
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL, 10, 1920 PAGE FIVE OUR ATLANTIC SIDE PAGE dent also bringe word of the new training school in this country and already a number of young men and women have signified their intention to take up studies in sereral lines of work especially as Church school teachers, for which there are at present numer ous calls for various fields The training school will not be confined only to members of the Seventh Day Adventist church but will be open to all who are willing to qualify for various positions in the gospel work, FELT HATS.
Mr. Morrill More Than Ordinary Business Man May; but it nmonth or early in and freight for Jamaica, River, lost con We carry a large assortment of these in all the newest styles and colors, including the Brown so much in demand at present.
Buy now while the assortment is fresh and all sizes are obtainable.
their OUP whom many quarters: time on Colon.
firm found foundation for American Bazaar at PANAMA from the ordinary year. S. Yarmouth Saiis tants in the near future to comThis, s, Yarmouth sailed mence practice.
fro Cristobal on Sunday the h tter would invite wil who can Mrs. Row According to her at 6:30 mn. for New York via Bagas del Toro, Port Limon Je walte it possible, both men and maica, Santiago de Cuba, taking of Panama, to travel to places women, especially on the isthmus two hundred and eighty two where their labour and presence passengers for the different are appreciated, instead of forc.
ports, also mails and freight In order to comply with inari do not care anything about them.
ing themselves upon people who time regulations for the carry ing of passengers, the agent of Knocked Down by Motor the Black Star Line, had to pur.
chase equipments from the Cycie Panama Canal in shape of life belts and life boats Temporary and comfortable Mr. Law. employed as bunks were fitted up in between foreman in the Sanitary Departdecks for the passengers for ment at Cristobal sustained se Santiago de Cuba rious injuries by being knocked It is expected that the new down by a motorcycle, the ship, the Phyllis Wheatley, will erty of the United States Navy arrive here an about 11. 55 a. while on his litted up in time The cyclist, it would appear, in to work. the s. Yarmouth will return to this poft, and will take passen trying to break the curve at the old Canal Zone market at Folk gers and Santiago de Cuba, and New control of the maYork. Due notice will be given.
chine, with the result that Law The agent wishes to thank all way was pinned to the fence.
who had stepped aside to make the patrons of the Black Star Line for Policeman Edwards who was patronage in the past and solicit the continuation on duty, was quickly on the thereof, assuring them of our scene and had the unfortunate willingness and pleasure to do man sent to the Colon Hospital without delay.
best at all times to please On examination it was discovone and all.
Among the passengers who ered that the injuries were of a Jeft were Miss Henrietta Vinton somewhat serious nature which Davis, international organizer, Ancon Hospital, where he is now necessitated his being sent to and Mr Cyril Heprv, asst. Treas urer of the Black Star Line both lying.
of have spent quite Mr. Law is a member of Unia ty Lodge, No. 3, on the which laboured unceasingly endeavouring to establish a for The Univer Memorial Service sal Negro Improvement Asssciation and African Communities Sunday night last, Easter, at League. In departing they have the Wesleyan Church, Colon, was left many a fond heart behind the occasion of the annual Memowhile they carry with them the rial Service for members who best wishes of the entire com passed away during the past munity, The departure of the boat was The service was conducted by witressed by a large number of Rev. Evers, Superintenspectators.
dent of the Circuit, and the fo lowing obituaries were read: Boy Killed by Colon Nail Wint, died on board the LOW Yarmouth, while on Car her way to Jamaica in December last. Eliza Gallimore died on Sybil Qliver a youngster of December 3, 1919, aged 73 years; about 11 summers was acciden Mary Gardner, died June 16, tally run over and killed by the 1919, aged 110 years.
Colon mail carat about 30 The last mentioned proved to Wednesday last, the 7th inst. be very interesting from the on Bolivar Street between 10th fact that the deceased was a and 11th Sereets.
stated that the car was proceeding up the street at Mrs. McIntosh Passes Away normal rate of speed when the unfortunate boy suddenly ran out of a passage way, coming in Mrs. Adina McIntosh, wife of contact with it before the chauf. Wilfred McIntosh breathed her feur could apply the brakes. last on Good Friday at her resi The body was taken up by the dence, at 4th and Bolivar streets, same car and carried to the po after a long and painfal illness.
lice station.
during the mouth red fell ill of August last year, and was taken to Sto. Tomas Hospital Date of Concer? Fixed Panama, where she remained until three weeks before her death, We are pleased to be able to when she left and returned to announce definitely that the con her residence in Colon. She was cert in aid of the Shepherd Star a native of the parish of St. CathCadet Camp which was indefi. erine, Jamaica and was 23 years nitely postponed on account of of age the Flu ban, will take place at She is survived by her husthe Flower of the Isthmus band who is connected with a Lodge Hall, 6th Street and shoe making establishment in Broadway, on Sunday, May 16, Bolivar Street between 2nd and beginning at p. m: Many valu 3rd Streets.
abie additions will be made to the The remains were interred at program and an enjoyable time Mount Hope cemetery on the is anticipated.
following day at p. in the presence of a large gathering, Wedding Bells Colon Wast Indians AwakA quiet little wedding was ening solemnized on Tuesday, the 6th The West Indians of Colon are at the St. Joseph Church, at last opening their eyes and inst, Colon, the Reverend Father Barns turning their attention to theinperterming the matrimonial cere selves.
mony. The couple united were Miss Gwendoline Jacobs and Me co operative dry goods store in connection with The Colon InJoseph Thomas, of the Broad.
way Forage and Hardware Stores operative Society, was opened on dependent Mutual Benefit CoColon, only the near relatives Thursday night last, at the corn: present.
ou loy, in the presence of a large number of persons Encouraging News From Before the formal opening of the doors took place, short ad.
dresses outlining the workings of the society were given outside Miss Margaret Rowe (Mrs. by Messrs. Hudson, Assist: Brown) who left the Isthmus ant Secretary McCarthy, some time last year for Canada Secretary, and Ricketts, writes very encouragingly of the President. The President in the present state of affairs in those West Indians to take their hands course of address parts. She states that women earn out of politics, and pool their reeasily from 25 to 30 per week out in dress making factories sources, together in order to reap Rowe further states that not only themselves the benefits which are things in Canada bright from they now give to others. Mr, a financial standpoint, but there Rickett further stated that the is also much opportunity for self society was in no way opposed to improvement. She has at present the Universal Negro Improvement just completed a course of sickl Associatiou as certain propagand nursing and midwifery, and in ists would have the public beon Kashmir Beauty Parlor sell the resources on Wednesday, after our regular It is also 128 Bolivar St. between 8th and 9th, Colon. Scalp and Facial Treatment, Manleuring Shampooing. Hair Straightening, Hair Growing, Hair Dressing. Hair Dreine, Facial Blemishes removed. Corns cured.
Equioped with electric vibrator, electrie comb, electric hair dryer, and other modern appliances.
Two Private Apartments. Best Results, Lowest Prices Mme. Anita Patt! Brown, prima donna whom we treated to wor1 mesatisfaction.
recommend us.
Mme. ROBERTS, M, B, Beauty Specialist, Graduate of the Kashmir Institute, Chicho, Mr. George Morrill, man ager of the leading moving pieture houses of the Atlantic side has in a very commendable man ner proven himself to be more than the ordinary business man whose aim is the making of mon ey at all costs. Mr. Morrill.
apparently has the interest of his patrons at heart, and is bent on putting before them from time to time pictures that are instruetive and elevating shat konderfully instructive pie ture Every Woman. which was screened on Monday night last, the 5th inst Mr. Morrill had few copies of the following circplar sent to some of the leading persons of the community, an action which has been very fav ourably commented upon in We would like the privilege of calling to your attention the ex.
ceptionally wonderful super spe.
cial moving entitled Every Woman. whicn we pur, pose presentan av evening next, to the public of the America and Strand tha tres. This picture is different COLON every respect from run of moving pictures. It has been called a a sermon in itself its lesson presenting as it does, many phases of human interest, is one which is bound to have far reaching effect for good upon any who may witness it. It is a picture which should be seen by every person in Colon and we feel that every effort which we may make in behalf of its pres.
entation will be of distinct enefit to the community.
lieve, but on the contrary, the We are going to present this funds of the society would in picture privately this evening, the Black Star Line.
the America The society was formed dur Theatre about 10:15, to a few ing the latter part of last year and we would be very and Was registered under the to be honored with your preBlade Constitution of the Republic of sence after which we would also Panama on the 13th of January appreciate an expression re oft the present year. As far as garding the picture, stated as can present thered, there are at frankly as you like for or against phases in connec it. We believe that co operative branch which is run and that of the world best cri: tion with the society, trst. the heartily concur with and by a deposit from the members tics, that the picture presents a of the society, by which means lesson of incalculable good to will kinds, be run stores of different humanity, and that once having restaurants, bavis, seen you be schools, etc. Text is the Bete mention in the old man to the volent side to which the payment people in charge. We trust that. of an entrance fee of 25c aduits we shall have the pleasure of a member along with a monthly your presence this evening at due of 00. In times ef siekness the special screening of the and other adversities, the men world famous example of movbers are through this medium ing picture art.
amply provided for.
Yours very truly There is also a dime bank, the primary idea of which is to en (Sgd. GEO. MORRILL, courage thrift among the memVice President.
The membership at present March 31, 1920.
numbers over 400 all of which pin their faith in the officers who BEAUTY HINT in turn are doing their best assure the success of the socie.
ty. In addition to the officers Rub Nile Queen Cream already named are Davis, Balm into the skin, then apply treasurer, and Russell, Nile Queen liquid face Powder.
vice president. Charming and Lasting Effect We join in wishing the society every possible success.
MANUFACTURED BY KASHMIR Elder Max Trummer Ar. For Sale Everywhere.
Watch Our AtlanElder E, Max Trommer, the new president of the Seventh Day Adventist conference and suc.
tic Page Grow.
cessor of Elder Kneeland arrived last week. His coming has reliev. Send Your News To The ed the great strain on pastor WORKMAN.
who for been kept rather busy both at the Atlantic and Pacific ends.
Advertise in the Workmani On Sunday last, the 4th. inst.
Elder Max Trummer preached at the Colon church, 3rd street and See our Colon News and Adver East Broadway. His subject was tising Reprasentative at the The prophecies of the 1st Ad.
Canal Jewelry Store, vent of our Lord The time and place of His birth as the connect WILLIAMS, 167 BOLIVAR ing link of scripture from Gelir STREET sis to Revelation. This subject on Mondays, Wednesdays and was indeed very interesting and Thursdays, between the Hours instructive.
The coming of the new prest of and p.
Call and Inspect our Stock of Musical Albums, Wrist Watches, Radiolite Watches, Tie Pins, Canal Stones, Birth Stones, etc. etc. EXPERT REPAIRING DONE WEDDING AND ENGAGEMENT RINGS Made To Order JAMES A, WILLIAMSON, Proprietor.
BOX 752, CRISTOBAL, er STERLING FEMALE TONIC Tonic and Alterative Miss Sterling Female Tonic contains in a palatable and acceptable form, the active principles of Witch Hazel Bark, Unicorn Root, Senna Leaves, Life Root, Vervain, Black Haw, etc. land, when taken according to directions, beneficial results may be anticipated.
The Sterling Laboratory, Los Angeles,


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