
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE, 28, 1919 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands 400 Returing swers RETURNED Wanted! LABORERS under day was BOCAS del TORO we womer Free Transportation tingent Vincent Broadway at neces savannah ished wine comes on when e arch poor Be. allow this TRINIDAD if the crowd had restrained its in Ea lind was His Grace the Duke of Barbados enthusiasm and had not broken Somerset. There were no less than eight up the ranks of the returned influential members of Parliament on its to the Savannah its members such men as Viscount Grey, Reception It will be a fine sight to see and was in imniediate touch with Mr these returning men march Lloyd George the Premier of Great Brithrough the streets of Port of. tain. Its branches were all over the EmThe Port of Spain Gazette of the Spain, showing us how the raw pire, in Canada, India, Africa, Australia, 13th inst. states that a telegram recruits that left us are now and now a branch had been established ARRIVAL OF FIRST BIG was received by the Government veterans of the war.
in Trinidad the Presidency of Mr BATCH yesterday morning to the effect. would therefore earnestly Robert Prizgar, the well known solicitor, tbat the Transport Ortega beg the citizens of Port of Spain and alreadiy many of the most prominent Enthusiastically Welcomcd: for the Farms and Railroads at which left Harve with 413 men that they should give an example men in the colony were members of this and officers of the Trinidad Pub of restraint and allow the sol branch. The policy of Great Britain toLiberally Feted lic Contingent and some 33 men diers to march through the the consolidation of the Empire.
of the Merchant Contingent, screets without interference of To enlist the interest of so of so powerful an The eloquence of flags, the would arrive here this (Friday)
any kind on le way.
organization in the Country in moving rhetoric of bunting, and morning at daylight, instead of know that my appeal will the affairs of certainly a the cordial expression of triumph on Sunday or Monday next, as not fall on deaf ears, and that, great stride toward progress. and it was as exemplified by palm leaves, all had been expected as on other occasions when also a very serious step it must be under blended with the enthusiasm of Preparations were at once has you have been appealed to you stood once and for all, that they would thousands of deeply moved and UNITED FRUIT COMPANY tened by the Reception Committee will heartily respond, and that the never compromise the dignity of to power. joyous citizens were concom of the City Council to give the reception of our brave soldiers ful an alls by rushing to it with frivolous itants in the welcome accorded men as hearty a reception as that will be a magnificent success. complaints. They stood for progress, and the first big batch of returned accorded to the previous conall that was conducive thereto. He there Barbadian soldiers from service fortnight ago. The LOCAL FORCES ORDER.
fore, had rauch pleasure in moying that abroad. In arches on the entrance to the St.
received All officers not on duty, at the invitation of the Navy League to definite in forma cordance with Jetty, at the head of tending the reception in uniform co operate with its branch in this colony the previous afternoon.
on the and the entrance will be admitted to the platform be adopted.
Transport Ajax arrived in the to the Queen Park Savannah, on the Wharf or at the Savannah The resolution was seconded by Mr. ing. 23rd instant, from Havre, Harbour early on Friday mornApply to COOMBS as well as the Mayor Stand on and a space will be reserved to the whart and the Governor the sides of these platforms for Rodrigues and supported by several bringing amongst its thousand 137 Central Avenue 155 Street stand on the Savannah were all previousjy returned soldiers speakers and adopted with acclamation odd souls, 322 men and seven ofti speedily reconstructed and deck attending in uniformn.
On the motion of Mr. Rock, a resolu cers for this Colony. The PANAMA news COLON ed with flags, while Major Rust TRAFFIC ON LINE OF MARCH tion was also adopted to start an educa of the change of date by some was engaged all day at the Prin re All vehicular traffic will be tional propaganda, and to hold fortnight mysterious agency spread swiftcess Buiding making the ly throughon, the entire Colony, featured in every conceivable witnessed. On the giddy heights sary arrangements for the enter stopped in South Quay, Broadly meetings instead of monthly way and Frederick Street, from After settling several important details. for it was all that the men wak anticipated form of lettering and colouring of the store roofs, on the Public tainment of the men at the lunch the start of the procession until the meeting ruse at 11. 15 would have been in a hundred conspicuous places Buildings, on the Banks, on eon provided them by the Recep the troops have passed on the here on Empire Day, 24th Inst. the people shouted it: the band tion Committee.
way to the. and by ten o clock the Ci y played it: faces showed it; eyes rocking verandas, cab seats She Inspector General appeals THE ORDER OF THE PROCEEDINGS Wss Crowded with persons RETURNED SOLDIERS to the public to keep to the side mashed it. Trafalgar Square was and other perilous eminences walk of lie, and baling a blaze of colour as soon as the were seen faces aglow with welevery will be ss follows. The troops INJURED from all districts of the island.
will be Janded on the St. Vincent walks on the line of march of artistic and deft hands of the ladies of the Civic Circle had tin: come, and as the platoons under Jetty at 10 a. and after form the troops, leaving the roadway THE DECORATIONS with it.
ing up will be paraded in front of clear for the procession htheir officers, and preceded by Evergreen branch Trinidad has had some very unforou Decoration of stores the Police Band, started on their tunate accidents during the landing of menced at an early hour. Flags Buildine rails of the Pubi march to the Garrison, cheering the Mayor stand where they will be addressed shortly by his sent a voiceless mesw The Ortega worship. The members of the men were lined on the landing place lands bedecked windows or flut badge of the West Indies Regi feu de joie, went up in increasing. giant painting of the City Council, as well as other part of the jetty broke down in tered joyously in the breeze from ment, executed with cleverness volume and was prominedt citizens have been in vited to support his Worship. Passenger Ship or Troop Ship? welcoming all its men, Trinidad soon streets from verandah to veran crowned Percy Leverick long after the men had passed juring several of the men. Instead of ropes stretched taut across the and finish by maintained The men will then be marched to triumphal The local Military authoriti had to concern itself with casualties. dah. The word welcome was erected at the South gate. Gay out of sight. The route, in keepthe Savannah, the route to be be are deeply incensed consequent followed being along South Quay, on the receipt of a sort of a Ger ly striped poles along the side ing with pre arranged proup Broadway and Frederick manic command, Walks recorded history, inasmuch gramme was along McGregor (possibly Street. On the Savannah, they the style issued to the as they detailed the nations and Street, Bread Street, Trafalgar What Position Do You Want?
will be paraded in front of the gians) ordericg the removal of peoples, great and small, who Square, through the public participated on the side of Jus Buildings, Grand Stand, on what is. Own the returned soldiers from the Palmetto International Correspondeuce Schools, Scranton, Pa.
tice and Truth in the great war. Ricket Street and Bay Street.
Street, as the straight run of the race Ortega at once, on her arrival to Branch Office, Ancon, From Nelson bronze statute Enthusiasm throughout the route track, und bere they will be a ressed by his Excellency the on her way to Colon. Of course mighty ship to proceed Victory blazoned forth in ten was acting Governor. After which the Superintendent was made to Please explain how can qualify for a larger salary in the position, inch letters, and sailing craft in ing voci line unwavering and the cheer.
Il, how ver, the the Harbour co operated by welcome accorded in the City they will proceed to the Princess realize that he was not dealing trade, or profession, before which have marked crowning their masts with every was striking, at the Garrison it Building to partake of the lunch with SALESMANSHIP eon, to be served by the same that the ship could be held bit of bright cloth carried on was thrilling. Thousand on foot committee as on the last occasion until such time as the local auboard, It was an epoch making and in vehicles were congregated day, the weather was brillight there and the hurrahing was TRAFFIC thorities are finished with her ARCHITECT terrific and prolonged.
will be suspended from the time and then she could depart for MECHANICAL ENGINEER CARTOONIST Colon or any where else. The the parade is on the route till the Superintendent claims that the The clouds were touch ILLUSTRATOR And in their silent faces As soon as the men had been streets selected for the march Machine Shop Practice Boilermaker or Designer PLUMBER STEAM FITTER Could be read unalterable love drawn up in correct order and have been cleared. It is hoped Ortega is only an ordinary passerHeating and Ventilation We only hope that the merchants, that not only will The Church bells, His Excellency the Governor and one hour party arrived, a short Thanksshopkeepers, householders and full attentions which passengers and Passere have received the ahead of the actual landing of giving Service was conducted Sheet Metal Worker decorate their residences, to others, BUSINESS (Completo the troops, musically clanged by the Lord Bishop, who was that the public will, while the case of the Merchants and are entitled to.
NAVIGATION However as in out notice and at 11 a. when attired in his Stenographer and Typist AGRICULTURE episcopal robes the khaki clad men reached the and was or hurrabing to the Planters Contingent Committee whare in lighters towed by one Farrar, Chaplain, Very Rev the their hear content, supported by Rev.
Gas Engiue Operator of the water boats every point Dean of Barbados, and the Veneway clear for the sent, keep the and their greviance over the Quil Service Positions permit as orderly a so as to lota affair this matter will not a demonstra of vantage along the route of rable Archdeacon Skeete.
tion of victory as possible. The end here.
procession, from the landing steps to the Garrison, was congregated following message of welcome His Excellency then read the boys have come back to us and a demonstrative, but orderly, prepared by the Committee of we are more than glad to welcome them but let us endeavour to Trinidad Workingmen well dressed gathering. Everywhere was bustle and animation make the show as imposing as possible. That the idea After Association.
the breakfast each of the men will be handed Joins Navy League.
TWO POUND STERLING on account of wages due. To do The Regular Monthly meeting of the this without delay, Captain Lene Association was held at St. John Hall gan, Paymaster, was busily en on Thursday night 5th instant under the gaged the whole of yesterday after Presidency of Mr. David Headley.
It is hoped that the East After the confirmation of the minutes Head Office, Nation al City Bank Building, New York erners will be able to leave by and the general business of the Associathe mid day Sangre Grande train tion had been gone through, four new and the Southerners by the last members were admitted.
train. The Tobago and Toco The President announced the inauguraboys will leave on Monday. tion on the 21st May last) of a branch THE MAYOR APPEALS of the Association at La Brea and spoke once more to all sections of the establishu ent of better relationship beof the good a complishel there b; the community to ayoid marring the their employ.
RESOURCES OVER 100, 000. 000. 00U. CURRENCY route march to the Savannah in tween the workingmen and the way in which the last one had been enabled to take off a cargo of ers. As an instance Maraval was spoilt. space will be kept clear on the whart within which Asphalt a few days ago, and that most Depository of the Panama Canal no one will be permitted; and important industry of the colony had been the line of the route through the Auence of the Workingmen Association resumed. This was due solely to the instreets, will be kept by men of the Local Forces and the otherwise not one ounce of Asphalt would Constabulary The public are have been shipped up to the present THE INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION IS INCLUDED IN THEPORGANIZATION OF asked to keep to the footpaths. All vehicular along Frederick resolution was adopted that BranchStreet, will be suspended during es of the Association be established in The Pational City Bank of New York the passage of the troops. Fol all the most important centres of industry lowing is the text of the Mayor in appeal in this connection.
AND IN CONNECTION WITH THAT INSTITUTION AND ITS DIRECT FOREIGN BRANCHES The subject for the evening was one of To the Citizens of Port of Spain great importance, and was introduced by Mr. Jas. Brathwaite, Hon. Secretary, Another Contingent of our who read various correspondence between boys will be returning from the the Association and the Savy League front this morning.
on the subject of the co oporation of the feel certain that Port of two bodies, the speaker explained the INTEREST PAID ON SAVINCS ACCOUNT AT PERJANNUM.
Spain will them as hearty manner in which it had been proposed MORRICE, they gave the last contingent that some idea of the influence of the ROBERTSON, The Welcome on the last oc League might be grasped when it was un.
Sub Manager.
Acting Manager.
casion would have been perfect derstood that the President of the League and up ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Electric Elects Electrie Car Running Heavy Electrie Traction Telegraph Engineer Telegraph Work RR. Jonstructing Bridge Engineer Structural Structural Engineer Municipal Enneer ADVERTISING VAN Window Trimmer NON Painter CIVIL SERVICE Writer and even Mechanical Draftsmen Machine Designer Architecurul Draftsman Contractor and Builder Building Foreman Concrete Builder onts, ger Patternmaker Toolmaker Foundry Work Blacksmith Plumbinx Inspector Foreman Plumber CHEMIST Designer Common School Subjects Hisch School Subjects Teacher Coal Mining Metal Mining Assayer Lumber Dealer Bookkeeper waying their Dans or AUTOMOBILES STEAM ENGINEER Steam Electrie Engineer Marine Enrineer Refrigeration Engineer CIVIL ENGINEER Surveying and Mapping Higher Accounting Certified Pub, Accountant Commercial Law Good English TRAFFIC MANAGER Live Stock and Dairying Poultry Farming Army and Navy Modern Languages by Phonograph NAME ADDRESS OCCUPATION RESIDENCE (Continued on page INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION noon.
Capital, Surplus, and Undivided Profits Over 9, 000, 000. 00 Cy.
the mounted 10 are moment traffic the colony.


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