
BUSINESS MEN ADVERTISE wilden minds wick e case den from ers in the liquor trade blow sons Lue Tree fet, der y ay without le plus for was in stock in the in In the stomachs of When they left left Carlisle The too went to New York last dian immi PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN. SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 1920.
Inteersting News: From the sank the fl. pip and, to West Indies as Asycharge of operations seneral y, lum for Wets (Continued from page 2)
St. Lucia trate and if he can give an ac Next to the alleged right of count will be guilty of the offence folland in extending asylum to This other poedure may then he rx Kaiser is the right of the be usa a for the purpose of 1 The Great Exodus Vest Indies in extending asylum ting evidence Thei if you hive to the topers of the anited States evidence that a man is in OS of Laborers of America who are affected by thon Prahibition law session of stolen gooris you can bring the guilty man straight There are reports which go to into Court without bringing up Causes Unrest in West Inhalf a dozen show will the West Indies are individuals Иe used to ghe inaccessible dian Islands would not then have to be cor sylum to the wealthy wets of fronted by legal difficulties which the States.
always arise. This is the sec Reviewing the embarrassing tus of dollars are being and case have had to dismiss situation likely to be caused in ut down for the running of for this very reason.
the labor market of the British ore wories and hotels in Jamaica West Indies. On account of the Get Alive to Your Interest ud other islaids where thirsty SAN FERNANDO NEWS. great demand being made on Americans may go as fast as ship th se islands for laborers to go or aeroplanes can carry them to abroad, the Voice of St. Lucia Take a cup for udang syne.
Arm Crushed to a Pulp. strikes Once in these warning note thus: The question of the exodus of will cpitainly feel that they are paris, the wets Raymond Pollock. 20, of Gian clony is large irge bodies of laborers from this strands where the Conva, came very nearly agitating the meeting troubling and of In THE WORKMAN which is read by every West Kets lis best, and so the thirsty a most shocking end while at serious people in our midst.
local dealers in work tending the megass carrier There is one way of looking at the tof the laborer should prepare for a at Waterloo sugar factory about matter that big Indian in Panama, Colon and the Canal Zone.
protime It is a pued wind that does not 10: o clock He 10 och aloft cleaning the leto sumewhere over the says that while nday Di where he can earn bigger everybody ill at the same Carrier of the mezar, the incredend be able to remit some ime, and as far as trade goes the West In lies stand to benefit as right hand were caught int of the money earned to his home.
nearest and safest asylum for the chain around the drum of acd that this will prove not only he thirsty of the brave and the engine that works the pair of beneficial to himself and his fam behind but also wheels with cogs attached to the ily left to the carrier. He cried aboude with paip say, the local Government and cimmunity as a whole; that is to Already we read in the Barbabawling for help dos Herald: There is a rumour as the cogs went diagging him urade will in this way come in The circulation of The Workman is the largest of ativat ihatit American hotel gradually by the arm until his for a share of this of this foreign money corporation intends erecting a sixherd was within few inches In the case of an over populated wdred room trueture in Barba dos in time for a xt year tourist Ollinally oranged into the corony as Barb ewigration any All English paper printed in the Republic of teadu sprkets attached to the cogs of might be encouraged even with the wheel that gripped him and out the expectation of the comPanama.
The same paner, speaking of the sit of the thirsty American munity at home being benefitted ihn of the companion wheelcome therefrom, but in colonies where the sailor ut wuten aten posit. That is all he can remcom: there is a want of a population the Prohibition law, says: ut. Une Magoon drives the en. there Therefore THE WORKMAN remained in port gine with an assistant but they as in St. Lucia, instead of en there were not there at the time it hap courageunent to emigration way. BADA is a paying Advertising Medium. would, pened. Ile cannot say who stop should be put in operation studied legislative enact pied the engine for inducing the people to ment, have lo emain at hoine. Wed not at for practically all the beer that colony sailed Repatriated British East intend to say that the free dom of the people to go abroad if Indians they wish should he restricted; of Rencans We hope the Purely Relations Those. Midioen of the Roto offered to thein ghould be web what we mean is that the wage Committee will not be so med die terdam Lloyd Steainship Line ar a some as to question our right of rowd of Paramaribo on the 4th as Would put a check to the de asylum, out of which we stand to sire to go elsewhere in search of instant same steamer work because wages at home are profit materially. All we want to brought Javanese labourers to 100 Two that colony in December ADVERTISE Then again it reflects discreditTO DAY wake sure of is can and with that ti and returned ably on the Government and to embark repatried British In business people in that they come along untill we too, by popular consent, enet Proto immigrants for Calcutta 980 should be contented just to wait ineasures for our on ou. Let souls of which nearly 300 were sho Our RATES are Reasonable. them all come until with other children They were all in good money that way come to them in wood benefit themselves from the civilised countries we leave only health and away amounts from foreign places through la: to Hell itself the undeniable and everlasting right of asylun to nothing of jewelry, etc. The attitude instead of being, like aggregating 100. 000 to those who are slaves of the Drink Madicon goes via the Cape of the de Devil. West Indian.
Good Hope and tal. There terprising and possessed of such other places, en other people in were some six passengers, on initiative as would enable them German Prisoners Return board, all Americans poink to to utilise the large resources of East At ca The doctor in ch rze their colony to the benefit of it is only by these means that we forth to the public prospects of Messrs Martin Dean and Com. to Prepare for New War.
says the Paramaribo Timis is Di themselvvs and the whole com can hope to make the West Indies od investments for their money, pany will not be opposed to giv.
Geneva, February 25 German war. Singh, of Demerara, who has often made the not only comfortable to its people should find no extreme difficulty in comparative statements of prisoners returning home from France, of voyage in the Granted that some of our peo. world.
but attractive to the outside in toating down in Grenadu sa ti tha takings of their own steamers whm. 200, 000 wave my ships of Messrs. Nourse Co.
meet its within the past To would perform in places away ple Like the Black Star Line, shares Efforts were made to secure one from their birth places labor such be risted, go through Switzerland singing useful pre of their ships for the uclusion, as they would not at home, would should begin at a son ill sun to be which to base calculations. Month: Die cht am. and Deutsland creased in proportion to the do ly expenses could then be gone wr going me te me uber. declaring thit they but witl out success.
it not be better, inore imperialis tie, toencourage cut when sed me when it is into io nately, including interest war. according to Swiss newspapers.
med that ni cessary to places with SERIOUS MATTER.
the loan called for is and sinking fund, and if this is within the about hall subscrived, tenders settled the whole affair would be Why is that Kentish Guiana was for that West Indies Will Not be could then be invited for various at an end and the seemingly huge FOR SALE The milk problem has reached it could not have labourers from Ceded parts to suit the building of a ship, task of building a ship by local the will be enterprise Trmaad and promes to be this. would more acute that it was in new winie. cblony and preference given The Grenada West Indian or Hled beforehand. ishon with neusty, cute accordingly be a.
fait At New Providence on Hardwick York cor velopment respect! The des the 5th March says that the fol, there may of British iowing of putting be tenders also for the Everyone recognises the need Avenue, a house with two rooms, of various for a ship of suitable size ca sa front back. ers of milch cows throughout the West Indies us a country as well tice, is the official reply to the delivery in Grenada.
island have determined to reas to the Empire; but we cannot instead of the very many smal screened.
Kitchen and bathduce their herds selling the hope to derive any real benefit consercial Society or Grenada pener. tee, which are vie easiest And it is with this thought up with all new material, and two protest of the Agricultural Next comes the engine. pro crafts that are now in service. room downstairs. Constructed least of of milk to the butcher. It is impos: countries. There may be noteris in connection with Lord Rother things to obtain. We have se eral permost in our minds that we costs of paint applied.
For further particulars apply sible, they saperta selle teorinel temporary increase in the circula mere proposed deal. motor mechanics here, any of have ventared to make suggesder. Downing Street, whom on payment of a consulta: tions wh ch, to our thinking, to ing tje sky rocketing of prices of giation to Cuba, but experience 27th January, 1920 tion fee, call recommend the par. seen worsable. Any counter DALE, cattle feed oats, corn, etc. They teaches that that is by no means Sir, ticular type of motor engine ca. Iggestions a reader many think 131333, A, urge that although it has been to be relied on for progress.
accepted as an indisputable fact have the honour to acknow. pable of driving the hull at a fair necessary we shall be pleased to the Canada and the DS that Panama Canareceber Gimene, habe ledge the receipt of your des speedte This ordering could be give full publicity. In this mat.
lot all in direction at least, that Grenadians are cap bour, the Panama Canal and in and to ask that the Agricultural large mercantile nouses here.
im and Allowing that the loan would ble of cooperating in an under Counmercial Society of GreThe City Bible Agency begs to and its fat contents, here, in pour Trinidad, no account is taken of Provements generally in Panama nada may be assured that His be undersubscribed, and of this tiking which must reflect credit call the attention of Christian manent constructed dealers for any fat deficiency. Targely by West Indian labour, West Indian Colonies any for whom may be no emitically since ty renumerative in the long run Bibles compared rand a revised, intention of ceding any of the possibility, the pioneers, among will, if properly run, prove higii. fact that we can snonly them on translations of Then, too, they point out that West Indies should.
whenever Condensed Milk is con. selves. what. sinall temporary eign Powered sidered on the schedule not contribution to have the honour to be, suming responsibility and of obself pronouncing editions and taining suitable accoinodation without reason fresh cow milk in each case; but each almost in to money circulation READ Sir.
standard concordance of the Bible And here for the first time will is ignored by the Committee. The in also Sunday School Teachers consequence is that within a followed by its ebb, and lo! the servant.
perceptible flow has been always Your most obedient, humble real difficulex bebinet. the cutesy The Workman Lodge Pulpit and family short time, if things continue as West Indies are still badly in of rates. But we fancy Bibles.
We handled Bibles of (for the Secretary of State. they are fresh cow milk will be various societies, especially the a thing of the past. The Food of development. Sgd. J. AMERY.
Oxford University Press, real Committe should consider this foreiga countries atttact our la It is time we learned that when EDUCATION What is It?
morocco binding.
We also handle all other kinds matter without delay.
bour they do so to their own OUR COASTAL TRADE.
The systematic development and cultivation of the natural powers. The of religious buoks in addition to permanent good and not to ours.
ANOTHER OIL GUSHER We should now strain every nerve Now that the likelihood of any power to think clearly and talk interestingly to be a marked man or See us for prices and terms.
to look after our own interests, renewal of contract with the woman in any company THE CLASSICAL AND COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Street, Oil was struck in No. well on to emulate the action of others Royal Mail Steam Packet Com House No. 32 (apstairs)
lands leased by Mr. Dunron from who are forging ahead in the de pany has been permanently re No. 2, Caile Domingo Diaz Box 1019, the Roudal brothers at Fyzabad velopment of their country. Let moved by saie of the steaters will be opened from and after May 10th 1920, for the dissemination of Panama on Wednesday, Feby, 25th. After us study the times in which we which did our coastal trade couelementary and bigher education. Augustus Farsier, the preliminary blow out of gas, live and adapt the management pled with the fact that it seems Day School for Children.
there was a gush that continued of our affairs to meet present day impossible to get a ship or ships thereasing awhume until yes requirementhe eten oblingelsport brought doiven here for this pure Agent.
It Night School (now in session) for Adults.
by from America or elsewhere to be Subjects: Arithmetie, Algebra, Practical and Theoretical Geometerdry, and the gusher, at a. con of the times, by becoming more pose, some machinery should be try English, including Grammir and Composition. Elements of Spanservative calculation, is said to be of Dr. CONNEL ish, French and Litin, Gram nar, Geography and History, esc.
flowing at the Fate of froin 500 to enterprising, more considerate of set in motion, propelled by priSURGEON DENTIST Beginners classes in Bookkeeping, Shorthand and Instrumental Music.
700 barrels of oil per day. Mr. the requirement of those around vale local enterprise, to achieve IE practicable arrangernents for tuition should be made before Dunnon is to be congratulated us, more determined to see im. this end.
on being so successful in his first provements made in our own com There is no gainsaying the fact opening day Principal: ROBERT LINDSAY (Cambrfdge Senior)
and be found at 175 venture. local man was the unity, and by taking full advan that a Company, it might be a Box 1044, Ancon, Central Avenue driller of the well, and Mr. Gal tage of the numerous resources Limited Liability Company, well lagher, of the Leaseholds, Ltd. which undoubtedly we possess organized as a start and holding Opposite Stition arried munity le we would Grenada Empire this accompli.
ago. respondementorus ustanat ovat sellanene dere Binet Guinnen botere not the Government to the parti. con la dig het home in the file or doing out these were conde. porches, windooks andandoors fact Wenezuela Guiana in gee, in to do with the quality of the milk our light to more than one of metade de City Bible Agency with Bibles.


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