
PAGE THREE THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JULA 24, 1920, SSSSSSSSS Negroes Question Presidential Aspirants Replles to be sent to Negro Press Throughout Nation What are You Doing with YOUR Money?
SA VE As You Smoke. The National Association for the Ad vancement of Colored Penple, 70 Pilch Avenue, New York, announce that questionnaire has been out to every man prominently mentioned prea dential pomibility, asking him to state his views on program for bettering race relation in the United State. The replies are to be published in the Negro Prese throughout the mountry.
The questionnaire is as follows: Will you favour the coachines of law making lynahing Federal oder? What is your attitude toward the distranebiereat of Americans of New drevet. a) will you advocachat Corenforce the 14th Amendmente und reduce the reprocentation of distrusebine their citiems or (b) will you ad tocate the appoinment of United Staire Comesiionens to enforce the 15th Will you sendesvour to bring about the abolition of Jim Crow care in inter on of state while Amendment tento tratte? Will you withdraw armed or other Interference with the independence of Haiti Will you urgo national aid to ele mentary education, without dination tion against Negro children? Will you pledge the appointment of Negro soldiers and Negro officere in the armed forces of the United State in proportion to their numbers in populo ton? Will you shohinh racial segregation in the Civil Service of the United States The questionnaire was wat do the fol lo wing men; Herbert Hoover, Will MeAdno, Governor Goodrich of ledians. Nicholas Murray ideat pres Attorney General Mitebell Palmer, Porcreme, James Gerard, Seelik wa Underwood, General Wood Su Sutskor Warren Harding, Governor Louwder of Illinois, Senator Hiram Johann, Benator Poindexter, Governor Coolidge of Marchette med General Perhiac Voice of Miniona.
of Columbia University Senter FROM NOW UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE: For every empty King Bee package returned to the King Bee Factory, opposite the Freight House you will receive ONE CENT silver. This offer good only for King Bee Cigarettes manufactured in the Republic IT UP TO YOU Each Package Means Money in Your Pocket Butler, Emigration Exceeding In migration In statement Bued in New Jork recently, shows that prohibition in causing 80 many foreign dora 10 TRY me on var that emigration is now exceeding Immigration. According to El Island reporda, 68, 000 people came into the United States and 81, 000 left since January 14.
NOTICE THE PARK HOTEL VIEW, ing to day, quarters by Mr.
of the to rurse 17 Pin included honda, como en el cargo bedong co le riprese di cuiesto ICE HOUSE AND AUDITORIUM DEMERARA LABOR STRIKE a so the FOR COLOURED PEOPLE be that no vessels will be allowed be discharged and one to be lond wages once and for all, to call at this port od with cargo. He wanted to ap The men thanked Mr. Sartos will be formally opened In house Mr. Grossal told the Daily peal to them to be reasonables tor the great interest he had No. 2a Bolivar Bt: one block Overtime Rates Bone of Contention he had received a telegram stat had been told that the trouble Governor and second in under musical entertainment to begin Argosy reporter yesterday that and use their commonsense. He taleen first in approaching the trom and so on the evening of the 12th proximo, that the Dutch Mail would had arisen over the question of The Governor Powerless to pay out of his own at arrive today. He had, however overtime pay. He had Tarket. They just come in. sharp: wired back cancelling the call at from the Governor, who regret ed that as the proposal did not Adults 00 and children in the however regrett Admission will be by ticket: Mr. Santos Intervenes this port.
led that he could not interfere effect all workers and as the galleries 50 cts, Cy, On learning that both the Chig but he (Mr. Santos) was propos proposed settlement meant the necto and Mayara would leaveing that rather than allow the discharging of two of the three 118 corts of refreshments will Offers Quarter Day for Chignecto(and Mayaro with their cargoes, the steamers to go away with their vessels in port they could not ba served on the premises.
Hon. Santos, for cargo cargo which was required accept it.
For further particulars apply Berbice, arranged The following account of the strike untilt their demands in conference in the colony. the men should The meeting was then conta Park View Hotel, Colon, a esumption of the labor strike respect of overtime and night Be proceeded to Georg spletbe (diderence and accepcluded Mr. Santos expressing Moc 2, Cristobal, or in person with His Excellency sho which was called on in Demera, work have been conceded. Went House yesterday afternoon time. He had not had a confer The wisdom of adopting his sug wat door to the hotel premises or si me and three que for over regret that the men did not see to Pilgrim Wilkins at his office, a recently, and supposed to Three Steamers Held up accompanied have worn out on the 29th Critch enca with the Chamber of Com gestion.
corner. is taken from the Daily Aru There are now three steamer Labour Union low, secretary treasurer of merce but he was prepared where tickets will be sold for the of the 2nd Inst. We may men in the riyer bald up owing to the Excellency bis own purse tba made for quarters, etc.
labor conditions there, the Marrived on Monday morning with tion that owing to the unsettled strike. The Mayaro ar ltuation with bad discussed the undertake to pay the extra quan In the District Court entertainment and arrangements Mr. Santos suggested tho por merchants did not agree to pay of the Canal to yaro and Chignecto had leave cargo of 7, 000 packages. The sibility of the Government inter It.
WAS iden to help both Demerara for Trinidad with un Chignecto also arrived on rening immediately with a view the workers and the colony. He Education What is it?
Zone loaded cargo which would again appeal to their reason large consignment of onions received the Quillota cargo The Governor Powerless and commonsense and boped they DIVISION OF CRISTOBAL The systematio development and oulThe porters refused to work at accept his proposal and reTrinidad tration of the natural powers. The pou The work After a lengthy discussion His aume work at the conclusion of of unloading these MOLLIE MALCA er to think clearly and talk interestingly which had apparently come to steamers has not been begun Excellency expressed the view the meeting. to be marked men or, woman in any ad. enn will be remembered that whart, Saturday was resum. The only sign of activity on any that he could not interfere at the RAHAMIN MALCA having accepted the Chamber of where yesterday, were during a present juncture at he could not Lasting settlement wanted period when some porters what the workers bad asked for compel the merchants to pay Commerce new offer of 50 employed at the Cold Storage nor could he compel the labour body of the ball what was to be.
THE CLASSICAL AND COMOne man inquired from the CIVIL No. 334.
MERCIAL SCHOOL laborers returned to and Ice Depot took from the No. 2, Calle Domingo Diaz work on Saturday morning and Chignecto a few packages that ers to accept what the merchants come of the men who had struck working on the Savan.
NOTICE Offers Eiementary and Higher Education began loading the Savan, had come consigned to that had offered.
This steamer was to take to business house. The Mayaro at moderate Terms To Rabamin Malea, defendant: Mr. Santos and Mr. Cricblow will Mr. Santos replied that he had Day School for Children.
England 3, 000 tons of sugar re leaveſthe port at o clock this then lett for the Union Hall in specially concerned himself with Yonction requested to appear in bags morning Night School for Adults.
and the Chignecto will Regent street where they met a the other two steamers, but it an action brought against you by. Saturday. Arrangements were will also leave to day if the pora large number of men were also that a certain figure was paid above entitled court for an abso Practical and Theoreticale Geometry, and 3, 000 bags were stored on follow later in the day. The Savan very large gathering of men. the men resumed work the fact the abovenamed plaintiff in the being made by the agents ters persist in their refusal to standing outside awaiting the de might infiuence future pay. lute divorce and to answer the Geography, History, etc. Elemented Messrs. Curtis Campbell and work, cision mente.
filed therein on or be Spanish, French and Latin Grammar, bes Co. for the work of o loading Course Mr. Santos Offer.
Business Forms The questioner referred that fore Sept.
All Trade Cut off continued on Sunday but the And you are further tifed and Letterwriting.
FREE practice on Underwood Typemen refused to The merchants appeared de Addressing the men Mr. Jan. for the last 15 days. There were that it you fail to appear and were advanced day and night papili.
answer the and octave Kimball Organ for stead. voir (Where there is a will there is a of at the old rate of a day labourers demands in respect of a risen some dissatisfaction necto and Mayaro could furnish take judgment against you by Our motto is Vouloir est pou no work was done on Monday not of the. Santos offer considcoart in way. public holiday. It was however accept the rates they offer for That was a serious state of a faffairs, ered expected that the men would overtime work they should never dangerous not only to commerce, Another man said they did not said complaint.
Principal: ROBERT LINDSAY turn out to work yesterday but theless continue to perform the but to the men and the calony on want a provisional settlement: CAMPBELL (Cambridgo Senior)
they decided to continue the ordinary day work. If the a whole. There were the steam whey wanted an arrangement Asst. Clerk District Court. Box 1044, Adoon, and so the strike last company briet per day presenting 4, 1920 Bookkeeping, to the work unless they the writer


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