
PAGE SEX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 94, 1920, lateersting News From the Song Anti Flu Serum Found in Paris. Continued from page Demerara Type Vaccine Being PerSfected by Pasteur Institute.
perhape of ubut purpose.
tremendou The Colonial Treasurer of De MAY RID WORLD OF BPIDEMIC, merare, recently announced in the Legislature that the accounts Paris, Feb. The famous Pasof the colony for 1919, when teur institute is now perfectly completed, will disclose deficit raccine called Type B, which of approximately 50, 000. While is expected to rid the world desome of the estimates of revenue tinitely of induenza epidemics.
showed an increase, the Profits The vaccine contains 14, 000, 000 The fell short of what wus ex 000 pected dead bacilli per cubic centiI by 131, 238. It is expeet meter. It can ed, however, that large suger can be used both for euro and prevention.
erop will be reaped this year, Ono subcutaneous injection and the Government will reap a of from one halt to two cubiecen.
hia harvest frucn the Bxcess Pro timotors has been found suficient SU TAK to Ph. Demerara Chronide learns inted or the epidemic.
trona un atthoritative soures that injection per day, from onefourth of scabier dar of cabio centimeter on a lawsuit will be instituted by the first day to two cubie centime certain mong ben in the colony ters on the fourth day, when the against certain turites in con danger point is passed, is ott nection with alleged breach of eient to cure the fun well agreement entered into recently SUNLIGHT IN THE MORNING, the resultant bronchial protaonot to race at Bel Air Park under mis nia except in the most rerore certain conditions. Among those SUNLIGHT ALL THE DAY.
owners of race horses who will When patient life is to exbe conde defendants in the wait breme danger, the odoot of the will be Me. Thomas Flood, the START washing day well with vacaine treatment is increased by seleran sport Sunlight Soap. Have the clothes additional abcutandout and in Messrs. Sprostore Ltd. of on the line early, and the monks tre voinal by poder zic injections, with a new an per monie seruun Georgetowu, are ongaged in cer.
ready to time. The afternoon is called Type 11, obtainable from sin work in connection with the an then yours to spend at your own anwal Undang URUCU kme itdustry. There is under Dueu nonia.
neumoni construction at the Foundry a sweet will. water of faen, the use of copper Florentine fack separator Plonsure follows in the wake of efficient this serum id proodbywne which will be used by the Agasary in the majority of cases, even tash Estates for dividing the oil work. With Sunlight Soap the housewife severe uns. in Purd from the lime juice. The juice is does her work most officiently, most easily declare that the fa sufferers placed in a copper cylinder which There is no mystery. You get out of soap they have breabed wiuntuu y is kept level by Nyphon pipe just what the makers put into it. The cream Viccine Aav Tuvarlavy ra running through the bottom The name Lever on Soap covered.
while he oil as the juice passes of soap materials go into Sunlight Soap.
is a Guarantee of Purity through the necessary process is The Sunlight environment is in keeping and Excellence.
thrown off at the top.
with its mission of cleanliness and PERMANENCE OF EUROefficiency Rosoap is better fitted to PEAN SUGAR DEMAND Messrs. Arthur Gerald Biden and MacDowall Bourne roserve the British housewife than Sunlight eently arriver in Duterura from Soap. Prove this to day.
Mr. Moanibal de Mem, special en London by www. a. Saba to fill the vny of the Cuban Govern neat, in his appointments of Colonial Auditor 1, 000 Guarantee of Parity on report on the condito of peu sad Assistant Colonial Auditor sugar industry mys. Jespectively in the Audit De There are numerous. ations that Sriments. These appointments combine to make it positive that.
are the outcome of certain reTope nescuity for importing agar will con mendations made by Major Go for many years Stephenson, Di. Hurope Boede many other thing rector of Colonial Audit, who in addition to mar, Breadistus at some time ago conducted an iu. pressing weed. aud quiry into the organisation and much more land thua has been devoted to work of the Treasury and Audit will necesarily be taken to department of that colony.
ruiming ermias of all kinda, Germany will mual muredly have As an instance of the inconveemigration which will Rience which is being experience draw heavily on her labor supply, aleu fu connection with the cable Prady diminished by the war.
service, says Demerara contem Ou Tesson for divurting the exis porary, the (0 Wednesday!
ink supply of lab sur to the cultivation hard to beat.
TRUE DEMOCRACY Like an avalanche rolling down return, they have gone to join we are looking to share her joys of grelu instead of sugar is that stue es de Mr. Phillips of Nessrs. Lopes, the Alps and crushing the hap the army of eternal sleepers, The late war has devastated Eu amount of labor applied to gain easive Co. received from Trinidad en telegram dlated Sator. The Mother of Freedom uct of evictment, never to be lidt all men should have equal rights power that will tale ages to re pe to the super beut, wbieb requiring less traveller, so did the gente. that Demoerwey might live that rope and left a shortage of manaon will produce more food than it up apday soth inat to the educt that Many skeptical and passive in gotten, crush muay Illusions, in the world. So did the vods emperateWhen the next war greater sment of hand taboo then his father, who was out the dividuals are of the opinion that mirroring on the hearts of the decres cone, will dissatisfied India, Hoy os anjor cultivation in Kurope.
calon Chaleur At the time failure. From an economic stand. TALS returning by the the strike in Panatha has been victims the sacred truth that, At home we are taxed. We Beypt and Ireland remain quiet! Beet requires the same amount of THIS IS NOT OUR HOME electmen to look after our wel. Will Japan try to influence the manual labour as vegetables in however, when the message point it is, as present; but it is 18. de Each year, our people have de. fare, and they in turn (with few Bast and wrest from the Europe vegetable in portant inoen in the die not only arrived already, but the most important episode in times would come. Why there increase the solaries of mutt these prim spectres Loom up, berkara ition of the best sugar industry was then on his way to his busi West Indian Panama history. Joan never be better times is sim. The officials, who, with charac. fore the wielders Ol be fo inovembip of the soil.
part of Hurope to the easy 1996 in Berlice. Comment is an Experience is wisdom expe: plified by the surplus of labor con teristic, luxurious source, do the.
La Poland, new Agrarien Lali rience is money. These two the Isthmus.
things they ought not to do, and cused on the ever faithful negroes anyon great assets are the path way to Boys and girls, who ware five leave undone the things they who will be called upon by mil broken up the old carente la couleurs to attempted the experiment must ever be like dumb, driven women of to day. More mouths not be encouraged to leave our of the Empire.
Opposing a Trinidadian who al freedom, without which, man years old in 1906 are men und out to beat done. We must kone to help uphold the integrity may bundeche thoumade or day Isst week, Mr. Spence cattle.
America is the commercial riformowly owned by the mobiles, and to be fed, and nothing to do. The hotnes to meet hell in other climes compuy in new allowed to one of Demerara best swin The colored people on the Isth. scareer the materin, the dearer when better can be done wel of Great Britain; and it is not own more than about 250 eur Fars nerformed the unique feat mus have at last it becomes, and labor wild are crown lands in expected that the Canal Zone application of sehrad of swimming across a Demorara they can think and act for them in Puname. At this rate, Iwbor Trinidad and Jamaica, and Brit government will give to West In change in red tebure code is no long river and back the miles. without selves under their own leaders. must inevitably how to capital ish Guiana with their golden op slibes the justice wereld of asbelop and will continue to disorganise be dians portion of it must mese en irely and stopphug, in the record time of 45 The mask has fallen from the The Empire needed men that portunities, ol 46 England minutes.
His Trinidadian rival face of the oppressors, and it is Britannia might always rule the England loans money to the sent across the seas.
material gave up after crossing the river. clearly demonstrated that, if it waves. In Palestine, Egypt, Ita world. Why can she develop the ruined the sugar industry of the regular daily supply of buets of a Indies, by patronizing beat and was taken in the litrle craft were possible, the Lynch rope and sunny France, our boys West Indies. di wesbare the root from Germany, thus aasist sugar in Cuba bao had playebological. the rapid inerease of Which followed the swimmers. would grace the necks of many. did their bit. Some will never sorrows of our foster motherland ing in rearing a tower of strength 1y different effect one capital de is the first time that any swimthat threatened her very exis finance extensions of eet sugar produemer, has crossed the Demerara tion in Europe. Exchange.
river and buck.
The saying: WITH ALL THY The Demerara Chronicle FAULTS WE LOVE THEE YET, does not apply to the new Negro ys that the race horse Court oft to day. The truth must be told Jester, belonging to the Case in ungarnished words, and the Syndicale, was recently sold to faults must Mr. Hunte, Barbados, for be City Bible Agency 265. Court Jester is a year old beginsat home, and pert it from strangers when our We cannocen gelding by Fitz Herbert out of Filers remain inactive, ignor call the attention of Christian The City Bible Agency begs to Cartesan.
anı or callous of the rapid strides workers and Bible readers to the along industrial lines. ignorant fact that we can supply them Information was received in of our suffering, and the oppre. with the former translations et Demerara to the effect that a deal sion meted out to us in foreign Bibles compared and revised, of between 39, 000 and 40, 000 BEST PRICES lands.
has been effected in respect of a The unsettled state of Europe standard concordance of the Bible selt pronouncing, editions and large quantity of the diamonds Given for all kinds of Second hand Furniture depicts as clearly as the writing also Sunday School Teachers shipped from the colony a short on the wall, that another Bibles, Lodge Pulpit, and family time ago by the Savan.
greater war must come a war Bibles. We handled Bibles of will shatter the foundation various Stress, real especially the BRITISH CONSULATE of sands of Negroes will prefer to morocco NOTICE of all kinds made to order a firing squad and be shot, We also handle all other kinds unless in these days, the funda of religious books in addition to The British Consul at Comental rights of man be accordea Bibles.
them See us for prices and terms.
lon would be glad to receive Call and see me first, 107 Central Ave. or write Box 333, Ancon Loyalty can only be relied on any information regarding through justice and equality House No. 32 (apstairs one CALEB ALEXANDER Will England still remain dorP. Box 1019, BRUCE, a former soldier of JOHN HART mant to the needs of her West Indian subjects? Yes, Marcus Panama the British West Indies RegiGarvey is right. Africa for the Augustus Farrier, ment.
will be hernandes yerden des any Winies, realized there ha West tence.
Second Hand Furniture Bought and Sold that Mattresses Springs face Street,


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