
08 They Satisfy sho Ahead sterfickt UGGETT MYERS TOBACCO co.
TGARETTES They Sacriske know Chesterfield CIGARETTES of which be he remains capable and for a nou make but we brangedecode ORDER BOOKS For Friendly Societies. Kept in Stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY a man of the his addi while Newspaper Talks Openly of a IMPORTANT NOTICE Revolution in Cuba Alternative Pensions to Disabled Men La Lucha Says People will Take up Aims if Gomez Be.
comes President Agair; Says Miguelistas Not the Only Under the 1919 Royal WarOnes that Can Make Revolt rant Havana, February 10. lator Cuba, that which Sarmiento Oder te 1919 Royal Warsat tay Lucha publishes the followiny was for the Argentine Republic disabled man who wishes to apply either ditorial on its English pag while the other parts that is tu now or at some future date for an Alle under the caption Danger say, that group that was leit native Pension must prove the when the candidate of the Liber. Jamount of his pre war earnings The country awaits the result al party on two different occa before the 6th December, 1920 of the appeals now pending be sions was fostered by the Lea or within one year after the fore the Supreme Court which gue is trying to have the coun Coun notification to him of the first customer! Hear him hum are to decide whether or not they continue the cld regime award of pension, whichever is bt comine clictimal countries wide means the politics of Par. Peter VESHUS PRE WALESSANNE. This is the smoke for me. Castro PROVES e dal tuwili The ito have a Braceu INGS WITHIN THIS TIME HE But he not getting any more iu bu renewed Spanish American countries.
CANNOT BE GRANTED AN We are making any com 11 present week will decide ALTER ATILE PENSION.
fun out of his smoke than you that whic! is still wh ther we are to be governed Cvery Pensioner should will when YOU try ChosterFun jud ce, te se ii cl ned on the sain iento or Pai cho Vi therefore read carefully the fall Berg Por tyle, hutia hich is no wwing notice which explana ths condi fields.
ibai instiution which is calles well know, but convenient than in der which Alternative Peluna cur Tribunals of Justice.
it shudlo be know, is that we or alle wances on the Alternative Pension But it is recise that w: see danger ah ad, Lecause those scale during treatment ce training are be should comment on the situation who are looking out for the xronted and, if he considero ibat be and point out that the spirit of moral welfare of Cubs. will reser or will be eligible for an alternative passion which had appearedber judicial subterfuges, Jose Mix uel be should make application through bio that through intrigue or Pension either now or in the future, lay dormant since is again awakening. That tot Gomez should agaia be Piesi Local War Pensions Committee witt is!
last parti are the period stated in the above paragraph.
facing each other in dent of Cuba no peaceful manner. for boekban perple which does not wish is a portion of the Cu GENERAL CONDITIONS GOVand that have been guilty of the same of to go back to the old moulds. It ERNING THE AWARD OF ALTERNATIVE PENSIONS fences; that if violence was em em will not so begging the United ployed that it was equal on both States intervene, but will see If a man has been granted a dis sides; that as man, at least, the that t:e country is rezed from ablement pension under Article (1)
of wal Warrant, he may claim wa capable of the same errors, and ry, In order to prevent at all Alternative Pension in lieu choreold, components of both sides are one end to the oth and that both would be responsible hozards the restoration of that when, be can show that his Disablement for the disaster that threatens shameiul regime.
Pension with any Allowancen for wife and our republican institutions.
We are not preaching rebel children together with the average are LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO.
lion, but merely complying with ings of There is, however, one differ our duty in warning the country his earning capacity) are less than bis ence and that is that one of the that it will take place, and that pre war arniny. An Alternative parues to the contest is seeking it will have for a flig for an Pension thus represents the to rectify its conduct; that is, is trying to make amends, and the which makes uncoutraslable and earnings and present earning ideal a principle that disterence between pre Wor rethe old regime of her side aspires a simples e te holy such movements on Wensball capacity.
disorder and chame.
revolution, If a man has been gran ed a gratu can say that it cannot be evadea ity or a final weekly allowance only. he One of the parties is trying to by any ore. And the worse of it erste to the presidency aan is that there will be to Tower. Is bot eligible for an Alternative Pension Under the 1919 Royal Warrant who has proven his serenity and however honorable in the world, man p who belongs to the group of in capable of combating becauze taken as his average weekly es rnings pre war earnings are to be to put to an end the reign of a people who rebel at the mero 1914, if he was working for an employer, od noen er be right in censuming during the 12 months ended 4th August sturs. The other nis. or if in business on bs own account, as people of Cuba aandidate whilory of Jose Miguel Gomt Z, as the average profits of the three years party is trying to impose on the idea of having a the Cuiet before 4th Auguss, 1914, with an we all We are the danger tion there o, in ciber case. This addition the KDOW; who gove. This paper has never bee guilty husleen fixed at 60 per cent. 12. ig the country Wils two diferent.
sin raso in revolutions agaiest merely warn those in whose Apni. 1923, will vary acording to the the constituted powers; a man hands falls the duty of avoiding nice or fail in the cost of living.
Morato blished the precedent of the disaster and the catastrophe, having the Where a man was an apprentice, Dovre any rise against the lo avoid it while there is time.
student, or art cled clerk on thAtb of any hope to those who aspire Boletou. cet, and who cannot be Jose Miguel Gomez will never August, 1914, there are special provisious to the moral regericiation of the gain be President of Cuba. even to tucet bis case.
the thought it might be willed country because when he was the powers of the world, because addition stated in parograph 5, will be Pro wor earnings, including the advantage, apply for an Allowance to be tired out be preved to be a fail it should be borne in mind that counted in full up to a maximun of 5a paid on the scale of the Alteras tive Pene ure, and eion which could have been granted to to be elected by any chance, he ones capable of making a revolu. exe pia the case of a student or lastly because were he the Miguelistas are not the on y week hi had be been without earning cape could not take the oath of office tion in Cuba.
articled clerk, when the maximun will etv. An allowance on this scale can only among the thousands who volup la week. Thus, if kan wo8 br tarily took up arms during the granted however if he has proved his earning an average of 253, Od. a week ipe war earnings within the period speci February revolution to detend NOTICE before the war, his pre sar earnings fed in PRTA.
the government and among the will be ak as 258. 01. plus 60 Joval diets, because there Three Sisters Lodge No. 2477, U ont, equa 3 123. OJ a wuk.
If the course in one of Industrial would be no one to convince Lodge are held at 50, Street, Colon, of The regular meeting of this Trsining under the Ministry of Labour, EXAMPLE them that there would be no on the first and third Tuesdays of each application for Allows. aces on the Alter man with a wife and chidren 35 Calidonia Road Dative Pension seale should be made month; Instruction on the last Thursday. under 16, scharged as a private, the through the Divisional Both parties have been guilty Visiting brothers are welcome.
Director of degree of his disablement being assessed Training.
of sellishness and wisgovern.
ment, but the Conservative par CHILCOT PAINE at 50 per cent, will receive in the ordiHOW TO CLAIM AN ALTERNATIVE ty is trying to make amends byl nary way a flat rate pension with allow nous for his wile and trying to elevate to the presiden Advertise in the WORKMAN ing t» 116. 9d, a week. If he proves children WHOLESALE ACUAL PENSION 11. Forms of application can be ob cy a citizen who is kely to be and get Good Results ihat before the war he earned an average AND RETAIL tained from the Local War Pensions of 108. Od, a week, and owing to his ittee.
disablement he is now only capable of The forms provide for an immediate earning 351, he can claim an Alternative application for Alternativa Pensions a Pension instead of his flat rate pension, for an application to prove the pre wat WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LTD. which will be calculated as follows:earnings so that they can be recorded Actual earnings before the war 3100 for use in the event of a clsin bring Add 80 per cent 10 Made in the future. INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF JAMAICA)
Care should be taken to give acourate Pre war earnings. 400 particulars of the en ployer or employers, Deduct present earning capacity 15 or the nature of of occupation during the twelve months from 5th August, 1913, The greatest proposition ever taken up by West Alternative Pension. 50 to 4th August, 1914.
Indians; and the whole world is falling in.
application when completed should be sent to the Local War Per Instead of a flat rate pension and The Directors are offering 100, 000 worth of allowanc :s of 11s. 9d, he will receive OWNED BY sions Committee, who will have the preAlternativa pension of 12 5s. Ou, war earnings investigated by the Official Stook to the people of the Republic of Panama and the whicha. on tavaline kortering capacity of The National City Bank of New York byty na liceja appointed by Costa Rica.
Od, will bim make up istry.
the claim is for an immediate Alternative Pension to be granted the his income to 14 a week.
Head Office: 55, Wall Street Local Committee This can be taken up in Preferred Shares at FUTURE CLAIM TO ALTERNATIVE omultice will assess the than man a present euroing capacity with the advice, or in Ordinary Shares.
PENSION Although not entitled to claim payCommittee of the Ministry of Labour The money is needed before the end of Feb ment of an Alternative Pension at presThe claim, after investigation, will be ent, a tao may become eligible Official Depository of the Republic of Panama ruary 1921. This will bring to Panama before April submitted to the Ministry of Pensione luture if his flat rate pension is reduced Depository of the Panama Canal for decision.
yr ur large passenger Steamer, owing to the ecssation of allowance in 13. If a man applies for an Alterna respect of children, or if bis disablement West Indians, this is your chance.
Through its Agencies in the Interior and tive Peusion, or to have his pre wat becomes worse and his earring capacity its Foreign Branches this Institution offers earnings assessed and recorded for future use, he must prove his claim.
Purchase and live! Disobey and perish!
consequence decreases, Iman wishes to provide for a future elsim be exceptional banking facilities.
Careful investigation will thus be neces must prove his pre war earnings Bow sary before an award can be made and and have them recorded by the Ministry Draftsfon Jamaica and other West Indian Islands all information of Pensions. If he wishes to avail him.
ation required by the Official Inquiry Officer must be produced and Send money by mail to zelf of this op in he must apply through every facility given to him in connection tee Local Wet Pensious Committee for bis Interest Paid on Savings Account at Per Cent with his invastigation.
disiniet, within the period not out in the 14. The pensioner must specially bens Per Annum CAMPBELL, first paragraph of this notipo.
in mind that unless he proves his pre war earnings within the period specified ALLOWANCES ON THE ALTERNAPresident and Managing Director in paragraph he cannot claim an AlTIVE PENSION SCALE DURING Rent Receipt Books in Spartternative Pension later.
Advertise in The WORKMAN KINGSTON, 73 ORANGE ST. JAMAICA ish and English, for sale at the Advertise in the WORKMAN 10 During a course of Trentineat ar and sel Gecd Results. Whorkman Printery.
Training, a man may, if it is more to his and get Cood Results, he wise led by all BIJOU ICE CREAM FACTORY reprisals.
INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION 12. The MinCapital. Surplus Undivided Profits over S13, 200, 000 Conceitos de plancial Employment the in

    Cuban RevolutionViolence

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