
THE WO KMAN MARCH 27, 1920, PAGE THREE కజ య రణ వ 438 98 SO SONGS intearsting News from the (Continued frm pan. KING BEE renada Right Lighting GARETTES of the OWA ping any endent of Blanchard KING BEE. should have S:90 mint a NG BEE mm WARDES St. George NORTH en ENTRAL THE EXP Os sexos nec ERICAN ALE.
Extra Mila GARETTES ossesse Seksowe The Wood Indles of the the Ito say that at the last weer og of the BE George Distries Roand.
Dovernment letter ww iscussed. The Jotter saked the Soard what steps were being ken to høve the streets Miabled. It also hinted that he Government were prepared financial assistance to the Board In good scheme for proper lighting of the streets.
DID YOU EVER Certain descriptions of ecom meneed by the same of Works, were shows. members. These lamps are of Stand near a chap while he smoked a le Kitson or vas only reasonable to find many It style.
nembers opposing the idea of ighting the town by these trou.
lesome and costly lamps (how.
ver cheap they may be at first)
They are the Best Always ind standing firm on Electric Lighting St. George must be lighted by electricity. We want electrie whts, and we want electric pow. here to promote new indusGrenada enada must move for ward. Government its own Electrical Engineer to Put down the plant and run it all he time. Any company which hay enter into contract with us for Electric lectric Lighting will certain ly name a figure which will give them na profit. Then let the pub.
it, and of all the commissions, die get the advantage of that proetc. which will be piled up in the contract figure.
The question of better lighting for was before the Council Friday, and it was said the Government hoped to Council on Fri give a grant in aid to the Board for better lightning. That better lighting must be the right lighting. It must be At the last meeting of the electric lighting: Board, it was decided to postpone all discussions on better lighting until March 31st next when the advertisement of the Board, calling for unders to light St. George by electricity, will expire.
Now, the Government should feel that grave responsibility rests upon them in this matter.
St. George is in need of the right lighting, and is in need of electric power.
This Kitson kind of lamps busiwill certainly prove very unsatisfactory. The age of the ha apligtet die koning about with and to re light and juspect theme and to go round in the morning to put out the lights, is passed This is the age of pressing the button and of switching op and ok The suggestion of the Govern.
ment to the Board about the use of the Kitson kind of lamp, if adopted, will put back Electrie owes; she will be able to pay her closely to the North American it was well understood that Ger. Lighting ten years, and in that foreign debts; already, with a Continent and might be a conveniwany itched to take the part of time will cost the colony more rapidity altogether unexpected, ient naval base for any pwer Spain. But the British Navy was than ten times the cost of Elee world trade. She is therefore United States. But they are in it was known that any attempt amount in hard mony and in e :onshe is recovering her wonderful ininically disposed towards the in existence, powerful, ready, and tric Lighting. It wili cost that under no any of her territo y; and even it most friendly obligation to part with the hands of nation which is on Germeny part to attack the omie loss due to meet and enero toward and which deb proper industrial tconveniences upon Germany duing, there is such a thing as vires to remain so for all time. Beet by our warships. is one of those things from the start. Jamaica Gleaner prestige, dignity. historic conti Again and again during the lasti led the question. Again, when which never should be halt done.
suity, imperial sentiment to con. twenty years and more has the America wished to build the Electric lighting does its patient sider.
Mother Country shown towards uma Canal, England could want the Bermudator Beceneven. and friendliest character. When ticipate in the building of that will be showing utter call days of at doubtless, they are situated America want to war with Spain. crol of it. That right she had ob which we have passed, Govern Canal, subsequent con tempted frightfulness through On Resolution by Sen. Kenyon of lowa tained under a treaty between ment and people are not alive to herself and the United The Jamaica GLEANER of ment of the United Kingdom the breaty known as the Clayton ing for St. George the necessity of Electrie Lighrecent date (referring to a reso War debt. That answer categorically set forth that Great BriBulwer Trenty.
lution of Senator Kenyon retain had not the slightest intenBut America to construct the Cwnal and the sale of the Bermuda Islands tion of parting with any of these to control it alone: a very natural tree people intend going in for It is being said that the Row to Uncle Sam, comments ad tropical dependencies of bers, wish. To do 80 the (BRANDON BANK)
of now or in the future; and England would have been ben cocoa business on a large scale in versely thus: treat the treaty as a scrap deon Grenada. Already they hage senator Kunson, a Republice to the Bermudas. They are not that answer applies. of course, purchased business stand in SECURITY paper. But there was no trouble the colony. They are big md wa hus proposed to th in the West Indian xeographical about the treaty: Englaud waived well known chocolate suppliers SERVICE American Senate o pulation in system, they are her rights and thus agaio did that diplomatie She givs proof of her cordial feel and there is a lot of room for leuke with Great Brinelund on the West Indies they (RO UNDED 85 3)
COLON pos Another fact. Cacada is a Brit of commerce. Where there is ins towards the Great Republic keem in Grenada Grenada needs competition in all branches tain for the purchase of the Ber are part of Great Britain muda ish North American and Islands. It is to be hoped sentons de the Amerie in Cunti Than the Senate will vote down no desire for a change of flags they have expressed country Our large Resources and well known Canada jis vers British Indeed. competition the people stand 18 Mr. Kenyon resolution; that that Mr. Kenyon wants them; ho found along the frontiers of conservative Management afford unsingle fort is to be bea pe greater benefits. It might would be the proper and digni to be be for the good of the colony to think either that Greut must Bri Wed thing to do tell the ci reuer win would be willing to sell Canada and the United States find the firm investing in cocoa questioned security for every dollar We These are the only two countries doce they can from others.
States: estates beside buying all the proheard of this Senator Kenyon be if she were asked to part with not which havde deposited with this bank.
fore and we ate at all inter. them. He is quite mistaken. The ary to protect their frontiers the hear of him again; pre fact that Denmark was williny.
one against the other, Great Bri We think that Grenada, through sumably be also has not heard of facer lain might have argued that asCa the Governor or the Legislative years or more the answer sent recently by the after some thirty of negotiations, nada population was not one Council should get busy in time to part with the Imperial Government to the Brit Danish West Indies is no prece tenth of the population of Ame and ask that the Prince of Wales Indies and General Banking Business Transacted rica, it would only be discreet be Guiana when these colonies pro ish Empire is a very living. very dent to.
to have some sort of defensive be graciously pleased to visit this works along the Canadu Ameri waters. The Prince will visit Barcolony while in West Indian tested againgt Lord Rother.
vital entity; Britain is one of the ISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON BRANDON can border. But British states. bados and Trinidad, and once at mere suggestion that certain of the British West India colo great powers of the world. Sne President.
Vice President.
not bankrupt. For more men when thinking of America, Trinidad it will mean only a few nies should be sold to the United is hours run to the most beautiful States of America, in part pay.(money is owed to her than sto (Continued as Page. spot on God earth.
Sold Everywhere, WHY?
ness The Favorite for Generations The Old Timers Choice To Sell the Bermuda Islands States, and an attack Comments Adversely par Panama Banking Company wished tüd SAL either now ANAMA Yet not stances.
u em not it necss ested he be Treasurer


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