
Cuban Government Puzzled.
THE WORKMAN Carnival Is Gone.
BORERS FROM JAMAICA Health Dept. Wants to Exclude them on Account of Epidemic Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on spplies WALROND. the office Central Ave son. Correspondence on all matters one and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited. do PO Box 74. Panama All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, and RATES OF BUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the name of One Yen 60 T8. Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publice Six Montes 1:on but as a mark of good faith.
Three AGE Wo do not undertake to return Ooo 25 rojected correspondence The Laberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1921. But your costume is not complete unless you are wearing shoes to match your new clothes: We carry a large and extensive line of Needed as Sugar Crop is on and no Labour to Work It.
MILLS HALF IDLE NO APPROPRIATIONS, NO CANAL Walk Over Shoes OD will be se the Cuban American Bazaar Stores Over prove Wice re be time The Jamaica Glear er ofte inst, repris the following. Up to January 21st, 1920 cen.
trale had started grindines The tumult among the gold employees over the bonus 10 Cuba, and according to the re question is normall evidence of the general dissatisfaction for Men and Women: ports reaching this of the American workers on the canal, and although this now a call for cane cutters or is inland were is many of the big estates, and as particular matter concerns itself only with a speciul priviseen from the Xtract lege in consequence of the recent war, it is still strious given below from the Havana enough to attract the attention of the acting Governor ost.
sugar estate who has taken over the cumbersome and somewhat uncom orners are partial to Jamaica fortable mentle of ex Governor Harding. whose hasty labourers, and want the Cuban Government to encourage the retiren. ent looks like running away from the storm clouds coming of that be saw coming on, our wen to work on the cane fields of the big Whatever sland Colonel Morrow, the acting Governor, neighbouring Island. The ex.
may take on the question it certainly cannot be considered Panama. EISENMANN ELETA Co. Inc. Colon cerpt further tends that that he is sitting in a rocking chair or swinging in a hamthe recent reported lump in the labour demand in Cuba, due to incck. Mr. Morrow is not unfamiliar with conditions amung all ses of labor on the Isthmus in connection the late start of the Cat als is now over, and the sugar interests with the canal, and the claims of the American unionists are now. fighting the alth bad been thrust upou his attention quite a while before bir Department to get workers from Late Jamaica News In se islands, friend and predecessor vacated the Balboa Heights White House and left him to wield the gavel.
EVERY HOUSEWIFE The extract from the Havana With reference to the claims of the Americans in conPost of the 1st inst) 18 As follos: Famous Jockey Dead nection with the bonus affair we have no other opinion to should be prepared for the areidents that happen in bn bousehold Immigration and Cuba Cuts, burns, sprens, bruis are quickly relieved uy that old, It is with regret we announce express than that if it is their privilege and right they In amandiak the tinmigration oft tried, stand rd remedy the dea of Wilfred Jame: Mit laws of Vaba the government is ought to have it. The Government ought to provide thJer, púpularly kavwa us Shar.
DR. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC per the amous jockey, of Jaegts, the alth and the indust ial funds for the adequate settlement of an arrangement of confronting diverse inter, which they are the creators.
unica, on 81, 1921 inalia wallace, of the nation Cuba The 1f the retired Gyvernor Harding wag anything of a cooling, snothine, relief giving application. Don be without it.
W45 anap Wul relleve dobie ich. Keep it op band all the time prentice vere Mr Ernest Department of Sanitatina favours to the farsighted and open minded chief with sound administraof rley in 1906, when immixrants om ti e abilities, this muddle would not have been left, now pleasant mouth wash. spreific cure for cramps and stomach troubles were under Mr. Mienal Mian hods on the ground that a conobtain other Antillis that be is gone, to threaten the operation of the canal. If By a bottle of your druggist and became a succostul he were less bull headed and more intelligent the bonus He will be re tub red for his tai 243 disease in toe those countries, would have been distribuied long ago and nothing would now be herrd as to the economic eruption which is convulsMerry Ducha, Deluty while the e the user interests are un. the coming of se imm ing the gold roll and leaving its trail of ruin on the general colon Teachers Associa live in troublons times and we all Duches and as so bat osa oth rolin e mbeten som er hentet encourage aspect of the canal.
tion need the strength that is the re. 1911 at ib Ex ter meeting when especialy Jamaicans.
If Governor Morrow desires to go on record a a wise sultant of hearty cooperation. he had six wouls, and siet red It is true that the ovuntry can.
handle the situation with less auto general meeting of We Lady Lucille ing disense spread ci àcy than that which u as so vauntingly aired by Governo eachers Association will be with the Association and with a Pool Bechemes to be a over to run and risk of hav. held at o clock.
ali in two das. He f. Jamaica sihat the wills can not adord t)
o er equally true Harding. Mr. Morrow is in favor of the don care a the St. Joseph Grammar School, retired picayure pol cy of Mr. Harding it is not likely that the 109, Broadway, Colon. Members Wedding Bells from the turt and went to Cubal run on hall time, ports com?
impli yees til her on the gold roll or the silver roll will ex and intending visitors are where he died. The West Indian rom several of the large estatus The On the. at the SalvaCaluny of will remembe perience mi ch in the way of improvenient in the adminis gratis tea tonge one, be gives a este tion Army Hall. La Boca, a quiet bouwen other londer of the best way the media are only grine to the effect that for lack of cane agen da tiation of the canal!
mise of being interesting. Amongst wedding took place at whicn Cap; If, as it is claimed, there are no funds with which tolibe items thereon are a model tain King and Captain (sitagainst the great in that ng halt time Toat fact means meworbie race on Bolivar St.
bat overhead expens: 8, wh. ch nust satis y the claims of the men who have become heirs to lesson in grammar by Mr A Haughton were the contracting con inuous, are running New Member op to double what thy would be the bonus promise it is up to Mr. Morrow to show the Kerr, Principal of the st. Joseph parties. The caremony was per.
vacant were cane in to ke tha app:opriations committee in Washington that the opera. Grammar School, and a Paper by formed by af Captain Terrace, tion of the canu is seriously threatened by the disagree the President on The Teacher Divisional Officerec The hulle was seat in the Legislative Council willakrinais twenty four hours Associates. Remember lastelully decorated for pumbile or for the Parish of Nob. e St or day.
able situation. What the appropriations committee want the hour: Is there no way to harmm o clock sharp casion and quite the Blair. ot Mr. Moy the resignation these two conflcting interest of James caused are facts, plain, reasonable and conclusive. They have Be in time, This is important. Isitors witnessed Kerr Jarrett, was The immigration laws in been humbugged over and over again by the puzzling Don lose any part of the pro The new did weder ihre einen und beld at Moatepe Bay on the 11tn, force virory Stadt and to were dictated by the military equivocatious wh ch, in the past, have blind foldedi hem 10 ceedings.
All private school teach Cotain as well as by Comunand Mr. e. Lightboby, unopposed. hernion durinx the Americas the extent that they could not even glimmer the uue situa ers who are still without the pale ant Morris of the Prnama Corps certain soctions of use com identical with those of the intervention tion of their own citizens in this country.
The same thing is true with regard to the require join it at once. They cannot af jourteyed 10 Parsiso, C, 2, was received with delight, bee legislation of the most 89 of the Associatico, are invited to After the cerempongin the couple wunity Mr. Lightbody electi on ed State: country which has that be had labored strenuously tion obliged to frawe immigra ments of the silver employers. If the appropriations for ford to live cutside its ranks. Wel were they will tes de during the past 14 years for the tio chara ter canal work have been insufficient to meet the demands of begter ventif St. Ja nes general 310 the silver employees so that they have had to go on balr Vsupply of money when dealing with any enterprise under: 11 and Muntego Bay in. parui aliens who a he exclusion of o are found to be idiots, oria flicted with dan bad been made to believe that there was full satisfaction gerous contagious diseases as among the silver employees as to wages and cor ditions are of someone has made a torilor tedd to be comebody blog: National Baptist Minister Sportschoenen able.
nd quickly corFined such ai tub rculosis, tra under which faithful service the. a mees and left the pool or others to clean, but how the job will be done is the States Government.
In the Kingston Pelica Court pyried but deportation is not choma, etc, are immediate 15 de It is generally believed that there would have been puguestion that now forers. itself into attention.
Strong facts which must be considered in connection and the RVR Ling, eđècted it the desease this is not cut in the appropriations of the work of the car al lad Lith the manor are the fortifications which are now necesario Baloteste persone wat lever, som si poz, or bubone olun under Defence of wue, for those patients pla been intelligently put before the committee appointed to lary on account of the importance and vulners bility of the bland gulations withi hava either recover or with a wide range bear matters pertaining to the canal as, to finance. Theig divide. The sanitation, already argued as to its ne in unlawtubs and kn wingis short time. Such coses mots ideas they have gathered from the last report or heating dessity stands incontrovertible, and it resolyes itself into ad certain false statement to reach the im migration author.
of quality. burt IN are purely quarantine Secretary of and quantity of the wa er in a coconut by soeking at the the caval was a bigger question than Governor Hardof this outside of the shell. But theyare not to blame, as the only ifg obtuse mind could coiuprehend and, it is feared, is one George Fancns, the suid admitted to the United States in personal patients class who recover are thereafter thing they had to go by wes what they were sold. Filot a whit clearer to his entourage which he has left be. Francis was a fit and proper they be ottierwisu nited All the trouble, but apropriations, and finance for itd. passport, cane cutters, The most ruthless extravagarce would stigmatize the the prevedeset dans did the planters ay, and the the the canal is traceabit to the do ivisa ionarse 011 folicy of the United States Government if, after expending Seid Wet or previously know there is not a cleaning up soon there will be a the work. is unieriunate a dinas to Jamicans.
Messte ests of ti e canal inat self orntrédard conceited minfo toll inte decay to secouri ale blatent folly of a man en delendang and tur the NUWbpot. let vegjeli bring them a suttia ing progressive can be expected from characters that are enal fori fications would mean as much to the canal kr. Buitke. found bim gully least for in pariod of the should be placed at the head of its management. tor ro how hộ the git it be alone knew all, Without money the use prosecution our time to safeguud the natural the. Honou a th, and the admit them so rupe latively oblivious tue trae welfare of guven nentor is a broken wing to a bird, It is one thing to bave forts, ad inflicted a fine of twenty it to the sugar producers other pople as the illal who liels that Le is the only bug in it is entrer to keep them in order.
funds or three months imprehrantys there bi adiđad a serious khe bed.
The tivi, ne naval and ile military departments qol onment. He was allowed oue labor shortose in the aire Fields large number of men from the United States em the Zone Must Tave money enough to keep up the work pay the fines his burdens wil it de betieavy.
poxygewanal bave been laid off during thesiasticwand fortif cation of the canal and ihe only way this money. Hon, Steadman days and are homeward bound, What dots this name an be procured is for the employees of the Panama Cam Re Resigns Isthmian Le gue et B, The canal: force was tot ovet. mamed sride there is real to show their need, on the one hand, and for the naval The Hon. s. Steadman thin Indians excess of labor. In other words, be reduction by tbe la fand the mil ta authorities to present the facts befoke Septesentative for the parish of in off of these men can mean nothing else to the canal than Lowpress, on the orlier.
Portland in the Legislative Coun The general monthly meeting op ration by an insufficient staff, The Panma Canal is too important a place to be aber the past. gears has no of the Panana District wit How are the roads to kept in good repai? Where is created with anything like political or executive non chal igned his office, and will return convened in the Wesleyan Son of the possibilury of maint Aning that standard of sanitarylance, and it is too useful to Uncle Sam to be neglected in a private life. Mr. Steadman Won tonight Meeting begin at m. members are asko has been the alleged by Ite lale General Gorgas which ary particular. Money must be appropriated for the work! vas a Ballant, Champion: 01: Iibe out without fail. as matter ment? What will become of the locks and the electrical ment and common sense as the funds of an open eyed Gov shorily to all the vaciney. We dealt work when there is no efficient furce to keep them in pro ernn eat, and not stupidly, without calculation and with hope they wirele et a rative per working order?
fout business tact as the wad of a eraziky miser whose pass. Portlandectations from the Unitign. Advertise in Tha worko one from the The United States Government has never stinted its word to wealth is grab, laboring chas.
man. It. Payar 10 that are almost Imbeciles, Colo ities, flat icom! Jamaica knowley matters.
Ang par sat pens for st CRONA.


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