
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1920, THE WORKMAN KINKAIR PIEDMONT Published on Saturdays by HN Rates for Advertisement on applicaWALROND. at the office Central Ave. tion. Correspondence on all matters Que and corner of Street, Panama of public interest invited de All copy for publication must be PO Box 74. Panama RP written on one side of paper only, and RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the name of One Year 82. 40 the writer, not necessarily for publicaSix Monts butastark of good faith Three BE do not undertake to return One 2x ejected correspondence THE VIRGINIA CIGARETTE Queen QUEEN Hair Dressi 15 will make yo har long, soft, and retty. This won derful bar impro ver is used by thousands tuen, and children frei dandruff away and stope Enir. Dont take a sulit sure en git QUEENS 35e, a lathe cate byer Rod orug states, and at 17 The Late the palladium of our rights. JUNI SATURAY, NOVEMBER 27. 1920, The COOL MILD Smoke With that lingering taste covery of a white infant a foetus of by the SINCERITY IS IMPERATVIE the arrest of a born dead, wrapped it and took it sha Because it the ONLY dentitice that in the mouth bleaches the teeth, retaris prevents day, and relieves the Free from grit. It Is Antisepte Try atin to day 198 Holivar St. batween than oth Calon Box 736. Cristobal. cz PRESIDENT ELECT HARDING anima Try QUEEN Medicated Skin and RECEIVED IN PANAMA Scalp Son. QUEEN Fce onde, QUEEN Peroxide Shin Cam Ungar. Distributor Although coming here only in an unofficial character, No 11. St. Panama, President elect Harding, received a flattering ovation last Agents Wanted Wednesday, when the National mounted Police escorted Address: Ancon.
the distinguished visitor from Street to the Presidential Palace along Central Avenue where dense and eager Mother of Concealed Foecrowds lined the side walks to catch a glimpse of the next tus Located.
President of the United States of America, This seems to be a return for the courtesies extended to our own President Porras who as the elect of the people, Following closely on the disMOISTURE PROOF ild in a few months ago was richly entertained in the foremost the inner harbour at Balboa, as cities of the big Northern Republic.
reported in our last, and which he Panama was serious in her reception of Mr. Warren we have since been informed Harding and even the elements seemed in favor of the ocPACKETS OF 25 was turned over to the Ancon casion. The rains restrained themselves until the disting.
Morgue by the Police Depart ment, comes another discovery uished procession had filed its way through Central Avenue on the Barraza beach (West 17th, to the Presidential Palace.
Street) of colored That Mr. Harding was glad to be here is gathered from child (boy) which was declared his address which on Wednesday evening he delivered at doctor to be of five at Balboa Heights and which appears elsewhere in this issue.
months. The matter was SOOR Both for himself and Mrs. Harding the President elect rereported to the Police and Detec tive, Captain Solis was entrusted ciporcated the cordial greetings which were showered on with the investigation them, and the broad sentiments of impartiality expressed developed in have been seized upon as a promise that he will uphold the You ought not to suffer more. Now is the time to decide. WHAT YOU INDISPENSABLY NEED in young girl living at house No. dignity, sovereignty and independence of Panama.
order to completel, dominate your sufferings is the famous Ancon Avenue, and who is work.
Inter alia, Mr. Harding said that America was not ing with a family at Balboa, The HEALTH SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSFITES planning the exploitation of other countries nor the acquisigirl confessed to getting a slide of world wide reputation for Neurasthenin, Anemia, Weakness, Loss of Appetite, Debility, etc.
on her way to work last Sunday tion of more territory. At once, we remember the Taboga morning which caused her such question and wonder if this little health resort was in his For sale at all Pharmacies and Drug Stores in this City and at those of Messrs. tremendous pains that she remind, or even comes within the range of his intimations. If Salazar, Delgado Son and DaCosta Gomez in the city of Colon. turned home at noon and in Senator Harding did not mean any Panamanian territory, mediately sought the services of GERVASIO GARCIA, a midwife. who after she was we are at at a loss to know what he really meant, for it is 68, CENTRAL AVENUE.
inconceivable that he could have in mind the least reference Agent for the Republic of Panama delivered of of the child, which was to any other territory, anywhere else.
as the unborated The midwife, upon being Nr. Harding speech was a brilliant one and seems to called corborated the state be indicative of a great mind. What he has said will go a far way in shaping the estimation and confidence of Panamathought that washing it down Everybody is just crazy over DANGER SIGNAL through the sewer would be nians and other people, in his administration. If he can live Dr. Welters Tooth Powder the easiest way of disposing of it, up to the great conceptions of his mind, and if he can steer Stop! Read! Proceed to ever, do not believe their statewhich she did. The police, how the destiny of his own country through the existing turbulent waters of economic unrest, he will undoubtedly be able Action!
ments and investigations are to stretch out his hand to the relief of a weaker and more still being carried out.
STOP. This is necessary, because needy people.
Agents Wanted KASHMIR BEAUTY PARLOR Distributors.
the signal of danger is prominently dis This visit, although unofficial and unexpected, will be played before your gaxe, namely symp.
toms of the deadly diseases of Kidney OBITUARY the means of great benefit to Panama. Senator Harding and Bladder and to proceed unchecked has pledged his personal and official friendship to President THE WOMAN EXCHANGE menns instant death.
It is with deep regret that we Porras, and President Porras has pledged his in return.
READ. This is also necessary in chronicle the death last Sunday, This will mean that every thing of political import to Pa NO. 1, TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA order to direct your action as to the November 21st of James Creed, nama will receive unstinted consideration from the United safest route to pursue and as to what you Grenadian, 44 years, from acute States, and that whatever in the realms of justice, fairplay should do to escape the confronting lung trouble. Creed residence DRESSMAKERS on this Isthmus and equity the people of Panama need they will be able, by extended over PROCEED TO ACTION. When a period of proper and legitimate representation, to obtain.
you have stopped and read, then move og the first ten years, dar.
five years of which The President elect of the United States is strongly The Importance of completing your Christto action, for mark you, without this he worked as a tailor and after tinged with modesty, and his salutations along the route of escape is impossible.
as a painter in the service of the mas dress on time is never under estimated, the procession wore an aspect of sincerity. Senator HardStart right now with DeWitt Panama Canal. About three Pills, the best, easiest and talent means of hemorrhage of the langs from WE WILL NOT DISSAPPOINT YOU.
weeks ing smiled sympathetically and courteously. He waved ago, he had a severe attack of escape from the serious danger.
greetings which spoke for him, and it seemed as though he Millions have escaped by this King of the the effects of which he which he has never was glad to be in Panama.
medicines for the whole world. No recovered. His remains were in Panama is the foster child of the United States. What ANN THOMAS, other is Just as terred at Take heed. Why not you? But get the. Nightingale officiating has been done for her in the past will not be mentioned.
the genuine Pills put up by DE wed What will the coming United States government do for the by WITT Co. Ltd. England.
countrymen. He young Republic is the question. Panama needs many things; Sold at all leading Drug Stores.
leaves two brothers on the Isth will Republican America help her. Senator Harding has THE CITY PHARMACY, mas both employed at the R!
come and has, we hope, seen for himself. The possibilities THE COST OF LIVING, Department of Labour show Baggage Room in this city, to marked declines in October in 139 Central Ayenue, Panama.
of this cosmopolitan highway have stared at him, and he whom we tender our deepest will go back North with fresh and vivid recollections of Going Down in the United practically all items entering in SOLE AGENTS ON THE ISTHMUS, sympathy.
to the cost of living in the impressions seen at first hand.
United States except house fur Whatever makes for progress among the nations is always welcome by the people who are the backbone of the from Washington dated Novem dropped 18 per cent below 1919 direct West India Cab o nishing. Clothing, it is said had! Important Notice MAN ALIVE! Have you seen the great bargains in FLOWERED VOILE? All new goods at nations. And when they speak they should be heard for ber 18 states that price studies costs, and farin products 21 per All teachers of Private Schools a big reduction, going at 30 and Vox Populi, Vox Dei (the voice of the people is the voice of given out. by the United States (cent.
in the city of Panama are re. 40 cents. gold por yard worth God. The Republicans have promised numerous things in quested to meet the Inspectress twice their value. David Carthe United States and while it is not expected that they can The visit of the President elect of the United States, is leyan schoolroom, 15th St. East, Kee, opposite Panama Lottery of the city schools at the Wes. doze Storey Formerly Chong revolutionize the country in the four short years that lie not insignificant and much is expected as a result of his on Friday, Dec. 3rd, at p. sh. Office.
before them, but it is hoped and desired that they will make coming to the Isthmus. The colored people wbo are giving in addition to other important good with the reins of government in their hands. their services in the most faithful manner are looking to matters, teachers without diplo CARD.
The Canal Zone citizenry are asking for free rent, re Senator Harding for some dispensation of consideration, mas will receive instruction as to their examination for same with presentation, and a civil administration, and judging from and we hope they will get it.
The colored people are a part of the great working ed to continue in the important of Argyle, St. Vincent, beg out which they will not be allow.
the enthusiasm diffused among the working elements it Mr. and Mrs, Leopold Brown cannot be doubted that they will get most, if not all, of force of the canal and they have a right to expect improve and responsible work of teaching to tender their heartfelt thanks to what they are crying for.
ments in their economic conditions. Since they did not ob in any part of the Republic, the many friends and countrymen The civil administration is really the greatest desidera tain an interview with the man of the hour their desires WALKER in Panama of their deceased la.
tum of the moment. The military management has had its ought, in some way, to be presented to his view. Mr. Harding mented son, Hugh Brown, for their acts of kindness to him in a try and Americans think it has been here long enough, and cannot know if he is not told the truth, and it is only a true REQUIEM MASS. strange land, and the affection dea change is quite in order. There ought to be a general presentation of affairs that can ensure any amelioration.
monstrated by following his ree shaking up and shuffling of the cards as this may mean im All things come to those who wait; and if a new ad Mr. and Mrs. Dubousquet mains to their last resting place.
provement and progress. At the present, we can scent ministration on the zone does not change things then the beg through this medium to an nothing but stagnation, and this is dangerous for the colored people may regard themselves as doomed fatally pounce that a solemn Requiem health and life of the canal operations.
LOST and forever, so far as Isthmian economics are concerned. Mass will be held at the San MiWe hope that President elect Harding will take back The colored people in the States are expecting the absolute urday, December 4th, 1920, at Church in this city on Sat.
with him notes of the requirements of the Canal Zone and suppression of lynching. Let us hope here for the final dis o clock in the morning, for the a bunch of keys consisting ori Between Balboa and Panama Panama. With a satisfied working staff and a courteous establishment of the reign of terror in our economic life, and repose of the soul of Mrs. Theo Yal. desk, Foca carnando neighbour, the enterprise which consumed millions in its the liberation of the thousands of industrial slaves whose file Junon (widow) née Eugenie Panama Cindlim tal check aruto construction and now takes millions for its upkeep will be subsistence is catered out on sufferance and whose survival Marcel, who died at Bc. Francois, Finder will be sutis levard a continued blessing to the United States and the admira is as miraculous as though they were fed by manna in the 6th last. All friends are invited Chandler, Quartermaster Of Guadaloupe, on October ed on returning ste to Cliftoa tion of the gicat powers of the world, wilderness or by raven in the caves of Palestine.
to attend.
fice, Ancon, Canal Zoue.
danger at the Herrera ceme. and


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