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Colored Labor Organized over 50 per cent.
RECENT LABOR TROUBLES AT BOCAS GOMMISSION MAKES REPORT Scutiling of German New Providence Depu LT. COL. WOOD. HILL BIDS Ships at Scapa TO JAMAICA GOVERMENT GOOD BYE TO REGIMENT tation year, their will be on a ceivable to make the Naval life Law did not guardson good THE BRITISH GOVERN WAITS ON THE OWEN MENT ANNOUNCES AS ECONOMIC MISSION FOLLOWS: OF THE FINDS AGAINST WEST INDIANS PAYS HICH TRIBUTE TO WEST It should be clearly understood largely attended and highly ON EVEERY POINT that decision for German ships representative meeting was held INDIAN SOLDIERS to be interned an not surrea on Tuesday the 24th instant at ered was inade by heads of Al the West Indian Settlement. New lied Governments Providence, Monte Lirio, the GaNaval advisers of the Admiralty tun Valley for the purpose of The Jamaica Gleaner of the 12th, that proper notice was given as The following letter written to the Jamaica inst says: The following repor: clear evidence was produced, not recommended surrender and not makiog representations the Gleaner from the pen of Lt Col. Wood Hill paying ed into the strike of the West In mitted by some of the strikers ion then taken tras of course con the agricultural possibilities of who took part in the War, should be read with interest of the Commission which enquir. only by all officials, but even ad; over ruled by our Allies. Decis financial assistance to develope high tribute to the West Indian Soldiers of Jamaica na internment but this advice was Owen Economic Mission for dian labourers in Central America that when ordered to remove at the beginning of this effects they refused to do trolled situation ever since and New Providence.
by every West Indian on the Isthmus :was presented to th Legislative so, calmly stood by and watched made prevention of scuttling in The audience was unanimous Council on Tuesday aft rnoon. As the collecting the goods possible.
this. You It was orignally intended that in its decision that a deputation The Editor of the Gleaner.
may receive the be seen, it finds ginst the and placing them off the property labourers on every point. Ve the at their disposal. It will be not ships should be interned in neu. wait on Dr. Owens setting forth (to day. for England, so please at the end of 28 days. Remem.
should proceed to Panama and Sir. am sailing on Saturday, balance of your pas due to vou, that Costa ed from all letters. it is clear it would not e Palice acted indians in the set person weldimus to have thos: suam sible for the Allies to have place for recognition by his Mission in your paperrous bathed by et behousands or what schdiens tion which ise a xercise control of money ranging from 300 to acmed guards on board. In viewing the agricultural advantages of the Regt, with whom but rest assured that be its the Oficers, and men of ing discharged, and the Pay.
gold, and it almost incon of on of difficulty concerning interntern preparatory to making recom. have been so long associated.
task is a real hard one.
that persons could be ment in neutral ports Allied mendation to the local Govern. have always may be individual cases Report of Commission.
of that ays believe in the We. William McAdam Esquire, so foolish as not should be interned at Scapa ment for financial assistance.
each case His Majesty Consul Limon slightest endeavour to, at least, will receive attention The settlers of New Providence est Indian Soldier, and after a and that Commander inlong Tom Missioners appointed by His obtain posession of these amounts Chier ar dhe Grand Fleet Should came, in Jamaica are out o give you a waiting, our the Authorities Majesty Minister Panama, Se thermore it is strange that peo if they carry out the necessary measures tlement comprising an area of happiest moment of fair and square deal.
ñor Rafael Eduarte, Commissioner These necessary measures were over 3, 500 acres of rich, virgin see my lads in action and beharconstan terdich, ale istede bym a. said to have been saved by them therefore intended to be of a na pola shownld not be left out in tine ing a steadily, and upholding comes your way remember tha appointed by the Government of ple Ponton, squire, British Vice: when their general complaint as ture as far as possible similar to cold when the time comes for re the best traditions of the British you are a soldier, and Strike those that would have been put in commendation. And so at the Army.
have none of it.
Consul Bocas del Toro, and Rev. to the origination of the for meeting held last Tuesday at feel convinced that men of the best of good luek. We have was that the wages earned since force in a neutral port and conclude by wishing you all Mer. Nokma English Baptist the commencement of the toise reasone stacking of armed resolution was passed adopting the 1, Regt, will try their be east comrades in arms for Minister, Bocas del Toro, war board was not consider the following to Costa Rican Señor Gongoro, ed admissable.
best to find work as soon as some sented to Dr. Owens and appointed years, and may ver representing the United KEEP BODY AND SOUL TO.
Fruit Company, duly appointed Even if armed guards haye been Messrs. Douglass and John Shade, possible, and that the discipline fellow ship exist among us for they have learnt in the Army all years to come.
of New Providence leading will be of good service to them on two as a Commission to puton board these ships the pres: settlers to proceed to Panama their return to civil life. Any: investigate GETHER the claims of British subjects in remain as ever, out is also strange that a letter tenance parties would alone have and wait on Dr. Owen with the Panama (Costa Rica) Division of could be taken, sent from Alini. rendered it impossible to guar.
will body with a complaint. Your friend, the United Fruit Company aris rante, and the same type of let. antee that these ships would not know, receive sympathetic conC. WOOD HILL, Monte Lirio, sideration from the Customs of ing out of the late strike, hereby ter, sent from the further point be sunk Their size and the New Providence, their Parish.
Lieut Col.
declare the following to be our the wording away, Talamanca, of wbich and the nature of the would make it a comparatively complexity of their machinery unanimous opioion:1st Regiment.
June 24th 1919 Do not be uneasy about your It is quite ciear to us, as mem claiins being in substance, identi easy matter for a few men with TO DR. OWENS pay, The Command Paymaster Up Park Camp, is doing his utmost to arrange June 20th 1919.
bers of the Commission, that the cal. We are satisfied that a detailed knowledge which they of Economic Mission, strike originated, not amongst general uderstanding was ar possessed to open the necessary We the undersigned residents of the the labourers, but amongst non rived at amongst the strikers, valves or to take other adequate above mentioned Colony, understanding ma side the and fos lawyers, as to the nature their guards putation to to appear before. representtered by cheap, so called lawyers of the claiin to be made and full ter to Panama reputation In accordance with their status ing our petition in the person of The bullets advantage was taken of the Leaving were prepared on Panama terri gestion to write down their of internment intercommunica Douglas and John Shade (Colonists. With a view of developing the Sugar tory and were fired by the la. complaints and claims in the authorized to the extent that the Industry of our colony. we appeal for the tions between German ships was bourers at a time when thought forin of a letter and to send the German Adiniral was permitted the necessary loan to develop same, also to a cable received here during ger of the Universal Agency at It is expected that according Mr. Chas. Brookheim, Manaia convenient and so sure were to Panama. In fact, several of Germa they of success that no prepara the men admitted to the Com. to visit the ships and to corres. all other necessary developments, such as the week, Andrew Percy Bennet, Colon, is leaving for the States to. MG, the new British Minis day and will probaby not return tions whatever had been made to mission the fact that they had pond with the sick. Doctors and roads etc?
We occupy an area of about 3, 500 ter to Panama left England yes, for some time as he is scheduled they subsequent paid one man, a British West British boats, coal, oil. and wa. acres of land, with a population of 700 terday to take up his new office to go to Brazil as Agent for the strike developed, arrangements lands by name, the sum of tive sources and provisions and viher ly transpired. As soon as the Indian resident at Bocas, New. ter were supplied from British persons more or less, working men.
We ship from this colony weekly an Mallet, C, as Minister Mr. Bennet succeeds Sir Claud Universal Mr. Brookheim has were made on the Costa Rican pesos each for preparing their su a of 15 car loads of to certainly promotion supplies came.
of the border (by far the letters, and it is assumed traordinary of Great Britain to wonderful work for his grm inbiggest area of Mais both out coming and in Colon and Panama respectively, this with Plenipotentiary cand Envoyer les then la recermeld employment) to he give you idea of our conditions.
Hoping our conditions will be duly Costa Rica. The new Minister this country and it should be a send native labourers to take the considerable portion of the 10, 000 going were censored. The conthe Republics of and troducing their productions in places of the stikers, and as rethe and as re dollars gold claimed in these ditions of internment placed considered.
sails on the Co. steamer matter of satisfaction to him the ted armed instances for false imprisonment interned ships under surveillance sistance was expected We remain Victoria and is expected to ar way people have responded to police were sent man was brought before the of the Allies so that if hostilities respectfully rive in Panama on or about the his efforts by, patronizing the them. It was but natural that Commission, and warned that were renewed they would be in a position to (Signed 14th July the ships. They by a large number of shelter should be provided for beh must crase his activities Bois where Universal producColonists of New Providence.
them and it was equally as na otherwise severe steps would be stiil however remained German It doubtless will be of interest tions are shown. Mr. Brookheim tural that that shelter would be taken against him, and though property with German personnel the camps on the farms occupied he strunously denied the asser in charge of their up keep and Dr. Owens courteously receiv. to our readers to know the offi Leaves many friends who regret bis going, specially the little felby the West Indians who were re tions made, we are quite satis.
facilities for intered the deputation and assured cial career of the new British lows among he to who was ready to help fand advice. We wish him a bon under the opinion that their rent truth.
The Editor of the Cen nied the Gerunan Admiral who in bringing their settlement to rival. which is as follows: had been paid in advance, but as tral American Express Shaw was in charge of discipline and recognition that his Commission 30, 1886 is an of Christ College, bis new field of work. The Colon of the Government. Andrew Perey Bennett, börn July voyage and unlimited success in a matter of fact we are satisfied Davis by naine. another West internal economy.
were produced that such rent in the same connection and we see these ships it would unquestion. dence. The deputation pointed hongeriges me wand madera during with brookheren asserted that this is an error as proof Indian, was also mentioned in guard had been put on board would pay a visit to New Prowi temeride che se graduados Agency will be wolk represented 1991. Was nominated collectable each pay day, for the no reason to doubt the accusa. abig have been a breach of the motheorecessity of roads for the viles. consulat Manila Sulgp, 1993 by Mr, Monroe Isen, who has a transportation of previous period.
tion. The Central American terms of the armistice.
Care and maintenance parties out from the settisoduce turned Transferred to Galata, Mareh large experience in movie busiwhich 6, 1895, where he acted as Consu ness through his connection with newspaper West Indians refused to move, and has had a great deal to say 4, 700 to 1, 800 men being sent back week and which tinds ready Promoted to be Consul at New York the Universal in their New York 1896. Acting Consulhouse.
that they have to move in order during the strike, most of the to Germany owing to sickness sale in the market of Panama General there in 1997 and Fees frondiciplinen y No Colon. Dr Owen here in pointed Commercial Attaché to the to make room for the imported news given being inaccurate.
labourer they Notice to Correspondents.
But the fact of a person saying take their places. Admiral Von matter of roads was already de to the Legation at Athens, Januing. In the great majority of cases that they had so much money Reuter verbally stated that von cided upon as the Canal Zone eurodes, 1999 Londono aperto, Dot transthey obstinately refused to budge hidden away in a box in a corner his own responsibility he had Military authorities have under Mc, Bennett was given the additional All communications for Open and were finally ejected along of a room, or, as is a great many given orders for the ships to be consideration the construction of appointment of Commercial Attaché to with their goods and chattels. instances, hidden in pillows or sunk being under the impressions high road from Panama to Colon kation of Bucharest, August. Foum crowded out will appear 20, 1915. Appointed The evidence is conflictory on the point as to whether they were matrasses, furnishes no proof the Colony of New Providence.
tions at Brussels in 1910, and at Rome allowed to take their effects with whatever that they speak the dalle armistice ended on Sat and which road would border on sioner for the International Exhibi in next isse.
The deputation was also in and Turin in 1911, Mem bér of Great Britain acted in this formed that a scheme was on international Exhibition in 1911, Made Augusti 20l Visiting on shared with them, the complainants contend truth, and it is our unanimous matter as she has acted in every foot for establishing an Agricul. Interna, June 14, 1912. Given the the duties of Visiting Consular Officer.
Superior the ing that armed police prevented opinion that all of these claims matter in the war. She has ad tural Loans Bank by which both local rank und ist Secretary in the Forein orice on Representative on the this statement is theniele babe for mones, alleged to have been hered to the terms of the ar. large and small peasant Propie. Diplomatic Service December 2, 1913. Internal lied Conference on Roumaniaa them, while, hand, opposite side. We are satisfied Continue on Page of Finance sat in. of war and of humanity. Continued on Page 8) Embassy in the Diplomatic Service rember, 1917.
do employee of meerdere in Patong cereaptad by mouse mundo en una esteps without the knowledge of your time and you are proceder New British Minis Universal Manager of no sug. 2 side that there natto protect This man houses to seize the We promised or breace sent from Germany to matt and Cod that


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