
Interesting News from the West Indian Islands Jamaica INTERNATIOAL BANKING CORPORATION S. we She is a Capital, Surplus, Undivided Profits Over 9, 000, 000. 00 Official Depository of the Republic of Panama.
Barbados agents motor HV Trinidad boetie the Garrison Savannah by His the was in tc men and Nige the Baltimore and Jamaica Tradit is state lot of tit for ing Company at 22 10s per 100 Slangliteria in the Teriet Dayable bunches. ter o clock but getting animal the Fort Mn, an appeared eity at reasonable rates is the on ta larizon as was piloted in question. Anyway, as in the Ard About Time Unile port Ly Pilot Parodie. She Sam got pratique and Mr. Goffe kave suckling pigs be probiti orders that his stevedores under Owned By ed under penalty the late issue of the Jamaica Gitted up for the occasion. She supercargo should see her Times to hand is responsible u timately left for Green Island THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK, Serrel Indstry for the following:with all her hands on board to Notes by the Horticulta It is satisfactory to note that load bananas and passengers.
Head Office, 55, Wall Street. Club, Trinidad, indicate that the the American Governor of the is a fine bost, and as far as sorrel or roselle plan Canal Zone: shut down recently the getting of fruit goes, she to be cultivated in on a dance in Government Hotel will be loaded despite the keen it grows as freely as any wild the proceeds of which were to go competition, as all the companies to the funds of the so called Irish are well supported. Ere the close plant, with the view of king it an industry with a Republic. It is about time the of the day all the companies United States refused to allow were trying to get their quota.
All West Indians know who the enemies of a friendly power delightful drink and jamaa to organise rebellion against that made from the flower parts of Great Britain allowed something power within her boarders. It BANANA WAR COMING.
DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA CANAL the sorrel, and it would not be The Gleaner of the 17th ulko.
of the same sort regarding the states that it is being whispered surprising if it were to mak Phillippines say there would be a in fruit and shipping circles that DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA RAILROAD favorable place in the American fine hubbub. banana war. is imminent and English marketa il put on a and that the prices are going up like commercial basis as the Name industry, FATAL OCCURRENCE As result.
It is reported that the Jamaica Through its Agencies in the Interior and Its Foreign Branches Fruit and Shipping Coy. Lid.
The following is taken from have issued this Institution Offers Exceptional Banking Facilities.
orders to their the Gleaner to buy this week at 38. fatal affair took place at Riv and 6d. per bunch or 17 10s.
Drafts on Jamaica and the other West Indian Islands.
ersdale on Monday night March per 100 count. With another 22, the victim being a man whose competitor in the field it will not INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT PER CENT PER ANNUM DONKEY SHOW name is said to be Wilfred be surprising it the price jumps Smith. It appears that on Mon up again.
For the purpose of encouragday at about o clock the ing owners of donkeys to take truck belonging to Mr.
greater care of and interest in Lindo wa was proceeding with load a load of cane to the their animals, a donkey show Railway station Deferred Payments of this centre and what is more, cool, level headed, ready to hear held at when several boys and men hopB. Regiment.
trom conversation with many of every complaint and to do his recently, under the auspices of ped on. The chauffeur came to a the men men of intelligence no duty to all, conscientiously. What the Society for the Prevention of standstill. and ordered them off the more be expected of. the truck, and on their alighting Nigerlan Government Asks We are pleased to learn that manner in which they have been flcer, especially in dealing with eral prizes for the best groomed, he again proceeded on his way.
for two Engine Drivers Capt. Ravenscroft E, the of treated and that it was only a such a cosmopolitan lot of men best cared, and best trained an It was soon discovered that a ficer from the War Office, detailed matter of distance from the War as is to be found among the re mals were given. There was a man was lying dead on the road.
The chauffeur was placed under ing asked this Government for to see after delerred payments to Office which caused the aggrieve turned soldiers of the Trinidad fine attendance in the Gra The Nigerian Government has the discharged men of the ment, if there is, in reality cause Contingents of the Stand and at the close of the arrest but was later on bailed. It the services of two competent en. etc. most satisfactory. In fact to tain Ravenscroft was just the Seditious Publication Bill. by Regiment has found the aerounts for any. As we predicted, Cap show the prizes were distributed is alleged that the man was either gine drivers, we understand two Excellency the Governor.
hopping on or off the truck and applications have been forward, has had no trouble whatever, lui man to be sent out for such duty, Two events were placed on the that his foot was caught by the ed ed to Government.
programme for the cadets of back wheel, which ran over his DEPUTATION CALL ON HIS EX. Temeraire, which body crushing the leg and chest the applicants, so far as we learn.
is Mr. John Hay, a. fitter engine NULIFE CELLENCY the harbour.
bour. One donkey race 10 a pulp driver, trained at the Trinidad SELF LACING CORSET in which the winning animal was Government Railway engineering deputation, comprising Dr. ridden by Cadet Mc. Lintock and Royal Bank of Canada Opens shop. He served as a Trinidad McShine (Chairman. an Apple race appropriately won Branch at Spanish Town soldier in Egypt and was a miliMessrs. Peyran, Ac by Cadet Quick Three prizes The Royal Bank of Canada has tary tsergeant) engine driver, ham (City Councilloks) and were given in the tirst event and two in the second, the victors opened a branch at Spanish having tirst served as stoker on Ryan, His solicitor, waited upon Town ander the management of the Bantazs line, a distance of Excellency yesterday morninghat chocolates and the others, nicu getting miniature silver caps and Mr. Harry Aitkiu, and is iney som: 753 iniles to Khartoum. It is 11. 45 presented him with a ing with good patronage it into oboped that the Government not unduly memorial protesting against the presentation boxes of chocolates said.
ria to our detriment bringing in Seditious Publication Bill which. Grant Proposed place of Girl Killed By Motor Car. men, men from the home country steady and competent courteously re.
It is proposed to recommend ceived the deputation, and after who are engine drivers in name hearing the terms of the protest. grant of 2, 500 or more from the est public funds to the West India With regard to the death of only, as recent happenings prove.
promised to do as much as lay in Carmen Hypolite, the little girl Port of Spatn Gazzile his power. to have the Bill Committee Endow inent Fund as who was knocked down and killed amended so as to avoid, as far as a contribution from this colony by a motor car at Brown Town AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE on Saturday afternoon last, it is Upon that the deputation with ing their quarters. The proposed possible, all objectionable features to the 20, 000 needed for enlarge learnt that the car is owned by an grant is a deserving one.
The same paper dated March Pavimas lady named Cornelia 21, says: Schaiff.
In the company of the Director Drowning Fatality in the Legislative Council The car was going along East of Agriculture, Mr. Algernon Gulf.
The Hon. Richard Hayes preQueen Street in an easterly di Aspinal. visited St. Au.
sided at a moeting of the Legislarection when the unfortunate gustine Estate yesterday morning At about 11 o clock on Sunday tive Council when all the Bills girl alighted from an Ave Avenue car. purpose of discussing on night, the Harbour Constabulary and Resolutions passed by the She had only to cross the road the spot the probable site of the received a message that a sailor House fat its last sitting were and she would have been just a proposed college of tropical agriThe Corset of the Century.
named William Alexander work. passed except the Bill to amend two from her residence in culture.
Wellington Streed. However, ere ing on board a lighter alongside the Railway Act which was op SOLD AT PANAMA BY the American Customs had fallen posed by the Hon: Granshe had passed the tram car and La Luna Silk Store, Santa Ana Plaza; Key Hing, overboard and was not seen again, num and was eventually postpongot over the lines she was knock Latest Accession to the Central Avenue.
Bell immediately hurried ed for ffurther consideration.
ed over by the motor car. She fell Trinidad Bar ECULAT COLON BY to the scene with a few men, and The repeal of the Postal Surtax backwards fracturing it were a short mre interest some ci the skull.
Lah Ming Co. Wing Yuen Co. Sang Chong Long in binding the balle, succeeded Act as from Aprill now becomes kan that our latest It is not clear whether Co. Wing Lung Co. Ak Kai Co.
Is non ceased came around the rear of accession to the local Bar Mr.
LEE CHONG Co. Sole Agents tunate man was engaged in landthe tram car or whether she Potter, who is a native ing some iron pipes and was ac.
HEAD OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE cidentally knocked down and fell passed in front of it, but it is stat of the sister colony of Dominica, WILSON overboard, when some of of the ed that the driver of the motor otor was during his university career 134 140 Bolivar Street 62 Central Ave.
pipes (ten or twelve) fell over him DYER AND RENOVATOR car did not see her until he was Trinity Hall, Cambridge) elected Colon, R, Panama, R, and pinned him beneath, whereby right up on her, in consequence President of the Cambridge Box 152. Phone 90 O, Box 585, Ancon, making it impossible for bim to 107 a Central Avenue and corner rise. The water at this spot, is 16 Street West.
gated by a coroners jury who Quates aspire. This body partakes said to be about tive or six feet deep.
Phone 118 B, Box 712 Ancon Canal Zone feur deserver lame or not. giate club (comprising some 4, 000 In connection with the death of members) where the Open Plots at Woodbrook!
this uptortunate girl a pathetic social or circumstance may be mentioned, the dau political probleme handled in debate, We understand that the City FITZ BOWEN Engineer has recommended the It was only a few days previous an and has been the conversion that she had taken her photo lish parliamentary life; for a the trave Bround of certain vacant THE WELL KNOWN TAILOR of some eminent plots at Woodbrook, into public 82 November Street, San Miguel graph at the studio of Messrs squares.
Should this recomDuperly and Son in King Street past occupants of the chair of House 20 and she went to get them mendation be acted upon there the union were such as on are two centres at least for such Saturday. It was on going home Balfour, the late Lord Acton, undertaking Seigert Considered the best blood and Savan from the studio with the photo Austen Chamberlain, Sir Charles Dill cand nah, and the spot included in others of equal repute.
WANTED graphs that she came to her tra We Lou Mr. Potter to have Nerve tonic in the World the block between French and Carlos Streets, with. Wrightson The public to know that In the Police Court yesterda, 24: the lent West Indian to Road as its southern boundary.
first class George Wiggan, the chaffeur have achieved that academic disIs highly recommended by press and public for Most was charged with murder, and tinction. We join in wishing Mr.
in climbing remanded on bail, Mr. Ivan Mc Potter luck the cussion occasionally raised by the DYEING, CLEANING AND Weakness, Loss of Blood, Nervous Debility and proPRESSING Carthy appeared for the accused. verbial tree.
general depression of the whole system. in dealing with Seigert Savannah in the way now suggested, but is carefully and expeditiously THE FRUIT TRADE. New Sailors Home For Both Men and Women.
no steps were actually taken.
at the We trust the City Engineer plan Port Maria. March 29, Today The Port of Spain Gazelle says Sole distributors for Central and South America will meet with approval, whereby was a red letter day in the bana that a new Sailors Home is to be na world here. The five com pa opened there. His Excellency the PANAMA DRUG STORE be greatly enhanced.
nies started purchasing bananas Governor and Lady Chancellor 107 A, CENTRAL AVENUE, after old Sol had put in his ap. have promised to attend the openMuller Building Cor. 16 St. West, Panama.
pearance this morning. Mr. ing. gramaphone has been ar.
Scarcity of Pork.
Call phone 218 Rutty through Mr. Pouyatt got ranged for and 25 was donated CALIDONIA, There appears to be a great the first load, and the market was by a gentleman towards the purscarcity of pork, almost throughGREEN and WILSON, opened up by Mr. Goffe, of chase of a piano.
out the island. There is, however, Proprietors.
His Excellency con for the Sergt after din The unfor: or law New Discovery Dr. Frenchs Strengthening Compound Eoll in among men as gic.
of us are aware of the disa Anglo American Tailoring


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