
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, APRIL, 24, 1920, PAGE THRE Sokossoke West In lian Sewerage Schemes.
KING EEE dertaking CIGARETTES Writing under the above care tion the London Titnes Trado Supplement says: It is proposed to provide the city of St. George Grenada, with a sewerage system. The unwill cost about 15, 000.
The proposed sewerage scheme for Georgetowo, British Guiana, is still being discussed. It is pro Dised to put down test bores in various parts of the city and analyses of the soil will be sent to England for fursher report experte Ai extension of the sewerage vystem of Kingston, Jamaica hus practically been decided upon; this vill cost at least 201. 755. sewerage farm project for the Westend of Kinguton, whore feu thousand acros of land will be irrigated and brought under oultivation, is also planned.
COURAGE There nothing in life but the Joy of the niache There is nothing in love but what we put in it; There is nothing ha lappa salom basin it, Led there is nothing worth lontag but who ne na visi DID YOU EVER Stand near a chap while he smoked a KING BEE?
They are the Boot Always mimo NGBE.
PAROLE POAT CATEN 11. 8i Extra Mila GARETTES pay resulted Sold Everywhere. WHY?
sivo deduction o 22 sot their futes The Favorite for Generations The Old Timers Choice they claim that the earview of the reploven have not been ableory, it would appear that thereby they could be admitting their own bon enpeace, for surely none but a incompetent or faithful foreman would keep an astie factory worker on the job. It is very evident that any of the foremen and other responsible for this inbumu set, for thue compromising the honour and dcnity of the United States, are making this matter racial issue.
Governor Harding in his report to the Seeretary of of We for for the mouth of Feb ruary makes reference to the strike, and Nuer stating that on February 23, where boa) prosinately. w latorers were. kreat ibair doda ai la pay of 7 beata mi sertai other conditions of employment write foll:yeonigabion of the cost of living of these Inborant and their race of peating them a inerente of an hour, or a month tu monthly om.
pluyens, effective February This in ON was pregled after it had been determined that the meroase in coel of the essentials of food and cloth And over reached increases in clothing I have italicised this later purkion bepay.
an is throw lurid light upon the Molion of tho. heade of departments Mad forme who not only have made ex loyed in other from a the pay of the man employed con an hour) but absolutely en getest way mounideration lagres ol Was blue wat of living been redused Ide the first of Marab! Have Coub hecy prie tone Lenk to atthias the stekel la the 2016 otherwall of food and Wothing wu Level with the pay now being received by whose whose crime consisted in that they ART Atsampted collective bargaining? Th.
are question which the inbus inbuman om Buates. Some such arrange Panama Canal SHver Em that mate; and am af opinion that duet of Governor Harding amubordia went me that which exist at present between the the attention of Governor Harding to in ebarge of eilver workers compele United ployees should be directed to the very nata vara him now to answer; and the requirements States and Porto Rico was advoble light ta which this set of brutal op humaniny and civilisation demand osted by the speaker.
Not Treated According to Die pronion on the part of his subordinates that rush inwes should be clear. tates of Official Clroular placing the nation whose dignity equivoon, junt and patientory If the well intereste be is to conserve silver employees aeted unwisely is site Advice of Mr. Macaulay, Canada, to purchase all she For Sale Nr. Editor. bare been informed la view of the Governor utterasoening that act did not make them erimi nals.
Notad Canadian, Speaking could from within her own boun: that large numbers pf the workers on prior to ad alter the strike, am convinced that foretary Baker daries and from the Mother the silver roll of the Panama Canal and unwilling to believe that it is his interat Toronto Recently Country and there braadset hhe THE LIMIT DRUG STORE ehe geld in te delen hoteller merent participated in the strike, and were re mere Srandiloquence of mentinental the Purana Railroad who were obtion to permanently penaline those who was perfectly sincere, www not indulging adverse balance of. While TADE MATTER SOLELY there were certain things that 80 Street, Chorillo, Panama. strike at a lower rate of pay than they employed under condities which were bunkum when be declared that the at the best bumiliating United States of America wa alion present could not be bougt Well located. Established 1914. previou ly received, are still being paid within the Eu, pire. yet Grert la tho Canal Record of March 31, too great, lo liberal, 800 just to to oppreos the following official circular, mited by these dependent upon her. Als, the Toronto, March The Toron Britain had within her wn the Governor appeared:difference between the little bip foiled Globe published the following: boundaries, the river pid. To all conerned. In the case Baker is too gode of the Canal Zone and Secretary Any man who switches an her candl tely independen of enough raw material to render of the milver employers who va Baker is too ohla is too painfully obvious.
order from the United States to any other nat te reavureus re employed iminedistels rhietto have not the doubtful privilege of the Mother Country is doing a an employee strike at a lower rate of war the Paduais of belas an the Pensms Canal were only developed. storm of Railroad, but patriotic service.
whose services have tua. ter the applause greeted the above state Possibilities of ry in all respecte ouble than that insition to know a very great deal of of Mr. Macaulay BRANDON BANK)
ment their they participated in the strike, pro with them. One man in discusing the suffering, and The British West Indies have in bis address on motions to the next higher rate of to the West Indies Relation which he great possibili ies of develo SECURITY pay may be made April informed me that he retually delivered to the Canadian Club ment, the speaker said, and cou a was compelled on on secount of the redue yesterday. In his opening re supply many of the producis SERVICE An intelligent interpretation of the Lion in his pay to discontinue monthly above quoted circular ome to be that remittance which be previously made to marks the speaker review the that Canada at present purchasGovernor Harding being sincerely desian indigtnt and dependent relative in exchange problem, which he ed from the United States, and absolutely and entirely Sanada in like manne could re.
Panama (Founded 1863)
Colon rous that the employees affected should the island from which bails. How be promoted with a littte delay as pos much of e edit does a statement like this a question of trade. The pre ciprocate by furnishing the West Our large Resources and well known sible, exercised his prerogative as Guw bring to the bring to the great United States?
men maceusesem chcemy whes due Indie sous les modes thericat prese Mr. Macaulay The faci buy from ernor to reduce the period which should Guvernor Hardthat both Canada and the Moth anomaly of the situation was.
elapse before an employee can be pro ing will give this matter his immediate conservative Management afford unhad purchasing however that buth parts of moted to the next higher rate of pay attention, and take such steps as are from the United States vastly Empire were rolling up a huge questioned security for every dollar This becomes apparent when it is known dictated larger values of goods than they ine United States, which was by the principles of humanity they and unnecessary indebtedness to that the regulations on the subject of and justice, and so give the lie to the have been selling to that counthe On deposited with this bank.
promotions provide that such promo assertion being constantly made in certry, thereby creating an ad verse one of the causes of the ex tions coa only be made after thirty days tain quarters (not exclusively colored)
balance of trade; through the ex. change situation and which service. Several of the workers were that these acts are being perpetrated cs of imports over exports would in time be ruinous to both.
not re emplo, ed until he 4th of March, with his full knowledge and which both parts of the Eupire The only reməds for this, Mr.
and could not without opees punission and that the actual government of the hase great dificulty in weet Macaulay stated, was to be found be promoted until May ay present Panama Canal and the adjustment of iny, the present rate of exchange in the whole souled co cooperation indications however count! in wything, its affairs are in hands other than bis.
ISAAC BRANDON the premium on New York between these two parts of the NATHANIEL BRANDON proaction for these unfort at folk is a BRANDON Thanking you for space afforded, very remote possibility.
fordo being the measure of Empire, and the formation of Yours, oke. soule commercial partnership, so difficulty.
Vice President.
Treasurer The foremen and others who persist in ignoring the Governor implied wish PENDLEBURY.
The only remedy for this situa that each would buy from the tivu was, the speaker said, for other, instead of from the United should be hold to striet accountability. Colon, April 16tb, 1920.
Keep Business Within Empire Panama Banking Company am in a 1 deeply sympathise situatiun said.
Was sincerely hope that Gove er Country been consent, General Banking Business Transacted.


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