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VOL. No. 51.
PRICE CTS. Smith Cannot Be Pardoned HARM ALREADY DONE SOLDIERS GIVES REPLY BRITISH MINISTER SAYS GOVERNOR HARDING AT HAVANA, CUBA 17 elections take that no This prison to In ceedings pro the take pro of was 0190 to put a to facts pre war Over.
justice his from any to Sunith should in WEST INDIAN Porsions Question in the To (Potition Sent in for House of Commons Pardon of Smith Exercise of Clemency Not Justified In the House of Commons on The following reply to the Denies, Report of Revolution in June 10th, the Under secretary Jurgely signed petition sent in on Grounds of Sympathy of State for the Colonies was for Smith pardon, has been That Country asked the following questions by sent us for publication :Sir John Butcher: 1) Whether Smith is not Balboa Heights, Elsewhere in this issue we was perdoned.
aware that totally dis.
July 17, 1920 The folowing article taken from communication was addresspublish the reply of the Gover Does the Governor mean to tell he was of the antitled to Ralph Osborn, West ehe Jamaica Gleaner should be ed to the British Minister at Rensind was tion sent him on July 2, playing Smith case the harm was kl of only Cristobal, CZ of interest to some of our road. Havana on the subject and the for the jardon of Smith, rendy done his family Sir. As Mr. John Fols is ers on whom the rumor of an reply received stated that the talk about a revolution being ex: dow serving a sentence at Gam may just as well take his medi. per Lou. As will be seen the peticine, whilst in the Feuille case per week to which a totally did not now on tha Isinmus, and impending revolution in Cuba pected was rather premature as mise abled man in that cuntry (Ens your signature appears second has had a very unhealthy offeet. the would not Says the Gleaner. place for some months yet, and 300 be to be 38 harm know the suggestion about lack of not come at all as a surprise, wund be done his family? An made for the wire Provision was 25ch for the perion of Mr. WF. We understand that in conse water must bave been due to action of the Governor has send him adds one more page of other feature of the inconsisten of totally disabled inen een Smith, address my reply to quence of representations made the fact that owing to an aeej.
only have given very careful con large number of passengers of for a day. In vew of the to the Marine Board as to the the deut the water had tration in which we believe the Smith took property from Oui living in Jamicah. costsid ration this matter Tiep brought here some time ago on nation which has been obto be locked whether, in view of the a. he would take tition states that cle. nancy is whole public, Americans, Pane. Fels who was the first to steamer from Santiago de Cuba, it is not in ca nest, sest Turks, the petition for his pardon; steps to secure an adequate peo ank sd principeily on account on mani it is just possible that unlikely that Infide taw and West Indians Froille not only took for him sou for the disabled men of this Snith wife any china. com may be instituted per anthoriti will sell, but also gave Www thergicent and for their wives and ind no other son for exercissist the Master for carrying celings in the matte, have lost concence The dar cretary inzi it. realize the position in a larger number of passengers We do retire that the pe properly of a corporation dess for the Coloaids replied which the wife and child are than he was entitled to.
question of vessels carrying more passengers than they are titioners asked Govinor Hard set his pa ond.
as follow:Diced, and untitled to is one on which the It seems to as that because one symptthize ing to co something he could not Tha maximum rate of pension with them. Hvw 90 iar rom what could be gathered, Marine Board has been very do, quest was a membant. llwyer and then ther by a lay wally disabled in an of the Brit. Dan don. and not much relier time for the bringing of such a schooner off Port Morrone in do we think re petition de payable tey. The petitiones felt as ili Ame man and the detail phraserokanser West Indies Regiment, is would by a forded them if smith lares doyumber of Passengers on which many lives were lost.
ricans frel, that is, that no one was not included in Smith pe: 141 a wok or in special cases were not required to serve the one voyage was that it was re.
American, either on the Isthmus tition that formed a basis for The pissenger traffic to it or elsewhere. entitled in this denying same, but we need the 718 a wepk. but with Treasury belange of his suntence. Furthtro ported that as revolution rates way be more the ex of imminent and that no executive water from Santiago is still keeping democratic age under the sam lawyers few plain given is could be obtained, and the poup. Larsenumbers retum dica earnings exced leuency is asked the amonis. Colonies.
condiu and circumstances to before a head with brains in winien more consideration than the ing executive clemency Camou desired to ther, for under the Constitutin tage does not satisfy the public to grant pensions at high on or omisthy for the o. Pia wanted to get back to Jaweek agoud many are going ochis innocent family maica.
the annual Status, all men are many longer how to su bili ibis boom and boris have bordi recentes do strong most Around the Canal Last Sunday Races rates from local funds have ave regnt that there are not sur authorized to so. No fcient reasons injustify the pr bom equal, equal before the for an executive satisfy presentations fountains of conscience before God and ser or Harding in lois reply government for such actions of that there are therefore deciing to grant the peo Zone Courts Wives and childrell of disabled, tition.
hom at Juan Franco everyone art as they smitus ble for a people to have confidence before were provision nith petit on. How is it mnen whom Respectfully, wife and child) are concerned. such an administration. maica will be asked to report CHESTER HARDING.
The Metal Trades Council have whether he considers that the the harm has been done and not Governor The following cases, after a The Juan Franc Park racis much relief would be afforded spoken in terms too clear and rates of pension have become inpreliminary herring before Jurige were l attended an lenne app thein if Sinith were not required, comprehensible, to to be misunder!
Blackburn, await the return of quite successfully on Sunday adequate owing to the increase PER30. AL Their power is too great ia tue cost of living.
to serve the balance of his sen Judge Hanau for trial: despite the conduce tence. Furthermore, the exer on the Canal Zone, and when they We had the pleasure of meet. Angel Maria Varg is charged pact of the weather.
cise of clemency up and inglor A Tracey graduate with grand larceny. It is alleged The Silver City and was in siot justified on the grounds or notice, socialistusele rom dsbeke Miss Kerr on har way to of the Megharry Medical School that he stole bloeks and rope va attendance and aided consider.
sympathy for the offender or of the forced ripe heads to go New York College who arrived on the Isth lued at 49. 94 from under house ably in inaking the vecasion an his innocent family. Let us see around begging their subordi few days ago Dr. Tracey 1466 at Balboa. Bail was fixed at enjoyable one by rendering a how this answer harmonizes nates to convene meeting and is a native of Trinidad British 1, 000. Luy, attorrey, de lively program with the Feuille petition pass a vote ot confidence in the Mirs Jonstance Kerr, daught West Indies and after graduating fended.
Manuel Ovidal also for grand gether, three of them being There were nine events altce petitioners for Mr Feuille stated: Governor with promise that they er of Mr. A. Kerr, school be returned to his native home We believe that the execution of will get an increase in wages. teacher of the St. Joseph Par. whence he las visited the lath larceny in connection with the match races, one anotticery the sentence pronounced would Real Americans on the Isthmus ish School, 109 Broadway. Colon, muis disappearance of blocks and rope steeplechase, a racestor service not better the interests of the will not stitle their consciences after completing her four years frou the same locality valued at men, in which eleven big community, and that whatever and sell their birthright for a course of studies in the Convent OPEN INVITATION 14 39. His bail was fixed at 500. borses took part, and the others cavalry les son it is necessary for this morsel. When they feel theyare Academy in Jamaica, sailed for Gilberto Berdana, burglary in betwee Sir: Kindly grant in your the 2nd Biscuit, between such od young man to learn he has learn entitled to an increase they know New York on Friday, the 16th as Knowing hin us we do by how to go after it and they vet il instance, to join ner mother and worth columns by caccordance He is charged with entering Print Liblack lines in the light. Starlight house are confident that he is nowed round table aristocrats in close United States over a year ago. few comments in directions therefrom money and jewelry prise Merchants Purse with manly qualities which wil touch with the Isthmian Big she is talented musician. and welding for tlie betlerinent of our the value of 122. 50. The judge by defeating the reverite, Fine Indus goes to to further her people.
fixed the bail for both in music in the New That everybɔdy is waking up! 1, 500 justify you in granting our peti try, perhaps he would have been ditute to secure a tion for his pardon. Feuille better off.
a diploma in these momentous days in which of the match races Ace of Belfield Licorish was charged Tramps was assaulting one Her brother Erriogton his just the present generation exists, ie the defender in the challengers being term SPECIAL SERVICE.
passed blie comme par veitingah Puet declares, it is the Age on wit a rifle, stabbing him with the and Mr. Welch Johnny Returns tion in the The special service to be held School, scoring a high percent ages telling In Good am therefore hereby soliciting pointed end thereof. 500 bail was Time, respectively, in at St. Paul church August, 1st.
age of marks. Although he did both set for him by the court.
of which the old veteran was 1920, for the benefit of the Red We are pleased to welenme not sit for a for a scholarship, he came the sind ewurtesy of your making Angus McMillan, Bone Drs defeated The other match race, Cross, is considerably talked back to Panama Mr. Fer. Very near winning one, wanting columnas this humble missive, McMillan was found with four the day, conspicuous ju your West Indian Law violator. It is charged that which was the opening event of about by members of the society reira a well known old timer of only 21 more marks to his between Red. possession at Sacker and. Hursewaen, eta and other local societies are turned from a four months trip thier are well known in Colon to the West Indian community at Balboa. Attorney Carring latter obtaining the victory throwing in their lot to make to the West Indies and British where they commenced their the Atlantic side, their various ton defended. Amount of bailla this occasion a memorable and Guiana his native home. enrly training, and where they fraternities organisations and so this case, 225, was deposited.
successful one. Bands of music Johnny as he is convivial. have many friends who are col torth, to be represented at what David Weyler, also charged Photo Enlargement pur. ly known among his friends, lowing their career, and wish we shall be pleased to designate with are already engaged for an adberent of the pose. The program iš anticipated returns looking it, and seems them every success. a convention of British French West Indians on the loth Wet Party as six quarts of Perto be very great. The various so to have enjoyed his trip im.
per Whiskey were found undir Mr. Morrill Johnson has se cieties being in full regulia wil wensely. He speaks in glowing mus in halt day session on his guardianship, likewise did not cured the agency of a large firm Successful Rally.
make the occasion very spectacu terms of the several islands August1, 1920 beginningat1 Avail himself of the hospitality ot in the States in the photo enlar along with of the visited and stated that he was sharp, in the spacious and airy the Canal Zone jail having de largement business, and can en.
The Guiding Star Lodge No. Park Viaw Auditorium which has posited his bail.
large any picture from the head dresses The procession Gem of the Johnny has 14, held a successful been kindly placed at the diepoeManuelle Caneso and Tomaso smallest shapsbot to a life size.
will start from the Red Cross hail resumed his old position as Man: Fally on Wednesday night, July ce chargest for Ramasse, both stewards on the le can be located at 8th Street al at ager of 14, at. aston this reform. proceede netted made a bright Cristobal Doeks, were arrested is a colored corporation, and deItalian liner Bologna, lying at and Broadway, Colon. The firm and march back to the ball where stretching from Colon to Panama approximately 130. The material enjoyable, profitable and interest and charged on Thursdaye last serves ore trial. Pore produse de addresses will be rendered by to his numerous friends to come prize to the triba that should ing one. Some of the best speaks before Judge Wade with bringing reasonable.
distingushed gentlemen of the over to the over to the Club and hear him score the bigbest was won by or will take part in the nccasion opium into the Canal Zone. This ook all members of the society and beard and at the same time Sister Laura Cespedes, and the our best musical talent for its pounds of the drug in their the bail, which was fixed at community. The secretary begs spin bis yarns about what he saw Sister May Lewis, the second by for its instruction, as well as wili said that the mea had about t) be on time in order that there enjoy sip of the old fraternal third by Sieter Rose Reid. 8ister amusement etc.
possession, valued at two hun 1, 000 for each man, they were should be no delay. The Rev. bowl. And we all know that Lewis won with the tribe of H, PILGRIM WILKINS dred dollars a pound. Not being lodged in jail to await trial in the Nightenigale will of late. Johnny can spin some yarns. Joseph Colon, 20, 20, able to produce the amount of District Court.
speak Dus at The ponies York Charlestwo, members of in ol the

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