
PAGE SEVEN Curacao for Kaiser Exile?
Link up with LIFEBUOY for Health Sake.
JUST RECEIVED BOOTS and SHOES SAVES IFE Rencober LIFEBUOY SOAP more the map, a reputable permicide med. are diaisfectant YOUTH and happiness are linked up with health. Link up with Lifebuoy for health and for the children sake. Lifebuoy Soap promotes health happy, smiling health; it protects the children from the dangers of contagious diseases.
Lifebuoy Soap has a twofold we disinfecte it cleanses; disease germe cannot live where Lifebuoy Soap has been used. Lifebuoy Soap will saleguard the children keep them healtby well as clean Insiet upon them wsing it before school, after play, before merken USE UFEBUOY SOAP FOR CLEANING THE HOME WASH YOUR HANDS AND FACE WITH IT BATHE WITH IT SHAMPOO WITH IT.
Dr. OGILVIE SURINAM STRIKES OIL. Boy Scouts Interna conta de los problem Believed to be in Paying tional Jamboree.
LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, PORT SUNLIGHT, ENGLAND Eclipse Feeding Bottle for Infants The design of this Feeder prevents sour food, collecting, and permit of the bottle being thorougly cleansed, thus avoiding wind colic, etc. Real Hygienic Feeder Om plete 90c, silver Central Drug Store FOUNDED IN 1881 The Oldest Drug Store in Panama City and most Modern One.
MANUEL ESPINOSA Central Avenue, 33 Opposite La Mercedes Church Panama.
Dutch Island of Venezuela, Made Famous by Many Buccaneers, From Kidd to Castro May be Permanent Potsdam.
FOR Caracao has been suggested as an abiding place for the Hormer Kaiser, and the suggestion, according to the Matin, has found much favourable Young Men, Boys and Girls considerations the Hague This island as the regular rendez vous of temperamental Latin American politi.
MODERATE PRICES cans and New World Alibusters would offer some diversions unknown to the exiled Napoleon on his St. Helena, one thousand miles from nowhere, Come and have a look at the assortment.
Willemstead the larrest town in Cur.
acao, ong beadquartesio Latin An erican intrigues, exiled revolutionists and for resaless spirits planning violent governmental changes in neighbouring lands could quality in EDUARDO VALENCIA small way for the superbeated political almostphere of European court While the ex Emperor might look Santa Ana Plaza Next Hotel Metropole with upwarmed tolerance at the brew ing of turbulent events for Haiti or Merloo, be nevertheless would find interests in these things reminiscent of European ways.
Cipriano Castro, one time hard fissed dictator of Venezuela, a gente man who gave the Voited States much part of his career whose 006IS NOW LOCATED AT sional disapearances after exile 157 Central Avenue, corner caused the United States Departme: Quantitles, of Slalo many sleepless nights was Street Efforts to Secure West In sboltored for a time si Willensiad and ploning here for return to power.
DEWERARA MAN SECURES dlan Contingent. And Gen. Castro eut such antics HOURS: to 11. 30a.
before high beaven as almost to to 30 CONCESSION make himself world gure 30 to 30 MESSAGE FROM GENERAL BADENCuracan, forty miles of the north Sundays: 10 11 am POWELL coast of Venezuela, comprising about Considerable interest, says the 313 square miles, sus being much larger than Napoleon St. Helena; Appointments can be arranged. Demerara Argosy, has been Boy Scouts International en and quarter miles long, eight Te ephone 875 aroused locally, in report that petroleum has been Jamboree, will be beld at Olympia and a quarter miles wide comprising discovered in paying quantities ties from July 30 to August and forty seven square miles.
The climate of St. Helena is exoelMiss LAING to HAIR DRESSER Surinam. The existence of pet to take part. The Scouts which rainfall is seldom. The is: in made known a short time ago, sociation of Trinidad. Barbados, patches of aloes, tobacco and air Surinam was generally Association has written the As and leads a sunny lite, and here and arid wastes are broken by Scalp treatment and Hair and it was not long after that is St. Vincent, St. Lucia and Grenada al the population and the islands straightening a Speciality cal men became interested in the da to ascertain what they are do about 30, 002. and off in poslandia matter and prosecuted inquiries ing in the matter and to find out chief town, Willamstead about000 with a view of starting operations whet is practicable to form is the largest of the Dutch West. For promoting the growth of the in that direction. The Surinam a con contingent of Boy Scouts, tore. Indies.
is one of inHair and beautifying yourself Government are present the West Indies. failing terest. Exiled Napoleon made si now issuing this the local Association propose Helena famous but even before than visit licenses for exploring land which to send one or two Boy Scouts days of Castro Curaeno more world The Parlors wherever people dined among those who bave secured from this colony if practicable wel or the Curacao people were the HOUSE NO. 11, AVENUE licences is Mr. Williams of or appoint any boys who might original manufacturers the liquur Corner 20th Street ned be in England at the time and which bears the name of their island.
this colony. He has obtained permission to operate on about who were Scouts in this colony. The World.
to 23, 000 hectares of land which it is their representatives, WILKINSON believed, contains petrolenm. He Features of the Jamboree will GRINS AND CHUCKLES CONTRACTOR BUILDER is hoping to commence operations be demonstrations of Sconting They were all seated around the din and woodcraft activities internaat an early date, tional competitions for the ing table, bunkry and anxious too. when First Class Workmanship World Scout Championships, a little girl stuck her head into the room Plans and Specifications Free 100 Mile Range Monster Scout Handicrafts Exhibition and said to the landlady: Madam Boy Scout Zoo and grand displays Shall put the HEN at table? Up jump Gun.
iwice uaily in the arena, ed Madem in an awful passion. You 55h Street West House 90 little brute. You beast. Then one It is reported from London that Message From Chief Scout. Box 411, Panama, of the boarders cried out. Oh! don a new gun with a range of over Appended to the programme use FOUL language to her She is only a hundred miles has been invent: received bs the local Association. CHICKEN vou know, just tell her Dr. WILLIAMS worn on the OLD. in close communication with the Chief Scout:We are hungry (M CH. EDIN. inventor, who, presumably, is a It is my hope to bring togethPHYSICIANT SURGEON Frenchman.
er representatives of all the Two little school girls were having a stration which after the example Birls were looking on. When Janie said world a. while Has removed temporarilyto the Dr. JOHNSON of the North American Indians to one of the squabblers; Does your Long Building 5045. Section A, No. 21, we call a Jamboree?
brother your SURGEON DENTIST want to make this Jamboree Take my part? Wby sure be always FOLKS: RIVER nomike this Phone 1003 Address unique occasion at one to mark does ESPECIALLY WHEN FATHER our appreciation of the restoration BRINGS. CHOCOLATES OR All cases fully Examined Ançon 852. past and present have done their considerable bit and also to fultil the objects given below. there Calidonia, April 1st, 1920.
EDUCATION What is It? fore want to invite the support and help of all Commissioners My good friend and Workman The systematic development and cultivation of the natural powers.
and Scoutmasters to make the got a Circular asking me to subscribe to power to think clearly and talk interestingly to be a marked minor Jamboree a really outstanding the getting up of nice ball for our woman in any company success and a distinct forward young ladies and gentlemen. beg you THE CLASSICAL AND COMMERCIAL SCHOOL step in the history of our Move Sir to inform the promoters will most No. 2, Calle Domingo Diaz ments.
willingly, but on one condition that is: will be opened from and after May 10th 1920, for the dissemination of The objects of the Jamboree That the undermentioned ladies are NOT are: invited. Those must excuse the elementary and higher education. To stimulate energy among publicity given, for are not to meet Day School for Children the troops Miss Chief sker nor Miss Appropriated, Night School (now in session) for Adults.
Subjects: Arithmetic, Algebra, Practical and Theoretical Geome To make our aims and me Miss Understanding, Miss Directed, try English, including Grammar and Composition. Elements of Span thods better understood among Miss Hap, Miss Fits, Miss Terious, ish, French and Latin, Grammar, Geography and History, etc.
Educationists, parents, Clergy Miss Meanor, Miss Understood, and the public.
Miss Taken, Miss Interpret, Miss Lead Beginners classes in Bookkeeping, Shorthand and Instrumental Music.
If practicable arrangements for tuition should be made before To recruit Scoutmasters and ing, Miss Deod, nor Miss Construe.
opening day.
workers Yours Faithfully, Principal: ROBERT LINDSAY (Cambridge Senior) To bring Oversea and Foreign JACK POT.
Scouts into closer touch with us!
Box 1044, Ancon, To push forward our Organization in the deeply populated in PLANES GOING CHEAP.
dustrial centres where moral and physical training is so badly direct West Indian cable needed for the boys.
dated London Feb. 8, states that It is for these objects that the Air Ministry is offering for venture to ask for your kind help sale the surplus stock of the new and second hand de Haviland. 46 STREET, PANAMA.
ROBERT BADEN POWELL airplanes at the extraordinary low price of 280 for new planes Chief Scout. and 125 each for used craft.
Just received a full stock ofThe machines which were used during the war for teaching pilots SILVER CHAIN GOODS are considered nearly foolproof.
Dr. LOWE For every form of disease Tailor and Outfitter L, Edin.
STOILET ARTICES, Etc. Etc. Dealer in School Books, 139 CENTRAL AVENUE and Stationery.
PANAMAP CITY Give us a call and inspect our New Stock, Office Hours: 30 a. 1 Satisfaction Guaranteed.
No. 11. Street, Panama chains from Central Ave. p. p. FLOWERS, Proprietor. Box 36, Panama City Telephone 519 Address: Box 798 Phones: Office 844 Box 895, Ancon, c, Ancon, Residence 1002 GOOD WILL business lives through its customers. And its greatest asset is their good will.
Our service has always measured up to this stand ard and brings forth volun tary expression of friend ship and confidence.
Come in and see our New Slip Grip Soft Collar Hold ers. Better than pins. FULLER JEWELER 122 CENTRAL AVENUE, Panams. RP DIDIT EVER STRIKE You The Panama Furniture Company named 86 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA Next Dcor to Cecilia Theatre Headquarters for High Class Furniture All New Goods Sold at Reasonable Terms.
Chorrillo Drug Store and support.
WEST INDIANS will find it profitable to consult US when buying Furniture. Welcome is extended to all to visit our large Stock Including. FRESH DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES Wm. Lawrence Leacock Co.
Modern Cabinet Makers NO. 8, STREET PANAMA CIT PHONE 1060, BOX, ANCON, C, Dealers in all kinds of Native Wood Latest Designs In Cabinet making, etc.


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