
la teresting News from the West Indian Islands Demerara INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION TED prices, may be St. Lucia he dahin Panama Furniture Company plies.
at Salaries but in this Barbados of the TRUE EREDE DETENIE ges.
fach succeeding year, the from the Customs to the Ice task of finding remunerative House Hotel. On reaching that markets for our staple products hostelry the intransit passenger was always a gloomy one. With asked the porter his charge for the measures which have been the job, and in reply was inform Trinity High School nacted by the Imperial Parlia ed divat his bill was three dollars the. The new almost aghast, for Girls. gards to the colony produce, protested against the exorbit Owned By has, at all erents for some years ance of the charge. The local to come, disappeared. The ur. man, as cool as cucumber, urged Lore on Committee to Re air competition of the bounty on his customer: Good igar THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YO KAN.
red sugar of European nations Mr. consider the rate of exeen It.
seems to be a matter of the past: chauge. The ingenuity of the Head Office, 55, Wall Street.
and while it zight be unreason, plea nearly carried the traveller, LALY TRINITAL TO BE APPOIN able to expect a continuation of he laughed so heartily.
the present very high is fairly safe to assume that pay.
It is understood that the Usine ing prices will continue to be the ste. Madeleine Co. will. this year.
Capital, Surplus, Undivided Profits Over 9, 000, 000. Chairman order of the day, especially when be refining sugar at Ma gretoute Guiar a Distric the tremendous rise in the cost This news will be received with Syia has received intimation of labor in the great producing Official Depository of the Republic of Panama that the Wesleyan Missionary centres is considered. The same great pleasure considering the Committee in London have de bu said of cocoa, while, dure present very high prices charged cided that steps shoudd be taken ing the year just finished, the tablislıments where it is offered, for at DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA CANAL made Scler girls which was closed great strides, and gives further to the the Trinity High Oil Industry DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA RAILROAD unor the regime of the late Rev. Teynold. It is understood promise of becoming even more important in the near future.
tha a lacy Principals who possess During the past twelve months es aliqualifications for the post the return of the boys, who let Through its Agencies in the Interior and its Foreign Branches wil be appointed and it is these shores to do their duty STRIKE FEVER this Institution Offers Exceptional Banking Facilities.
hope that she will commence towards their King and Country, is during the latter part was witnessed; and, while diffiDrafts on Jamaica and the other West India Islands.
the year.
culties have been experienced We take the following from It is mueresting to add that in (as in everything in this iife. the St. Lucia Voice of the 21st connection with this appointment their absorption once more into February: INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM civil dected to do social work among carried out satisfactorily, up to This week has been charactethe young women of the colony. the present. Unfortunately the rised by an infectious strike Thexe appointments will arouse Public Works, which we had fever which at one time made it the krenest interest in the com. been leto believe would have appear not unlikely that the tively necessary for the Governmunity ard the cause of second: been undertaken, when the wai whole community would go on ment to exercise real check ary ecoention will be greatly was over, appear to be as. It began with tbe police benefitted. Argosy.
upon the prices at which the wever. This is, no on Monday about two u to the great scarcity of money dozen of the the Guardians consumer can obtain all hig supthe Increased wages are of no Barbados Recruit chume, at present, where it is Peace in Castries struck with a use it freedom is allowed for the urgently needed for other 86 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA se; but this is a difficolturpo demand for increased which, The ment has recently augmentation of prices of food Gover increase of 10 per ing Agency.
we hope, with the introduction of granted, an and other necessaries ot life.
Next Door to Cecilia Theatre CUBA RIVAL ATTRAC Les creuenen er stortly heather wie strike caine about the riendly foreign capital. will be cent on their sal was claimed not enough, and so disquieting feature of the TIONS.
months Headquarters for bor unrest which threatened se all privates so that the CO. year, was the lasti ikers, we understand, we 11 80 a Day Offered.
nous conserwever, the chand had to carry out the various at one tine numbering about hali dizi. High Class Furniture Happily, Barbadian Labourwould seem to have blown over; lice duties as best they cruis With regard to the recruit of Barbadian labourers ter Dom. Will in a way tending to elimi Criminal Session, which regar and the matter is being dealt and it was the first day of the All New Goods Sold at ers Emigrate erata ihe Argosy is informed that owing to the delaying the ante all causes of complum hre od the attendance of an Reasonable Terms.
First Batch Reach Demesperrtriai appointed to deal with the whule The town protection bet not agency there is no insedinte proast Con has been many men as there were was then certain rara Under Colonisation without in question of emigrants in any number as in its sittings were inaugurated a long after sunset on on Tuesday the WEST INDIANS will find it profitable to consult us Scheme the first place the cosason is ons couple of days ago Constance enterine when buying Furniture.
On Monday last the schooner Harbour examining for Lasca, with Captain Fraser in dif cult to presund Brabus while the condition of the town Welcome is extended to all to visit our large Stock ors to leave the island retome Welcome Tidings Ww her powerful search ght; bu charge, arrived in the Georgetown Harbour after two days instruction nud disorder voyage from Barbados bringing recruit men with wives, or those very February, and transmitted by quickly followed by others the with her. complement of 11 to send for their familes after the West India Panama Tele. some afternoon and by Tuesday male immigrants and one female. These came under the colo nisation acheme having been recruited by Mr. Crawford; several eligible single men. It is announces that the Canadian having taken place in many hoped to despatch a shipment Wheat Bard had removed the rections, viz: among the Town the Government Agent in Bar bados.
and the British West Indies the Government Steam Lunch os: Late in the afternoon the Clerc Oames bave been secured.
and British Guiana As this Midge, the hands of the Messrs.
nicle states the immigrants, wo There is an agency in Barbados land 46 STREET, PANAMA.
are a healthy and stalwart look for Cuba, where the recruits are detean dants we are informed Barnard Ice Factory, the coul to bak, there is group of people, wended their a day, and there that it will make a considerable groups of employees, promised The way up Water Street and were are no restrictions as regards Bud Just received a full stock oflodged at single men. It is not likely there difference in the price of the den outburst of striking on the Immigration Depit large a scale was more than ouc commodity here.
for the night.
fore that many labourers will be While on the subject of the stait could satisfactorily follow secured until after the close of prices of flour, we observe in the up; but however little or much SILVER CHAIN GOODS In due course the newly arrived colonists will be forwarded to Including. FRESH DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES Pin, Uitvingt, to which és bate or July.
Food Committee that there is no were affected the temperature of For overy form of disease they have been indentured; distinction made between those the fever has no fallen appar In a letter written to a friend, at which American and Cana ently to normal, with little it correspondent in Halifax Mr. Agard British Guiana dian flours can be sold. They any change in scholar for 1918, who proceeded are inerely fixed for the three dil: tion, save that it is, we hear pro the general TOILET ARTICES, Etc. Etc. thinks that very little West Into England on the 7th August ferent grades, viz. Bakers, sosed to better the condition of pian sugar wil go to Canada this last states that an examination Extras and Supers. We season, even if the Dominion We the policemen by boarding them Give us a call and inspect our New Stock.
Parliament, when meeting next which was held on the 15th DeDe would be curious to know whe at the barraeks free of charge.
cember he gained second class ther, in actee have taken oot take part in the strike are to. who did Satisfaction Guaranteed.
month, decides to increase the in Roman Law. He gives the rate of preference to 50 per cent the Food hone of Mr. into FLOWERS, Proprietor.
or higher. Today, liesays, Bar.
bades fancy molasses is selling Van Sertima, another Guiana and American Exchanges. It is tool. The strikers have not yet in Halifax Scholar, Van Sertima Box 36, Panama City at 95c. 0, Barbados is won true that Telephone 519 Se me declared He has got inents for Canadian fleurs must men havde taken their place.
instances pay: returned to work and no new ed, as compared with the pre war per wide gallon, packages includfirst class in his finals, win be made in New ning the Studentsbip of 100 guin the mills are con. But price of 24c. per imperial gallon.
is the first Demerarian, too, to made to Canada direct there is a eas a year for three years. He in cases where remittances are do it.
difference of 10 to 12 per cent. and sometimes more) on the ex change. This added to the duty PROFITEERING of a barrel which has now been removed by the Canadian An Ordinance passed by the Government should make a dir.
The Antigua Sun, writing on Legislative Council of St. Vincent, 122 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA which made it compulsory to deference in favour of thefCan. profiteering in thut island says: Gratifying Prospect din flour as rampared wieriche the dry good merchants to say course we need expect stroy by burning annually cotton the same of American busb, either planted or growing.
The Home of High class Goods, Courteous Treatment at the end of the crop (the object Of Closer Trade Relations 198 58. This would be an idy if they are not, they have nothing dour) of at least 50 a bag of yes we are prodteering.
and Prompt Attention.
aimed at being the eradication of Between the Colonles and little profit for someone which to grumble about if the curtain insects and fungoid pests) have tho been a pended. Planters may the Mother Country might escape the vigilance of the is lifted. And it is clearly Food Committee, and we draw Government business to lift it. Give us an early call and inspect our stock of now bury the bushes, as it has planters every been discovered that cotton bush their attention te these factores else have seen it to raise the Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Patent MediCommenting editorially on the that bas a high manurial value and may.
if occasion above, the Port of Spain Garette ents itself. save the consuming wages of those they employ, in that burying will return to the cines, Toilet Articles, etc. etc.
land a considerable supply of posays: public a portion of the fearfully some instances by 50 per cent It is particularly gratifying high rates they are paying for to 75 per cent; but these people tential plant foed.
to us to have to record that the their daily bread.
are no better off because it is (Continued on Page 3)
movement, so long desired by wrung from them at the other We solicit your patronage and guarantee satisfaction the Colonies, of closer intertrade, end, by every possible means, even On last Wednesday night a am not here suggesting that Phone 939 Box 829, Ancon For Sale through high protection walls, porter who went over (with the a merchant is to be compelled to has at last been considered a permission of the Co. sell his goods at less than a rea BROWN McALMON THE LIMIT DRUG STORE necessity by the Mother Coun to the Mayaro to look after sonable profit. Far be the thought.
Proprietors, try. During the past three de passengers baggage, secured a But do suggest that for some 80 Street, Chorillo, Panama.
andou, with the commencement job to take about five packag time to come it will be imperaWell located. Established 1914.
on during that tim di Chorrillo Drug Store 809 carriers, Sven among other situafigures, bu where Antigua St Vincent Trinidad The Chemical Hall they


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