
TAB WORKMAN SATURDAY NOVEMBER 27, 1920, PAGE THREE KING BEE CIGARREN Good ONU cigarettes TO BEE Mlima steamship of the colony by Exera Mild rads: Better GARETTES TIL Best Csentsi KING BEE gave them those Canada not to take advantage of were naked to do so, and be did not the Moratorium, bad most think there would be any difficulty in quieting effect, which President getting them to courent.
Menocal was not slow in appreciably recognizing. We congratu report of the meeting be forwarded to Dr. Laurence suggested that an oficial late Mr. Percival, and no less the the Canadian Government.
present Manager, Mr. Con His Excellency acquiesced in the sun nell, on this most progressive gestion move, of which we are sure the The resolution was thea unanimously people will not fail to take the adopted.
fullest advantage.
It is said that His Honour the Trinidad Legislator Chief Justice has been odered Palestine.
Denounces Discrimination The Port of Spain Gazette on Board Ship states in connection with the proposed local paper factory to In discussing the Canadian Re. be erected by Messrs. Thomas ciprocity Pact at a meeting of Nelson Son Lid. it is of interthe Legislative Council of Triniest to state that bungalows are dad Mr. Lazare, made a valuable pow erected east of Mount Hope suggestion which was adopted. Estate, St. Joseph, for the accoHe pointed out that they could modation of the staff Mr.
not close their eyes to the fact Smooker being in charge of arthat the authorities rangements, with Mrincesas made it dinicult to carry out the sistant, afairs of the the treatment they meted out to cer. It is understood in Trinidad tuin passengers.
He felt that that the present Canadian Steam.
the Government hands need ers will cease calling at Grenada strengthening and to that end he after the 31st instant. No notipresented a clause to be inserted fication to that effect has come to in Article sub section which hand, but it is reasonable to be than ever be no differentiation in the allocall lieve there is some truth in the rumour as the contract with the before tion of passages of intending Dominion Government expired travellers, nor of accommodation last year.
on board the steamers, save as to the class of passage booked.
Mr. Lazare justified his sugges.
Mails By Motor, tion on the ground that there did obtain a system of discrimina The Trinidad Government is tion which was exceedingly em, using motor power for the deliv.
barrassing. He had experienced ery of mails to the suburban and that inconvenience on board ship. out districts. Says the Gazette of in the world He regretted to say, he had seen recent date:in the passenger lists of the steamship The general Post Office is in Trinidad the hrinidad receipt of a new auto mail van placed behind his (Ford Chassis) the finish of name and because of that letter which is excellent. On either side he got little accommodation is the is the Imperial Crown (gilt) as alSome persons who were placed so the letters under in a good position were One cent silver paid their level best to prevent such a beath. This car, 1610 will be employed for between the for every empty KING they found other persons who the City Railway Station and will were only concerned with the re. be driven by Cumberbatch.
turns which commercial trade The other auto van will be run be BEE package returned embarrassing tween the Diego Martin, who were interested in the im Woodbrook and Maraval and will to dealer or the factory.
mediate concerns of the colony, be driven by Ernest Cumberbatch In was a matter of difficulty, and Both of these vans are insured.
he did not want to express him.
self in luis usual wont He asked the Goverer to give his sugges.
The subj ct of salary of ele.
tion il fair consideration Menntary school teliers in Tri Lazare stand was supported nidad is presinting the same by another member The Gov diticulty as in Gronadı. Onjecenor in in reply to Mr. Lazare as it will take a teacher to reach his tion is taken to the length of time glad that such an important malter was brought before the Coun maximum. head teacher with cil. He confessed he was un.
a first class certiticate will aware of the difference of triat. 180 pounds sterling per year; a went on board the steamers second class man 75 to 170 pounds until that day. The Governor is terling, rising by increments of reported as saying: until 100 pounds sterling is Dr. OGILVIE Dr. LOWE reached and then 10 pounds sterHe had never travelled by those ling after that time.
IS NOW LOCATED AT L, Edin steamers himself. He had travelled to and from New York by the steamers re.
157 Central Avenue, corne 139 CENTRAL AVENUE presented by his honourable friend Mr.
It is understood that the exK Street.
FANAMA CITY Fraser and be saw nothing of that dif. penses in connection with the HOURS: to 11. 30 am. Office Hours: 30 a. nl.
ference of treatment on board those visit of His Royal Highness the Jamaica Trinidad steamers. Everybºdy was treated alike, Prince of Wales will amount to 30 to 30 p. 6 and received the same courtesy and se fully 3, 000 pounds sterling. The Sundays: to 11 a.
Appointments can be arranged Box 793 Office 844 lion that he was very much sale of articles left over from the Phones: Death Sentence Commuted to hear that. ile spoke sub preparation for the visit my Te ephone 875: Ancon, Residence 1002 Yet Another Bank ject to correction by the Hon. the Col.
realise a a tidy sum, but our ex The Gleaner is in a position to For Port of Spain lector of Customs, as to penditure will still be in the vicias to what they could that the do; but what he was quite prepared to do nity of the sum we have menGovernor has commuted the sen.
to say they approved of the tioned agree ment, and would give 500 subsidy on tence of death passed on the Property Purchased For such condition as the Hon. Mr. Lazare young man, John Elisha Edwards During the visit of the Prince otherwise called Elisha Whitfield. 16, 000.
indicated. He thought that he would of Wales to Trinidad he was who was sentenced at the recent session meet the wishes of the Council. The presented by Capt. Cip.
Says the Gazette: We are pleas.
question was a very delicate one as his riani late of the Fifth Reserve Court on honourable friends reougnised and he Battalion on behalf murdering James Chang, a Chi. that, as the result of growing charge of killing and ed to be in a position to annouce congratulated them on the tact with of the Trinidad Contingent with nese shopkeeper, who carried on business, and in a worthy en.
which they had handled it. He had learn a beautiful inlaid casket. The business on the Lyndhurst Road deavor to stem the congestion at ed with great pain that there was such work was executed by Pte in Lower St. Andrew their principal office, the Royal the differential treatment. As regards the Samuel Millar, late of SUNLIGHT SOAP is made The prisoner was tried before Bank of Canada have acquired question of cold storage he had no doubt from the sweetest and His Honour Mr. Justice Beard, the premises at the North eastthe Canadian Government would provide the necessary accommodation if they (Continued on Page 6)
choicest of edible oils and fats.
Acting Chief Justice, with the ern corner of Park and Frederick It contains no harsh or strong Hon. St. John Branch, KC. At Streets to establish a Smile ingredient.
torney General, prosecuting, dent Branch in Port of Through the business ability of It is the purest and most efficient of soaps and, if used Alastrim Outbreak.
Mr. Percival, the Supervisor (thereby defeating a local Brokjudiciously, the most economical er, who was charging 5, 000. of soaps. recent issue of the Gleaner the Royal Bank of Canada pur. little goes a long way states that there were 355 cases from Captain Hammond, in Lechased the freehold for 3, 300 (BRANDON BANK)
every particle is pure there is of alastrim at Bumper Hall Hos.
nothing to harm the clothes or pital. From enquiries made it pre of the Correia family. The to impede the rapid progress would appear that the epidemic site The Merry Widow. will be present building which is oppo SECURITY of the wash.
is now somewhat on the decrease. either renovated or pulled down SERVICE ALL THE VALUE It appears that those who are now and rebuilt in order to serve the mostty afflicted, belong to the IS IN THE SOAP.
lower orders, and this is due to purposes of the new branch. It Panama (Founded 1863) Colon will not the faulty system of isolation. It but will also We are soapmakers with an relieve congestion is felt that not only the patients the apper parts of the city. This serve the ideal our ideal is to make a Our large Resources and well known Soap which shall have no but also those who come in tact with them should be isolated serves the highest commenda: con: SUNLIGHT move which certainly de.
equal for Purity and Efficiency conservative Management afford unIn the throughout the country 20 past there was no macht. tion do this, but the new Bank of Canada is a progressive chl tion and shows that the Royal nery to questioned security for every dollar superior in all the world.
Health Law which was adopted URUTY We realize our ideal in every by the Legislative Council a few concern in the strictest sense of deposited with this bank tablet of Sunlight Soap which thorities full power to deal with Latin America of late, and in days ago gives the Municipal aw the word. This company has is manufactured.
been earning highest opinion such cases; and it is expected ALL THE VALUE IS IN that the law will come into opera. Cuba, quite recently, when MoTHE SOAP THAT WHY.
tion at a very early date.
ratorium was called by the Gov.
ernment of Cuba in consequence of the International Bank having NATHANIEL BRANDON ISAAC BRANDON BRANDON Rent Receipt Books in Span other banking concerns having ex.
suspended payment, and a few Vice President.
President Treasurer Ish and English, for sale at the pressed the decision to follow. Workman Printery. the action of the Royal Bank of BRITISH AMERICAN TOro NLT)
West Indian News to 30 All the VALUE in the SOAP SOAP SUNLIGHT Panama Banking Company hall 1000 only people of SOAP GUAR: General Banking Business Transacted GROTHERS TO GO SUNLIGHT SOAP

    Death SentenceSpain

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