
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1919 PAGE FIVE to forcefuation Real Democracy KING BEE Cigarettes SHOW YOUR DEMOCRACY AND SMOKE KING BEE condit The Voice to exist dom.
Chorrillo Drug Store Jocal. a ruli stoc to time.
selves laborers, hay It these willing to share decree they that he is worthy tions wir Todians wber They will sur as depenentions people train is not we warded have been testifying to to expense of alo, putting them to of paying their fare JUST RECEIVED Forceful Re presen Autocracy in the Dredging Division.
To Government on High Under dark cover lie the waveiled V0 Cost of Living autocratic system in the Dredging Division, under which the Negro laborers are existing daily. There are some semi Within the past month, Messrs.
AND officials who seem to think always that Alejandr, Victor, Torper Pure Garrido and the negroes should be treated in the RTM TNT Wynter, have been attacking meanest way possible, thus showing ingratitude through inconsiderate inwith all the force at their comcorrigible thought about the waterway mand the High Cost of Living.
and its construction, from the efficiency Pulo sentiment has reached of the negroes labor which brought lagt water mark in the discus.
about the onmpletion The following ohla very important phase procedures of bad treatment are the of the econohic life of Panama Our city merchants have been Just as Real Democracy knows no class distinction, so with KING BEE. cutting off of several raises on wagoe given by territied at the results of the re, They are as popular with the man who earns 25. 00 per day as the Government.
Оо the last four successive seassions presentations made by the the ruines amounted to fifteen dollars, DAUNTLESS FOUR against the with the man who earns 25. 00 per month.
and the so called officials thought it best con tint rise of Dricensings were to lay aside the executive orders, and Sev ral public gave the small amount of five dollars held at Santa Ana Park, at which (85. 00) from the fifteen dollars granted, the Commission nuentioned above with an excuse that the negroes were made forcible and convincing adsubsisting on three meals a day, and dresses as to the state of poverty should be made to pay the difference of and hardship at present existing, the amount stopped from the above in the city.
enthusiasm GATE raise given. This will show to and as the the publie the class of meals given the result of the oc negroes, who, after receiving tiu ir tions, public monthly payment, very often spend it made to the President ot the Reall for extra conmimary Looks or some conand other calables, to epsbie them to sideration of the Govern men thave Agricultural Advautages The Voice of Wisin health and strength while working: been won, and already fruitful MOST during which time others (white) received results are seen. Governor EsBrethren of Victory Lodge such raises which foretoken their allustripuaut issued a decree regulat, and other lodges of the Isthmus, 83. VO trious and luxurious living with three ing the prices of those articles of want to call your attention to inonmparable meals daily, and were never e first necessity, both foreign and the Agricultural advantages of The Allies taking their en from De.
robbed of a cent as payment from the the Republic of Pantina, the Witts Pills have won the world great different raises they receive from time of creat Cano The merchants and shopkeep many thousand acres of fertile war for the freedom of the ders, and our local agriculturists, lands laying idle in the great Re. DeWitt Pills have won a genter Just received a full stock of officials would consider themI have declared themselves against public and no effort being made victory over human disons Mil.
having to perform some the very small morgin of profit, to extract the great, riches lying 1sons all over the word have scorre SILVER CHAIN GOODS kind of labor, however small it may be.
and on such articles as sugar and therein.
and millions more te bring eur.
before Including. FRESH DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES they get their monthly salaries, rice, they claim it the Governor The great statesmen of Auneri. WHY NOT YOU?
would readily be willi is to be followed the mer. ca and other countries are apDo you suffer from chart sard and For every form of disease.
with the hard laboring man in saying chants will sustain heavy loss pealing to the nations to increase tired feelings restlessness and rights. Paties of his bire. Another Get at the end of their financial production in order to feed the in the back. sides or joints sometimes treatment of the kind is the excessive year (3) With this colltention De TOILET ARTICES, Etc. Etc. labor given on Sundays and holidays quite a laige number of the mer wrid and reduce the high cost with swellings, aching limbs, pains in the a with no time off for the negroes; but Chants have threatened. ble, during hard working, West desire to urinats, weak or bune boneka nel of living What are we as sensi. Groins, beanty urine, too frequent home. performed by the the gold employees pension of their they are given day off with pay.
Give us a call and inspect our New Stock.
doing! Are we upon ourselves the reseaking burning sensation or invitation of the bladder: Another mean aet is, that passes are Dancial loss. is a threat to If you observe any of these discomSatisfaction Guaranteed.
place to polo come from their wor Panama when labor FLOWERS, Proreltor.
The culminating point was cessities in order to to help in tive produces at the cure De Witt Pins, and you will te reAvaitable, while others receive passes reached on Sunday last when high cort of living! say we with HEALTH.
STRENGTH O, Box 36, Panama City.
Telephone 519.
only to Balboa Station, although they doing AND LIFE. Hundreds on the and energetic address at a mani is that lands can be had reason. Isthmus. the extra festation to the President, called ably, from the Govt of Panama, value of this medicine. Have TO doubt, from the last dime they may happen to the attention of the Government and all that is necessary is for and begin your treatment now. have in their possession, or walk into to the heartless threat of the us One bottle is enough for some, but Panama alter a day hard toil before merchants, and that the Gover us to tackle the proposition from a business stand point, and get deep rooted cases need longer treatment they can get to their homes. Many of ment should take immediate our resources consolidated, and depending on the severity of the case.
these have been for years applying for consumers am sure we can Sold in class drug large and Fresh Shipment of Government quarters where they work, with the necessary foodstufta, wave an object lesson or co opera stores. Beware of imitations cone del that all such commodities in the tion to show to the outside here are handing out. DeWitt and have not been supplied through the hands of the merehants and shop world.
insufficient provision made to house the CLARKE BLOOD MIXTURE Co, Ltd, London Bottle with blue colored employees on the zone. Such keepers should be commandee This is just a bint brethren for seal. City Pharmacy printed on weapofficials are tending to stir up ed and that the Government in pensor forthwith place orders for future you to think over, and hope Royal(Infant Preservative among the laboruri and we continued a you will THE CITY PHARMACY, may lead to unaffable inefficiency, which in the countries of of pro your thought into action, le 139 Con. Avenue, Panama. AND OTHER PATENT MEDICINES. is always, the end of organized labor Me Garrido in his in meinber that So the Executive Another action which proper scale.
requested that two re pre Adam tilled the earth, and no Agents for Republic of Panama noticeable and Canal Zone.
country or people can be proand very discreditable is is the ten doHars cil gressive unless they resort to the taken from the raises for subsistence, Labor. be represented on a wil. Take the US there are Pre Blood on trolle :Beard. The picz: 000. 000 farms in the country WM. RET, LAWRENCE and when any of these employees are FOUNDED IN 1881 placed on a nonsubsistent rate, they are esident in replying congratulated for The Oldest Drug Store in Panama City and the most Modern One. given the amount of five dollars as an Wynter forbis very chat country creat vello Tailor and Outfitter addition to their pay, thus leaving MANUEL ESPINOSA balance of five dollars which and that should the necessity. FASHIONABLE WEDDING Dealer in School Books, Central Avenue, 33 Me, Nobody Knows Whow himla in varise, the Government would em Opposite La Mercedes Church AT COLON Panama. different facts into consideration, in ploy the means suggested to and Stationary.
si shows plainly that Might in all its avert any hardships to the pen.
glories is taking the inhuman advantple e of this country. His Excel.
lency conceded also tle appoint, pretty and fashionable litile No. 11 ago Street, Panama ages that the time raffords. But the terment of two representatives to wedding, took place on Satur chains from Central Ave. ad NDED. WILKINSON brighter days are behind when Right ist in the fiscalization of the day evening October 25th will hold a precursory position and Address prices.
ulto, at Christ Church by the Sea, Colons. The contracting Box 895, Ancon, Per impression for having tried to disorganize Sed were Charles On labor in a race without whom labor was First Class Workmanship never of any great importance.
at the Railroad station, Lessons Given Plans and Specifications Free (Signed) V. We Always have in Hand a ComA concert will be held on the hailing from Kingston 19 13th of Noven ber, by the officer ind Miss Doris Black also it on the Clarinet, the leading plete line at Reliable Low Prices and members of Court Minerva Kingston Jaunaica. Tile church Band Instrument, 15th Street West Band or House 90 No. 9294, AOF, at their Lodge was packed with spectators Orchestra furnishad for all WATCHES and JEWELRY Wedding Bells Box 411, Panama, Hall, San Miguel. The Punam of whom came over Minstrel Co. will many!
Give Us a Call Before Going Elserender a selec Gatuwiguess the kinds of engagements.
where. You are Sure to be on Time In spite of the inslemency of the progiam, latest songs, and side ceremony. The A. NEILSON if Your WATCH was Repairad by US Hand Ironers weather on Saturday evening, 18th splitting jokes, back and winy Nightenigale tied the nuptial knot dancing and several other come in Clarinetist kepahlien Band a cool, impressive and instrucWANTED October, Jet St. Luces Church, Anoon, Ancon Phone 1053 Remember We Make Weddies too numerous to mentio dive inanner. After the ceremony, 17 St. West. Hun 37. Pandora bar was the Age of a prapty little wedding.
will be the feature of the the brival party joineyed to ding Rings and Other at La Esperanza Jalan Banker to Mian Louise, young The parties were Mr.
eventi g! most enjoyablertimbia su este deception was is anticipated, Concert starts a Jewelry to Order est daughter of aud Mrs. Smith.
rts field Among the guesis present LAUNDRY The ceremony was performed by the l be on sale. 30. sharp. Refresh Silversto, Bolt, Holler, Sere Messis. O Laure, too Rev. Capron, The bride was Toit SURGEON DENTIST Sashim, and llies 122 CENTRAL AVENUE (Only First Class Need Apply) beautifully adorned in a dress of rich Loyal Felix Lodge No. 24 Mesdames! Edwards; Bailey, Corner 22nd Street, Panama, P.
auin, made up after the latest Parisign Phone 939 style; while the lady guests were all PAY EVERY QUINCENA.
Hidra JacGregor, Can be found at 175 widt dressed in snowy white. That with the. Gitum Johnson and Be Mapp. Suita Central Avenue.
scenery a most attractive appearance.
ste To whom it may concerne le nodi esses were given in which The bridesmails were Misses Black the Almighty to take for me wood and Watson, with Mr. Belgrave as the mowly wedded couple, midst our well beloved brother dira long, Preaperuus fund happy groomsman. Among those present were Edgar Husbasd, who died at ire. ALLMAN WE CAN MAKE WITH OUR FELLOWS IS. Mr. and Mrs. Spence, Mr. and Mrs. Blackwood, Mr. and Mrs.
Barbados recently: We the officD Clarke, Mrs. Cummings and Miss Leah ers Let there be truth between member of we SHO Stone.
Felix Lodge, No 26, Do RS CLARENCE EDWAROS LADIES AND GENTS TAILOR Between 10th and 11th Sts.
do hereby tender to his han avec us two for everrore While the guests enjoyed the good famity our heartfelt sy in path Returns To His Old Stand Bottle Alley. Colon, things that were provided, many conand hope that they winite cou gratulatory toasts were given in favor forted their hure MENS SUITS MADE TO ORDER PRICE QUALITY SERVICE of the future prospects of the couple.
The General Pablic and Criends sadness, knowing that her Dr. Edwards are asked to After which the balance of the evening hslees with Jesus, where the link notice that he has removed LADIES SUITS. SPECIALTY Gasoline: 01: Accessories.
was spent in the light fantastic step to Ropair Parts: the delight of all.
weary rest from their Isbour. from No. 114 Bolivar Street, to Latest English and American Fash ons.
but to be awakened on the Mis Old Stand. No. 182, Bolivar resurrection morn.
Street, Opposite the Masonic Also Cleaning Pressing VERNON, WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY Co. Dr. JOHNSON Per Ecorotary: Malainenses, es pecially those of Temple, and is preptred to treat Your Patronage Sellelted SURGEON DENTIST GRAVES JOHNSON Preos Moderate swally wan calls late women and children, as he has Phone 1003 sa New song from Specialived in these Address subjecus Phone Corp. 85. Street Aeon Avenue wis owk, spliming during his recent sky in New MY MOTTO. PUNCTUALITY Ancon, 852 Yadon York not in Coor Central Drug Store bone be thoughfful and and rational address Opgelt WATCH) CONTRACTOR BUILDER Concert at Court Minerva y en des Clarke baggage Jamaica.
Dr. CONNELL FULLER is the mwy you want to se ot Various boqueles gave the Where are plenty ongratulation des Opposite Station THE HIGHEST COM ACT in this


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