p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 1920 PACIFIC THEATRE COMING SOON The Grey Ghost The Radiun Mystery. اله form. Geo fine WAS THIS IS WHAT YOU GET WHEN YOU BUY ca having made started to only Poliklis That. Santos to SERVICE to marks that it Cricket.
Protection fo: Ja OPPORTUNITY maicans in Leba.
Siz ndard defeats Chorrillo Opportunity at ome time knock at (Continued from Page 1) the door of every one, and three who negret thrir ehases are always et regard to Cuba. Why Cuba? Was loud in complaining of burdluck und The Chorrillo C. was defeated last Cuba the only place they had But malortune wwa they are the Sunday, by the Standard Con the tish subiects? It seemed to brew of others which tuynel ve Stauderd Oral Chorrillo opened the attack splendidly, but with two wickeln that if they were goin; to estaba ended had llwynure allowed their Continuation of the Unilish this principle, let them ech bee to slig by down for 17. Agard joined Garvey, and tablish a foreign office. It they together they took the score to 90 before were interfering with Brit. To the people of the Republic of seperation could be made. Agard niversal Master Serial another big Universal ish Legations and their duties name and the Canal Zone OPPORTU played good innings for his side, although it was not pretty, yet some. Serial with regard to British subjets NITY show knockine at their day domiciled in other countries, thy to rid them of lielonksud good abots were made by him. Garvey s, were treading on dangerous pretanture Death, which are the more on the other hand, wwe sound and grace ground. It then might be reprequences of bone standing Kitung und ful, and made bio runs all round the sented to the Home Authoriti Bludder wbies, which on aluss be wicket. Chorrillo attack wu bit that this had been done on their traced by any of the following my op weak and the fielding poor. The Standinstigation, that they had repn toms ard made the fine score of 140 runs for sented the matter although Lame back, burning sensaforeign to the general principles tlun certain parts of ths body, Garvey 12. Agard 30, Lewis 13, Welle laid down by the foreign offic.
10 Retrms 16. It was thought that ChorFor that reason be held they re dizziness, headache, rheumarillo would have been able to wipe off the runs, but Standard showed from treading on dangerous ground. tism, swollen feet and Jints, 18 choose to act independent scanty and discolored urine the jump that they were out to win, and Ky and send over to investi with sediments, inflamation of they displayed fine exhibition of fieldthat was a matter for them ing Only two men in Chorrillo showed immediately they couroentive etc.
bladder, pulfiness of flesh, etc. any true Williams and entrench upon the perogative of Trotman. Williams played the foreign office at home, and Mr. Watts of Et gland we innings and his off. trivas earned him gan to pay out of pocket expenses 70 years old when this King of all great applause During Chorrillo into officers of the British gation, medirino extereted one from his ning Calendar struck ball that was they were treading on dangerous bladder, sed sve Surgers and Phy travelling to the boundry, when, it is cinn a big surprise et reing De Witt said that it was stopped by a stone.
ender, believing it boundry, after their own representative that was Pillo do what they could put.
very good. The resolution itself run, return to dealt with Sold in to vise stal Grat cies his Cuba; it it was a wicket, when the ball ww tutowerin, of imitations genral resolution to deal with any. Drux Stores, Beware od bis wicket put down. He was given shing that might happen in this some derniers are handing out.
out by the umpire, and therefore had to Perfect Combustion hemisphere, he might be inclined DeWitt Co. Lid, London, leave the wisketa. Chorrillo made 124, to agree, but they were not to bottle with BLUE SEAL City Phare Williams made 36, and Trotman 31 Dit draw a fine line to one place. macy printed on wrappers. THE CITY out. These were the only tw men to PHARMACY. 130 was not a general policy.
Central Avenue Teach double figures. Efficient Operation The President: quite agree exclusively agents on the Republie and Jamaica Loses to Britannics.
that the resolution should be the Canal Zone.
The Britannic CC met and defeated made to extend to the three placthe Jamnics on Sunday last at the Positive Heat Control es mentioned in the original reso odly, there would be this put Isthmian Park. This is the first cup lution Cuba, Colombia, and Cos therinwer, one of the investigu match Jamaica bas lost on their ground ta Rica tors would be one who knew the siner its opening. Britannic batted first Mr. Stedman: No, Bir; to every ins and outs of Jainaican habits.
and were all disposed of for 71 Much in Economical Results The two linked torgether would make the investigation far more Stedman, continuing, s1d trrest was manifested in this game, ar there has always been a belief that Jait was the present resolution effective than it made by one side maica can win Britannic, while the lov.
they were dealing with. He ask alone. What he wanted was the ers of Britannie claim they cannot GAS STOVES are Sold on Easy Terms to Meet your convenience.
ed that the motion be reconsid authority to act, to enable him to Siu write to the Legation in Cuba ered. It was his wish to expe that the proposals had been beaten by Jamaica. When, therefore Britannic formidable eleven had fallen for dite matters, but he did not wish agreed to here and that he hoped only 71, it was thought that Jamaica to pass anything might send Mr.
investi would be an ner, but so well did hold them up to ridicule. He was gute. In other words, this mom.
Panama Gas Co. AT Colon Gas Co.
Beckles bowl that all Jamaics fell for bo in agreement that Jaunaicans te leaving Britannie the winner by five runs should be protected wherever tion representud possible refor: es We understand that Jannica has lodged CATHEDRAL PLA! YOUR they went, but dou put it this which wes comparatively urxen 93 BOLIVAR ST.
a protest with the League against the way. They were going to be Mr. Smith askd if two reprelast decision given by Utopire Ward. Fur under the British Legation, under sentatives would not be sent Britannic Layne made i5. Merritt 13, Tel. 798 the dictation of sowebody whose Tel. 364.
The President replied that he Holford 14 and Croney 11. Lindo capexpenses they were going tured wickets for ruus.
pay, and that was a very delicate would consider whether two op For Jamaica, Burnett 23 and point. They were between the one representative should be sent.
Nr. Stead man reiterated his re.
Cain, 10 were the double figursores thin line of the British Legatio.
Beckles took wickets for 82 runs.
and that of Jamaicnn interests. they should have some one to in.
respects to the mortal remains Somers who preached a soul Preacher had no belief in. The and how were they going to Yorkshire Whips Red Tank.
of one who in her life was res inspiring sermon for the space moral life of the youug was then draw the line of demarcation.
vestigate grievances of JaThe Yorkshire journeyed over pected and loved by all who of 35 minutes and on concluding, dealt with, and in closing, invited toaicans in whom the Jamaicans Red Tank last Sunday, and gave the knew her here. The interment Rev. Kirkham took as his sub those who had not started yet to President Views as well as the Legation authoricountry boys a severe thrashing. Red took place at the Herrera ceme ject What is Sin? describing do so before later. With the ties had confidence. The Pri.
Tank finished inst senson in good form tery, Panama.
it as a man with a closed fist, closing prayer and Benediction dealing with a very very import Jamaican The President said they were dient. Hear bear. He was not a and being strengthened with inen from The deceased came to the Isth aiming a blow at the Saviour this service was brought to a Pedro Miguel, much was expected of tbenous a little more than a year face, He gave many stories and close.
ant matter. His own belief was Mr. Simpson: You are a creole this senson. On the other nd, York ago and in that short time had illustrations showing the danger The Revds Somers and Kirkpartment in that there should be a labour de (aughter.
shire atuted thy would revenge ont enduared herself to everyone Jamaian, having an Continuing Mr. Steadman said for wbnt Surrey had done the week who had become acquainted wine of putting off salvation until lat and left on Monday, April 19 by agency, whose functions would that although he was not a Jamaibefore. They kopt their word and dis her. Affable, courteous er years of waiting for a death. motor schooner Linda for Co be to provide a friend on the im he knew quite well that the missed Ruw rouk tur smugiu seure of elite sve won the extrem of bed repentance. which he the lon on their way back to Jamaica spot to kwok after the Jamaicans Jamaicans always appreciated. 21 runs. Not one of th Red ok brate and young alike, and her death ho were in Cuba He had tried right and straight forward opinmen saw double figure. Fur Yorkubite came as a great grief to her nuo establish soch a department on Knight took wiek for runs and merous friends who are left to but had not made any progres The President said the fact that Suley for 15. Yorkshite replied with incurn their loss.
It was a fact that the Jamaica the debate lasted so long showed 61. Knights took wickets for 22 rude (Jamaica Papers please Copy)
and Wildbire for 14. Rain all control of the matter in this versial nature, and he would suga the morning had wredo the wicket a bowler BOCAS NEWS sense, that under the. west that further discussions on Continued from Page tion Cuba, under that Wednesday next.
Vincentlans Swamp Demerara.
large power there was a smaller This was agreed to.
At Bishop Hollow, last Sunday, De eager crowd rushed to the dock.
FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE power by which they could say merara fell before the Vinoen tisu deadly One of the whites present was heard to say want to see that to His Majesty representative bowling for the meagre score of 27 See. Capt. Cockburn, have heard a in Cuba, that they were prepar LODGE NOTICES.
ing what good show Demerara made lot about what a great captain ed to allow emigration to Cuba All members of the Ancor against Surrey, much more was expected hos ORIANA troin Jamaica but only on the Lodge B: W, and of them. To their 27 Vincentian replied he is. am sure that said party conditio that the Cuban Govern. in good standing are adwith 127. Milligan was top scorer with 37, was not disappointed.
will leave CRISTOBAL on SUNDAY, APRIL 25th for Addresses were delivered by ment keep their conditions. This vised to see the financial SecreDasent 17, Davie 16, Lemmon 13 and New York, La Pallice and Liverpool, resolution was intended to cope tary for information as to matSamuels 10. Went bowled well for Do Capt. Cockburn, Miss Henrietta Davis, Mr. Cyril Henry with any emergency, and it ters relative to affairs of the merara and captured wickets for 29 runs. For Vinsentian Brown captured and others. also intended to cope with any Lodge. 6 including addresses MANAVI by the President of the local eibergency under lines discussed JOHN ALEXANDER for 11.
in the House last year when the branch of the C.
Games for To morrow.
will leave CRISTOBAL A. will leave BALBOA noon on the Secretary, and other officers resolution was passed to expend Chorrillo vs Red Tank at Chorrille. The Choir did their part splenMONDAY 26th of APRIL 1920 for 1, 000 in sending a represent Star of Eden Lodge t)
a ive either to Cuba, olombia, Umpires: Coulthrust and Hall didly. Space will not allow going Tumaco, Esmeraldas, Bahia, Matta and Guayaquil. or Costa Rica. That solution Mes.
Progressive to Play Britan into full details, but am sure passed, he communicated with There will be a mee ing of the nic To morrow that Mr. Henry was kept To morrow, the Progressive of quite busy selling shares and it EBRO let him know whether tho and at No. 75 Ja Colon will journey over to Panama to can be said that the New Ne.
tion would fall in with the desire lidunia rosi. Monday An il will leave CRISTOBAL, for NEW YORK, on play a friendly game of Cricket with the groes are going strong. Inforto send a representative. In et 26, ac 3) in Bonus Britannie on the Standard Oval. that we will be favored with a mation was given to the effect SUNDAY 2nd MAY, 1920.
fect the correspondence wils and electing o licers for us ea.
The Britannic is going very strong visit from the Phyllis Wheatthat, tirst of all, they could not sulag term lembarre ask this reason. Having just defeated the Ja ley in the near future. TIVERTON hope for good results if they sent to note that the regular ineetin 38 maica on their own ground, she is At 10 o clock on Tuesday mornrepresentave at take place on the scond, thid a serious contender with the Surrey will leave CRISTOBAL for HAVRE and LONDON the large. If they sent the repre. and fourth Mouday of eade for championship. This game to morrow ing the shlp left Almirante reBocas sentative under the aegis of the month.
turning to should prove to be a hummer, and at this learnt that all the officers and where we first week in MAY, accepting Cargo only.
Lugation itsell there would be stage we do not know yet who may be others on the ship had a good good results, and he would be the winner. The game will start at 12 SS. ORCOMA accompanied in his travels by time.
Qualified members of inembers of the Legation staff, the Victor Collins Lidice No. 2103 will leave CRISTOBAL, on MONDAY 5th MAY, 1920; forOBITUARY On the question of payment. and SL On Sunday night, April 18, La Rochelle, Pallice and Liverpool the proposal was that this colony informed After illness of heart trouble at the Bocas Baptist Church, should pay 35. per day; the called for last Sunday, and Miss Catalina Haughton, a na. there was the largest gathering sum estimated as the costs in which was unavoidably posttive of Jamaica, I, died of West Indians ever seen since For further particolars apply to the Office of the Companies at cued by that member of the poned, will be held tomorrow at Santo Tomas Hospital, Pana the painful event which took CRISTOBAL staff, besides the costs of the Sunday at a at the usual ma, on Thursday 14th inst. place some time ago when the Jamaica representative, for say, place of meeting.
after the best inedical skill and pastor of said Church visited one month. The proposals were attention faied to improve her Jamaica and gave his report with or to the Pacific Steam Navigatio Company, made on lines to bring about the condition reference to the strike best improvement, because this The Royal King George Endge The funeral services On the platform were the Rev.
PANAMA investigation gave twofold power. No. 17 F. will held the next afternoon at St. Terence Duncanson (who First of all, the investigation bold their regular degree ineet: Paul Church, the Rev. read the lesson from Isaiah 53)
or Messrs. ISAAC BRANDON BROS. Inc. Sub gents would be conducted by a member ing to night at their Temple, Nightengale officiating, when a Rev. Gordon Somers and Rev.
of the staff of the British Liya at Guachapali; members are The Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. Fanama.
large gathering of friends of Kirkham. The ffrst part of the tion who knew the ins and outs asked to be on time.
the deceased paid the last service was conducted by Rev.
of the local affairs in Cuba; sec.
THE SECRETARY was essential that the Hot Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Pacific Steam Navigation Co. he could prohibit allemaal niet nobject be deferred until one.
Vinton was time to Jauraica hoon.
that the meeting here were


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