
is well stock of On following sugar and Dominica San Fernando News Barbados Appear to be AV The cordon or the century a small Owned By bag of coal from this vendor and Southern School of Com was forced to pay the sum of three shillings for a bag which merce THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK, was afterwards found to be weighing only 37lbs. The sche. PRESENTATION TO MR. PELIX Head Office, 55, Wall Street, Railway Netted the dule price being fixed at 50lbs CRICHLOW. was ar Sum of 5, 200 rested and charged.
There assembled in the South Pounds Last ern School of Commerce the Capital, Surplus, Undivided Profits Over 9, 000, 000. 00 On the arrival of the TLS Principal, stad teachers and Mayaro at Trinidad, from Deme pupils recently, for the purpose rara, la few days ago, one of of signifying their appreciation the passengers: James Walter of Mr. A Crichlow, on the Official Depository of the Republic of Panama Receipts Were Over 300, 000 Cox. who stated that he e was born eve of his sailing to Canada to Pounds But So Was The in Demerara and that his father qualify for the medical profession DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA CANAL Expenditure for Period rasided at 71 Coffee Street, San at the University of Dalhousie.
Fernando) was not allowed to The Principal, Mr Scott, DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA RAILROAD land as he appeared to be a reli expressed regret at losing the APRIL AND MAY REVENUE gious maniac. Cox, who, as. Services of Mr. Crichlow, but re drug clerk, known in in Tri joiced that he was severing his For the financial year ended nidad, was dressed in cassock connections with the School with Through its Agencies in the Interior and its Foreign Branches with collar and purple sto the laudable 31st March last, the earnings of the episcopate. He wore a plant for the medical profession: object of qualifying this Institution Offers Exceptional Banking Facilities.
the Jamaica Government Ratlway er cork hat. On his pasport behalf of the state and pupils he amounted to 1308. 244, ainst an he alfixed to his signature the wished Mr Crichlow all succou.
Drafts on Jamaica and the other West Indian Islands.
of 1214, 000. and a revised estimate of 1300, 000, well known abreviations of puree tubscribed to by the pupils, letters; Nrs. Scott then presented the while the setual increase over religious orders INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM 1918 1910 was 1184, 000.
He was taken pupils and staf, as also a phoThe expenditure for the year authorities are endeavouring to the occasion when it was visited down to Brighton and the ship bograph of the Schagi taken on mounted to 1302, 969; and the net locate his relatives, if any are by the Hon. Sir Noras Lam.
revenue on the year transaccident here.
hion was 15. 285.
ont, Bart, to Mr. Crichlow, anid For the first two months of the applaus.
purchase certain lands, houses current financial year (April and Pay for Teachers Mr. Crichlow, replying, stated premises forming the triangle NULIFE SELF LACING CORSET that he was grateful to tbose who opposite the Public Free Library, May. the receipts have been 173, against 187, 405 for the corre Board of Education held recent purse, as well as the Principal At a meeting of the Trinidad had so kindly subscribed to the and alse a Bill to authorise the sponding months of last year, an 15, De. Mason moved That she and Miro, Scott, for the presen Western Telegraph Company Limited to establish and mainincrease of crease logwood was responsible on by the Government should be meat and he hoped that the in: pay for teachers when decided tation and words of encouragetain a telegraph cable to and from this island.
for 1807 spars and other woods for made retrospective as from 1st School would go on from succes 1479; coffee for 1142; ginger 1186 January 1990.
sanes 15, 963; general merchan and the Board rum 15, 186: sugar Mr. Kelshall seconded He would try to merit their ap: to access in the years to come.
dise miscellaneous articles 18, 703 unanimously preciation of him, to the best of bananas 11, 903, live stock xud ve agreed to it.
his ability.
hicles (184; cocoa 1676; and annat The Dominica Guardian of recent date wayt:logwood, fell off 136, pimento l11 orangos 150 and cocoanuts 1319.
We were exo edingly pleased Passengers increased to the New Jetty at Work to observe the progress which is amount of 17, 615; whart dues 1696 being made with them tor miscellaneous. 190. Rent account Thursday saw the Railway House of Assembly launch which is being built at the chiefly due to fluctuation, fell off Department making use of the river mouth for the service on 41, new ferro concrete jetty for the our leeward coast. The fittings first time. Union Jack was flown from a flagstaff at its sea Barbados House of Assembly, At recent meeting of the be quite up to date, no Par as we were able to see, upon Estate Duty Law. ward end, a goods van was run the Attorney General presented an inspection of the little vessel, At Thursday ssion of the on to it from the Railway Station, Message from His Excellency one day in last week. We under Legislative Council. The Acting the steamer St. Patrick was the Governor, on the subject of stand that she is to carry with Attorney General moved and the mpored alongside. This was the erection and maintenance of lease a matter of sixty passengers Bill entitled a Law to amend Law Jone not a minute too soon, for a lighthouse at the north point те besides few tons of light earko the old setty was really unsafe of the island, The Message was a of 1916, entitled a law to pro for traffic, Mr. Cornillac engi accompanied by copy of the Among the fixtures will be a bar vide for the payment of Estate nder and railway contractor, has report of a Šub Committee of SOLD AT PANAMÀ BY in the first class compartment for: Duty on property passing on the made a good job of it, but there the Executive which had been La Luna Silk Store, Santa Ana Plaza; Key Hing, Cen, Ave.
ward, and at the end of any of the There will be SOLD AT COLON BY is need of a shed to protect pas appointed to consider the mata third time and passed.
ing deck for both class of pas.
ter. The site recommended by Lam Ming Co. Wing Yuen Co. Sang Chong Long sengers, and folding blinds the Committee is Harrison Co. Wing Lung Co. Ak Kai Co.
will protect them against the efAgricultural Instruction Point and the cost of erection is LEE CHONG Co. Sole Agents fect of sun and rain alike. She is The soil and its formation estimated at 13, 000 approxiHEAD OFFICE: 134 140, Bolivar St. Colen. O, Box 152. Phone 90 being fitted with motor engines formed the subject upon which mately, of 60 which ought to enable The Attorney General gave no BRANCH OFFICE: 67 Central Ave. Panam PC Box 585 Incon, Cz her to make at least ten kdous an Mr. Nurse, Senior tice of a Bill to amend the Expor.
bour. The owners of the little More Profiteering Agricultural ched tation of Foodstuffs Act 1914 the Edn Instructor attached craft are Messrs. Phillip, Department. 1914 10) and the Trade and www.
COAL VENDOR FINED opened the series colis lectures Exportation of Foodstuffs the students of leyne, John Davis, and Victor Another coal vendor named Naparima Amended Act (1914 11)
Training Leave Benoit; and it should she turn out Ramsawah, was arrested by School at Paradise Pasture Bill through its to proceed tego all what they expect of her there Lance Corporal Scott at Freder Teachers from all other schools, Bill ernment will not refuse to give a is reason to hope that the Gore ick Street for selling coals above who are preparing to sit for the on the ground of urgency. In moving the It appeared Teachers Examinations are wel hon, member explained that it second reading the fair subsidy for her services, esthe schedule price.
that one Lynch, a saddler, resid. come t, these lectures at the had been found necessary to in.
for Infants pecially as we understand that she will be making daily trips ing in that vicinity. purchased al College, troduce this measure because it The design of this Feeder prevents sour food, between Roseau and Soufriere had been brought to the notice collecting, and permit of the bottle being thorougly and Portsmouth.
Link the Executive Committee that of with LIFEBUOY th cleansed, thus avoiding wind colic, etc.
ир portion of the sugar reserved Meeting of Kingston Teach Deum for for Health Sake. Real Hygienic Feeder local colported was being sold and after it had ers Association.
been delivered to traders. The Omplete 90c, sllvor At a special meeting of the Executive Committee made an Kingston Teachers Association, they discovered that presided over by Mr. Deer.
the firm of Bryan Co.
the acting Director of had sold a matter of 150 bags of held at the Government Technithis sugar to Messrs. Manning FOUNDED IN 1881 cal School, early this month, to made a state. The Oldest Drug Store in Panama City and the most Modern One.
consider plans for the entertainin which he admitted that ment of ich he unan the school children of the they were aware that it was MANUEL ESPINOSA City and lower St. Andrew, it Government sugar, Central Avenue, 33 agreed that the Bryan has stated that he was Opposite La Mercedes Church Pananta.
gardens going to replace it it by other for the gathering of the children thecis were unsuited sugar of a better quality. The and it object of the Bill is to provide mission of the Mico College au per that any one making a false de thorities to mass them ou the colS or statement for the lege to receive the Prince. On the an morning of the arrival of the is goods shall be liable on to be a demonPucation or the chbildren and each summary conviction to imprison.
ment with or without hard labor child a souvehir in rememYOUTH and happiness are linked for a month and to impose a simi up with health. Link up with brance of the event.
lar penalty on anyone exporting 86 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA It was also decided to ask His Lifebuoy for health and for the or attempting to export or purNext Door to Cecilia Theatre Royal Highness to address the children sake. Lifebuoy Soap prochasing or receiving into his pos children from the steps of the LIFEBUOY motes health happy, smiling health; session or custody with a view Mico College and to be presented it protects the children from the to exportation any of the sugar an address from the chiidis reputable reserved for local consumption.
Headquarters for dangers of contagious diseases.
ren and a bouquet of flowers.
The Bill committee was appointed to Lifebuoy Soap has a twofold use it disinfects section added in Committee, nimm.
as it cleanses; disease germs cannot live where High Class Furniture carry out the details of the arLifebuoy Soap has been used. Lifebuoy Soap posing a similar penalty on any rangements, will safeguard the children keep them one selling or agreeing to sell healthy as well as clean. Insist upon them any portion of sugar allotted to BRITISH CONSULATE the All New Goods Sold at using it before school, after play, before meals.
him by Sugar Committee to NOTICE any person whose business in HOME WASH YOUR HANDS AND FACE WITH cludes the exportation of sugar.
Reasonable Terms. The British Consulate would IT BATHE WITH IT SHAMPOO WITH IT.
Another section was also added be glad of information regarding authorising the Governor in refour sisters named Esther Marian cutive Committee to give a re WEST INDIANS will find it profitable to consult US Bailey, Anne Drusilla Bailey. Je ward to the informer whose evidence leads to a conviction when buying Furniture.
cilia Beatrice Bailey and Alice Elizabeth Bailey, natives of JaMORE THAN SOAP, YET COSTS NO MORE.
for any breach of the Act. Welcome is extended to all to visit our large Stock maica and said to have been resiA Bill was passed authorining dent in Colon for a number of the Vestry of St. Michael to years.
ship, be an awn.
Trinidad to the College with the Eclipse Feeding Bottle enquiry and Central Drug Store SAVES Education. Co. Ltd. and, ment generelly but Mr.
LIFE was decided to obtain Panama Furniture Company there given a Remember SOAP is more than soap, it new germicide and sure disia fectant USE LIFEBUOY SOAP FOR CLEANING THE LIFEBUOY SOAP gai 10 LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED. PORT SUNLIGHT, ENGLAND


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