
Affecting Shipping Facilities.
London, Oct. 30. Today West India Committee Circular contains the following: We go to press we learn that the Report of the West Indian Shipping Committee, which was appointed by the Secretary of Stale lor the Colonies in Septen Der, 1918, has been presented 10 Parliament. The fall summary of this important documnat il be published in next Circular.
Meanwhile it must suftice to state that the principal recon.
mendations are:(a) Toat a direct mail and pas senger service. Witu a fixed timeUL, Sould be estaba soon as psible, and be maintain.
ed between the United Kingdom and the Lesser Antilles and Br.
Lisu Gu aud (That tenders should be call.
ud tur within a yel Lului Dutt turee weekly and a lor.
nightly service and that the Go: eruments concerned would then decide what service they can ini.
Llace that the only me se Vice would be one prurung lur slea Desting fortnightly, and carrying uut less luu 120 class passengers.
Cinat in the maatimu no subsidised service simuld De main alued wit the Unit clou (d) Thit every effort sivuld be male to open u did the Colony of Brun Ganana e aut fem is on the whole lile in Vit of tid sa PUL TO Aty do Services flat if pussible ajointi Icy silud petty 11:15 List and unwid Govern sus collow of inimui.
VIC, W OLE VS Lilles, between Canada and we United Kingdom JAMAICA POSITION.
Calidonia Show Rooms to where On of a the best elocutionis.
Interesting News from the WARNING The new anti booze law Continued from page has gone into effect on the from being a reality at present, Canal Zone and all readers it would behove our folks here to of the Workman are get up theatrical entertainments again advised to heed the or musical concerts such as was warning which appears beTHE HOME OF up at the Church House on low: evening, as Barbados can surely boast off some talent NOTICE.
in its midst, and it is up to the public to give every encourage Alcoholic Liquors Prohibitment to local artistes. All the members were good and as usual ed in the Canal Zone.
there is always one or two who High and Low Cut surpass the rest; in this connec On October 28, 1919, the Con too, it is well to say a word of gress of the Uuited States passed praise on behalf of Mr. Groon, an act known as the National in all the Latest Styles and Prices to Meet clerk at the Colonial Bank, who Prooibition Act. Titles and III gave the audience a stirring and of this act became effective imemotional bit of elocution, which mediately upon its passage Sec the Pocket of All was well received, and consider tion 20 of Title III of the act abed the best for the of prohibits course, our old stand byes Fosor introduction of intoxicating ter and St Hill were also up to liquor into the Canal Zone, and it zack and the masterful and also makes it unlawful to manuforceful execution o: Mr. King at facture, sell, give away, dispose the piano was also greatly ap. of, transport, or have in one Dla vied. We hope soon to hear possession or under one control Sole Agent another concert announced.
within the Canal Zone any intoxifor The House of Assembly has cating liquors, except mental scientitic, pharmaceutical pimed its activities after a industrial, or medicinal purposes 37 CENTRAL AVENUE PANAMA recess of six weeks.
The Alcoholic liquors which are de Encome TAX is the fourth sired for the purposes mentioned measure on the Order Paper for is the exceptions to the law consideration, and should draw be obtained only under regula shattering debates We shall once President. The Tawdrtines in Isthmian Elcc iti in by more have evidence of the politisal of our legislators and witness toxicating liquor as any liquor Contest ideals the displays of lays of self interest containing as much as one hall by those whose shallow pretences of one per cent of alcohel by volume, ind pay at democracy are a disHouse No. 20, Calidonia Road grace to the community NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. By Olympic Athletic Club (Four Blocks from Corner on Right Hand)
It seems evident to everyone that this law is now in effect in Tie Isthmian Elocution Contest but those who should be most im the Canal Zone, and that the pos: be held on December is the Cristobal tensted that the Chamberlain session of any alcoholic liquor Silver Club Hou, ale thee of MANUFACTURERS TAILORS AGENTS Bridge passage needs deepening within the Canal Zone is absolute the ely prohibited. This law will be a successful and all interest Olympic Club is stined to The repeated grounding the strictly enforced, and any personed therein getting down to business Orders Taken For schooners at this points than who is only and obvious evidences son in his or her possession, or under of contesta will be creditable one, apprehended with liquor MADE TO MEASURE SUITS It can be already seen that the ranks Thursday evening a sailing wessed his fused to budge when clearing or her control, within the Also Raw Material per yard from Clae quassage and as a result both limits of the Canal Zone will be much charge with the many mesiallists. doubt but vehicular and pedestrian trattic prosecuted to the full 25)U. and upwards Wis seriously inconvenienced for the law. The law provides a tine that there will be some very close decis.
ons to be mide, which will put the judges The night. This is most unsatis of not not more than 1, 000 or in a position to decide the true merits of cactory and demands immediate imprisonment not exceeding six the SUITS Made to Order from 17. 25 and upwards Ieu dying months for a first offense. Fora uent offense a time of 000 The three judges that are to be chosen, sub prisonment for five year id are going to judge not from the stan and are experienced in the art of cloution One Third Deposit On All Orders Trinidad may be imposed. The minimum punishment that can be imposed mrits of a pere rendered, nor only from fora si cond or subsequent of the modulation of the voice, but Order3 Mailed to Customers Address imprison from New Sanitary Branch ment for one month. The provi on everyone from start to finish to son words, the eyes of scrutiny will be fixed AG EDWARDS, Tailor and Cutter Centres.
sions of this law will be given wwwwwwwwwwwwww wide publicity throughout the indze their merits and Semerits.
Trinidad and Bardados Canal Zone and the Republic of Applicants are requested to make their Panam, and ignorance of its application on or the 12th of this Linked Up.
provisions will be of no avail to month so that a programme can lear information is to hind say the any offender who is apprehended. need in time for distribution.
Portet spin Gazell, that BarbaAn enterance fee of 75 ets gold will be JOHN HANAN charged per entrant to this contest slus and Trinidad have been mad.
District Judge branch centres of the Royal SaniA question re ently ar so as to wher C. HINDMAN ther or none trance fee should be 122 Central Ave. Panama tary Institute of which British charged to tie contenders of this affair Guiana is the head centre District Attorny for the owing to the commercialist into which West Indies. certiticate obthe club would be involved Tained in either of the three tragedy of hanging murderers can be remembe ed up to the present TheHom of JHigh class Goods, Courteous Treatment pues will ther fore be available in the other two as well as the takes place. Some Trinidadian time, at all contests of this soris if not and Prompt Attention branch of origin.
might think the removal to an carried on for any per other site a fit opportunity for sins of any Give us an early call, and inspect our Stock of The examiners for the Trinking the name Revalia to the ants especial organization but open dad contre ar the City Engito the entire community to participate is hardly a li Roval institu. and attain unto the galat where PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDIneers (Mr. Farrell Sc. tion, and apart from the associa each one has is or her option of ente.
the Surgeon General. Hon. Dr. tions of the Ex Kaiser, it has, wu ig, a nominal charg, is slways mide not CINES, TOILET ARTICLES, ETC. ETC. Wise. the Deputy Surgeon believe, ver very little to do with from ons commercial viento it, but as an General (Dr. Lassalle, Royalty. Of course, our Trini. urance of of We solicit your patronage and guarantee satisfaction.
urance of good faith, and giving the e me and the Medical Officer or dad friends may have conscien right of a choice where there is one.
Health for Ports Spain (Dr. tions idea of the value of Royalty Wasson The position of each contestant will Sc. R. It is in these days, in which case they be decided on the eventful night and it Phone 939 O, Box 829, Ancon.
Inderstood that holders of certi should be allowed to characterise is not necessary for the titles of pieces ticates from the Royal Sanitary the institution in words that deem to be given in before the very night, BROWNE McALMON Institute will be entitled to great. honest and right.
when same will be annonnced as receivPROPRIETORS.
er salary remuneration than ofti ed, or in order of rendition.
cers possessing local certificates It is reported thrt the MSP. It is anticipated that there will be From the Halth department.
Co coastal service in Trinidad many competitors in this contest, and it will be cancelled, the company would do well if the various elubs and The question of sanitation being so anxious to stop losing organizations would get together and and housing is being pushed to money that they have offered to choose from the ranks ot ther members, the forefront by the Governments pay a perralty in order to cancel the talents who will represent them, of Trinidad and Demerara. In the contract forth with. The Belize This applies especially to Panama, us if Grenada, where we are far worse which is engaged in the Tobago everyone in that big city, were give large and Fresh Shipment of of than either of the above colo route will be taken off; it is said, chance there surely would have to be a nies, nothing is being done. One at an early date. notice baving deference. It would also do well if one CLARKE BLOOD MIXTURE day there will be a big bill to been served on Trinidad by the is not connected with any organization, pay in diseases and a sadder Royal Mail people.
literary or otherwise, to get dear to one, form of Death Duties will be in organizations are asked to do Royal Infant Preservative a home, of rich Mikoy Cipriani, who is back prejudiced and unselfish.
their utmost in this regard, by being un as well AND OTHER PATENT MEDICINES.
as of poor. Man is a in Trinidad after an exciting socal snl inter lependent being career in the war, has decided would do well if the Panama end we all have some kind of social, not to appear on the cycle track would bear it in mind, that the best domestic, or business contact in future. He was, before the war pick of elocutionists from that end should with all others, and unless we a speed marvel on the bicycle.
be made, as in a contest with gentlemen take hermitage with the man in. Mesers, Rhoden, Samuels, Morand and Ferreira (all medallista) and Miss Smart FOUNDED IN 1881 the moon the spread of dis So as to make idle days inter (medallist also there does not appear to case will reach us some day, by esting, the popular Captain Kirby be such a patent existing walk over.
The Oldest Drug Store in Panama City and the most Modern One.
dies, by mosquitos, by wind, by of the American steamar, which the food we eat, the air we brea has for days been lying idle in about time that each piece be rigorously MANUEL ESPINOSA it is Since the time is drawing so near, the, the laundered clothes wo Trinidad owing to the strike of studied and executed to bring each indi Central Avenue, 33 wear, and in hundred other longshoremen in the bas viduel up to first grade.
Opposite La Mercedes Church Panama.
ways. Every inhabitant stands arranged boat races and other suffer by the insanitary condi sports for the crew. The ship sion of Grenada.
will received that one in New York WM. LAWRENCE It is stated that the Royal Jail has left for the West Indies.
Trinidad is likely to be remov. make up for the heavy loss the Tailor and Outfitter ed to a more sequestered spot. Company is sustaining through Visitors to Trinidad who found it the strike in the United States, Dealer in School Books, Lot quite in line to have the jail can expect to see consumers and Stationary.
in the very heart of the town will in the unoftending West Indies be pleased to hear of this. The penalised through yet more in No. 11 Street, Panama present site seems better suited ranged freight rates in the near an institution for nobler work future. The cost of passage to chains from Central Ave.
in constructive citizenship. It in New York is also likely to go up mot only in the town but in the somewhere beyond the limit of Address: principal street, and there the ordinary persons, Box 895, Ancon, le ore The Chemical Hall Asintas II, it direct CC tion between Jumica and the United Kingdom un de secured Oy the diversion of some service proceeding through the Pan anal a Sillall subsidy wurth paying for the pu One of securing such coinmuniduoll. 1) That every support should be accorded to sucitors is the Canadian Governme it may make open up or indian slump comunication we th: Dominion und Bermuda, the Ba.
namna Blandis Jan LIST Honduras (That no atteinpt can at pre.
seat be made with advantage by the Governments concreto institute ai services at their own expense, bnt thality experiment undertaken by private enterprise should WCB With view gaining experience. j) That sucn acuon as is prac ticable should be taken un our suggestions in regard to the French surtax and the Venezuelau surtax. k) That any means possible should be taken in order to improve the accommodation on board ship for the labourers who travel locally between the island: select number stake the best JUST RECEIVED a and such Notice to Masons Local.
PANAMA CITY The members of the above Local who have not yet their entrance fee, of 329 Cy. in full are urgently requested to have said about paid before January 1st 1920. as per concession) or they wil subject to admittance is new inein ers with the regulation lees of 575 Cy.
JAMES CLARKE Secretary JAMES GILL President.
posed on on many It would do re min Central Drug Store ATTENTION!
When You Leave From Panama or along the Line and arrive in Colon, you will sure to be hungry.
Call at 144, St. at the ADVERTISE in the WORKMAN RED LION RESTAURANT where you will be served with your Real Home Cooking.


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