p. 8


Cricket Brolerkoo! News The Voice of Wis. dom. The Broken Coin then Each Show Night Friendly Societies Anime and in to viction und have los bonds the game is God Advertise Barnet are living in able to stand on those who goal word of their There is no Workman han it be understood that tho Cho iste. Grudin elbis divine vindown for the election of olies To ITPAYS his band to this blend und hinter Printer Lodges Brioche dom of our PACIFIC THEATRE UNION HALL Rain puts an ent to Surrey(Continued from Pazz 1)
PANAMA COLON Wanderers ame.
cal) at the West Indian Red Cross Hall, Caliconia Bridge o surowi world groal The Allie tating their eue from D)
The Wanderers C journeyed over Good Show Each to anama laut Sundsy to try concluSaturday evening, December 13 war for the friend of Continuation Show Night This is a worthy cause, and we Wit Puls tave was greater sions with the Surrey CC. the chamshould do all in our power to VICTORY var han dises of of the make this concert OvWard nave bana make financial had been raining daily during the THURSDAY DECEMBER 11th, 1919 a eured. WHY?
success and so encourage our Do you sailor tradepand and week, and it was thought that it would sisters in their onward march tid irelings. restlessness atsi yhts, have been impossible to play. but, BIG PERFORMANCE toward the betterınent of condi pains in the back. ides or joints one thanks to the care that has been given of late to the Standard Oval, it WAS BY tions. Ticlets can be had from with swelling achtossunt, our Secretary. Price 25 cents Math Groiss. in queat a desire to winate, weak or line back.
found possible to be able to play by 30 PANAMA MINSTREL Co.
ramy seusation, or irritation of the bladder C, MORRIS The wic set was truly a bowler wickIf you observe any of these discoinet, and there was ever prospect of its Journal Agent forts start today to take the ony SATURDAY DECEMBER 15 real eure DeWitt Pills, and you will improving if the brilliant sun that was be rewarded The with shining had continued.
Wanderers skipper won the tries and dreds on the Isthmus have been testify.
elected to bat Surrey opened the at JIM BRIGGS. VS. JOE WALCOTT The regular meeting of the ing to the value of the water tale tack with the two Holder brothers, and abovenamed Lodge came off on no doubt, and birin your treated now well did these two men bowl that the 15 Minute Rounds 15 Monday night December One bottle is enough for some, wrong Wanderers team was all out for At 30 President Grant deep rouwd cases need longer treat3. On Roing to the wicket. Surrrey oooooooooo Soosssxos 0:00:35:called the house to order, and met depeatingoa theo tried hard to force the game, and suc after the opening formalities ar Sold in at all first ceeded putting up 12 runs for the loss were kone through the Presi druy stores of wickets when rain put an end to Almighty God into whose various is of the uity ed for the transaction of general ECD. Witold Howell of the Wanderers CC made we commend the soul of the Gada prisperous business.
13 runs for his side, but difficult was (Continued from Page parted Brother cher their so. NEW YEAR The minutes of the last regu. printed on a the ground that it proved very difficult row and so the their fil ction, THE CITY PHARMACY, The bowling of the folder Thos, Irish, Outer Guardian And be it furt t, the means of the Prince lar meeting were rad and conResulin de rest of his or halige BLOTS timed Simportant com Sis. Worrell, Warden 139 Can. Avenue, Pana 12.
Thom till for wanderers and Ofticial representatives frontaik, and in conform with the Methane municatie Were then rad ad and Canal Zone.
ve all the cateve garn tren septid the district. Sister Keating regulations of our inde perved that it heling applications Agents for Repiblic of Pana:na Sortien und Eiection of for membership it would look very stinky for SuresPPS and Bro. Edwards this At this juncture the Inner Sn This Lorige stilleda in marning for officers for the trade June announced visitors in the Games for To morrow.
along felt want among Shepherds copy of the winnin La Bora at lithin in Panama and we wish the off to his bervared Stim corner of the General Chairmin. Evergreen Lodze No. 2536.
Rom Park mem.
speed and entre un our mind Host Mondas General Secr. Tres and the Members, of the Evergreen of Victor Collins Piesint remember that the will please?
Ikwick at British Guiana Succes The Si veral ceremonis a copy published in achttien til. Oni finodvethe Presiden first and third Friday in each Wer introduced Pedro Miguel at having been duly performed the local papers, and that the rate and will be entitled to vite Members in arrestre ter which diress montis meeting night.
to the meeting Bishop Hollow the members resorted to the ban adjourned until our next meeting asked to part whether destino siven by each visiwr which was plens de don forget to Bring member presence is needed Standard vs. British Guiana at Stanquet Hall and did justice to the time, that may quality themselves for the occasion istened to dan Oval to very keenly by the good things that was prepared.
We would like very much to see ELECTION of OFFICERS brethren present and proved to your dues along with you thouse ACXOLDFIELD be very inspiring and instrue of you who have paid asset.
Wanderers in firtion ainst one of Resolution of Condolence BLACKBURN Of The Star of Hope DisPermanent Secretary, tive, escially at this time when the strong teams in anama, for it is a a Journent.
known fact that it would take a very trict Grand Lodge.
the weakhearted are worrying brod combination to beat the consist At the last general meeting of over went happenings. It would have done much good to those ang as it docs of such cracks. 11. Her the star of Guiana Lodge No. 16 brothers who were absent on Look Out For The LA.
for, Thomas Charles, Cain, anu MF. The following The Onicers and members of il these men are Wander resolutions was adopted on behalf the Star of Hope District Grand account of doubt to lear the truth told about themselves. We and on Sunday irs, and assisted materially in placing our late deceased friend and Lodge of Panama of the Imp new era and only int in that envjable position she now Brother Reginaid. McCalla ed independent Order of Old IN THE An invitation is given to the At any time Wanderers play who in the pursuit of his em fellows London Unity met in.
their own feet independents, general public to witness the be in Panama thrise men will be represent ployment, acidentally lost his sion Saturday night the 8th of and strive to reach the the life at 10 mass meetingat the West Indian mg her, and with the remainder of the at 10 o clock Sunday mornwhich is ahead will reap the res Labour Union Hil. 23rd Street.
team made up of the men in Colon, iting November 9th, in the cons: opened The Grand Master the meeting with an labor no Guachapaliat 30 Sunday Decem.
hould be a most interesting game to traction of one of the the wireless thusiastic welcome; various place for the backslider in heaven berith. tomorrow weama watch on a periect wicket.
towers at Puerto Obras Obadia.
Whereas it has pleased Alm. This meeting was called chiers on and he that putteth special programme is prepared worth eth back is is not tit for the king. Band will be attendance to call from this stage of tempo. lowing were elected: rillo Cricket Club is of Heaven, neither is he McClean, Grand Maste an who putteth his hand to the of reward our well beloved Brother Jonge from any club that is wishful of anxistance to his illustrioush Husband, taking in and arw year lacinia in Roxinall. Negalla hose Master: Joseph Subscription rulur blough of the Brotherhood and WEST INDIAN RED CROSS ponding for whosoever will may come.
poketh back Please Win. Stout.
long perisining to the kite further Lodge has lost one of its mem Hinkson. Grand Guard, Res, the West Tudiin Red Cross at, no place and for any mor we now cherish.
take notice that And whereas by his death the Grand Secretary. 20d vear.
Th monthly by extreguar meeting will be on fondy night Dec, 15 WIR it is to known that Arthur bers whose progressive achieve. Grand Warden. Brother Hbbris no more Svety, on account of ment to the Order of be held on Saturday the 201 oped that letst two things of NIME AMOUNT SC.
le sving for employment and all commt bad model him to be an excel address, thanking the Brothers Calidonia Bridke. of Mechanism McClean gave a very clay. In their sesli o che membership will be present Exploited Worker nications must be sent through lent Brother out Workan Printery Callerbar who has filled his place. Our bensband and alone erat a dear for their aid in promoting 100 A Campbell On Sunday the 1st inst, there Panama Canal Lodge No combination is to represent the plant: a loving.
wa into the highest office of the EHR 30 Be therefore risolved that Unity, and asking them their co will be a Juvenil Concert. com to ruled and we have got a tip of this Lodge whilst in regular operation in assisting him to po. test, when twolve prizes will be 2149 Frijles kr for every coffee, Ch. Brown 100 session convey to this bereaved mote the Unity. Many adlies wn away. Quite a number o There wil be a general meeting Coke 50 Yrs for Clean Sport family our heartfelt sympathy were given by the various Brokers will be present and of this Lodge on Friday Dee Shills 11. CALLENDAR and condolence in this their time thers; the Grand Master ordered the chair wil to taken by a well at 30 in Grove Hall La known West Indian.
Boca Iinportant business will HOLIDAY CRICKET MATCH. be transacted. Don forget Over the Top: Bird speed SPECIAL MEETING that the sick and burial dues Red Tank Sporting vs in ist be paid at this meting Gamboa member the date and time. What? The Panama Mirtstrel The West Indian Labour Union Company: very interesting game of cricket will hold a special Meeting on Where? At the West Indian was played on the Gamboa Cricket field on Thursday 27th Thanksgiving Saturday Night December 6th.
Notice to all Locals Red Cross Hall on com ber3 Day.
This meeting will be the second This Company he docided to The match was played between a Your attention is again called show the folks in this City, that Sporting Team from Pedro Miguel sitting of the Convention and it it to the circular that was sent they are the GAMEST BUNCH is incumbent upon every tinan. your lodges, relative to Liberty IN THE CITY, by pulling off a and the Gambou At 12, 30, Mr. Myers, skipper cial member to be present to Lodge No. 2512 of Red Tank, CORKING SHOW in aid of the of the visiting team called the coin cor.
take part in the proceedings as Don forget your obligations and EXCELSIORLODGE. Electrical rectly and sent in the homesters to bat. FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE The bowling of the visiting team was the nature of this meeting is for come across. With best wishes Workers. intrusted to Reid and Mason.
the purpose of amending the fraternally.
Both did very splendid work with the Constitution and Bylaws of the The Company has a Dioeer ball. As a natter of fact the homesters 1. which cannot be done ELLERDALE CARTER, GAZZEY EYES. and his side actually collapsed under the visiting trundlers untii Mr. Killingbeck at any other meeting. Financial General Chairman, partner SAM, will start in vith came in. He handled the willow with WILL LEAVE CRISTOBAL ON OR ABOUT 7th DECEMBER, FOR a Bombardment of FUN. He is members are requested to bring prin elermination, and is efforts along their contribution charged for a breach of up card succeeded in getting 38 runs up for Havre and London with them in order to be admit. LIBERTY LODGE No. 2512 and don know if he loves the his side with the fall of 10 th wicket.
The visitors then went into bat.
ted. Any failure on the part of Red Tank, Canal Zone Engineer or the Engine when it They did not have things their own comes off to a Ruil road wreck.
financial members to attend on way however, as Skipper Killingbeck the above mentioned date without Our SHIMMIE Queen also has and Mason did some very good trundS. S, ORIANA a reasonable excuse, same will All membnrs of the above a new stock of latest Shiminies, ling the visitor battiug effort real.
ized 58 runs, for wickets, when the be dealt with as the unlon deems named Lodge are hereby notified while JONES BONES has been Will leave CRISTOBAL, TUESDAY, 16th DECEMBER, 1919, for skipper declared his innings closed.
at the Bilbo Shine, that a meeting of vital importance ese and see GAZZEY EYES The homesters again went to bat and NEW YORK. and UNITED KINGDOM Meeting commences at 30 will be held on Thursday night, batted out time. Their second innings of Barbados talki is with his sharp December 11th, 1919. proved more snecessfnl, their 10 wick JA, HIGGINS cing at 30 sharp, and all GAL PA of Jamaica on the ets realizing 63 runs. The match was accordingly decided on the first inFinancial Secretary must be present without fail, as telephone. VICTORIA nings; leaving the homesters defeated.
matters of great importance will Don miss this SHOW or else Messrs Archer, Allen, Haynes, Cadobe dealt with, and special speak, ball of your life will bo gone, gan also made very energetic efforts to will leave CRISTOBAL, WEDNESDAY 24th DECEMBER, 1919, for The Primrose Choral Union ers will be present, whom you Secure your tickets early, as we secure victory for the visitors.
know it will be a rush for seats.
The game was played in a true will like to hear.
UNITED KINGDOM sportsmanlike spirit Doors open at 30 and all who We also beg to call the attenA musical and Dramatic enterwitnessed the match declared it wes a COMPANY starts at p.
day well spent, and a game well played tainment will be given on Thurs tion of all members, to the JAMES GILL The umpires deserve credit for their CAUCA day evening Dec. 18. 1919 at St. importance of attending every Anthony Hall, Calidonia by the and all meetings. We have al President.
The return fixture is sure to prove present a big staff of members equally it not more interesting and is Primrose Choral Union.
will leave CRISTOBAL, a, m, and BALBOA at Noon, MONDAY, 15th anxiously looked forward to and on meeting nights only The management is leaving no few will attend. You who stay DECEMBER, 1919, for Tumaco Esmeraldas, Bahia, Manta and Guayaquil stone unturned to make this en away are always on the lonin ATTENTION. Special General Meeting tertainment the hit of the season end, as things generally occur.
of The Grenada and is therefore preparing to that you are unwise to on account For further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies at All members and others intrested in give the public its money worth of your continuous absence. Youn You Lepve From Panama Little Dick, the comedian of the are therefore urged to attend this Clubase alled to attend Special General Meeting to be held at No. 34, CRISTOBAL Company is back again, and will preetings, so that there may belong the Line and arrive in Third Floor, Muller Building, Calidonia on the spot to deliver the no complaints, nor misunders n, you will sure to be hungry goods. So bridge on the 12th. inst. at pm. The or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, come prepared to tandings of members not knowing ill at 144, St. at the spend an enjoyable and jolly time.
fact that the meeting is special should be the progess of our local.
sufficient to cuorey to every one that PANAMA Refreshments will be on sale. Dont get cold feet. Keep:D LION RESTAURANT matters of very great importanca are on Doors opened at 30 o clock knocking until the door is opened a Messrs. ISAAC BRANDON Mo. Inc. ub agonis: THE ROYAL MAIL STEAN MACKET CO. Panama Entertainment starts at unto us.
e you will be served with Panama City, sharp MOSS our Real Home Cooking.
Admission only 25 cents god, Taj Journal Agent. PRICES MODERATE.
Dec. 4th. 1919. RUSSELL, Prop.
Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
proper work.
the agenda.


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