
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1919 PAGE SEYES Real Democracy KING BEE Cigarettes Sosxocoooooooooo SHOW YOUR DEMOCRACY AND SMOKE KING BEE oo and TAILORING ESTABLISTMENT Watch say Wanted at Once. and and Pihe young plant.
DECODEREDE are sorry the Kitchener, Estate Lee Chong Co.
They are given The Governor of 00 Soxo00x60X60 90E5 SOSSESSOAS The Dardanelles St. Vincent Expedition.
His Excellency the Governor, according to Press reports, had a Direct West India Cable dated London, November 17 says: busy time in St. Vincent, and did a great deal of work, good, bad The report of the Commissie which has been investigating the and indifferent He appointed a new member to AND disastrous Dardenelles Expedithe Executive Council. under tion of 1915, made public, to day unfamiliar corditions) and for finds that when it was decided to send that at there has been a chorus sufficient consideration was not of satisfaction. The person ap point is Mr. Digby Hadley, given to measures necessary to success, and that the difficulties proprietor of The Syring Estate of the operation were much unThe St. Vincent Sentry, speak derestimated at the outset jug of Mr. Hadley appointinent Just as Real Democracy knows no class distinction, so with KING BEE.
All the decisions taken and Says in choosing Mr. Hadley for this They are as popular with the man who earns 25. 00 per day as the provisions for the expe.
important and contidential Exe.
dition, according to the reports cutive appointment which re.
with the man who earns 25. 00 per month.
were based on the assumptio mained vacant since the retire.
that if a landing were effected, ment of Mr. Conrad Simmons, the resistance would be slight the Governor has shown a desire and the advance rapid. The mernto give every possible attention to bers of the Commission beliete the claims of large land owners that the conditions for a military and to have the benefit of their attack should have been studied an co operation, through their repre la general plan prepared by the chief of the General sentatives, in the work of advancStaff ing the welfare of the colony Lieut General Sir James Wolfe Persons who know Mr. Digby Stock Murray, while it was the duty of.
Ooxoxoxox Hadley spontaneously bear testi the Secretary for War to see that this was done mony to his interest in the well being of the labouring and midThe Commission recognizes the dle classes, and if he pursues the said that they have established DR. CLARENCE EDWARDS personal gallantry, energy and humane policy touching tbe peo and registered The St. Vincent determination to win at all costs as well as evince interest in Trading Co, with a capital of Returns To His Old Stand PHILIPS of General Sir Ian Hamilton, Comuricultural mattere he. should 2, 000. The correspondents who valuable help to the Officer resides in St. Vincent, says of Dr. Edwards are asked to mander in Chief of the Expedi.
The General Public and friends tion, and also that the task was Administering the Government was spokesman for the labourers take notice that he has removed one of the most extreme difficial The St. Vincent Times adds: deputation. we succeeded in ty, more so as the authorities at In the past, appointinents to the getting the Governor to raise the from No. 114 Bolivar Street, to Guarantees Satisfaction in the home at first misconceived the Executive Council were inade wages of labourers to twice as His Old Stand, No. 182, Bolivar cutting and manipulation of nature and duration of the opera from the Legislative Council, and much as it was before. but Street, Opposite the Masonic tions. The Commissioners think Mr. Hadley is, we believe the when touched The Nexro Temple, and is prepared to treat VESTS, TROUSERS, BREECHES AND LOUNGE it woul have been well ad Sir first Unofficial appointed to the World prohibition, the Governor women and children, as he has Ian examined the more critica Executive Council who is not a nota refused to hear me. The Go situation disclosed on the first member of the Legislative Coun crnor has acted in the historical specialized in these subjects Morning Coats, Frock Coats and Dress Coats landings, impartially weighed she membe selecting Mr. Digby Had cil. In during his recent stay in New to give life to a movement Executive probabilities of success or failure ley as a member of the SPECIALTY miglit have died if left to York having regard for his rese to counsel and advise Council, the ver ment has hedgerow is the stronger for itself, or might have grown leg.
and submited to the war Secres Counci LADIES SKIRTS COATS y Government, the as botanists tary a comprehensive statement But just as made a fortunate again mnost the The Commissioners believe that pleasing selection. The Hadley being cut, the prohibition might 34 YEARS EXPERIENCE after the advice of General brothers are among the most Charles Munroe, who succeeded Box 968, Ancon, 18th Street, Central.
and force to the growth of the Twɔ Competent General Hamilton as Commander prietors in the Colony, and the considerate le mindest of the Expedition, in favour of a ingeltish manner in which they The Governor should try such Trouser Workmen withdrawal from the Dardanelles try to assist their einployees is is legislation in Grenada. Some peo: had been confirmed by Lord widely known and appreciated that he has not yet Apply to evacuation should Mr. Digby Hadley, at the Spring thought it fit to insult the intelli have occurred immediately.
is so kind and considerate gence of Grenadians as he has ALLMAN that his labourers are considered done to St. Vincentiang. Since the 132 Bottle Alley to be in a better position than if publication of his prohibition in Take Notice they were peasant proprietors St. Vincent, the result is that COLON Manufacturers Agents, General Importers, with a small acreage without there are not sufficient copies of Exporters and Commission Merchants.
continu. The Negro World to go round NOTICE The following persons are reous employment, at reasonable in Grenada, as many persons are quested to call on Dr. SO pay, provision grounds free, and made anxious to know what the To whom It may co cern Johnson Secretary of the West Sole Agents and Distributors for the following: in addition Mr. Hadley also im paper is like. The best way to ndian Committee, at 143 Centraports clothing and distributes to strengthen that anxiety is to cut The Offfcers and members of the ANGLO AMERICAN PROVISION Co.
Avenue, in conn tion with ceri his employees at cost. The ap. it down so as to give things a Royal King George Lodge No.
tain inatters referred to the Com pointment of Mr. Digby Hadley, charce to shoot and spring up 17, begs to Provisions and Canned Goods. mittee by the British Legation:therefore, is in the best interest with determination.
notify that Israel Cuffy is no Rosaline Skeete of Panama South Western Milling Co. Inc. Aguilar Flour.
of the.
longer a member of said Lodge Ida Walker of Green Castle And the rate in his dealing proved to be so unsein and Order, having been expelled Tomson Co. Soaps, Cleanser and Lye. Estate, Antigua in his Bocas Notes in consequence of acts deroga.
Ella Noble of Jamaca, with the poorer classes that his tory to the Lodge and Order. Colgate Co. Octagon soaps Joseph Osbourne of British appointment is bound to meet with general approuncillor on Mass Meeting at Almirante We con HENRY SPENCER Benjamin Mfg. Co. Healing Oil, Balsam etc.
Secretary gratulate the new The Hump Hair Pin Mfg. Co. Hair Pins his appointment Important Notice Panama Hats Columbus Polish Mfg. Co. Inc. Shoe Polish Paste he will in the and express the (BY THE STROLLING SCRIBBLER)
that in the very near future will also accept appointmet Bocas del Toro, of Ingersoll CLEANED and BLOCKED Watches, etc.
Council ROWLINS December 1, 1919.
and TRIMMED to Order His Excellency presided The Universal Negro Improvement ROYALINE OIL, ROYALINE SOAPS, ORO Etc. Begs th notify his old custom meetings of the Legislative Coun ALSOers that he has returned from the Sil of St. Vincent, at one of which Asociation and African Communities LeaUnited States of America, and he moved the revised Income Tax is held a mira te ting the first offoto MILLINERY DRESSMAKING For Wholesale Quotations Write or Phone us. has taken up his position again kind Almirante Bay. miles from an Saw this as Agent for the met representatives of extown) yesterday, Nov. 30, at the HOUSE No. 965, La Bcao Washington Tailoring Co.
At 10. 30 a, m, the motor bont Alva better HEAD OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE put them on OF CHICAGO, ILL.
Lessons Given footing, and His Excellency also left here with a few gathering composed 134 140 Bolivar Street 62 Central Ave.
kad opportunity of facing the la. of officer officers and members. On their ar Colon, R, Samples and styles on bandi Panama, R, proper fit and workmanship bour question squarely. It is rival they were met by a large crowd.
said that so kind was his considland over 300 persons were present. Mr. Band Instrument.
Pricisely at 3p. the hall was crowded on the Clarinet, the leading Box 152. Phone 90 Box 585, Ancon, guaranteed, or money refunded Band or Phone 895, eration of the matter that labour Price and Quality Can be Beaten ers in St. Vincent stand to bene. Walker. President of Almirante Branch, Orchestra furnished for all o kinds of engagements.
Postal address: Box 788.
fit as a result of His Excellency opened the meeting and introduced Mr.
visit. But the Governor, in his Samuda, of the Bocas Bratch. AdAncon, NEILSON usual way, in order to tear to dresses were delivered by Mesars. Cam.
United Brotherhood Directory pieces the good he had done, pre mention must be made of Mr. Atkinson, bridge, Atkinson, and others. Special Clarinetist Republican Band proclamation the entry WILKINSON Anoon Phone 1053 of The Negro World into St whose address was a brilliant one. The Panama Canal Lodge No. 2149, Groves) Lily of the Isthmus Lodge No. 2508, musical program rendered by the choir 17 St. West, House 37, Panama Hall La Boca, Carter, President; Colon. Bridge, President; WilCONTRACTOR BUILDER Aide and left une insulting the intelli gavo gave satisfaction throughout, Special Geo. Heplin, Secretar. Treesurer liams. Secretary Treasurer, Kence of a loyal people and giving mention must also be made of the songs LEGAL NOTICE Isthms of Pan Lodge No. 2151, them full Victory Lodge No. 2509, Parsiso. First Class Workmanship hull demonstration of the duets, recitations, etc.
Panama City, Woodrutt, President: Wright. President; Fields, Secretaryfact that autocracy is far from a success throughout, lasting over Plans and Specifications Free President.
being crushed with Germany.
He two hours and at its close thirty or more in the. District Court for Smielded Secretary Treasuror.
new enrolled, Canal. has sown the Division Allen Star Lodge No. 2500, Colon.
Eureka Lodge No, 2510, Gatun. 15th Street West House 90 hatred by his anti racial procla Spence, President; Jones, Cox, President; Callender, Secretarymation to the people of st. Vin There will be a Xmas celebration at Eugetta Prince Secretary Treasurer.
Treasurer. Box 411, Panama, cent, and has left trouble for Blair Park, Guabito, the proceeds for Vg somebody else to reap some day, the day will be turned into fund for William Prince, Perseverance Lodge No. 2501, Gatun.
Chagres Lodge No. 2511, Gambon.
We are anite sure that His the purchase of uniforms and equipment Civil No. 307. Forsyth, President; Small, Secre Dupn, President; Killingfor the 17 colored cricket clubs and beck, Secretary Treasurer.
colored base ball teams.
To William Prince, the above tary Treasurer.
named defendant: Success Lodge No. 2502, Gatun.
Liberty Lodge No. 2512, Red Tank.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE Rayside, President; Bracey, Secre Clarke, President; Taylor, On Thursday evening, 27th ultimo tary Treasurer.
That on date of November 17, Secretary Treasurer.
there was reception at Almirante by Victor Collins Lodge No. 2503, Panait the Red Cross Committee for the Bocas 1919 the above named plaintiff Empire Star Lodge No. 2513, Empire.
or contingent Boys of the late filed in this Court suit against ma City. Collins, President; Henry Wm, Stoute, President; Headley: EYES EXAMINEDAmong the ex soldiers present were ex you for the Annulment of Mar. Spencer, Secretary Treasurer.
Secretary Treasurer.
sergeant Findlater and ex corporal riage.
Aurora Lodge No. 2504, Panama GLASSES PRESCRIBED G, Berkeley Now, Therefore, unless you Panama City. Buckley, President; Unique Lodge No. 2514, Panama. Perfect fair and near vision is Addresses were delivered by the gen appear at a Session of said Court Day, Secretary Treasurer.
Gee. Toppin, President; Jos. Skeete, one pair of glasses.
nt temen present and at the close of the to be held at Cristobal, at Atlantic Pacific Lodge No. 2506, Pan Secretary Treasurer. o clock, Thursday, Jan amala City Humphrey, President on British National Anthem there was a If you do not need glasses we banquet and dancing followed. uary 25, 1920, and answer the Manley, Secretary Treasurer.
Howard Severs Lodge No. 2515, Colon. will tell you so frankly.
complaint in said suit, judgment Jones, Secretary Treasurer. We offer best Optical Service will be taken against you by Evergreen Lodge No, 2506, Paeams Ancon Lodge No. 2516, Panama. All. Office. 182 Bolivar Street, be default, and the relief prayed for City. Headley, President; Nelson, President; Wm. Irving, SecreCOLON bn ADVERTISE IN in same will be granted.
Miller, Secretary Treasurer.
tary Treasurer. IN FRONT OF MASONIG TEMELEN SGD. CHEATHAM, Progressive Lodge, No. 2507. Colon, ce The Workman Scott, President; Caterson, SeoAsst Clerk of Court.
Colon Advade (New Lodge) Colon retary Treasurer Günter, Secretary Treasurer.
Dr. BUCHANAN, in charge Guiana.
hope that to the Legislative Cresided at two 09 me soldiers of St. Vincent and made ments to made arrange mechanic building by colony will after Panama Optical Co.
78 KL be


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