
labor do Second Hand Furniture Bought and Sold BEST PRICES wwwa 14. Punaing Joe Year Six oaths Three 120 800 25 Oud Mattresses Springs and canism and before us well as since, an extraordinarily friendly Kashmir Beauty Parlor Hair Growing. Hair Dressing Hair Dreine. Pacial Blemishes removed. Corns cured.
Equioped with electric vibrator electric comb, electrte hair dryer, and other modern appliances Mn nit att Brown. world famed prima donna whom we treated to her entire satisfaction.
recommends us.
it Beauty Specialist. Graduate of the Kashmir Institute, Chicago.
impost by New Discovery The British colony has already complete its prepara: Dr. Frenchs Strengthening Compound on and.
IN THE MOSMAN. SATURDAY VARCI, 27, 1931 PAGE FOTO Rudi uspei, uruspect and Prospect THE WORKMAN (From a Gaun Correspon lent)
Now that the ebullition of Published on Saturdays by Rases for Advertisement on applicaW ALOND as the office Central av tios Correspondence on all matters unr st bas simmered Que and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited down and things are apparently All copy for publication must be gravitating wards normal written on one side of paper only, and functioning, it would be well for RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the name of ps to pause a white and reflect 82. 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicaon what is the meaning of it all.
tots but as a mark of good faith.
Wither are we going? What we do not enährtake, to retur prospects are wrapped in the rejected correspondence.
nátrix ot future lore Given for all kinds of Second hand Furniture Viewed in the light of the Past his us we bave left hidu The Liberty of the Press is the paadium of our One thing pain, the bar monious progressin of the SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1920 world is alongiurawior wards not back vids and for of all kinds made to order us, as a people ther, she Welcome To The Prince of Wales.
Leither be retrocession or retrogression The old, old story ked out Three days more and the heir to the throne of the Call and see me first, 107 Central Ave. or write Box 333, Ancon by the Belgians in the Cono great British Empire, Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, Basin, and by the German Miltary Caste in Belgiun. Is again will be the royal guest to the Republic of Panama JOHN HART been demonstrated in or midst this country will enjoy, at that time, the honor and dishaijed as the Spir. us mertinction which the geographical location of the canal makes possible, during the royal travel to the Antipodes.
Shades of Antila and inseSuch honor and distinction cannot be too highly apric, tremble! There is no use preciated by the government of the Republic of Panama the field they should come in glossing over the amazing trunk. the an. and make the intercolonial for Might is defied, and Right is cast in the dust and tran)
competition more interesting under foot.
nation, and we are sure that the warmest welcome and 128 Bolivar St. between 8th and 9th, Colon and attractive. We hope the Tho psychologic reaction is reception will be accorded His Royal Highness by this promoters of these intercolo evidenced on all sides. The peoScalp and Facial Treatment. Mantouring. Shampooins. Hair Straightening, small, but progressive nation nial matches will soon inter ple are afflicted with an overThe state visit to the President of the Republic will, view Mr. McGinniss and get burdening sense of impotency: undoubtedly, be a most significant and imposing event such impotency as the genue Two Private Apartments. Best Results, Lowest Prices his decision to furnish the deer feels wit in the constrict and we know that nothing will be left undone which can Balboa Brewery Challenge ing folds of the terrible phython be done to make this auspicious occasion one of the most Cup so that a schedule may Looking back on the Dark Mme ROBERTS, M, memorable incidents in the history of Panama.
be arranged at no distant Days of February 1920 date.
seems as if it has all been an Everything worthy of an English Prince will be arwalious digestive nightmare a ranged for the entertainment of His Royal Highness and eos system.
Fatality on Railway. It seems unreal, bizarre.
the foreign colonies in association with the Panamanian Yet it is all true. The spirit of Americitizens will extend the utmost courtesy and respect to canism is abroad, and in the the future king of England. This is as it should be; for The Gleaner of rocent date re; spirit of the bull in the China a country which has always borne a reputation for inexport that a fatality occurred Shop has raised hill around.
at Clarendon Park Railway Some in haustible cordialty could not be lacking in its manner of Station on Thursday night last, kick, our midst have ne They receiving within its gates the heir to England throne.
th: viction being one Arthur tooth and nail to the Brown whose duties were to and the little tin tions the Addresses will pilot trains into the station local Governors, It is learnt that Brown let the them at intervals and patted presented to the royal visitor and a grand cordon popular Considered the best blood and station with his lanten to sig: them in the style of little of Brltish subjects will mark the occasion. The loyalty in the nal to the extend tain He He doggie!
and patriotism of the British people is never sluw in seek Nerve tonic in the World appears to have fall asle This pupuy love is benison ing expression and the West Indian populace in this coun on the trick. Wh was to these in with it coun crushed by the try is as warm in demonstrating loyalty as West Indians pich try. On the oth smile Is highly recommended by press and public for in any other place.
Weakness, Loss of Blood, Nervous Debility and It special to such a smil Jals Cariot and adinit in the It is not only proper, but compulsory that all West general depression of the whole system, piti ther, but bed with the clini that can to bag Indians show their national spirit on this occasion and turn out en masse in the demonstration tu greet the For Both Men and Women.
The svile which dex of diver of the engin StW the mental incas the ijaras he revod.
norat Prince of Wales. The Committee on arrangements should Sole distributors for Central and South America ht. the lanteen the turpitude, be assisted by the generous co operation of every man and round, but never notice the All lionor, all hole who woman who might best do this by observing the regulaPANAMA DRUG STORE natur til it was too late water have borne is like good the accident It is also learnt goldier s! We your comrades tions governing the procession.
that the unfortunate man was Flags of Great Britain and Panama as well as of the Muller Building ni rendered uuconcious iter salute you were men.
arung piss the heral United States should decorate the houses and business the accident, and stated that he The CALIDONIA, was sleeping on the lines community bus benefited in one respL We know places of the city, and the red, white and blue should be whom we can trust.
be distinct among the populace during the royal procession.
Now, as to the intruslective There are several West Indian Bands of music, and Purport of Mr. Algernon side these are days of decesion.
we trust that they will eagerly take part in contributing United States where these Aspinall Visit to the We are in the Editorialettes to the tone of the greeting to His Royal Highness. At The slopes oor are with crossings are met with West Indies the meeting to take place on Sunday (to morrow) at the in our view.
Pacific club at which details of the demonstration will be Fine Improvement: throughout some of the largsolve? Let each min make his est and busiest cities, and Mr. Aspinall, G, decision bimsell. Te closing arranged, it is hoped that the leaders of the bands will One of the greatest im the accidents are almost neg Secretary of the West India words of St.
also be present.
not out of price here are As British subjects abroad we cannot afford to be provements to the appear ligible. There is no reason Committee in London is touring Arise, us go helice. Out of the let wanting in our patriotism to the flag under which we ance of the city within re wny a system that works in the West Indies, British Guiana Lund of Egypt, out of the House raise funds for the purpose of de sac. We are free to lace with have always spoken of our high sense of loyalty, and this the Calidonia Bridge and the should not work here.
securing more commodious a blank wall There is absolute is the time to show exactly what we mean by the term. grading of the location which The Prince of Wales is a young man of extraordinarily now makes a continuous road Championship Cricket: mises than those now occupied. no future before, for the by the Committee in Lind so Spirit of Americanisin is winsome personality and character. Modest and unassum from Central Avenue to Cali The silence which obtains as to ineet the increased volume abroad.
ing, brave and gentle, and of only twenty five summers. donia Road. Already, one anent the Barbados Jamaica a business that the point worls the solution is obvious and it. His Royal Highness has already become a great favourite can stand at any point north competition in cricket here done for the West Indies and lies in your hands of tne royal court of England, and the report of his genia of the Caro and view al is somewhat annoying to the other British colonies in and lity has reached into all foreign lands.
most the entire length of the fans and supporters of the around the Caribbean, has nu It is such a popular prince that is coming to visit these latter road, and the drive cricketers from both islands. years and to further extend the the normal working programo not tracted to it within the last few to unsettled conditions, shores in the next few days and when it is remembered way looks like any of the In the first match which scope of its activities on behalf the Local Branch of the Unit that His Royal Highness took his place at the front of the beautiful avenues of New took place last November, or these es has been interthe rupted. It is the earnest wish an unusual enthusiasm and interest, in addition to the polis will soon boast ofrone time it was believed that the of an endowment, of which that we maintien couganizmas enhancing expectancy which naturally attaches itself to of the most unique streets good old game of cricket amount 10, 000 have already elan which has characterized the visit of every royal guest.
in Central America. This had come back into its own been subscribed in London by pur activities in the past. Meet The Prince is a clever billiardist and a neat dancer, as road leading from the busi on the Isthmus and that it is the duty of the Colonies of as the Flu restrictions are West Indians resident there, and ings will be convened as soon well as a great lover of the good old English sports, ness section to the residen, very lively times with the the West to supply the reinain as the day cricket and horse racing. Many of Panama elite will tial suburbs will teem with ball and the willow would ing 10 000 sincerely that your have the pleasure of tripping with the rɔyal visitor, and traffic day and night and be enjoyed by lovers of the Barbados is usually the race pride mais test the end the memories of all who may have the exceptional honor great liveliness. We hope in the line of championship ponded to the call by subscrib the little colony immediately res around your standard! Support with that and patriotic rather than at hindi rinten Raad of meeting the future king of England.
that much care will be taken cricket came off until lasting 1, 000.
and has further position greatest tinancial proThe vessel which will convey the royal personage to to make the side walks com month when, in a nicely con pledged support to the extent of groes the Black Star Line engineered by neBritish warships. Pretty, fast and well equipped, it is al of promenading in this dis. drew with the Jamaica Mr. Aspinali first appeal in the are now generous terms of 1, 400, and it dependence.
foundation Of your economic in together befitting for the Prince of Wales, and no better trict will merit the strictest The Grenadians is expected that this amount see the local Secretary.
information of pedestrians. challenging the ship could have been chosen. The ship crew stands protection to larger propor.
among the bulliest and jolliest of England Sons of the Some people are tearing that to another match as tions ere Trinidad a contribution will take the boys.
Death of an Old Timer Seas.
place at the junction where land believe that they can The West India Committee The visit of His Royal Highness to Panama is an un the railroad track will cross put it over on the lads from undoubtedly, done good service has, SUN We regret to record the death usual event and the necessity of participating in a popu the tramcar lines, but such the Isle of Springs, but we ests since it came into existence, years at San Fernando Trinidad, on behalf of West Indian inter of Theophilus Savory age 22 lar demonstration needs no elaboration. The time is fears are childish as the aut would like to see another some 150 years ago, and its sta short, and the program must be hastened. Let us all do omatic gates placed there by game between the Barbados bility as an institution under Sayory was an old liner on the on February 16 1920; our best in making the occasion one of the most memora the Railroad authorities will and the Jamaica Royal Charter ensures further Isthmus. having resided ble in our lives.
ensure the safety of the pub and then Grenada could play usefulness for West Indian in Colon for over eleven years, Welcome to the Prince of Wales! God Bless the lic in every way. Such gates the winners. If British Guldastrial advancement in their where he leaves a mother who Prince of Wales! God Save the King are operated all over the ana can put a good lineup in try.
relations with the Mother Coun survives him. Barbados Papers please Copy)
ware 0 Dcision.
What is our reXVI 31 ly Tliese colonies.
sum required for in


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