p. 6


Money Counts Panama Optical Co.
Lo SWELL BOXING PROGRAM At the Bull Ring, Saturday, Nov. 15, 1919, at p.
Gunboat Smith vs. Clem Johnson post caed Contracting with artistic style, orange upon the was met at PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1919.
Brotherhood News soos PACIFIC THEATRE (Continued from page 1)
UNION HALL on Tuesday night, Nov, 4th, Our (Continued from page 4)
PANAMA COLON Leetings are held on the first of dollars which are now gatharand third Mondays in each TO NIGHT, SATURDAY, SUNDAY ed in by the others as profits; Denth, but Monday, Nov. 3rd, AND MONDAY SATURDAY NOVEMBER 8th yes, profits large enough to purbeing a holiday, it was postponed chase steamboats, establish EYES EXAMINEDto Tuesday. THT MYSTERY SHIP ADVENTURES 2 schools, give scholarship, and Precisely at 30 the President GLASSES PRESCRIBED Also First Episodes of take care of the surplus West Perfect fair and near vision in called the beeting to order, and dian labor which handicaps us in TUESDAY 11th after singing the opening Ode our fight for adequate wages.
one pair of glassos.
the Chaplain was calied on to Big Boxing Contest PERILS OF THE SECRET SERVICE The day of indiv alism is it you do not need glasses wa invoke God blessing on the over. The strength of one Co JIM, BRIGGS meeting. After prayers and, the will tell you so frankly.
operative Soeiety of ten thousand Rul Call of Officers the min.
ys SUNDAY NOVEMBER 9th members is greater than the. com. We offer best Opical Service ates of the last meeting were bined strength of tee such sogie Office. 182 Bolivar Stree read, which, alter a few correcBLACKBURN BURNS Adventures 4 ties of thousand members each COLON tions, were contirmed.
20 Rounds 20 and continuation of Let our motto be, INDEPEN CON FONT OP MASONIO TEMPLE DENCE and CO OPERATION.
The President then announced PERILS OE THE SECRET SERVICE the specitic business of the meetW. STOUTE, WEDNESDAY Dr. BUCHANAN, in charge.
ing, which was the election of Orisbal, Various committees, but before CONTINUATION OF THE Playing each show night until Oct. 6, 1919 entering on such business, he MYSTERY SHIP finished, ALL JAMAICA DEFEATS called the attention of the brethSubscription Fund for ren present to certain points of KOOS 00:000350 OOR SCC 88 Wm. Stoute. Continued from page Constitution, which he would Seott in action, before he sails put into practical working NAME AMOUNT o.
for his native land.
and which will help to bring KEE discipline and decoram to our Exploited Worker 00 Games for Tomorrow, Workzan Printery 00 meeting Campbell 00 Standard vs. Jamaics, at StandSeveral important communicaE 50 ard Oval. Britannie vs. 11tions both local and for eign were Frijoles 00 centian, at Bishop Hollow: then read and discussed, and Yorkshire vs. Pedro Miguel, at new members elected.
WEDDING Isthmian Park; and British Guiana vs. Pickwick, at British Dwing to the inclemency of the Guiana.
evening and also ou acount of MALCOLM GRAHAM. There are two grudge matches the change in the time het The Panams Baptist Church was the among the number to be played, ing, the attendance was very scene of a very pretty wedding on Yorkshire vs. Pedro Miguel, and scanty, and it was suggested Saturday Oct. 25, at 15 The Standard vs, Jamaica.
that election be until paru Mr. James Late from France being next regular ineeting. Several of Demerara Standard claims that the rain Malcolm, and Miss Gertrude Graham saved Jamaica in the first en.
other matters were also post. 20 ROUNDS 20 :both of Trelawny and St. Andrews gagement, and they are deterpened, and the members present Jamnion, respectively. The church was mined this time, weather perwere asked to use every effort to For a Side Bet of 200 invite the absent brothers to filled with spectators, guests, and auut mitting, to lower their colors.
of the bride along with many friends.
attend our next meeting, there The bride was allived for a while Georg The Universal Negro Imbeing several matters of vital elte dress, veiled and trimmed provement Association inportance to every member to blossotns, and made in the latest be settled.
Middle Weight Semi Final she also exnied a boupuet aux and African CommuI therefore take this opporof white tube lillies The bride entered tunity to ask every financial broJIM BRIGGS VS. JOE WALCOTT nity League.
the arms of Mr. Morrison of ther of Victory Lodge to be pre. 10. Minute Rounds 10 Eunpire, and at the door by the door sent on Monday night Nov, 17th Papama, November 2, 1913 chief brides maid Miss, Florence Allen Despite the many at 30 sharp.
and six entertaining other attendants. While the features of outside mise mentine. welter Weights orgaa pealed forth th: beautiful wedding West Indian Labour Union Hall was Mariners Local No. 2521 march. After the ceremony the company filed with friends and members of the Joe Jeannett vs. Ben McGovern. 3 Minute Rounds retired to the residence of Rev. and Mrs. IA, Thorbourne, while the choir sang the President Graha precisely The meeting was called to order by All members of the Mariners Give Unto The Lord. Mrs. at o clock. The President 10 a few Local No. 2521 are requested to Curtain Raiser Dume, presided at the organ. The gentle lucid remarks then introduced to attend meeting on Thursday men present at the reception gave several the audience the Representatives night, November 13, 1919, at toasts, which was very befitting for the Wricketts, and MeCarthy Local or of the Colon Branch Messes Suy mours their lodge room at 4th st. and docasion. After which the newly wedded ganizer Secretary and President ro Broadway. All members who couple left for their home.
spectively. After the introduction of these Gentlemen very intesting have not paid their quarterly dues are requested to do so.
ITEMS OF INTEREST. Program was rendered 00. 50c.
Mr, MeCarthy addsess in part THEO. BARNARD, runs The question of opposition is Journal Agent May Beat The Telephone.
often exhibited id aad among West OLD MAN ROSSIE, Promoter.
Indians especially when they are conArinvention, which it is stated fronted with High and Lofty motives Panama Canal Lodge mạy in future equal in impur Race. he exported those ha when such of progressiveness astuching the SON tanice the ordinary telephong was existed to cast ivor as this agd doNo. 2149.
mentioned before the Royal Commands not skeptical minds bas stou Members are hereby reminded mission on Awards to investors and stalwart bearts. He also wears at Westminster recently. The ed a poem composed by his elt 22 that the next meeting of the tain. The Charter was then claim was in respect of Major Afries as his Right Heritage, and years aco, referring to the Nexto and Panama Canal Lodge No. 2149 read by Professor Millington.
will be held at Grove Hall La Many tine speaches were given Tucker invention of the hot wire stated that a cowy of Samne tad been Boca, on Friday November 14th by officers and members of microphone, which was before sent to the late Booker Washington the Commissi some months which he received his autograph and Principle of Tuskegee Institute for All members are asked to be different locals accompanied with in present as business of vital im. intermediate pieces of Music ago.
information to the effect that same wuold be placed in the Art Gallery of portance will be discussed.
from the Orchestra and at 10. 30 BIRTH NOTICE. the Institute as a lasting Memorial of Members who have not paid up a Soxophone music was renNegro acheivement in the word of let their quarterly dues are hereby dered by Mrs. Morales and the Born to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carty ters, a similar copy was sent to the of La Boca, on the 30th uito a nine Aborignes of the Race through Mr.
reminded that same are overdue audience marched to the Ban and are asked to do so early, and quet Hall where they were FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE pound baby girl. Mother and daugh Sylvester Williams who was then ter are doing well, while Albert is touring Europe for the Negeo Nationkeep themselves tinancial sandwiches and soft drinks with ice cream and cakes JAMAICA handing around Conchas Especiales al Researeh Association. In his elos.
with a special smile.
ing remarks be made mention of the stirring addresses of the Delegates Will leave CRISTOBAL, A. will leave BALBOA, Noon SATURDAY, NOTICE. The meeting resumed at 11 30 Tis easy to smile, and to laugh all: sent to Colon by this Branetla Oeteand the ofticers were then taken 8th NOVEMBER, 1919, for BUENAVENTURA and TUMACO the while.
ber, he said that their addresses wat to the anti room for installation, wh sa everything pleasant and marked and inwardly digested and in Secretaries of the Locals, in the officers installed are Bro. PERU bright.
return he would also leave as a Motto will leave CRISTOBAL, A. M; will leave BALBOA, Noon SATURDAY, But it different indead when you the word Wateh which he explainPanama only, are requested to James Clarke Pass President.
can get your feed.
call at the office of the General (reinstalled. Bro. Alfred Wright 8th NOVEMBER, 1919, for And the times, are like onw black The next speaker Mr. Ricketts gave Guayaquil, Payta, Eten, Pacasınayo, Salaverry, Callao, Tambo de Mura Chairman No. 20ch Street Cen President. reinstalled. Bro.
us night. stirring and forceful address, headPisco, Chala, Mollendo, Arien, Iquique, Antofagasta, Chafinal, tral between the hours of p. Best, Vice President; monished the Association that in the event of making the selection for tho and 10 n, and get copies of the Hunter, Sec Treas. reinstated. Coquimbo, and Valparaiso.
Ladies Departmento do so dupar Advance Guide for their Chas Haynes, Journal Agent; 10 m, Our next meeting takes ually and to select too most intelligent Locals. ORIANA Jackson, Chapiain; George place on Tuesday the 18th inst. and capable, because efficiency and Richards, Conductor; will leave CRISTOBAL a, will leave BALBOA, Noon, MONDAY, when all members are expected qualifleration ma the owatu maren Colon Advance Lodge Un Steplenia, Wonen Sentinel trein. reinstated)
10th NOVEMBER, 1919, for to be present.
of Progres was wees with ibu co operation of a Chas NEWTON Callao, Mollendo, Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta and Valparaiso.
The last speakor Mo Sarmar outvelled Charter and In stalled) and Bro. James Elcock, 1993 Journal Agent, lined the grave ask that was lavoined Outer Sentinel. Aller stalled Officers.
WS. VICTORIA and the numerous criticisas cast when few sslet he attempted to organize the branch notable speeches from officers will leave CRISTOBAL, A. and BALBOA at Noda MONDAY, 17th NOVEMBER, 1919, for Atlantic Pacific Lodge at Colon, but by perseverance and One of the happiest evening in and members of other locals, and est determination and with the Co operaCallao, Mollendo, Arion, Iquique, Antofagasta and Valparaiso No. 2505.
the annals of the United Brother music from the Orchestra; the tion of its present members they have ultimately overcome all barriers and hood was spent on Friday the meeting was brought to a close US. MANAVI On Friday night 31st Oct, a to day the Colou Braneh is the living 31st ultimo when the Charter of GUNTER will leave CRISTOBAL A. will leave BALBOA, Noon, MONDAY, regular meeting of the above Emblem of Unity, Worth, aud Doter Advance 2717 was unveiled and officers mioajion which are the qualifications mentioned Lodge was held at the of the New Negro.
See Trens.
NOVEMBER 10th, 1919, for St. Anthony Hall Calidonia The meeting Tumaco, Esmeraldas. Bahia, Manta and Guayaquil The meeting was then brought to an Was Road, for the purpose of general end with the singing of the Doxology.
called to order precisely at Perfection Lodge S, MEXICO p. m, with officers and mem business. The Lodge was called Will love CRISTOBAL A. will leave BALBOA, Noon FRIDAY to order at p. by Bro bers of other locals present and Operetta at Gatun a fair quantity of bright looking ultimo, the Ladies Local which is On Friday evening the 31st 28th NOVEMBER, 1919, for Humphrey worthy President.
The roll of officers was next Gatan folks, look out for a young ladies and Morales Band New port News and Unieid Kingcom.
called, after which the mirates grand operatia, entitled The in attendance. The President known as Perfection convened ELLERDALE were read and put to the base Merry Milkmaid s, in the silver gave a short address and asked their first meeting at the Red WILL LEAVE CRISTOBAL ON OR ABOUT 7th DECEMBER, FOR evening of the Hero Stoute, organizer for the cross Hall, Caledonia. The meet mantic end to take the chair.
called to order at 45 Havre and London when after a little debation they 17th inst. by the were seconded and carried. Two Society of St. Peter Church As soon as the chair was occu by Miss Moses, the Presi den were nu nerous For further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies at new members were then bli. La Boca. Get ready and key pied the Bands played a piece of from other Locals and gated into the mysteries of our fit to enjoy yourselves.
CRISTOBAL. Brothtrhood. Several impecant The Black Star Line March among them were Organizer cha Carter and Bro. Henlin. Secre.
which was amiably rendered communications were rea disPARAISO or at the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, cussed and satisfactorils dis.
amid hearty cheers, The Chair tary Treasurer of the System Can you good folks of Red Tank Division The brothers spoke in PANAMA posed of. The Offfcers were man then gave a fine address and ordered the Charter to be un Many business matters of dem installed in proper and legal and Paraiso afford to miss the turn ia very encouraging terins or Messrs. ISAAC BRANDON Bros. Inc. Sub Agents: THE ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET Do. Panama form by the Worthy Pass Prasi the GRAND OPERETTA to bo veiled. The hall was then put in portance were discassed, and it dent Bro. B, Thorpe. Onr meet staged by the Girls Friendly Suing then came to a close in the city of St. Peter Church, La three small lights directly over was arranged to pull off a con the Charter.
The Charter was hoped all the other Locals will do cert at an early date, when it is usual form at 11, 50 Please Boca, in the spacious clubhouse remember our meetings are held at Paraiso on the evening of the then unveiled by Mrs. Mullinga every 2nd and 4th Friday, 12th inst? The troupe consists and Miss Blake, uneanwhile their best in helping to make of twenty one young ladies, and BROWNE.
the Band playing the bymn same a success.
six boys. Get together, talk about From Greenlands Iey Moun The meeting was adjourned at Journal Agent it, and get ready to enjoy it!
ung Sharkey vs. Fighting Jerry. 2 Minute Rounds Popular Prices. 50 Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
served ed.
Willia in Warden installed.
ing There then Advertise in the WORKMAN.


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