
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 1919 PAGE FIVE 2:The Open Forum :Canal Zone Notes Bird Eye View of The The Calidonia Jewelry Store Obarrio Building.
he was a pygmy more votes would not Washington, how it is a week.
better First Class Workmanship of Within ington, that the electi a meeting of the same let us Week Cable LA BOCA Continued from Page We do not hold ourselves responsible for opinion expressed in this columnas les last Monday when two of the sentiments are purely those of the correspondents.
Meeting of the Board of them were injured. They were No. 2, Calidonia Road rectors of the LETTERS TO THE EDITOR.
on their way en route to Noisy On Saturday night the 14th, a meeting el Roi.
of the silver Employees Association was toilink from early LET EXPERT HANDS DO YOUR STOUTE REPLIES TO WHYTE than he who was held in the La Boca school room. There Brotherhood are called to order morning. But it should be remembered WATCH REPAIRING were present the Board of Directors and by the various Lodges. Come on that some men can perform more work quite a number of of members. The business boys for 100 per cent.
transpired is as follows. Empire, in an hour than others can in a day. hope the readers of the June 17, 1919. Gulliver among the Liliputians was WE KNOW HOW. Mr. Martin president, rehearsed cero Workman Paper are awake to TRIAL WILL CONVINCE, tain conversations which took place be the fact that this paper cannot giant; but in the land of Brobdingnagians Editor, The Workman, tween himself and Mr. Innis, the delegate continue to hide itself away for Wedding and Engagement Rings a Specialty. for the United States. Mr. Innis next Panama, Why did Innise receive stated the way in which he proceeded in Not while we are having these a week and then come ou, No!
Dear Sir: than Mr. Whyte? Is he better qualified?
No. Did Mr. Whyte will bawl, making preparations for leaving the IsthS. O, CAMPBELL Permit me through the medium of your Stoute wield so great influence over the mus. The president in in conclusion said be soul stirring Editorials. Keep it WATCHMAKER progressive periodical to comment upon unsuspecting as to be able to swing AND JEWELLER.
not be signing documents in order up Mr. Editor, we are with you, the mess of verbiage which appeared the vote in favor of Inniss? The Board Phone 1053.
Cars Stop at the Door. to furnish any delegate with finance un we appreciate your stuff, your in the Star and Herald of the 15th inst. will shout No, we are not dupes as the til certain documents necessary for the the mark, but Mr Editor think un: Motto of the Square Deal hits over the name of Whyte.
Ex president thinks We voted for the had been forwarded, and reached their one whole week. We are living delegate s, proper entry at before Mr. Whyte, in his article. expressed his one we deemed better qualified for the we can see it desire to show that Stoute letter, re the task: in destination. This became a topic for much the discussion and on his refusal to amend not to die in Despair, we ll sooner detention of the s delegate to much Hope, and we are determined.
Washington was not written in the in slso a law student, should have such a The founder of the who is his statement, two members of the Board WILKINSON statem terest of the Association, but rather in la moved and seconded emotion to the ei ole to the Endeavour, we are fect that the office of President be declar looking ahead for better days, the interest of getting his friend to Wasb hold upon the Board that two ordinary.
data and the coming of the Work Contractor Builder ed vacant.
ington; but Mr. Whyte desire still re elementary school teachers wvuld find it The majority were against mains to be satisfied, for all that he has impossible to ingratiate ems:lves even this motion therefore it was not carried. man into the homes of the done is to make a hodgo podge of truth is that if a man can make with the unsuspecting; Pat the truth The meeting was closed at at 11. 15 and working man oftener than once and error and that, without reference to the business was postponed for a meeting Stoute letter.
mouse trap than his neighbours, and on Saturday 21st.
even though he should live in the heart GATUN Furthermore; he made statements of a forest, people will make a heaten Anniversary of without attempting to show his readers path to his house to purchase his traps.
Plans and Specifications Free The Fourth Anniversary of the Girls whist took place at Colon, between two Saturday night last two games that the statements are correct. Milk may Mr. Whyte says that Stoute should Friendly Society will be held at St teams from this town and two from the become either butter or cheese; and a 15th Street West, House 90 Peter Church La Boca on Sunday 22nd. windy city which resulted in a winnink statement may either be true or false. keep quiet, and thus show his avowed Why, man, some Mr. Whyte should not expect the public loyalty to his face.
at pm. This Society is quite a. Bee for the windy city players. Gatun whist BOX 411 PANAMA, to accept as facts, statements that have body must point out croockedness whehive; its many aetivities in, connection players will have to look alive if they with that Church are widely known. Want to hold their names as players.
not been proved true, even though such ther it enianates from the Gold or the Silver roll. God wills that justice be statements be made by no less a personthe Branch last two years a Junior Miss Luna Meikle who was sick with age than the ex President of the Silver done. shall not, cannot cease to has proven quite a solace, for the smaller fever at Colon for the past two weeks is Employees Association. He must have cry.
If should hold my peace, some girls, they deserve not only instructions, tions out again feeling forgotten that the public reads, not to one else would call for justice, or the Negroes that are affected by this Dudley, Secretary.
much improved all Morris, Band master also helpful and harmless amusements but restriction, with the hope that en her friends and family join in wishing very stones would cry out.
Mrs. Barnes President of these So her a healthful time on her returning to believe and take for granted, but to Those who Alfred Rouget, Assistant who you will return to us the former weigh and consider don go straight, or don intend to go days of the Ancon Hospital. As Bandmaster cieties is endeavouring to make this Gatun District.
In order to give the public a compre public know their doing Come clean, satisfactory.
straight. are always averse to letting the the present one are entirely unThe Installation will take place fourth anniversary the most interesting The American Hospital Ship Comfort hensive view of the matter and to allow on Monday June 30, at the Band ever held.
Thanking you in advance.
an impartial opinion, shall state briefly keep straight, or suffer the penalty room. Refreshments ad. lib In spite of the heavy showers of rain docked at this town on Tuesday mornwhich fell on Monday 16th, the Ladies 17th. Later in the day the Officers and the facts relating to the delegation.
Yours for Negro Progress am, of the Life Problem Club had a very en crew Came ashore and enjoyed the At the election for a delegate to WashW. STOUTE Very respectfully, Patronal Festival at St. joyable outing at Bella Vesta.
time of their lives They stated to our Mr. Ionis received fiftern NEGKO.
reporter it was the best time they had (15) votes and Mr. Whyte ten (10) Panama RP.
Alban s, Paraiso spent since leaving France. Bananas, few days after tse election Mr. Whyte Dear Mr. Editor.
June 18, 1919.
EMPIRE oranges and all kinds of fruits was thrown tendered his resignation on the ground Some of the letters which The Patronal Feast election showed that he was not The Empire Star Lodge No. aboard for them and glorious time bbw wendet have recently passed through Silver City Band Elects Offiappreciated, inasmuch as a new member.
was observed at last with a celebration of the Holy Com Joanded by the Army The im.
was given preference over him, the found the press of another local Paraiso on Tuesday the 18th instant in the new Hall Cross Ladies of Gatun at the gold Club House better known as the er of the Association At the request of are famous for their non sencors.
munion at o clock in the morning, and por a few members he withdrew the resign. sical effusions with reference a special Mi sionary service in the even marked by the opening of the few words if the Americans can have portance of the evening was Our reporter would like to say these tion. He then calle called a of the to the attitude of certain The Silver City Associations in commencing at 30 Charter for the Empire Star and such good times when passing through Board of Directors at which he read At the morning service the Rev. and the Initiation of a number of the Locks or other ships why can the lengthy paper alleging that Innis and zealots in the Silver Employ which comprising the governing Stoute were obstructing the progress of ees Association. If a man body of the silver City Band of Nightengale, Rector, officiated and the Candidates. regular There was a disappointment as hear something from our readers and British soldiers have the the Association. The Board did not even starts something for the on Monday June 16, elected the preacher in the evening. Evening pray few who had not the regular others The other day a French boat order the paper filled or did the good of the masses an following officers for the term er was sung by the octor and the Rey Achans, as Mr. Whyte termed Innis and bucks because he is not al. beginning July 1, 1919. Mulcare read the lessons.
mount had to leave the Hall. We passed through and there Ther Stoute. Failing to get them out of his lowed to be the It first and Millington, President.
was a large attendance at this rust by the signs of the time band present to give them a lithat it won be very long before tle enjoyment. Something should be done way, Mr. Whyte later informed the Davis, Vice President and the offerings were taken in behal obody will have to leave the to make these colored soldiers, know Board plainly that as founder of the As last, he manifests the poorest of Missions John Eastman, Treasurer.
lall when the meetings of the they helped to win the war; sociation he was entitled to go to Wash advertisement of unselfishness ington, and that he would stay aside and ever known. He shows an let any old timer go, but not Mr. Innis. awful neglect of the use of FoxSex SoexsoooXoXoXoc. co From that time forward all kinds of have been made, not to prevent a dele his brains. If a school teacher gate from going, but to prevent that de isn more influential than a legate from being Mr. Innis. policeman then, Goodnight!
It is true that Stoute called a member Thanks, and yours truly, of the Board a liar, and it is also true PULL TOGETHER that he proved that inember a liar. There is another word in Stoute vocabulary (without Sam Black)
det which he intends to use when he has sufficient date to warrant its use. That word Colon, is TRAITOR Ananins and Sapphira kept June 19, 1919.
back part of the price; Mr. Whyte kept back part of the truth. Would you not hold Mr. Whyte as honest after stating Visits at Ancon Hospital that Stoute called a member of the Board a liar, if he had also stated that he The Superintendent, while presiding at a meeting of the Ancon Hospital Board of Directors, had referred to a member of that Board a nigger?
Canal Zone.
Here are the exact words of Mr. Whyte: Sir. For the last year or more won work with that nigger. ll the colored population have been put my fist in his face first, and that deprived of the privlege of visit nigger replied, Hear you a leader ing their friends and families in gentleman, calling me a nigger.
the Colored Sections of your Hos Mr. Wbyte readily informs the publie pital.
that Stoute refused to receive instructions Formerly, the visiting days for from him as as president through Mr Tom the White and Black Wards were The Elecom linson, to supervise elections, but he con Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sattric Iron is used to.
to let the public know urdays from p. to p. and veniently forgets to that the Board not only upheld Stoute Sundays, and Holidays from 9, 30 day in thousar ds of action, but also passed a resolution pre a. to 11. a. and from 30 homes. Have you bought one cluding any such autocratic action by any to p. For some reason president of the Association. or other. may be from prejudice yourself. Mr. Whyte states that Stoute has the visiting days for the colored become hysterical over the delay to this Sundays from 30 to 2, 30 vn.
wards have been changed to the statement, the minutes of last Saturday for the male wards; and meeting will show that Stoute moved days and Sundays from 30 to that the petition be mailed to Washing 2, 30 for the female wards.
ton so that it shall leave on boat while the visiting days for the preceding the one on which the delegate same.
may sail. And as the delegate may, Is it it reasonable and just to preunder one pretext or another, be again vent us from seeing our friends Call and ask about these detained, the public will agree that and families, while they are on Stoute is primarily interested in placing their bed of affliction? Do we Liberal Terms.
before the Washington officials the not love our family as much as grievances of the people, and not the the White people love theirs?
sending of a friend to Washington as Why be given but alleged by the Ex President. These are one hour in each week to see our facts and not mere statements.
alleged by families and to be turned out Mr. Whyte says, It would appear even before the hour is up while Phone 602 Phone 150 that this sending a man to Washington the White people are privileged is the rock upon which our good ship, day aay hour? If it is detrimengo in the White Sections, any the Silver Employees Association is doomed to founder This is in part true tal to the health of the fored of and the man who is driving her upon the people in visiting them to rocks is the man who laid her keel. Ten, why isn it detrimenti Mr. Whyte needs sympathy. It is real. the health of the White people Sta. Ana Plaza, Panama.
Bolivar Street, Colon.
ly galling to the founder of an associa also. tion to have two men come in at the This letter is being sent you Jasw hour and receive greater reward on behalf of the thousands of WAS not even servic ARE YOU GIVING YOUR WIFE SQUARE DEAL. GE ELECTRIC FLATIRON No more discomfort bending over a hot stove, no fumes as from other irons. You can iron anywhere that there is a lamp a socket.
the hand.
The handle is always cool and will not burn or blister lost in changing Irons. It stays hot as long as wanted.
No time lost in waiting for irons to heat and no steps should we Compañía Panameña de Fuerza y Luz Colon Electric Ice Supply Co.


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