England Imported.
The general monthly of the not the President will is to be recognized; that pussyaround that every silver man hands, far beyond the reach of Panama district of the league like. Much ado has been caused who is not in the Union is a will convene at Hall or two men can strangle a thousand, and that leaders in the West Indies, and here slacker and the women are so when we are to know that the Wesleyan School Room)
should not use the big stick unless they know the game of too, among colored Britishers, planning to issue a decree workmen know not the difference urday 21st a saw and hammer and stand tant matters will be discussed. tonight) very fencing to a over the alleged color line re that all husbands who will as living monuments of credit to these the League Officials of the affecting the vital must be retained, maintained and sustained throughout, ship yards and the discrimina fired. This sounds like good ward bound full of the spirit of pecially. Meeting starts at pm The confidence inspired at the inception of a union cently drawn at the Scottish not join the Union must be the negro race.
The meeting to close, all home. League are asked to attend esThe leaders cannot afford to permit themselves to be organization. the oficers con so please be punctual.
caught way off. they camente now, that we are here as a community of WEST him along and enough confidence in the scheme to rid hire responded in showers of bless is intended to be. This is one Every man in the Union has enough sense tori hide achievements while the clouds incalculable benetit this League gratulating Many persons are not aware of INDIANS and not fragmentary units of insular denomina of suspicion or fear. The women they are great. are ings.
tions. All this constitutes the science of union, and if any behind the men and are wishing that there be no slackers of the most serious, honest, mat.
association has failed or is failing, it is, or will be due to among working men with regard to the Union, and themen ter of fact, stre straightforward orthe selfish advertisement of the veritable ego. and the are learning that it is sweeter charity to earn indepen. At the Cristobal Coloured Club diangor Itse doers are opened to CRISTOBAL. ganizations yet city benefit of West Indepreciation of these basic principles rather than to an dence for one self than to be the recipient of favor from House on Thursday night last most west Indians and other indisposition on the part of West Indians to be led by their those who have this world goods in their absolute there was a mass meeting. The Britishers.
own people. The aims of the association may be good, but possession.
house was filled to its capacity It is none sectarian selfishness can defeat them more easily and more readily and the balcony was also Men who are united need not fear the threats, opposi ed. The men from the principle, and is dominated tion nor suspicions of antagonists no more than do they plant and the longshoremen ali already in existence, or to come, than any other influence, no churchianty nor priest craft.
The United Brotherhood of Maintenance Ways and need to keep silent in the face of industrial slavery pledged to join the organization but to the contrare Railway Shop Laborers knows the science of organization planked on the science of a malicious economy. They can by the coming work conjointly by and Union cap a pie. This Union knows no class, color nor state in emphatic language that it is a false generosity to whole e audience was perfectly seeking tom preserwethana y other creed. Established on the broad principle of universal pinch a man rightful earnings in the days of his speech of organizer Stoutebo rana with the elaborate tain our existence as a people.
brotherhood it stands with extended arms ready to em strength, and then give him a plate of soup and an old went away convinced that the brace all who have sense enough to know the advantages shirt when sickness and debility hit him after years of Brotherhood was one which had of union.
hard work with an unnourished body.
come to give assistance to all Band Concert at Chorillo meeting of silver employees was addressed recently, They can tell their bosses and foremen that they are have declared that they will not by a visitor of the Gold roll, in most suspicious languange. too decent and self respecting to gulp down the filthy permit the Panama people to the workers. The Colon folks Square.
Among other nauseating stuff the orator told his auditors abuse wrapped up in hyphenated and compound adjec. keep the lead all the time and that they were wasting their money in becoming mem tives of Southern origination, and when fired on have stated that they will have ing programme will be rendered the follow bers of the union; that they were pooling money to no caprice or whim, can appeal to the justice of the gentle the numerical flag as soon as this by the Silver City Band on Monday.
purpose. Of course, the speech was received with frigid men in authority for satisfaction and adjustment. They payday comas, 41 new members June 25 1919. at 00 pom. ondho were enrolled indifference by all, except perhaps, the ego who invited can exemplify the meaning of pull together in a more rillo Square facing the Titanic the speaker.
logical way than by getting and becoming untied when Missionary Service at St.
Building March. Commonwealth If the people individually, have been silenced and ig their dreams jeer them and their ambitions fail in favor of Barnabas Empire Overture. Friendship.
nored for all these years, can the powers that be suppress others more qualified, more influential and more capable One Step On Munday night last It takes a long or stifle the shouts of 60, 000 in united chorus? If the of representing them.
tall Brown skin girl.
missionary service of St, Barnabas people gained nothing by being disunited, can they gain Since union is both scientific and sensible, it becomes a church Empire, was held at 30. Quadrille. Sobriette. Selection. The Bohemian less by joining together in concerted action? If union matter of self preservation to West Indians to cast in their The special preacher at this service among white men can accomplish much, is it impossible lot with all those who have already become members of was the Rev. INightengale. Evegir. One Step. When you come for it to do little among the negroes? If the proverbial the United Brotherhood. They are taking no chances, and ning prayer was sung by the Rector, the back. french bill cuts to atoms a certain association, is it reas are really laying the rails on which the wheels of progres Rev. Mulcare. There was a large ALFRED ROUGET onable to suppose that genuine co ordination will do the sive industry will turn and establishing the security of fair attendance despite the finclemency of the weather and the offerings were devoted Acting Bandmaster. collection will be taken up fame?
play which every man, everywhere, should seek and desire to missions.
in aid of the Band fund.
by as prayer, were resense.
the local come impor matters yet founded in this It seeks to Join now.
the aunual

    EnglandWorkers Movement

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