
PAGE SIX THE WORKMANSATURDAY, PAPRIL 17, 61920 in tearsting News From the Barbados OmMEONDOLANDI1Onuna, Grenada START washing day well with butter hams.
Daca tur.
every bar, SUNLIGHT SOAP. Continued from page rom the Herald)
The Solicitor General, Mr. Reece, who was lead ing the House at Tuesday As an index of the British de meeting (Hon. Clarke being indisposed. laid sire to extend their trade in the His Excelleney, inessage from inviting the West Indies, several enquirier House, consequent upon certain are being received through a criticisms appearing in the Press agents concerning raus. An English Agent wiitos tion as to whether the retail price to express an opinion on the ques to the Grenada West Indian as of sugar to the local consumer follow The reason why a should be less than 61. per ib. It desirous of knowing your adve Was pointed out that in case the tising terms is that believe Huse thought the price should could place pour per before beduerd, it it would be necess who well knowntims in England andre tine their goeds very fewly provision to cover the luss when ary han med to make and who would be pleased to exentalled on the present port then Although they may contract made by the Govern.
hangents in your inland, a good ment for the purchase of 6, 000 advertisement would sometimes tons of susir for Iwal consump: the means of bringing them lion which it was estimated new listomers would amount to 41199, 000. Idem.
to the ruinous of exchange a local merchant les With Eyes Open, returned a shipment of sales to Yet Post Haste to SUNLIGHT IN THE MORNING, States. the constant al merchants Disaster SUNLIGHT ALL THE DAY.
will be bound to refuse shipments Oceanies from the United States in proportion as we are If an eminent seismologist told ait to fall back on our own re.
us to explan erthquke some Sunlight Soap. Have the clothes Sous will we be be saved suffer day next week which will level in during this coming crisis. the cities and towns of the West on the line early, and the meals Histort sighted hav we been Indies, and wors destruction and ready to time. The afternoon is for all these year? What are desolation wrywhere in these then yours to spend at your own We able to produce and make and manufacture? Where is our mindful of impending and irrep.
parts we would not be hall SO sweet will.
bictory, shit tetory, and arable Pleasure follows in the wake of efficient htung! Where are cururable ruin as ward to day on hearing the ominous cris of much can blind official. com in these parts work. With Sunlght Son the hou ewife we preserve of our Protect Government does her work most efficiently, most easly.
CONS? What suits Chocolate There is no mystery. You get out of soap Daving the people!
bacoll. cured fish called Se just what the makers put into it. The cream can put on the market in ditious Publications Bills mean, of soap materials go into Sunlight Soap.
The name Lever on Soap Grenada? We are about to chire lore the people of is a Gua antee of Purity tue ahol mill soltinh Prinidad and of Demerara.
The Sunlight environment is in keeping nens adidistrutor one anotherhose Bills shonll be entitled and Excel. ence.
with its mission of cleanliness and Astor rhoteles er son is about to be rad us on the enn tend only to create soddition, Sedition Making Bills, for this they effic ency no soap is better ftied to bulue and suficiency of choill feeling, and a convincing serve the British housewife than Sunlight of being oppressed in the minds Soap. Prove this to day.
of a loyal people, and give acute e site inte 1, 000 Guarantee of Purity on Consistulars. Conil Comt tuam ih justice of the rule British new this, on dation, retired from the dart and Collett so blind as to want to Why al Governors Chancellor Int. Courteous and unassa elaninst the independent litter in. Corol. Crudey was a guard. and put the Gummi jan of the peace who was the literis and respected by all with whom word BRITISU? The opinion he came in contact Helias one of loyal West Indians is that the food service and his rtisement ord, and as well as the sense of in this this to a fair play it is Since the forcedes me of us LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED PORT SUNLIGHT.
genuine quality We wishi has it stands.
every sticcssian line he locis has been found, and in Trinidad In Demeram a Brassington to follow for the future.
Laurene has been found, wo do ТІ best interests of Great Britain, Pin by offering to lay down ther reputation across the track та In Demerara, the original Bill MUMOUR AND WIT.
where this wicked Duine of des But the captain the the Cunard Line Seeks FaciliWS with a VII, and the revised Luction is to be railroaded.
cairal peint blank how many cables le Bill has pissed its secind read swould put out Here was a quandar PRIIGLESE ADMIRALMilk Cellers Wan: bave no doubt that consing and left in the commett. wiiral Pitched his OUS in Trindadine originally These islands will heap them intended Bill was withdrawn and tirmining to be on the sale side sai, More Money. lireet West Inflia cable dated Bir: selves high in order to the Al. The captain, cursing the dirtin March 4, states that the Canard Bill has passed its the line of callous effort against in the Committee stage. Every guere na vse time when Perica was a to the jers of the crews of the foreign with German officials for docking privi shunt of the iron monster from second reading and is now left order, all that day she Portuguese sailors completed preliminary Petition for Removal of the goo good of our people. move in official Demerara is monarchy. Ile was given clerical work at battleship. oiled at putting out anchorloges at Cuxhaven The company is en Fixed Prices.
Are the Trinidad and the Dem ied in official COP: Trinidad. There the admiralty. Without ever having unt is erara pilots colour blind? Then evidence of a direct Collett. Toarded a ship be gradually elimbed to tell until the Portuguese boat looked like the devouring to obtain control of been e contre of the why, in face of all the world Chancellor collusion in this mat: lieutenant to comunander to the King blew. such as had GOVERNOR OF DEMERARA DE. knowledge and experience, are ter of depriving a British people aliniral. When the captain, to the spider web. That night it tire dock organization which was leased kom fore or at.
The up danger in Russia, and are speed. loyal to Great Britain. They was be thought of that he was charged Recently the majority of Easting along, with eyes open, post may think they are doing a great with the duty of taking them there. The stood out to sea safely. The French, haste to ruin?
Indians residing at Windsor Forduty to the Crown, but they are captain of the man o war on which our Gr. nan and It ulian vessels could t ride to their anchors and were driven on the It does not pay to Russianize a doing just what those bloated office boy admiral had hoisted his flik FOR SALE forwarded a petition to His Ex people on the pre war plan, for Grand Dukes did, that is, to de. ked for the order of departure. The beach. The Portuguese war ship rested est and the neighbouring districts that or of is about the safest way to prive Inperial authority Dem of a sea gull on the waves, unheeding You know your business cellency the Governor erara through the Immigration make ation malze a country safe for Bolshe rule over the Russian masses in give the order. As they steamed out the tempest. They gave the Portuguese At New Providence on Hardwick Unfortunately, there are the practical working out of to sea the captan asked for the Admiral the highest orders they had to Avenue, a house with two rooms, withdrawal veran lahs: of the Government maximum two stages of Russianization, the things!
You are capable of setting the course? bestow, and made hin Comander in front and back windows and doors product of the milk and rice so as to latter being Crown Colony official is to questioned prices on Kitchen and bath Well, then set it nue said: What a head! What a screened.
allow them to sell these art articles When we Russianize be defined this way: man who were the admiral Certainly an. Chief of the Por uguese navy, and every porches, head!
room downstairs.
Constructed of food at prices commensurate logical thing to Russianize also ir lang office, has hired ou his mind Later when they were taking the ship blind tyranny we do the one with FIRST SHOT with all new material, and to with increased cost of living.
to the Government on ton binding terms of position the admiral was handed a sex tant, and he made a pretence e of obser In their netition the men set the wild answering form of Bol. contract. That being the case. vation and then pretended to make a bird away in the distance, and pulled He sighted along the barrel. sitoed at coats of paint applied For further particulars aply out that the cost of production shevism.
they have no public, even no walio to. is getting It is easy to predict, just as manly opinions of their own in cula ions. The captain approached him, the trigger. loud bang and the sportshigher and higher. DALF, Sy showing his calculations, giving the lati man ran forward. When he reached the as we predict that a cocoa Government continually being tree will bear cocoa, and a lime we tind that many of the Box 53. An.
thing, tude and lonatitude. The admiral glanced neighbourhood of where the bird had asked to pay more for clothing General at them and said Execllent they al been he saw something hopping around and imported and local foodstuffs tree limes, that Russianization said by the Aducing the Blmost agree with wine. On the arrival at in the long grass. He picked up a los of planted will bear in schiek. the medeniyet produce procese Russianization in the fruit of are subject to their smaller value Tangier the competition. where the setting mund te kete with monteur. Teil ein shilovers hem ab tervan the partices Bolshevism, to the harm of the us official views pure and simple, lidke tired of the color reared and animals and the forete legno che dans le meile City Bible Agency be withdrawn to allow them to charge their own prices governmental origin of its na subject to heavy exchange rates wanted orders for anchoring. The admin but certainly knocked all the The City Bible Agency begs to in keeping with the increased and consequent depreciation uzeral tried his old tricks. You know your feathers off him. Bayer Leie.
The scrapping of the treasures der the higher money standard of call the attention of Christian cost of necessities.
workers and Bible readers to the of hunan history is not easy of public opinion.
The petitioners efforts were unsuccessful accomplishment for men have fact that we can supply them After all why do we worry?
enough of the devil, or perhaps Perhaps the disastrous wreckage EDUCATION What is It? with the former translations of of the divine, in them yet to re. courted by the Bill might be this sboemaker painted the following Bibles compared and revised, The systematic development and cultivation of the natural powers. The notice in his door: fuse at the point of death. To means of giving us a chance to pronouncing editions and power to think clearly and talk interestingly to be a marked minor standard concordance of the Bible THUNK AS OTHERS ORDER WANTED: All sorts of skins for build anew on more solid found.
woman in any company We feel grieved to know that tions Boston Tea Bill, we also Sunday School Teachers making footwear THE CLASSICAL AND COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Bibles, Lodge Pulpit, and family Up came an idle little boy Say, will efforts are actually being made remeinber caused the wreckage No. 2, Caile Domingo Diaz Bibles. We handled Bibles of you buy some batinna skins and orange by men with British hearts to and caused the new effort in the turn these islands of Paradise building of a nation and the great will be opened from and after May 10th 1920, for the dissemination of various societies, especially the into a Purgatory of torments. as United States of today is the elementary and higher education.
Oxford University Press, real Banana and orange skins you jackany success in Russianizing the eventual blessing that has coine What would do with them eh?
Day School for Children.
morocc) binding Night School (now in session) for Adults.
We also handle all other kinds Whyl said the boy, they make the rule of the people must mean in out from the sad disguise.
Subjects: Arithmetic, Algebra, Practical and Theoretical Geomeof religious books in addition to very best slippers!
the awful reaction of the end: If that will help, cannot the Bibles.
try English, including Grammar and Composition. Elements of SpanChurches call for much fasting ish, French and Latin, Grammar, Geograplay and History, etc.
See us for prices and terms. Dr. JOHNSON and praying so that the blind, For Sale Beginners classes in Bokkeeping, Shorthand and Instrumental Music. Street, dis oral. unpatriotic officials If practicable arrangements for tuition should be made before House No. 32 (anstairs)
SURGEON DENTIST might see the harm they have THE LIMIT DRUG STORE opening day. Box 1019, Panama Phone 1003 Principal: ROBERT LINDSAY (Cambridge Senior) Address bastfilly set themselves to do to the dishonor and disgrace of 80 Street, Chorillo, Panama.
Box 1044, Ancon, Augustus Farrier, Ancon 5, Great Britain. Well located. Established 1914.
Agent, 5414 Ver Demerara ties hus KIPLING.
mountain revised Joung naval cadet entered te Por his breath, tund to carry out the Seamship Company are said to have o.
past its ad replied, Пlike the former the captain.
matters. And We they are akins, Sir?


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