
PAGE SEVEN Good bye Old Pal!
Link up with LIFEBUOY for Health Sake.
The American Club Man Lament.
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LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED PORT SUNLIGHT. ENGLAND ation from Eclipse Feeding Bottle for Infants houses on and the tears?
The design of this Feeder prevents sour food, collecting, and permit of the bottle being thorougly cleansed, thus avoiding wind colic, etc. Real Hygienic Feeder Om plote 90c. silver ward a ce rived. It Central Drug Store at unthankful feet?
FOUNDED IN 1881 The Oldest Drug Store in Panama City and the most Modern One.
MANUEL ESPINOSA Central Avenue, 33 Opposite La Mercedes Church Panama.
We fear it will not be Au Revoir, Old Timer, but good byelor keeps. Locks that We are addressing you, Friend Cocktail FOR Yes, you. Yu ve had your faults they say, done all sorts of things to our in sides, according to the doctor, and to Bur conduct, ac ording to the woralists.
But you ve cheered us up a a bit And we shall miss you MODERATE PRICES When we went to the banquet and had to ent all sorts of fixing, we don es Come and have a look at the assortment.
pecially crave, we leaned upon your naughity arm for support.
When the days were dark and dreary, and there wasn any sunshine around the ofbee. and it looked like business was on EDUARDO VALENCIA the blink, we used to go down to Mike place and slip one in just to stave off the Santa Ana Plaza Next Hotel Metropole Blooms.
When the Bores kept after us and we had not the moral courage to assassinate, and besides, we did nt want to mess up the new office rug with their gore, we had taking one or two of you Dr. OGILVIE LOVES FLOWERS Recalls Crimes of the void going to the Be House.
When the Grey Wolves were chasing Hun Brigands us, which came is the poetical name we IS NOW LOCATED AT (By E, D, KOONTZ)
give to our unscrupulous competitors, 157 Central Avenue, corner then were you our eave of refuge. Street.
Flowers in abundance piled on your Woman Describes Fate of Yes, verily you were some little shelter You were som casket, in the time of storm, and shadow of Plueked from fair gardens which nature Husband and Son great rock in a weary land.
HOURS: to 11. 30 am.
has fed, When our wife relations came down to 30 pm 630 to 30 The papers announce with an air of apLondon, February 21. case upon us, like the well known Assyriars Sundays: to 11 a.
proval; has just come before the Mons who descended upon somebody or other But how (ve they helped you, when you tribunal which in its horror re. as a wolf in the fold, then had we a way Appointments can be arranged. are dead?
calls the crime of the German of slipping out into the pantry and kissing Te ephone 875 Will they undo the wrongs that were brigands says a Brussels des you a couple of times, so that we could done you patch to the Da! ly Telegraph. do our duty as a man and look pleasant.
Or brighten the future, where spirits woman whose husband and But tempus, as the poet says, does Miss LAING must tread?
son were murdered claimed com fugit. and now you fugit with it.
the tribunal and Alas! What shall we do to relieve the HAIR DRESSER Will the roses and lilies in piles of profu Called witnesses who related on pressure. For the Bolsheviks are still sion oath the following story bolshing, and the Communists communScalp treatment and Hair Bring back the smiles you should have On Sunday, August 23, 1914, ing and the Bitter Enders have not end.
straightening a Speciality will bbed herectness and fragance eheer the inhabitants of Quaregnuo, ed, and the election is coming on, and near Mons, took shelter in the may be krape Juice Bill (William Jenthe heart broken, cellars of their hou on the apnings Bryan) and everything For promoting the growth of the Heal up the wounde, or dry up griel proach of the Germans. When great question before the American re.
Hair and beautifying yourself Will the petals of beauty that die by the suldiers arrived they ordered our little old side kick and bucker up, public 18 whither shall we flee if not to visit each family to stand together en The Parlors your gravestone Chango visions of hope, or humanity unfortunate people saw their Being helpless these the cocktail. As you pass down the corridors of time HOUSE NO. 11, AVENUE fear?
homes burned and shortly after we watch with teare the the sad processionCorner 20th Street a German military cart ar Manhattan and Bronx, Martini Clover If you have a flower my friend, It halted in front of each Club, Star, Old Fashion, Dubonnet, That a. WILKINSON Why hold it in your chilly hund or cast it group, and a soldier after having Bacardi, Gin and Vermouth.
inade selections at hazzard or But stay, as the peal of the song that dered those he had chosen to came after you were counted out still CONTRACTOR BUILDER Why cast your flowers a hundred fold take seats in the conveyance. ringing in our ears, the tip is going round Upon a a casket fine From the Duez family he to put your loose change on a comer.
First Class! Workmanship If to some living soul that end chose the father and son named Twould shed a light divine?
Florimond, leaving behind the American Journalism Up Plans and Specifications Free Perhaps its beauty lights the eye mother and five other children, When she saw her husband and To Date.
5th Street West House for some poor sad faced child son being driven away up the Box 411, Panama, Or in the rooms of misery livo Sed out her hands in a ges boss office, abeclutely dropping the street Mme. Duez The editor assistant burst into the What matter to the sleeping dust ture of farewell. A German sol usual reverence shown when in the preDr. WILLIAMS they cast their weight in gold, dier drew his and struck sence of the old man.
the Or if tis just a pine tree sprig unhappy ga (M CH. EDIN. Animated ink pots he yelled. Here Plucked from some mountain wo!
wound from which the blood we ve got a whole page account of Jime ed. Seeing his mother wounded jain the murder execution, on the press. PHYSICIANI SURGEON for me ll take mine here the cart. Andtheraer preveriting pastepots, man! What are tried to from and now the fool been pardoned! PulHas removed temporarily to the vented this and, impaling the to do. youth on Long Building 5045. Section A, NO. 21, is good enough know his bayonet swung his With a calm that tanooly be adopted With words of love and sup lit emiles body alive into the burning house by an occupant of the editorial chair, the FOLKS RIVER To cheer me on my way where he was burned to death. The cart containing the father editor eyed his worried assistant, But leave the flower decked funerals There nothing to be excited about All cases fully Examined for these who thing it pays. and his unfortunate companions man! he remarkod, calmly. Just put over proceeded to the railway station, the headlines in large letters: Jimjon where their execution was to take pardond! Sensational account and pic.
place. The ranged along the station wall and pures or what he escnpedi Houston the order to fire was given. Duez fell but he was only wounded, wa and rose to his feet. Immediate HERE AND THERE :46 STREET, PANAMA.
ly a soldier who was armed with an axe sprang at him and struck CHURCHILL CHAUFFEUR FINED off his head.
Just received a full stock ofThe tribunallistened with emo FOR FAST DRIVING tion to the relation of these facts SILVER CHAIN GOODS and allowed to Mine. Duez the in London, Feb. 28. Winston Spencer demnities specitied by law.
Churchill well knowing penchant for Including. FRESH DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES burying got him and his chauffeur into trouble yesterday morning when his For every form of disease WANTED FRIEND chauffeur was fined 15 pounds at Mortlake for speeding at the rate of thirty miles an hour. By KOONTZ The War Secretary had only a little while before left the War Office There Give me a friend with a heart of gold, was a violerit crash as his motor car Give us a call and inspect our New Stock.
Made pure by the fires of fate; friend whose heart will not grow cold came into collision with a brower dray Satisfaction Guaranteed.
which was heavily laden. wheel was Mld the Arctic snows of hate. turn off his automobile and one of the FLOWERS, Proprietor.
Give me a friend whose heart is true, windows of the motor car was broken, Whose silence cannot be bought; Mr. Churchill was much sbaken up, Box 36, Panama City Telephone 519 Who will stand by my side with the but continued his trip in another autoe chosen few, When my feet in the net are caught he mobile.
Give me a friend who knows no fear, PEETER UD XENDE ER DER From those who seek to slay: food crisis in Egypt has been caused friend who will whisper a word of cheer by too much land being given up to catWhen the false have slunk away.
ton, owing to the high prices paid for Give me a friend who will grasp my hand that Your Dressmaking may be low priced, but that does not When pass through sorrow vale; mean it will eventually cost you less when compared with Who will guide my feet through the The British Ambassador at Washing.
desert sand, ton will receive 2, 500 pounds as salary, ours, where Style and Workmanship are guaranteed.
Whose faith will never fail, hentaith and 17, 500 entertainment allowance.
Give me a friend whose soul is clean As the depths of a mountain brook; Upon whose strength can always lean College of Surgeons to AdInto whose eyes can ever look.
mit Women.
And get the response of a friend advice.
In the darkest hour of trial; Whose soul is asleep to the tempter A direct West Indian cable from Lon.
don states that at an extraordinary And awake to self denial.
meeting of the Royal College of SurNo. 1, Tivoli Road, Panama. found my friend with a heart of gold, geons in Edinburg yesterday, it was Reviled by a careless throng; resolved, says the London Times, that ANN THOMAS, Proprietress, They knew him not by the perfect mold the women should be admitted to felof the potter wheel and song, lowship in the College.
It beauty undefiled.
sword and Florimond we As Anil save all stylish show, common palsy now and then GOOD WILL business lives through its customers. And its greatest asset is their good will.
Our service has always measured up to this stand ard and brings forth volun tary expression of friendship and confidence.
Come in and see our New Slip Grip Soft Collar Hold ers. Better than pins. FULLER JEWELER 122 CENTRAL AVENUE, Panama, DIDIT EVER STRIKE You Chorrillo Drug Store Panama Furniture Company 86 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA Next Door to Cecilia Theatre TOILET ARTICES, Etc. Etc.
Headquarters for High Class Furniture All New Goods Sold at Reasonable Terms.
WEST INDIANS will find it profitable to consult US when buying Furniture. Welcome is extended to all to visit our large Stock Don Confuse Price with Cost The Woman Exchange Leacock Co.
Modern Cabinet Makers NO. 8, STREET PANAMA CIT PHONE 1060, BOX, ANCON, C, Dealers in all kinds of NativeWood DRESSMAKERS Latest Designs In Cabinet making, etc.


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