
PAG SIX TAB WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH, 227, 1920, She Associated Chamber of Commerce the Bers sands WE ACCOMPLISHED CAN DO MORE 18 For the British West Indies Meets At Barbados.
INDIAN obligconhea yuroply: In order ananimously :exp it Capitalized at 10, 000 le it we that is other bodies.
tention of. telo the le ve begun calities of granting in for the euce the No one can buy less than shares or more than 1, 000.
from that he is friend.
in the future, and so no ties reiten on the ca notitis Senator Corgol this?
When Great Powers sell their historic deped.
The following full raport of plained the intersectie de comanda they here wither already the woond meeting of the Armero laking in the work of Amoi les are beginning deelle lated Chemor Commerce. Gordon, the proteine of the Chambo. Her followed by Me Their sun tas begun to including dolopates from soch British Empiro Produsen Organisation, Own and Manage Two Up to Date Groceries in day is done. do not Panama, and to Establish a Chain of Stores ong the the British Empire. What it done in the war, what it be Sulene, Canada, and Groot is the the Pederstion of British done since shopen proof Britain, which met In Conferri. Mr. B Mood, Cesedine Isthmus to Sell the Right Goods at the Right Prices. at Way then sbould brala at Bertades In February Beitin Honduro, lo spoke on the Trade Commisioner, and Mr. Wood, cell the Bermudas or any other het, is taken from tho WEEKLY question part of bor Empiro! nater HERALD of the Island: The following Resolutione rere then United Bitos. Bu The meand trional meeting of the moved by the President, and adopted even for the dearest and closes Aros ated Chamber of Commerce for ol That this Ave do not eate finger or part with eur swala the British West Indies was opened at Depart appreciation of bw 10 30 a. on Monday last in the Arneut of the Over est child. Indeed, it 06 triendly to mbly Rogme, Publie Buildings, Bridgeto make such a demand, town, Barbadon, under the Presiden in the developtuent Further it and is meet Registered under the Commercial Laws of Panama No. 13, on January 13, 1920 probable what Tudun Tre of So Diward Davron, KC. by the West bis fellow senators will in Senator Kenyon. His solution The distinguished gathering inde MAIN STORE: 114 Central Ave.
eludes is not a friendly thing, it is not representatives prominent in BRANCH STORE: 22 Central Ave. Thai, vì the commercial and political life of the even a decent thing. He ough to arious West Indinn Colonies, and other be ashamed of it, assuming that delegates associated with trade organiza introduce o This Corporation is backed by the full support of the people, and he has a a sense of shame. Ametions in Canada and the United King United Kingdom dumping to those who have not joined this rank are wasting valuable time rica security is not impertine dom. Also representatives of the Cana that at wlucha su by Britain possession of dian Government and the representative in the county of Preton, Bermudas. America is a und powerful country, there of the Imperial Trade Department. The ciation respectfully resoo. Is Maje. delegates were as follows: CUT THIS OUT AND MAIL IT ed by none, able to live in amity Government the need of protection sir edward Davson, CM. pres modities produ. ed to the United King with all: she need not covet her ident. neighbour goods for stratexte dom against the above unfair competior.
The Bardox Chumber of Commerce: WEST INDIAN TRADING Co. Ltd.
or any other reasons. When she Miss (Vise President. This Association records its its Box Ancon, begins to do so her greatness will be on the 128, a. and 11. Jones, preciution of the Fiscal Preference grantWane; she will edb by the United Kingdoin to certain hen have.
Gentlemen: no to provoke oth: West Indian products, expresses the Tie Chamber of Commerce of Geor hope thac this may be extended, and which means that others getown, British Guiana: Mr. Paul Cres invites West Indian Governments to hereby subscribe for. shares of the stock at vill prepare against im of all true and farseeing her. The all Capt. Mackintosh Reid, Mr. ter consider the desirabilities of Consives. 00 per share, and forward herewith fas payment Americans should be to work vith Great Britain and all other Triin Chaaber of Comwerce: returo such preferences would be comlemocratic Mr.
nations George Blugins, BE, Mr. patible with their financial resources. Vice President. Hon. adjourned to 10. next day, Shortly after p. m, the Conference vorld welfare, realising that. ME he world we fare is also, Adam Smith, CMG Al Turday meeting of the Confer.
imately, the giat The Jaunie Imperial Association: ng additional ResoluADDRESS America. That is wront VMr Cork, Mr Morrison The Agricultural and Commercial Sr. by Holl. Avasth, secouded by Mr.
Lions were omurly passed. Moved idently expect Aeri. do.
ciety of Grenada: Mr. Donelan GOL. Gorun and adopted unaniThe British Honduras Chamber of That this Association records Tropics Passpj. to Cost Commerce: MI, Stanley Wood.
in krave disappointment and regret at 12. Dollars The Dominica Chamber of Commerce of wintinued indifference of the Mt. Donald Riviere, Mr. Imperial Government with regard to Harris. the impsition by the Government of Wushington, 21. charge The Agricultural and Commercial So Venezuela of the 30 per cont diffen ments concerned to institute si services contained therein. by Sir Patrick further expresses its appreciation of the 10 dullars for passports to city of Antigua: Hun. Donald McDonal duty upon produce and merchan at their own expense, but that any expe Monson, G In the afternoon, work carried out in the British West ald.
Cabi, Bermud, the Baha da The St. Lucia Agricultural and Combie British West India Colonies, adm. prise should be watched with a view to manner of dealing with them with a mission, and further desires that copies entively agreed upon by con dise imported into the Republic from riments undertaken by private enterpapr on tropical diseases and the inhee by the Rockefeller Institute. com om hands and Mexico ha been mercial Society: Hon. Degazon, dis in violation of existing treaties, Riining experience. That such a view of improving the bralth of the of this Resolution b» sent to the London Hon. Gabriel Lafitte.
arees on thD plomatic and The Agricultural and Commercial Socie, and expresses the hope the negotiations tion as is practicable should he talen people and improving the Sanitary Sobool of Tropical Mlicine, the Trop onsoler.
kehon upon our suggestions in regard to the condition and for the prevention and cal Diseases Com aittoo and the Rooke. Under the original measure such Appropriation Bul. now in progress between ty D. Kitts: Mr JR Yearwood, The St. Vincent Agricultural Society: Perl Government will result in the French surtax and the Venezuelan sureradication of disease, was read by feller Institute, in allition to th: vari lalu abrogation of this serious restriction tax. k) That any measures possible Hon.
Dissports were to he granted Hon. Elliott Sprott, Mr. Gray upon the legitimate trade of these col should be taken in order to improve the. Dr. Hutson. The matter was ous Governments and bdies in the free the also intelligently and West Indies.
Revenue from passports accommodation on board ship for the deased and at the conclusion the to these entries is now esti.
The Agricultural and Commercial so that this. Asociation recordo its Ap labourers who travel locally between the soilowing Resolutions passed: In view mated at 800 dollars duly, with eiety of Monsterrat: Hlun. Wall, precis tion of the benefits which have islands.
of the effect of diseises on the welfare Dr. LOWE Brospects of kient finere ses Mr. Charies Griffen.
because of prohibition accrued to the West Indies from resolution was much as follows: of the community, especially on its inThe HONORARY MEMBERS. the Canadian West Indian Reciprocity That this Association approves of the dustrial life, this Associn tion respectfully LR. Edin.
Agreement and expresas its belie! suggestions made in Subsections e invites the Guverneuts and responsible LABOR UNION STARTED 139 CENTRAL AVENUE The West Indian Committee. Mr, in the desirability of a reciprocal is and 1 of Paragraph 13, of the Re bodies of the West Indian Colonies to Previte, Mt. Aspinwall, crease in the atnount of the existing port of the West Indian Shipping Com. take steps for the improvement of their PANAMA CITY sanitary: The British Empire Producern Organi preference. It fur her hopes that the mittee; further suggests that with refer conditions, and The local Chinese organ The Repubс.
L:c, publishes a Shanghai despatch dated zation: Mr. Gordon Gordon (Vice imperial. un and West Indian enee to Sub sections C tenders should recomiend to the Colonies the hold! ng Office Hours: 30 a. pom January which states that what is prob.
President Governmer, will take steps to allow be called for when they can supply a prac. of an intercolonial Mediod Conference p. 6 bly China first labor union has been The Federation of British Industries: their representatives together with ticable basis for negotiation; unges that to consider how far these objects on launched here by a group of laborers ro Mr. Moir Mackenzie.
eommercial representatives with equal with reference to Sub section prompt bese be attained; and further suggesta turned from the war zone in France. The Sir Francis Watte, Im powerey to moet in Coulerence, in order action should be taken by the competent the consideration of the desirability of Office 844 new organization is an outgrowth of two perial Commissioner of Agriculture. to make the necessary arrangements authorities, and recognised that Sub sec. establishing a Central Health. Authority Box 798 nisis of 145, 000 members, that we Mr. Francis Keefer, Canadian Par for the development of existing trade in should be treated as applying for the maintenance of the sims; ad Ancon, roles. Rasid 2466 1007 formed overseas by Chinese workers, liamentary Under Secretary of State for relations and for cognate matters. equally to British Guiana.
cording to Shab Chi fung, who heads Following upon the luncheon interval.
External Affairs.
At Wednesday meeting protracted Mr. Pavitt, Imperial Trade Com. discussion ensued on the West Indian Sir Francis Watts, Imperial Commisa very informative paper was read by new body in Shanghai as president. The Shanxhui organization, he said, is to le maissioner Shipping Committee sugestions, sioner of ME Flood, Canadian Trade which are as follow: Agriculture on the need for the the firt of a number of similar unit establishment of a West India Agricul Everybody in in the fields of human ommissioner. a. What dirseet mail and passenleavor is His recommendations organizing for the bei ferment.
Mr. Edgar Tripp, Honorary Secretary. Igers rvice with of his condition, why should it be cor were strongly supported and resolu idered improper in ertain dir etio is in There were several spectators during whild be established as soun as possi this part of the globe, for the Negro to the first couple of hours of the Conferble, and be maintained between the tion of thanks passed to him.
The passing of the following Rerolu. Obarrio Building, No. Calidonia Road do so?
ence which were devoted to cordial well. United Kingdom and the Lesser Anwishing for success and devout expressions illes and British Guiana. b) That tion closed the day proceedings. That appreciation of Barbadian hospitality tonders should be cailed for within in the opinion of this Association, the LET EXPERT. HANDS DO YOUR and courtesy your time for both a three weekly and present method of grading sugar in Cam Excellency the Governor opened a fortnightly service, and that the ada for duty purposes by moans of WATCH REPAIRING the presedings by extending hearty Governments concerned should then Dutch Standard in undesirable and de welcome to the Delegates, and an invita decide what service they can initiate trimental to the interests of the West Tailor an Outfitter tion to weh representative to approach That the only adequate service would dian sugar industry. And in as much WE KNOW HOW TRIAL WILL CONVINCE him should he desire my information, be one providing for steames sailing this systern has proved an irritating obDealer in Schop! Books, which it was thought he would be in fortnightly and carrying not lewe than struation to the trade. the Association re position to give. His Excelleney also pre 20 first class passengers. That in spectfully suggests to the Canadian Gov. Wedding and Engagement Rings a Specialty. and Stationer: wnted to the President of the Conferenw the meantime subsidized service ernment the expediency of enllecting the a copy of rently received dispute should be maintained with the United duty by the Polariscope No. 11 Street, Panama from the Hon. the Secretary of State for Kingdom. d) That every effort should out regard to the colour, and respectfnlly CAMPBELL and tourious West Indian Colonies Watchmaker and Jeweller feinsins from Central Ave.
the Colonies dealing with the question of be made to open up and develop the invites the various founding a West Indian Agricultural Col colony of British Guiana. e) That to take action on the matter.
Phone 1033.
On Thursday, there was considered a Trinidad is on the whole the most Cars Stop at the Door ledge Address: Sir Edward Dawson ima apench, mole convenient port of transhipment for Resolution relating to the Report of the Box 895, Aneon. C, worthy for eloquence clarity of expression any braneb service. 1) That if possible. Intercolonial Customs and Trade Conferand comprehensive review of the West joint poliey should be adopted by ente held at Trinidad in March 1919. ReIndian trade situation and correlative the British and Canadian Governments salution was follows: That this AsFOR ALE circumstances, thanked His Excelleney a to allow of a continuous service sociation welcomes the Report of the BLACK STAY LINE STEAMSHIP. ICORP.
for his kind remarko and eardial invita by way of the West Indies between Conference on Inter Customs and Trade tien. Supporting addresses were also Canada and the United Kingdom. and approved, of Resolutions Nos.
HEAD OFFICE: 56 W, 135th STREET At New Providence en Hardwiek made by Mr. Gordon (Trinidad. Mr. That direet communication between 9. 10. 12. And, 13 After considerable dis New York City, Avenue, a house with two rooms, Hanschell (Barbados. Mr. Jamaies and the United Kingdom can passed thereat front and back verandahs; Keefer. Canada) Mr. Higgins be secured by the diversion of some cussion, the following Resolution was (Trinidad. Mr. A. Donelan (Grenada. service proceeding through the Pana passed Freight and paasenger service be ween American, porches, windows and doors That this Ansoeiation weleomes in West Indian, Canadian, Cen ral and South screened. Kitchen and bath Hon. MeDonald (Antigua. anu Sir. Canal, a small subsidy would be room downstairs. Constansted Pannis Watts (Imperial Denartment of worth paying for the purpose of sur principle the Report of the IntercolAmerican port.
with all new material, and two Agriculture. ing Trych eommunication. b) That eronial Customs and Trade Conference coats of paint applied.
The Conference then adjorned for ery support should be accorded to such as a step towards the increasing unity For fur her particulars apply to the Agents efforts as the Canadian Government of the West Indies and recommende its For further particulars apply longbeon.
the Conference may make to open up or maiutain further consideration after investigation GRAHAM, LAWRENCE DALI, listened to an interesting speech by Mr. steamship communication between the by the Governments and commercial Box 604, Auenn, Cor. 7ch St. All Box 863, Aneon, West Pavitt, on the work of the Depart. Dominion and Bermuda, the Bahama communities of the respective House No. 44, Culs de Nor. Pane Corp. 271.
ment of Overseas Trade. Upon this sub Islands; Jamaica and British Honduras Indiae colonlen. 2) It further approves Panama City, Colon. de Jamaieans Imprisoned jeet Mr. Previte apoke on behall. That no attempt aan at present be of immediate action being taken in Costa Rica the West Indis Committen and use withe advantage by the Gorea repeat of the and end 4th Besolutions interestingly health and زور The Calidonia Jewelry Store fixed time table tural College WA. Lawrenc His edicone Toot only, with.
to On re assembling


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