
PAGE SEVEN JUST RECEIVED BOOTS and SHOES Young Men, Boys and Girls land this Dr. OGILVIE City Bible Agency Montreal Girl Sought by islanas, was not yents ago.
erence for York British markets.
un Cotton Growing and the WANTED Boll Weevil Pest MEN AND WOMEN, BOYS AND GIRLS to prepare themselves to fill important positions in the BLACK STAR Cominenting on the devastat LINE, Inc. and oiber Negro enterprises in which education and ing effects of the holl weevil on abilify are essential.
the cotton fields of the nited ROBERT LINDSAY, States, the London Morning Pest Residence No. 2, Calle Domingo Diaz of Feby 3, says in part: Apartment Upstairs Box No. 1044, Ancon, FOR West Indian Pioneers a holder of the CAMBRIDGE SENIOR CERTIFICATE, is willing for moderate consideration to assist anyone who may be desirous of taking an This best, which ordinarily re. Elementary or High School Course duces the production of short Subjects taught. Arithmatie, Algebra, Practical and Theoretical stapled stop by a quarter or a Geometry Elements of French and Latin, English, including Grammar and MODERATE PRICES third is much more severe in its Composition, Business forms, letters, etc. other subjects taught as demand. ffect upon Sea Island the finest may arise grade of cotton grown, since it FREE practice on octave ergan for students with pre knowledge of Come and have a look at the assortment.
takes much longer to mature, musie.
It is not expected that the Flori Hours: 00 to 10. 00 Call or write.
da and year exceed 25, 000 bales, and is is feared that the growing of EDUARDO VALENCIA these cottons will have to be abandoned.
It is also stated NULIFE SELF LACING CORSET Santa Ana Plaza Next Hotel Metropole that the Sea Island district of South Carolina has been reached by the boll weevil, and there is good ground for the que oude fear that the production of the fin cotton in the United States may be in danger of extinction Hence the importance of tinding a substitute. To this end the IS NOW LOCATED AT advocates of Empire grown cot The City Bible Agency begs to Prince of Wales 157 Central Avenue, corner call the attention of Christian ton are turning their attention to the British West Indies. Street.
workers and Bible readers to the fact that we can supply them SEQUEL TO ROMANTIC Cotton Instead of Sugar with the former translations of MEETING Experts in cotton cultivation HOURS: 10 11. 50. to 30 o.
Bibles compared and revised, Cold unhesitatingly airin that in 30 to 30 self pronouncing editions and Sundays: to 11 a. standard concordance of the Bible How a Montreal girl came nearly many of the West Indian islands tin has been grown spa also Sunday School Teachers spoiling the evening for Mrs. Whitelawmatically from the time when Bibles, Lodge Pulpit, and family Reid on the occasion of her great ball in they were first visited by Co Appointments can be arranged.
Bibles. We handled Bibles of honor of the Prince of Wales during his lumbus.
Teephone 875 Cotton of the Sea various societies, especially the recent visit to New York has just leaked Island type appears to grow na Oxford University Press, real out.
in these WILKINSON morocco binding Th, heroine is Miss Ines Wilson, turally in many places but it had become almost We also handle all other kinds daughter of the late De Rubert Henry extinct, and it not until the CONTRACTOR BUILDER of religious books in addition to Wilson, a prominen Montreal physician besinning ef the present centu Bibles.
and Mrs. Wilson who lived on the moun ry that it new boginning in cot: See us for prices and terms. tain up to few First Class Workmanship Mrs. ton culture was made. In its Wilson said her claughter are now living up yeurs the Imperial De The Corset of the Century. Street, Plans and Specifications Free House No. 32 (apstairs) in New York City, Miss Wilson is a SOLD AT PANAMA BY Box 1019 beautiful girl of the wonde type, which partnent of Agriculum for the La Luna Silk Store, Santa Ana Plaza; Key Hing, West Indies was brought into the prince shows such a deeided pref xistence as one of the measures House 90 Panama 5th Street West Central Avenue. Box 411, Panama, Augustus Farrier, SOLD AT COLON BY After Dr. Wilson denth, his widow of relief for the distressed sugar and Miss Inez traveled a good deal, become Agent.
Lam Hing Co. Wing Yuen Co. Tang Chong Long position had Co. Wing Lung Co. Ak Kal Co.
Miss LAING living in Veuver, Bosion and new become desperate because of the Coetition of German and different times. It was while Austrian sugar, which flooded LEE CHONG Co. Solé Agents HAIR DRESSER Dr. WILLIAMS they were in Boston taat Miss Inez de the cided that she winted to do something ingly the growing of cotton was Accord HEAD OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE (M CH. EDIN. in the Great War. After a deal of persuxgested as 134 140 Bolivar Street 62 Central Ave.
alternative Scalp treatment and Hair surusion Mrs. Wilson consented to her crop.
Colon, R, Panama, R, straightening a Speciality PHYSICIAN SURGEON daugh er joining an American Red Cross Box 152. Phone 90 Box 585, Ancun, St. Vincent Cotton entertainment company.
For promoting the growth of the Has removed temporarily to the Met in Germany Jamaica a fairly promising start with the cultivation of a Hair and beautifying yourself Long Building 5045. Section A, No. 21, visit The next clmpter is set in Coblontx ting tipe of cotton with checked FOLKS RIVER Cory, there is by his nes and though re The Parlors yenr. The Prince of Wales was paying cent efforts have been a visit to inspect the American troops tu there comes not seem to be HOUSE NO. 11, AVENUE in hi All cases fully Examined an informal dinner was given Ove spect of cotton being Corner 25th Street for Infants honor by the American General followed petere on large scales by an impromptu dance to which Miss Tidad and British Guiana The design of this Feeder prevents sour food, Inez Wilson was invited. Of course sugar crops are preferred. In collecting, and permit of the bottle being teorougly and at once took to one St. Vincent and St. Kitts the another. Mise Inez loves deneing and grown is of very high cleansed, thus avoiding wind colic, etc.
she speedily discovered that the Prince quality, and the prosperity of Real Hygienic Feeder did too. conformed to ber that these islands now largely de.
he somebow couldn get hold of that pends on on the Modern Cabinet Makers on plote 90e, silver cotton crop. At After that evening they met Nevis and Montserrat several times before the Prince left Co growing has brought a renewal NO. 8, J STREET PANAMA CITY blents and before parting he told her he of prosperity As regards fu.
would be sure to see her when he visited ture prospects the Empire Cotton PHONE 1060, BOX, ANCON, C, the other sidef.
Committee state that FOUNDED IN 1881 Miss Inea returned home soon after the growing of Sen Island Cot The Oldest Drug Store in Panama City and the most Modern One.
Dealers in all kinds of Native Wood Then came the Prince visit, and it was ton in the British West Indies is at the very crowded reception given to now firmly established, but the MANUEL ESPINOSA the Prince in New York by Rodman danger to the British industry Central Avenue, 33 Latest Designs Cabinet making, etc.
Wanamaker that he obtained the next lies in the fact that the West Opposite La Mercedes Church Panama.
clicapse of his Canadian girl friend. Indian crops will not for a long There was not much opportunity for time be able to make up for any long chut but the Prince eyes beamed failure in the loss of Carolina with as he talked of Coblentz cotton 21 DESISTENTEN STERLING and the jazz which he admitted be at last conquered. Promising to Indies received great attention FEMALE TONIC see her again before leaving for home, from the British Cotton Grow the Prince was soon swallowed up in the ing Association. This Associa: Your Dressmaking may be low priced, but that does not immense throng awaiting presentation. tion under the new scheme of mean it will eventually cost you less when compared with Prince Asks For Inez Wilson Committee, will bring an end to the Empire Cotton Growing ours, where Style and Workmanship are guaranteed.
Tonic and Alterative Mrs. Whitelaw Reid ball took place its pioneer work, and act as agent on Wedneedsy evening, November 19, to the proposed Government 1919. It was a very select affair in Derartment.
Sterling Female Tonic contains in a palatable and deed and not at all like the Rodman What about West Indian cultiacceptable form, the active principles of Witch Hazel Dark, Wanamaker rreption of which over vators resident on the Istamus Unicorn Root, Senna Leaves, Life Root, Vervain, Black Haw, etc. and when taken according to directions, beneficial re 5, 000 attended. Miss Ines was not in. of Panama trying their bands vited to the ball. But judge of Mro at cotton growing? Surely soil gults may be anticipated.
Reid of neers when shortlis Ines to be just as good for cotton after the and other conditions here ought Prince anival he asked if present and it not could she be is.
be in crops as they are for cane.
No. 1, Tivoli Road, Panama.
vited: Mrs, Reid had never heard of Los Angeles, JA.
Ines Wlison and was almost in deeperaANN THOMAS, Proprietress, tion at finding any one present whoever Dr. JOHNSON had. Finally her identity and address were discared but the telephone SURGEON DENTIST brought back word to Mrs. Reid that GOOD WILL Miss Wilson was dining with friends and Phone 1603 WANTED NOTICE Address sing to a theatre alter.
Ancon, 852 The public to know that business lives through its She must be found, ww Mrs. Reid The publie is hereby notified customers. And its greatest order and told that the Prince of Wales that my wife, Adina Fuller, havfirst class asset is their good will. commande. her presence at the ball. suited me very nicely. But had no without my consent, do not. DYEING, CLEANING AND ing voluntarily left my house Our service has always Messengers scurried hither and thither white glove aand it is almost sacrilege measured up to this stand. finally locating Miss Ines with friend to appear Royal Ball without therefore, hold myself responsi; PRESSING ard and brings forth volun. enjoying the show at the Rivoli Theatro. Abose. kia none, and believe am ble for any debt or debts which tary expression of friend The Prince of Wales commands the only person who has ever dance she may contract from hence is carefully and expeditiously ship and confidence. your presence at the ball. You must with the Prince on such an occasion forte, at the Come in and see our New was the memngo deliv Without gloves.
DIN IT Slip Grip Soft Collar HoldEMANUEL FULLER.
ered to ber. The young girl hardly Miss In welcomed by the Prince EVER ers. Better than pins, knowing whether she ww trending on most cordially and danced twice conseeu.
earth STPERE FULLER to find a curringe waiting for her. Into self popular with the rest of the company. FITZ BOWEN 17A. CENTRAST, AXENDE, Cor16 St. WestPanama.
You JEWELER it she Jumped and was whisked to Fairy and had, as she afterwards said, the land and her Prince Just she was tune of her young life. Before sailing THE WELL KNOWN TAILOR Call phone 218 122 CENTRAL AVENU Fortunately, Miss Ines told her friende bome the Prince hade Miss Ines au 28 November Street, San Migue Panama, afterwards was wearing just a simple revoir saying he would not my goodGREEN and WILSON, Untie dinner dress, but is wa new and bye Exchange.
House 20 Proprietors.
success Eclipse Feeding Bottle they met Leacock Co.
and cotton But he cotton Central Drug Store Growing delight as Cotton srowing in the West. Don Confuse Price with Cost hed at The Woman Exchange DRESSMAKERS The Sterling Laboratory, come at At once, Anglo American Tailoring


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