
0 ВАТТЯ АСЯuTA KARON ART THR WORKNAR 941 FEBRUARY 19, 1921, TORT PAGE THRR3 West Indian Steamship Company Lid.
51 FATIMA me.
90 wrestlers. The skipper and every BRE TURKISH CIGARETTES bbel is Oued TOBACCO SUCCESSORS to Coneron Camarok Co Now, 15 Cents Package Cricket GOOD GAME ASSURED BY PROPER UMPIRES (Incorporated under the las Once again the Cricketers of the two Jamaica)
Iwbmiss terminal citime bevr the sa do vo the the rulet, and 20 wil dreide the inoue as to whetb The greatest proposition evce en Cricket wild This will be the the whole world is falling in.
1921 Pacific A: Die gume, and be The Directors are offering feet th it to baby clubs of Colon wl be 100. 000 worth of groot to the pieturis na ho lancie team with their ople of the Republics of Par try representatives, it is evido at the sins and Costa Rica.
e comes to Panams are determined to This can be taken up in put one over on the efi end this terror Shares at per cent or cim. But the mea of the Perifend OdMy Shares re just jealous and sealous bout their repu a ion cricketers and the To money is Dreded before do not intend to yield the Chempi nabip the end of January 1921. This to n retain it to in 1921. has they will bring a Panama before bat Anvil y LARGE PASSENGER As tucation before, the gene wil STEAMER be played on the Istomisa Park und Weat ladians, this is your betur place on the istbauw oud chance.
hier be a weleted for sub asport. at The Preitis cam will to his Purchase and Live! Disobey Salding Cricket League, while B pered by II. Myers, President of the end Parish!
Send money by mail to William of the Westmer load Co will in the helm of the Atlantic CAMPBELL The public is asured by both President and Man ging of vry hi ha entidad de este every bing is be og done to guarante Director, The u mort wristsetion to the publie 18 Orange Straat, Every lover of red cricket will be ut Kingstonda flothwise Park on the 20ta when they are now ewured of equat deal in every Advertise in the WORKMAN decision that will be given.
dby nameron COS You sk who will be the mapiero? ON, and get ord Rosults.
don be over anxioue. DroMillere and Fyfe have kindly stated to othee in Advertise In The Workchal opacity: An Iwee you imito at the information. Thas thea, sede ne man. It Pays fur her cogent.
farbe Mbout bra the tests, the public may be anxioue to twow who will do ishi and English, for sale at the Ront Roc pe Boolus Spe tead bech niciod. Of is, am not yet wherkomen bintaru.
very certain, have just learnt that the teams alrendy selected, will of necro y Dr. JCALVO give the public a hint of what had from corropondence with buth Physiclan and Surgeon skippere.
The attackers will bring over Liatos, CENTRAL AveviT AN No. 19TH STRERT, Rage, per The Classical and OFFICE HOU Hs: 191. to su Commercial School Bogliab, French, Spanish and Lallan spokea.
No. 2, Calle Domingo Dias Rox 1044, Ancon, Layne, Reid, Spracor, Clarke, Aubrey ELEMENTARY AND HIGH Cooke, vet, Aird, Gibeon, while SCHOOL COURSES Weather sad, Wiltshire, Dik di Panama wl defea with: Duel y, melts Wwker, demue s, Garvey and others or Day and NightSessions course, this may not likely be tho bad SUBJETS: Arithmetic, Algebra, ive up, and have been promised Geometry. Bookkeeping Type ja finito iaform viou bout their roupeet writing, Shorthand, English, Ele ive teams from both skippers not late Inents of French, Spanish and sa to give the public, Latin Grammar, etc. Night thee ugu the such information School now in session.
as it is to hand. Look out fue France Has Bed. portes obaving the ed plaint this school re npens Monday, Jan? the teame later. Tus stand will be Voices so loud in that 17, 1921, at crowded so my advics is: Be at Loththe police have opened inquiries ward Too mina Park, but got your ticket next with a view to suppressing the ROBERT LINDSAY, Sunday, befora the Doctors call PLAY healer acuivities. Camb. Bentor. SGD) CLEAN SPORT But He Doesn want to of when they went to the house Principal healer Go Up Only To Cure few people waiting to be healed Use your opportunities as an investor to People By Very therein lieg heir difticults.
Not only has the healer prosper the best advantage Simple Process ed and bought a house with the proceeds of his work, but his SOME GOT BETTER. fame has far that from all the country people have The Isthmian Undertaking Co. have during been going to bim. The ina at But Somo Didn t, And which the heal;r stopped a year the past year created a profitable business and bids These Complained So fair in this year of grace for bigger wo co the. Loudly Police Had and the whole village does a Puer ing trade renting Moms to 35 Calidonia Road This should interest you, since it can ba the To Act.
who come for treatment.
The villagers deciare that is means of opening a safe and sane investment.
Comenting under the above their miracle nan 19 is prosecut headlines the Gleaner states that ed their village as well There are still some ungold shares. Buy them losing WHOLESALE Jamaica is not the only place its fame will lose money. At the pow. Later on they will be worth more.
with Bedward, France has one, gathered in the healer waiting Art encounter six persons AND RETAIL he doesn threaten to 00 PER SHARE. ANY NUMBER direases drinking brandy that the police had to beats then rubbing the patient. This pauront and content themselves Remember we stand for Service, Profit and is the story as we have it from with carrying of some of the New York paper. With empty pockets and tattoo but the mountaineers patients They are interமM ERNEW TUS Co operation.
ED some fourteen refused to give any int srmation months ago there arrived in to how they were cured or little village near Avignon, in pald. So far from Southern France, tall, shio wanting their miracle man whose fate la now being the adulan bility of erecting in imprisoned.
they are discussing BRANDON BANO sharply contested between they are este so bila while, ho fa un RURE that 10 best ses Shops villagen polioa No. 47 CALIDONIA when the sur Pived he took in the founder of all state SECURITY donsie blodgings in the modest ton of the progperity, SBRVICB5 WALLAC village which rejoices to the Home Home so In Spo to 136 olgono YOU tavola Wo Anme of Ville Franche de Aura beden good and barted forth on the Werken inte oudod 10 career of Whatever (54nsasaanさん at Aegis disease, bis holar Hobogan by drinking Our larg Resources and well known.
GUT OF WORK? WANT BETTER JOB? blonde o come and washing Dr. Hoffman conservative Management afford un hands in other. Then he rubbed has reopened ble olinie for ren 30 LET US HELP YOU the elected part and a rheu. Oral practice for gynocolorice questioned security for every dollar matiem is the We are constantly receiving requests for competent complaint in those mountain cases and arological disorders of both sexes. Diseases of the blood deposited with this bank eu workers, from the city best employers. stricts he wrought a falr number created in accordance with the of many por bautente the apparent hos Love your Name and And Address at our Office At least latest German discoveries. Ap paid his band did not recover! and its latest modification Bmployment Department. Bome paid and two especially, a man who (1498 and Silber alversan. 13 PANAMA MERCANTILE AGENCY.
was created for blindness and Telephone No. 74 ISAAO BRANDON NATHANIE BRANDOM BRANDON 143 Contral Ave.
became worst after his rubbing, and a woman whose paralysis, CENTRAL AVENUE, No. 4, 15 Proaldoot Vice Presidens ON from being partial, became QUIR Opposite Amador Theatre Made in the of the best Tobaccos ibes Friday!
Press, promi Take Advantage of Your Opportunities BIJOU so has now beoomer bowel ICE CREAM FACTORY Sprend 80 lover bubines.
ness. te those tno, but 100, 00. he and tile tered clothes Panama Banking Company Inbow much they man The Isthmian Undertaking Co. Ltd.
hend tam method who 00035 prevalent General Banking Business Transactad


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